Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 242 Suspect Harry

Chapter 242 Suspect Harry

"I once got 12 OWLs at Hogwarts..."

Little Barty didn't pretend to be Moody's tone in front of Bree, but told a common thing in his own tone.

"But it doesn't matter, because I didn't get too much attention because of it. Of course, I am grateful for everything I learned in Hogwarts, which made me escape that depressing place!"

Little Barty's emotions gradually became more excited. He held up his wand, and the Imperius Curse that flashed on the wand was slightly dazzling.

"You may have guessed it. Yes, it was my mother who rescued me from Azkaban. Those dementors couldn't use their brains to distinguish two people who were both seriously ill. My mother and I exchanged identities... ..."

"I hate him, he hates me, I have been controlled by him for ten years, my father!"

"If my mother hadn't saved my life, I'm afraid he wouldn't have continued to use the invisibility cloak to cover me from outsiders... Ah haha, but I still escaped. My master needs me. This It’s the only motivation for me to live!”

Bree listened to Barty's story and said with a hint of helplessness: "You don't need to share your sad experience with me. Everything has passed and I can't change it."

Little Barty smiled and didn't care that Bree thought he was wasting his time.

"I have been controlled by the Imperius Curse for ten years. I am tortured by it every moment. I know it well. I keep trying to escape from it. I succeed..."

"I know some of its secrets, the secrets of the soul."

In the cramped office, Barty Jr. put the wand against his head and said slowly: "The Imperius Curse controls the soul and brain. People always say that willpower is the only way to resist, but what they don't know is that disrupting The workings of the brain are yet another way of escape.”

"It was dangerous, so I didn't use it, but I got inspired and discovered that the human brain and consciousness are separate. The brain is the container, and consciousness is the ingredient. Without one, you can't cook delicious soup."

"I tried to take out the ingredients. Although I was still sucked back after a short period of darkness, I weakened the influence of the Imperius Curse on me."

Little Barty stared at Bree so closely that he didn't even notice that his Polyjuice Potion was about to expire.

"The Imperius Curse just now, how did you resist it?"

The opposite of a harmful spell are its counter-spell and the spell that defends against it, and the defensive spell that Bree just used was the defensive spell.

"I don't think you need to know." Bree hasn't perfected it yet, if it fails, wouldn't it be a slap in the face to Bree, how could he tell little Barty now.

"Hmm, that's good. You're still a little defensive, which is good." Little Barty said to himself, then canceled the Imperius Curse on the wand.

He took out Bree's "Basics of Natural Magic" again——

"I have studied your book. Yes, I do not deny that it is incredible. You are definitely a great scholar, but... maybe you are hiding something?" Little Barty stared at Bree suspiciously. He always felt that The natural magic he learned was not at the same level as what Bree had mastered. Especially according to his investigation, Bree's patron saint, his use of magic and the closeness of magical creatures to him were difficult to pass through this "Basic Science of Natural Magic". "master.

"All knowledge is in books." Brie responded to Barty Jr.

"I'm not hiding my magic, it's just that you haven't reached the level of understanding it yet."

This was a very shocking statement. As a talented wizard, Barty was very unhappy, but he had no position to refute the author of natural magic. Before reading this book, he knew nothing about natural magic. Know.

"What you are researching is dangerous!" Barty Jr. threatened.

"You are studying unforgivable curses, not only to defend against them, but you may also be thinking about how to remove their unforgivable spells."

"If the dark wizards find out, they won't let you go..."

Little Barty's tone was very gloomy, with a hoarse roar.

And he also began to reveal his purpose——

"Join us, why hang out with muggles and half-bloods, you are a noble, noble person."

Bree had a headache. He felt that he and Barty Jr. were no longer on the same level, or who was Voldemort?
The only explanation is that Barty Jr. doesn't have enough vision.

"Mr. Crouch..." Bree said in a very helpless and indifferent tone: "When Voldemort rules the British wizarding world and prepares to occupy the Muggle world, come and tell me these things."

Brie patted little Barty on the shoulder and looked at him gently, as if looking at a naive little kid.

"Wait!" Little Barty was very embarrassed by Bree's behavior. He looked at Bree's back as he was about to leave, as if he had turned back into Moody, and said in a sinister tone of warning: "Don't do it because of Godry. The wizards in Ke Valley have helped you, so you have nothing to fear, so stay away from them!"


After leaving, Bree met Neville at the corner. Neville was obviously waiting for Bree to come out. In Neville's view, Professor Moody's sudden concern was more like a fright. He was worried about Bree being alone. Facing Moody, or maybe he wanted to share some of his suffering with Bree.


"Neville?" Bree stopped, looking at Neville who had just reached his neck and still looked innocent and cowardly, and said helplessly: "What are you doing here? I think because of Professor Moody, we are all It delayed dinner time.”

"Want to go to the kitchen together?"

Neville nodded and quickly followed Bree.

"I, I think Professor Moody is great..." Neville blushed and said awkwardly: "Maybe he is doing it for our own good. He is not as scary as he appears."

Bree nodded after hearing this. It has been almost four years since she came to Hogwarts. Among the four Defense Against the Dark Arts professors in the past four years, regardless of their status, Moody can indeed be far ahead, ranking first. Lu Ping, who has been traveling in the wild for a long time, can only be ranked second. Who asked Lu Ping to take leave often?

Perhaps we should also add Snape, who taught as a substitute, but he was also very busy at that time and did not give his best in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, ranking third at most.

Then came Quirrell who was possessed by Voldemort, and then Lockhart; at least Quirrell followed the script, while Lockhart simply threw away the book and let the little wizard act, which was very praised.

He glanced at Neville, who was holding the book "Mediterranean Magical Aquatic Plants and Their Characteristics" tightly in his hand. It seemed that Neville liked the herbal medicine class, but recently Neville was obviously more interested in the potions class.

"I want to study potions." Neville continued, and his tone was very firm, which seemed to have a different feeling from before. Is this growth?
"Odd, do you know that Professor Snape has been helping to treat my parents during the holidays? Hippogriff... Under the treatment of the potion, they have improved. At least they are not in such pain. I think, if I If you can become a potion master, can you completely cure them..."

As he spoke, Neville started to cry.

"But I can't do it well. I don't have the talent for potions. Even simple potions will explode."

Bree's head hurt. He didn't know how to persuade a crying boy. He just thought that he had been studying the solution to the Cruciatus Curse recently, so he asked, "Do you need help?"

"No, no need, thank you Ode, I believe I can do it myself." Neville seemed to be inspired, and ran away with a blushing face before Bree could reveal that he had researched the Cruciatus Curse.

Standing in front of the fruit portrait at the door of the kitchen, Bree stared at Neville who was running away...

"Did he misunderstand something? I won't get close to his extraordinary potion talent."

"Hi!" Just when Bree was stunned, the Weasley twins suddenly came out. They were obviously coming from the Potions classroom... They had just finished the Potions class. It shouldn't be. Snape had clearly gone to the Headmaster just now. The room is right.

"What are you holding?" The Weasley twins were sneaky and their arms were still bulging, just like when they asked Bree to go to Professor Sprout's greenhouse to get stinkweed.

"Hehe, we need the help of the great Lord Oude." Fred approached Bree with a playful smile.

George on the side also came over.

"Just a little Galleons."

Gold Galleon?
"Didn't you open your own store in Diagon Alley and go bankrupt?"

George and Fred looked at each other and said helplessly: "We are in Hogwarts, and the shop is in Diagon Alley, so we are not busy at all, and... the profit of this thing is very low, and the little wizards don't have much money. .”

George said sincerely: "That's right, we are going to make a magic potion, but..."

"The materials are a bit expensive." Fred continued: "If we make it, maybe you can use it too."

George and Fred were secretive and did not tell Bree what it was.

"How much?" Brie, who has the magic stone, is not short of money at all.

"One hundred gold galleons, we want to use the best materials."

Bree nodded and continued: "Did you steal Snape's potion?"

Seeing Bree exposing them, George and Fred smiled and said, "No, we didn't...because when we went there, someone had already visited, and Snape was going to the principal's office to complain!"

"And the suspect is...Harry Potter!"

"Haha!" George and Fred smiled and opened their wizard robes, only to see a few spare cauldrons belonging to Snape inside.

"We stole the crucible. The potion was a bit difficult. We blew up several of them."

After saying that, George and Fred took the gold galleons given by Bree and slipped away with the crucible.

"Maybe that's not Snape's cauldron..." Bree thought about how often Neville ran to Snape's office recently, and she had some guesses. She hoped that Neville wouldn't cry on the spot because the cauldron was stolen, and she also hoped that Snape wouldn't cry on the spot because the cauldron was stolen. He would not kick Neville out with a look of disgust because of his crying.

(End of this chapter)

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