Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 251 The love triangle between the three giants

Chapter 251 The love triangle of the three giants

"Whoosh..." The sound of turning pages of a book.

"Da da..." The two searched for the location in the book in the corridor.

"This is it." Bree and Fleur stopped in front of a picture frame.

Helena floated over.

"Promote this institution."

"Kaka..." As the mechanism twisted, nothing happened.

"This is just one of them. All the mechanisms need to be turned to the correct position." Brie looked at the things at the back of the book seriously and said the logic.

The sunlight poured down from the window, projecting Brie's profile, and his tall body was elongated.

Bree looked up at Fleur, her black pupils reflecting the stars due to the scattering of the sunlight, almost making people fall into that seriousness.

"Let's go." Brie woke up Fleur, who was staring at him dumbfounded, and prepared to go to the next location.

"Wait." Fleur's cheeks turned red, but she calmly called Bree.

"As curious as it is, I'm not supposed to be involved in this."

Because Fleur followed Bri to this place, some of her tied hair was scattered, and she picked up the loose hair around her ears.

"This book has been given to you, and I don't have a crown, do I? I won't pry into the treasures that belong to Hogwarts."

After saying that, Fu Rong walked downstairs in a very regular manner, but turned around and waved gracefully to Bree within a few steps, her shallow smile was extremely generous and decent, and there was no difficulty in those blue eyes. Perceived flustered.

"See you next time."

"As a matter of courtesy, Miss Delacour, if you need help, you can come to me." Bree waved the book in her hand, turned around and walked to the next location.

"Yeah." Fleur's smile deepened, and she covered her pounding heart to calm down.

But someone soon interrupted her beauty.

"You should stay away from him, you and I are both monsters."


Fleur's eyes suddenly turned cold, and she looked at Astoria with some annoyance.

"Hmph, I have my own choice, Greengrass monster."

Fleur turned around and left, but her expression became lonely.

As she grew older, her Veela bloodline became more and more active, and maybe within a few years, she would completely transform into a Veela.


As the sun set, Bree twisted all the tricks in the book and arrived at the last place - the Ravenclaw common room.

The bronze eagle ring on the door saw that it was Brie, so he opened the door without even saying the title.

"Hey, Bree, shouldn't you go to the lobby?" Qiu said strangely when she saw Bree coming in.

It was dinner time and she was ready to go downstairs. After all, today was the end of the first project, so it was quite important.

Following Qiu's words, the eaglets who were still in the lounge looked over.

"Ms. Gray?" Helena floated out from behind Bree, and she said calmly: "We need the crown. If we don't have it, we can't open it."

After saying that, Helena looked at Bree, as if expecting something.

"Can you feel it?" Bree had a feeling, and Helena knew he had the crown on him.

"Not sure, but possible."

Are you really not sure?
Bree picked up the book in her hand, a little confused.

"Are you sure you want to open it at this time?" Helena looked at Bree, after all, there are still many wizards in this lounge.

Bree nodded.

"Of course."

"If it's a Ravenclaw treasure, I think anyone has the right to use it as long as Ms. Ravenclaw agrees."

Bree's words made Helena stunned and looked at Bree blankly.

And Bree has his own path, and wanting to find Ravenclaw's treasure is just the same as Slytherin's current study, all to expand his vision and knowledge.

Knowledge does not only become private property in order to show its wisdom, but everyone knows knowledge, but no one can surpass themselves. This is the real wisdom.

Bree took out a crown from her notes, which instantly attracted the attention of the little wizard in the lounge.

"A diadem, a Ravenclaw diadem?"

"Didn't you say that you have been missing for thousands of years?"

There is a huge Ravenclaw statue in the Ravenclaw lounge, entrenched in the middle of the disc-shaped lounge, stretching her hands like a wise lady, looking gracefully at everyone who steps into the lounge.

But there is no crown on the statue, and the top of its head is empty, as if it is waiting for something.

"Go find the Headmaster!" A prefect hurriedly ran out of the lounge and rushed to Flitwick's office next door.

"Then please begin." Helena pointed to the top of the statue for Bree.

"Okay." Bree threw the crown in his hand and landed it towards the statue.

Voldemort's soul was suppressed by his magic and could not escape.

"Buzz!" The crown fell on the statue, but the statue was too big and the crown was too small. It was like a mismatch, which made Bree feel that the crown should not be worn here.

"Click..." Before Breedo could react, the entire Ravenclaw lounge began to shake.

It's the wall, the wall behind the statue that's moving.

The Ravenclaw lounge is on the eighth floor of the tower. The large bricks around it are being moved back, opening up a huge window.

"Boom..." The statue began to turn around, her eyes lowered towards the sunset, and looked towards the Gryffindor tower opposite.

"Oh, what happened!" Professor Flitwick came in holding up his wand, but all he saw was that the statue of his home turned around, and a huge window opened in the wall. The little wizards around him looked at it excitedly. .

Like waiting for something.

"Mother!" Helena floated forward excitedly, and as she whispered, the silhouette of a serious-looking, noble and elegant lady gradually appeared on the statue.

This is Ravenclaw's shadow.

Ravenclaw did not look at Helena. She stared blankly at Gryffindor Tower in the distance.

Slowly said: "The four of us came together with a common purpose and established Hogwarts in different ways... I looked from the tower, hoping that Gryffindor in the swamp could come back, but the grid in the swamp was... Llanffindor stared at Slytherin far away in the mire."

The ethereal and cold voice cut through the haziness of the setting sun, and the Gryffindor Tower in the distance shook as if in response to Ravenclaw.

The little wizards who were still in the tower looked out of the window in panic. Before they could be surprised by the changes in Ravenclaw Tower, something went wrong with their own tower.

A window slowly opened in the wall of Gryffindor Tower, which was originally a room that did not exist for Gryffindor.

Or a hidden room.

The window on the window suddenly opened, and you could vaguely see that it was filled with messy things.

"Isn't this Ravenclaw's treasure?" Obviously, from Ravenclaw's words, she was looking at Gryffindor, and that window was probably Gryffindor's office or study.

Bree raised her hand and took back the crown on the statue. The shadow of Ravenclaw was just a magical product and had no will from Ravenclaw himself.

He is going to look at the other side now.

Bree jumped from the window of the Ravenclaw common room and used her magic to leap to the opposite side.



Broken copper and rotten iron.

Books have been removed.

Even bleaker than the abandoned classrooms at Hogwarts.

There was only one Gryffindor painting that was protected by magic, but it didn't move.

"Knock knock!" There was a knock on the door.

Bree waved his hand, and opened the door, which was useless to hide himself, and could be opened with a simple alaho hole.

"Ah, this is his office, yes, I can't forget it!" the Sorting Hat shouted in a sharp voice, with a hoarse cry.

Immediately afterwards, Dumbledore walked in holding the Sorting Hat.

Dumbledore was also a little surprised, because this place was really not in line with what they thought. It should have a lot of books.

Following Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall and the other professors also walked in, all feeling incredible.

Bree found Ravenclaw's treasure?


Found Gryffindor's treasure?


Found Gryffindor's office?

An extra dilapidated office at Hogwarts?

Bree looked at the portrait of Gryffindor in silence, saying nothing.

"Why here..." Professor McGonagall was a little hard to explain. Gryffindor was so sloppy because there were still some wine bottles and leftover chicken bones on the ground.

Snape looked around with a cold face and said unceremoniously: "It has no value."

Yes, Hogwarts has no shortage of offices, let alone such a messy office.

"Wow, we haven't found that yet, George."

"Oh, don't squeeze, Ron."

At the door, a group of Gryffindor wizards crowded their heads, wanting to see where the legendary Gryffindor office was, but they were soon disappointed.

Hermione pouted and said, "There's nothing worth seeing. Did Gryffindor take all the treasures with him when he left?"

"Legend has it that Slytherin didn't take much with him when he left."

The Sorting Hat was still crying with emotion. When it heard Hermione's words, it howled loudly: "No!"

The Sorting Hat glanced at the red-haired Ron, and quickly organized his words: "Gryffindor will be poor all his life!"

"His treasures are his sword and me!"

Well, the sound was a bit loud, and Dumbledore had to rub his ears.

"Gryffindor is a valiant knight. He came to Hogwarts from the moor with his sword. When he left, he left his precious things at Hogwarts. He took only eight gold coins and six silver coins. Twelve A copper coin, and nothing else!"

The Sorting Hat was still yelling.

Bree raised her brows slightly and asked, "What about his magic knowledge?"

"Magical knowledge... it's a secret, but you..."

The Sorting Hat looked at Bree struggling, as if short-circuited, and his thinking was a little confused.

"I'm not sure, I'm not sure, you'll know when it's time to know."

The Sorting Hat misfired.

Well, Brie seems to understand something.

"Can you give me the Sorting Hat, Professor Dumbledore?"

Bree took the hat from Dumbledore and drew his sword from it.

The portrait behind him shook...

There seems to be something hidden inside.

"Dang!" The portrait opened and there was a cabinet behind the portrait, but it was empty.

"Don't think about it, that's where Gryffindor kept his private money. He took it when he left." The Sorting Hat motioned to Bree to insert the sword back.

"Here is a line of writing."

Professor McGonagall stepped forward and pointed at the portrait——

"Throwing down his hat and sword does not mean that the knight has ended his exploration. He just learned to wait."

(End of this chapter)

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