Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 240 Bree’s Book Fan

Chapter 240 Bree’s Book Fan

Bree bent down and gave Moody a quick blow on the head with her wand.

"What are you doing Bree? How can you treat the professor like this!" After seeing Bree knock Moody on the head, Professor McGonagall said to Bree in a serious tone: "Change back quickly."

Professor McGonagall didn't have any magic plant materials with her, so she could only look at Bree angrily and helplessly. Of course, there was also some admiration and joy in her eyes. Who knew that Moody didn't respect her very much, even if Moody was better than She was older, but she was annoyed by Moody's attitude.

"I just wish Professor Moody could feel what it feels like to be hit by Transfiguration so he doesn't have to do it next time."

Bree took out a bag of seeds, opened it and said to McGonagall: "In natural magic, some plants, minerals, and magic sources can exert incredible power."

"I discovered this from the blessing and curse magic of the ancient tree fairies, recorded in the second half of "Fundamentals of Natural Magic."

Professor McGonagall naturally knew the plants inside and had studied "Basics of Natural Magic", so she quickly found a white flower corresponding to the natural magic cast by Bree and changed Moody back.

Bree handed the bag over.

Professor McGonagall took away Bree's full bag with satisfaction, but when Bree wasn't paying attention, she turned around and tapped Bree's forehead lightly with her wand.

"No matter what you say, you can't be rude to the professor. I'll let you go this time... Uh-huh (humming), I've recently been studying how to add parts related to natural magic and transfiguration to my courses, but this time It’s too complicated, maybe it’s better for students to learn on their own.”

As Professor McGonagall said, she stepped on her feet and rubbed Bree's forehead.

"Thank you for writing it for wizards, magic in the wizarding world hasn't changed in a long time."

Moody on the side snorted coldly, took out the wine bottle that had been hanging on his waist, took a sip, and left quickly.

"Then... let's break up now. Could it be that the paper I left yesterday is not enough for you to write?"

After saying that, Professor McGonagall took the bag and walked briskly to her office. Draco behind Bree glared at Harry and Ron, and then walked into the castle with Bree, who looked helpless.


On the second day, Slytherin and Gryffindor finished the Potions class together and were about to rush to the next classroom. Coincidentally, this class was still with Gryffindor.

"Oh, look, was that Longbottom just now?" Draco said in a mocking tone, talking about Neville's behavior in class just now. He changed from his normal state and started to study potions knowledge hard. Unfortunately, Neville He didn't use this talent, burned Snape's cauldron, and was scolded.

"Malfoy, don't speak ill of others behind their backs, don't you have a tutor!" Ron suddenly walked past Draco, glaring at him fiercely, and behind him, Harry and Neville followed .

Draco showed no mercy, he said: "If he wanted to learn about potions, why didn't he start when he was in the first grade? He had to wait until now. You must know that we are in the fourth grade and have already begun to come into contact with dangerous potions. Exploding a crucible will cause immeasurable losses and dangers... Huh!"

Looking at Neville, Draco corrected his attitude slightly and did not look down on Ron so much. However, before he could say anything, a cold and tired voice came from the distance: "Malfoy is not the same." You're not wrong, you should start with the simplest so as not to cause trouble, do you understand, Longbottom..."

Snape dragged his long black robe and strode past Neville and Ron without looking at them. The direction Snape was going was probably towards the greenhouse.

"Come on Draco, you'll be late." Bree patted Draco on the shoulder, nodded to Neville, and left.

"Oh, really, Snape will only favor Slytherin guys. If Professor McGonagall is here, he will definitely deduct points for Malfoy!" Ron said unconvinced.

"Ron, I think with Oded here, the professors should only give Malfoy a few verbal warnings." Harry said a fact in a somewhat lonely tone.

"This is what's even more irritating." Ron's face became even more dissatisfied.

"The professors are partial to him. What's so great about it? Bill just wrote a book. Bill bought a copy for everyone in the family and promised to order a magic item for everyone in the future. Everyone was excited after reading the book. In Quaod..." Ron didn't read the book at all. Perhaps he was not interested in anything like a magic textbook.

"You, didn't you see?" Neville on the side seemed to have seen something incredible, his eyes widened.

"Do you have to read it? It's not on the Hogwarts book list." Ron curled his lips.

"Ron, you'd better take a look. Even though it may be difficult for us to master it, I think it's important." In fact, when the book went on sale, Harry ordered a copy and bought one by the way. The spell-casting item is currently hidden on his chest. It is an off-centre pendant.

"You?" Ron stared at Harry in disbelief, but Neville was faster. He directly exposed his wrist, which was tied with a magic-casting item like a warrior's wristband.

"My grandma bought me one, but she asked me to understand the wizard's magic thoroughly before starting to study natural magic, so as not to cause magic confusion."

"Da da da!" came a sound of footsteps.

"Hey, what are you doing? You're almost late!" Hermione hurried out of the corridor and ran to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

"Ah!" Harry and the other three were suddenly startled and hurriedly followed Hermione.


"Staying with stupid people will make you even stupider, because there will be no burden..." Draco commented.

"Stop talking!" Moody on the podium glanced coldly at Draco's pale face, smiled evilly, and then turned to look at the latecomers.

"Go in!"

Harry and his group immediately entered the classroom, but found that the back rows had been occupied by young wizards who were not late, leaving only a few seats in the front rows.

"Sit tight, we are going to have an important lesson today."

Moody used his crutches to look at the back of Ron, who was at the back, and was so frightened that Ron sat in the middle of the front row at a trot. Harry and the others also hurriedly sat down, not daring to dawdle. For them, The intimidating-looking Moody is scarier than the angry Professor McGonagall.

Among the remaining little wizards, the Gryffindors were all afraid of Moody for the same reason as Harry and the others, but most of the Slytherin little snakes knew Moody, or quite a few of them were. Relatives were all arrested by Moody and sent to Azkaban on charges of being dark wizards or Death Eaters, so they were afraid of Moody but also wary.

"Well, first of all, put your books away, you don't need them!"

Following Moody's words, the little wizards below all put away the "Dark Powers: Self-Defense Guide" placed on the table. Only then did Ron and Harry realize that they had woken up late because of going to bed. , so I forgot to pick up the Defense Against the Dark Arts textbook.

"Fortunately..." Ron was about to talk to Harry thankfully, but Moody's eyes fixed him so hard that he didn't even dare to swallow.

"Among you are still enlightened." Moody said something incomprehensible, and took out a glass bottle from behind the desk and put it on the desk. There were three living spiders in the bottle.

"I received a letter from Professor Lupin, introducing the situation of this course. You have learned many ways to defend against dark creatures, and learned a lot of basic knowledge..."

"But, this is not enough. You are just little chickens now. A single spell from the dark wizard will kill you... Of course, this refers to except Oude." Moody made a special reminder and put it aside. His mind wasn't looking at Bree.

"I think it is a waste of time for Oded to take this class. I have read his "Fundamentals of Natural Magic."" Moody took out the book in his arms and placed it on the desk very solemnly.

"I think he has countless ways to kill you, painful or beautiful, countless."

Moody was grinning evilly while holding his cane, and praised the book with all his strength. It can be seen that he is a loyal fan of natural magic and can't put it down.

Fortunately, Moody didn't forget what he was going to talk about in this lesson. He said slowly: "I mean, you don't know enough about magic spells, and you can't resist the dangers of the world at all."

"This will be what I will teach you this year, resist the black curse!"

"One year, you only have one year. I promised Dumbledore to come here to help, and then I will retire." Moody sneered, and quickly looked away when he looked at Bree.

He had already told his master about Bree's discovery of his true identity, and also about Bree's attitude at the time. His master believed this and allowed him to continue completing his plan at Hogwarts...

Moody's eyes were a little dazed. He thought that this plan would end with Bree's discovery, but it didn't. In other words, he would be in danger. Bree could kill him at any time, or let Dumbledore Lido kills him.

"Cough cough."

Soon Moody was laughing, and the scarred face looked even more distorted and weirder.

"According to the regulations of the Ministry of Magic, I should teach you various breaking spells, that's all; unless you reach sixth grade, I'd better not tell you too many evil things."

"Professor, please tell us, we have the right to know." Hermione raised her hand, and Ron winked at the suddenly excited Hermione, but Hermione didn't care at all. She just wanted to know the real wizarding world. Otherwise, it would be difficult for her to imagine her life after graduation.

"Very good, but you must be prepared and alert!"

"All petrochemical!"

"Whoosh!" Moody suddenly waved his wand, and a ray of light hit Ron, who was still winking.

"Look, do you think I only look at people who raise their hands?"

Moody rolled the magic eyes in his eyes and looked at Ron carefully.

"Don't take it lightly, Weasley boy."

He waved his hand to lift the spell and said, "So...does any of you know which spells are forbidden magic? If used on humans, they will be imprisoned in Azkaban?"

(End of this chapter)

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