Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 22 Bree stops pretending (counterattack)

Chapter 22 Bree stops pretending (counterattack)

With the five-inch paper assignment left by Professor McGonagall, the morning's Transfiguration class ended, and Professor McGonagall left Bree for the last time.

"I hope it won't disturb your rest, Mr. Ode."

"No, I can go to the library later."

Hearing that Bree was going to the library, Mag's serious face couldn't help but smile.

"It's like this. I can see your talent in transfiguration, so I think I can give you some special cases, such as this book, which can help you."

Professor McGonagall wrote something on a piece of paper, then handed it to Bree, and said cautiously: "You can only borrow this book, and you cannot show it to other young wizards. For young wizards who have not yet discovered the structure of transfiguration, This is dangerous."

Bree squinted slightly, raised his head with a smile and said, "Of course, thank you, Professor McGonagall."

Professor McGonagall nodded reservedly and asked Bree to leave.

Brie looked at the library receipt in her hand:

Allow Mr. Briod to borrow the book "The Mysteries of Transfiguration" from the restricted area - Minerva McGonagall

The afternoon class was boring. With Ravenclaw, Bree felt drowsy after listening to it. He didn't even take out the books he borrowed from the restricted book area. Hearing the voice on the podium, he knew that he was invincible and fell down. go down.

This was completely unlike his style, which made the little eagles and little snakes feel unbelievable. However, as more and more little wizards fell on the table, this unbelievable attitude became true.

"It seems you are not so perfect, huh." Malfoy held on to his will and took notes on the history of magic seriously. Around him, Crabbe and Goyle had fallen, and Pansy and Daphne were sitting there. Whisper about beauty-related coverage.

It wasn't until the end of get out of class that Bree got up comfortably and watched dully as the ghost Professor of History of Magic - Cuthbert Binns walked through the wall and left silently, seemingly ignoring the little wizards... but also leaving behind The history of magic homework was so outrageous that the little wizard would not be spared even if he died.

Bree had known before that he was at odds with History of Magic. Although he had memorized the key points of the textbook, he only regarded it as reading to help him sleep before going to bed.


As time passed, Wednesday came quietly. After finishing her herbal medicine class for the day, Brie went to the corner building to read a book after dinner, and took the time to go back...

"Is this?" Bree stood at the door of the Slytherin common room with a cold face. The floor was piled with clothes and study textbooks, as well as Bree's small suitcase.

"Who is it?" Shabini, Brie wasn't sure, but she had doubts. That guy was arrogant than anyone else. Brie could see that he didn't even look down on Malfoy.

Or it may be the decision of many Slytherins, the protection period has just ended, they can't wait to take action, and they are still so cheap, or what is waiting for Bree behind the door is their ultimate move.

Bree should retreat and go to Professor Snape or the Headmaster. This is the best way to crack them, but...

Looking at the torn crossbody bag and diary, Bree rubbed his eyes, but he couldn't get rid of the cold pure red in his eyes. Even his hair had some silver tips, indicating his calm anger. And sad.

Today, Brie washed the crossbody bag and placed the diary next to the pillow... The crossbody bag was Betty's ninth birthday gift to him, and the diary was the only item that proved his legitimate identity in this world.

He stuffed everything into the small suitcase, his messenger bag and diary, carefully picked up all the fragments and put them inside, but when he saw the name Bree Storm· Oude, there were still tears in his eyes.

Bree has never cried since he was a child. He has always been rational. Even after discovering the memories and powerful natural magic in his mind, he restrained himself.

The wand on Bree's wrist trembled uneasily. Bree took the wand in his hand and comforted it. The natural magic power in his body that he had never wanted to use spread throughout his body. The powerful power was not only for him, but also for him. Again kind and friendly.

Bree is extremely rational, and he understands that only natural magic can help him.

He calmly repeated the command, and the door slowly opened.


There were many people sitting in the common room. Except for the prefects of the lower grades, the rest were mostly watching the show. Of course, there were also some people who were not interested in this and stayed in the dormitory, such as Malfoy, but more Most people still choose to watch.

For example, Bree's roommates Shabini, Pansy, and Millicent who are worried about Bree and can't tell Bree.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Arnold Flint stood up excitedly. This was the first time he organized such a big scene, which would bring him great prestige.

"Hey, the mudblood is back..."

With the magic power brewing in Bree, a crack was opened on the ground by the burst of magic power...

"Smashed to pieces!"


"Bump! Bump! Bump!" After hearing Arnold's voice, Bree threw out a crushing spell. The huge magic power caused Arnold to fly out like a cannonball, hitting the wall hard and hitting people and objects around him. The implicated people fell away one after another, and Arnold rolled from the wall to the ground and kept wailing. The blood on his face couldn't stop flowing, and his arms were twisted strangely. You could even see the white bones oozing with bright red.

"what are you doing!"

"Quick ban..." The senior student reacted and immediately cast a spell on Brie, but Brie turned them all to stone. The huge magic power instantly enveloped his area, and several guys were unable to move.

Only then did they notice something strange about Bree. Some people from well-educated families trembled when they saw Bree's red eyes, but before they had time to speak, they saw Bree throwing a stone that turned them all into stone.

"Stop, you will be expelled, you..." Before the third-year prefect could finish speaking, Bree threw a magic spell at him, knocking him aside in an instant, causing blood to flow everywhere.

"Petrify them all!" A senior found an opportunity to attack Brie. Brie frowned and stepped back, and then used a spell that he had never succeeded in before.

"Armor protection!"

This is a difficult defensive spell that even some senior and even graduated students cannot cast effectively. However, under the natural magic power of Bree, a layer of protective magic power was immediately gathered on the body, and everything was petrified in an instant. The rebound hit the person who made the sneak attack.

Faith, yes, magic is the product of faith. Bree had never had the faith to protect it before, but it was different now.

"Dizzy!" The sixth-grade prefect watched the scene becoming more and more uncontrollable. He was the highest-ranking male prefect present. After being surprised, he quickly made a decision. What he didn't see was that the original The sixth-grade female prefect next to him secretly moved away from him, and instead stared thoughtfully into Bree's eyes.
When she hid in a corner, she realized that Childe Enid, the most beautiful Slytherin in the fifth grade, had been standing here looking at Bree for a long time. She had also been eyeing Bree at the Slytherin private party. guy.

"Some people are afraid that they will lose their greatest treasure because of stupidity, right?"

The female prefect was a stereotypical person and did not refute Enid, but said: "Brie Ord, you can't really have anything to do with that adult, right?"


The magic of the sixth-grade male prefect worked, but it only made Bree dazed for a moment before she woke up. What greeted the prefect was a powerful shattered body!

"Poof!" The severe pain caused the sixth-grade prefect to fall aside, and the other little snakes who wanted to take action also fled to the dormitory passage, but how could Bree let them get their way.

Bree used the maximum magic power he could use, waved his wand fiercely and said: "Petrify them all!"

A strong spell wave spread throughout the common room. Bree rubbed his head. Although casting the spell did not consume magic power, mobilizing such a huge power still made Bree a little overwhelmed and mentally dazed. But looking at He smiled happily despite the mess the entire common room was in.

It turns out that they are just a group of young masters and ladies raised in an ivory tower. Even a few capable ones are fools... maybe they have no intention of taking action, but choose to watch on the sidelines. The probing eyes of these people make Bree very annoying.

Silently looking at some people who had already found a good seat to watch this changed scene, Bree did not let them go so easily. He wrote down all the people who provoked him in his diary.

Bree's eyes became brighter red and he tapped the two second-year boys who had stopped him in the lounge before with his wand.

"Repulse quickly!" The two magic spells whipped the two people aside, and their faces hit the wall hard. Bree didn't like to use her fists to hit these guys who were frozen hard by the magic spells.

"I know it was you, Shabini, who used these stupid guys to attack me. The undisguised disgust in your eyes and your arrogance have long betrayed you. Your layout is very clever. It's a pity. I trust my intuition. "Brie walked up to Shabini who was hiding aside, kicked him down, stepped on his face and said, "Obviously, I am right."

Glancing at the rest of the people, Bree was surprised to find that Malfoy was not there, but Pansy and the others were present. Looking at their frightened eyes, Bree suddenly had no intention of continuing to embarrass them, which made him feel bored. The look in his eyes The red color faded away, but it was still difficult to use the magic spell at high load. He needed to rest.

Of course, not in Slytherin.

"As you wish, I will leave here. I am tired of seeing you."

Bree walked out of the door, picked up her small suitcase, and walked towards the eighth-floor tower. Very good, these guys chose a good time. Now I am afraid that only Filch is wandering around the castle, looking for night travelers. Little wizard.

Bree used her powerful perception to safely reach the eighth floor. She lowered her head and said coldly, "If I look at it again, I'll burn you."

After that, he didn't look at the portraits that ranged from pointing to panic and yelling. Bri believed that these guys would keep their mouths shut. He was kicked out anyway, wasn't he? Bri had always been a well-behaved child, rarely To go against the will of the majority.

Bree tapped the stone brick next to the portrait of the big tree with her wand and walked in briskly.

A nice single bedroom, but it seems to be a bit bleak today - there is only a pile of books in the corner of the east attic and a vulgar snake spitting lamp oil on the solid wood table.

 (I finally ended up writing it here. I originally wanted to write it earlier, but thinking about the magic courses that are more unique to Hogwarts, I wrote out the status of each course and made it a little longer. There are also some foreshadowings and settings that are not in the outline, so I need to sort out the outline again.)
(End of this chapter)

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