Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 245 Beauxbaton and Durmstrang

Chapter 245 Beauxbaton and Durmstrang
Maybe telling Hermione the reality can truly break her illusions.

Bree insists on fairness, but it is only relative. Absolute fairness will only be a disaster and is impossible.

"Are house elves really not servants, Bree?" Hermione sobbed faintly. She only felt that her head was punched by Bree's words, and it was buzzing, but she felt that she suddenly let go of something, and her thoughts also stopped. It became a lot more open, reminding me of the smiling faces of house elves at work.

"Sorry, I said something stupid." Hermione reacted and blushed.

Bree smiled lightly and said gently: "They are not servants. The word servant comes from the master's oppression and inability to disobey."

"Boom..." Moody, who was passing by Bree, stopped in a daze. The crutch in his hand was lightly placed on the ground, and he suddenly looked at Bree.

Bree looked back at Moody, then at Hermione, and said pointedly: "Hermione, you should have read the book and know that Death Eaters have a symbolic tattoo."

"It can cast punishment magic like the Cruciatus Curse. This is a servant contract with poor means. This means that you are not treated as a human being and do not enjoy human rights."

"Ha, this reminds me of Grindelwald and his saints. Regardless of good and evil, he is indeed an excellent leader. At least he will not embarrass his men."

Bree stopped the conversation, looked at Moody who was walking away forcefully with messy steps, smiled softly, and took out his notebook.

"Perhaps we can have another topic. For example, Hermione, in your current capacity, what do you think of Muggles and wizards?"

Just like a reporter, Bree turned to a new blank page, his wand shook and turned into an automatic quill, and he continued to record the interview with Hermione.


Moody, who walked to the teacher's bench and finished his job, his eyes flickered, as if he was guilty, but also as if he was thinking deeply. He clenched his palms tightly, recalling the scene more than two months ago——

After escaping from Draco, little Barty was unable to break Bree's transformation spell mixed with natural magic, and Draco's short-term potion treatment could not repair his body. He could only hide from himself as a stoat. His father's pursuit made his injuries more serious, but soon he was summoned by Voldemort, and his destination was the Crouch family...

Looking at the misery of little Barty, the baby-sized, skull-like Voldemort smiled happily: "You are finally here, the one who shares the same tragic fate with me, little Barty!"

"Chi chi chi..." Master...

"You have two things to do. One, let Harry Potter participate in my resurrection!"

"Ji..." is...


"I want Ode to be destroyed!"


"Then come here and I will remove the spell for you."


"Huh?" Voldemort looked at the ferret in front of him, his sunken eyes filled with anger.

"What magic is this!"

Peter on the side trembled and handed over a copy of "Basics of Natural Magic".

"This is it, master."

"Natural magic?" The angry Voldemort threw the book in front of the ferret and said with suppressed coldness: "You can find a way to change it back before the plan starts."


"Touch!" Little Barty's memory was awakened by the loud sound of opening the door, and his vision and sound gradually returned.

As the headmaster, Dumbledore stood up very enthusiastically, and said loudly in front of the podium in front of the teacher's seat: "Oh, get ready, today is the time for our friends to arrive!"

Soon, as the young wizards looked outside the gate, a black spot gradually approached and enlarged on the Forbidden Forest. When the young wizards saw it clearly, they all gasped.

"Is that a house?"

"It's a carriage flying in the sky. Look at those celestial horses, which are about the size of an elephant. It's so cool!"

As the little wizards marveled, a huge pink-blue carriage landed on the square platform in front of Hogwarts Castle.


A tall lady, who even put Hagrid to shame, came out. She strode towards her, the gems on her body sparkling in the sunset, and Dumbledore hurriedly greeted her.

"Welcome, Madame Maxime." Dumbledore said.

Mrs. Maxim also smiled gracefully and said with slight respect: "I hope everything is well with you, Dumbledore."

"Of course, thank you." Dumbledore replied.

"This is my student." Mrs. Maxim pointed outside, and soon everyone's attention was attracted.

A group of beautiful men and women got off the carriage, trembling slightly. After all, November has already entered winter, the cold is coming, and it will probably snow in a few days.

"Wow, so beautiful!" Ron was taken aback.

"So handsome."

Hermione had returned to the Gryffindor table at this time. When she heard someone next to her say this, she couldn't help but said: "I think Bree is the prettiest, especially in terms of temperament and self-cultivation. These are things that they can't match."

The handsome witch just said nodded and said affirmatively: "Who can compare with Oude?"

Here, Mrs. Maxim asked Dumbledore: "Is Karkaroff here?"

Dumbledore shook his head, but just after the Beauxbatons students came in, there was a noise in the black lake in the distance, and a huge black pole emerged from the water, followed by his entire hull.


A very impressive giant ship docked beside the Black Lake, and soon a group of strong men followed their leading professor up.

"Oh, my old man, how are you?" Karkaroff greeted Dumbledore warmly as soon as he came up.

Dumbledore also responded. When the people behind Karkaroff arrived, all the foreign students entered the hall of Hogwarts.

"We'll let Hagrid take care of your horse, Madame Maxime."

"Oh, that's best, but they only drink fine single malt whiskey..."

"Wow..." The little wizards started chattering again, and the protagonists were this group of new outside school personnel.

"That's Krum, Harry, who almost defeated the sinister Malfoy at the World Cup of Fantasy Games!"

Here, Malfoy also saw Krum.

"Oh, why am I not 17 years old? Otherwise, he will lose anyway, hum." Krum looked at Draco with fighting intent in his eyes. Unfortunately, this competition was a Triwizard Tournament. He had no chance to compete with Draco.

"Is that Brie O'Dea?" Beauxbatons' people's focus is on Brie. They all like the most dazzling things, and it is obvious that at their age, Brie's attraction to them is powerful. At first glance, they were immediately attracted to Bree.

"Fu Rong, haven't you been looking for a lot of information recently? What do you think Oude likes?" A woman from the same school boldly asked Fu Rong without covering her voice.

Fu Rong smiled and said, "I won't tell you."

As they spoke, they laughed and sat down at the arranged seat, which was Ravenclaw's table. When they realized it, they were a little depressed because Durmstrang's people had already sat at Slytherin's table .

"Bold and romantic French people." Draco complained, and then said to Bree: "I don't think there is any need to prepare anything for them..."

"Can I sit here?" Krum pointed to Brie...


Everyone in Slytherin looked over, and the little wizards at other tables also looked over quietly, and the hall suddenly became much quieter.

Because of Slytherin's weird behavior this year, no one around Bree except Draco dared to get close. Even Astoria didn't dare to take risks after being scolded by her family.

"I think there are plenty of places for Slytherin." Draco looked at the Slytherin table, which was sparsely seated, like small groups. Selwyn, the seventh-year prefect, said without him having to say anything. : "Have no eyesight to see?"

Soon, the little snakes gave Durmstrang's students a wide and far away position from Bree.

Krum sat down oddly with the others, talking quietly.

Karkaroff, who had already sat on the professor's chair, frowned unhappily, but he didn't dare to say anything when he saw that it was Slytherin, especially when he looked at Bree, he pretended not to notice and turned away his head.

"Is that Mr. Oude? I have been reading his "Basics of Natural Magic"." Mrs. Maxim was like a fan, but she quickly remembered that she was a principal and immediately suppressed her excitement. Said: "It's an amazing talent."

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and smiled, and said: "I think Oded just doesn't want others to disturb him. I heard that he is compiling a new book. I think I will see the sublimated book soon."

"Oh, that's so lucky." Madame Maxime admired, sighing that she would not miss it.

When new footsteps sounded outside the door, Dumbledore stood up again. Soon, several Aurors escorted the two Ministry of Magic officials and their staff to Hogwarts. Even when they sat down, Dumbledore Bullido stood in front of the podium, coughed twice, and said, "First!"

"We welcome our friends from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang!"

"This is Madame Maxime, the principal of Beauxbatons..."

"This is Professor Karkaroff, the principal of Durmstrang..."

"Of course, there are students..."

There was a burst of joy.

Dumbledore introduced again: "This is Mr. Barty Crouch, currently the Director of the Department of International Cooperation of the Ministry of Magic, and the other is Mr. Ludo Bagman, the Director of the Department of Sports and Sports of the Ministry of Magic. "

There was a burst of applause.

After Dumbledore's introduction, he said, "Then, tonight's banquet begins!"

Delicious dishes appeared on the table. Only then did the little wizards realize that they were very hungry and began to feast...

"Humph..." Bree suddenly felt a targeted gaze staring at him. When he looked up, he found Mr. Barty Crouch, and then saw Crouch's pale, sickly face. With a blush on his face, he said loudly to Dumbledore: "I think your arrangement is correct. Only students over 17 years old can attend, otherwise some people who rely on crooked ways and deviate from wizards will succeed!"

(End of this chapter)

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