Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 259 The statue at the bottom of the lake

Chapter 259 The statue at the bottom of the lake

In the early morning, the spring sun began to rise, and the dim light passed through the young four-leaf vines on the turret windows and fell on the solid wood table on the second floor.

Bree is grading the papers for the second class on the left, looking at the natural magic flowing above, he nods with satisfaction.

It seemed that his teaching was successful. Even Draco, who was uninformed, and Harry, who was stupid, both mastered the correct way to guide natural magic.

But the thesis of the second class gave him a headache. It can be seen that they have a lot of ideas, but...

"You want to fly before you have learned to walk. This is impossible. A simple principle is written in an unorganized manner. Is natural magic so difficult?" Bree's tone was questioning and a little disgusting.

But I still graded each paper, pointed out errors, and provided guidance.

But this time he did not arrange the content of the third lesson, because today was the second event of the Triwizard Tournament.


It's an owl.

Tom still likes to write letters to Bree with an owl, which he thinks is more ceremonial and can also highlight the value of the letter's arrival.

Tom also wants Bree to reply with an owl so he can keep the exchanges of letters.

Who makes the magic notes reusable? Tom is very dissatisfied with the scene where Bree's handwriting disappears on it. This is every bit of their lives.

Bree opened the letter, skillfully ignoring the large series of cursive characters, and saw the business-like text below——

My dear Bree, I have searched in many places, but the magical materials about space power are too scarce. I have only collected part of them. I hope it will have a preliminary effect on your experiments. I will continue to look for more materials.

—Don't forget to reply.

Along with the letter came a small parcel.

Bree took out a piece of letter paper and began to reply. After a while, he sent away the owl that had been guarding him.

"These are not enough." Brie frowned, but...

Bree pulled out the unicorn's horn, which the unicorn had given him as a reward in first grade.

"I can only burn you, hoping to capture the space magic."

Bree collected the magic materials and walked downstairs. He had to go into the water early today, and Dumbledore would come to urge him later.


In the Black Lake, Bree looked at Qiu Zhang, Ron and Hermione who were knocked unconscious by Dumbledore's stun spell, without any surprise.

They were the only ones Dumbledore could find.

"Let's go."

Dumbledore used the Levitation Charm and the Bubble Charm to lead them down, and Bree didn't resist.

The water of the Black Lake was still chilly, and the gurgling sound of entering the water brought bubbles upwards, and they followed Dumbledore deeper into the place.

"I have negotiated with the mermaids. They will send mermaids to guard and hinder the warriors."

Soon, Bree saw a ruined building, with many ugly human faces sticking out of the building. They were like deep-sea fish wrapped in fleshy skin. Except for the upper body, which had the shape of a human being, nothing else was human-like. aesthetic.

Breede said: "Some Slytherin snakes are still looking forward to seeing mermaids through the glass in the common room."

Perhaps the fairy tales in the human world caused the little snake to hallucinate and think that mermaids are beautiful creatures.

Dumbledore chuckled and soon came to a ruined platform. When he waved his wand, the water plants produced in the mud on the platform grew wildly, entangling the four of Bree under the water.

"I hope you're not bored, Oded."

Dumbledore waved his hand to Bree, and a stream of air spurted out from under his robe, dragging him up to the lake.

Bree looked up, and the light flashed across Bree's face, and Dumbledore had turned into a small dot.

The sparkling water surface illuminated the scattered light beams, which were refracted very beautifully.

It's a pity that the light doesn't reach the bottom. The black lake is as deep as an abyss. Even if the mermaid doesn't live at the bottom, it's still a little dark here.

"Gulu..." Several mermaids came with simple but very sharp spears and formed a circle around the four people, but they looked a little disgusted.

Until he saw Bree.


The mermaid lowered her head.

And Brie also untied the shackles brought by the water plants and broke the bubble head curse.

The natural magic power opened up instantly, and under the influence of the magic power, the surrounding lake water methodically formed a barrier according to Bree's arrangement to isolate itself.

The mermaid didn't dare to look at Bree, let alone the Forbidden Forest Contract that Bree presented.

It wasn't until Bree sensed the direction from the contractor, found the location of the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, and left this place that the mermaids raised their heads and looked at each other in fear.

"Gu Gu Gu..." Don't be careless...

"Gu Gu Gu..." I went to complete Hogwarts' request...

One of the mermaids said fearfully. It did not dare to show off in front of Bree. It planned to perfunctory the competition and immediately swam out with its spear in the direction of where the warriors entered the water.


The soles of Bree's feet formed a dark blue line, like water waves wrapped in the wind, and he was gliding forward on the bottom of the lake, causing a burst of bubbles around him.

Under Brie's strong control, the bubbles lit up again, like a light bulb, illuminating the darkness in front of him.

It's too deep here.

There were rocks and debris everywhere.


"Wow..." A huge underwater thrust rushed over, and the rocks were pushed down by this force.

There seemed to be a pair of big hands guarding Brie, and the force was separated by him and torn in half.

"It turns out that the giant squid from the Black Lake is here."

The squid had just discovered Bree, but it had no intention of saying hello to Bree. It stretched out its tentacles on its own, as if it wanted to catch Bree and send it back to the shore.

The giant squid will return the little wizard who fell into the water to the water. It seems that it has an occupational disease.

Phantom curse.

Bree cast a disguise spell on herself and dived into the darkness. The giant squid was dumbfounded when it saw this. Without much wisdom, it quickly wandered around with nothing to do.

"Found it, right in front." Buri took the Forbidden Forest Contract and soon discovered an underwater mountain range. As the mountain range rose, the surrounding area gradually became brighter, and some aquatic plants, fish and shrimp also appeared.

In front is Hogwarts Castle!

Bree also saw Slytherin's crystal glass window.

The mountain has also reached its peak. It seems to have been set up as a barrier. Most people can only reach it by walking through the rocky area under the water.

"There is indeed a statue of Ravenclaw."

On the top of the underwater mountain, a statue staring in the direction of Slytherin stood motionless. It was different from the one in the Ravenclaw lounge. This one was shorter and more suitable for Ravenclaw's crown.

The statue was surrounded by huge chains, which were not visible at the bottom of the mountain. When they reached the top of the mountain, they saw four huge chains tightly tightening the mountain.

The source of the chains lies at the foot of the Ravenclaw statue.

Ravenclaw seemed to be welcoming Bree's arrival. Undercurrents surged under the water, and four huge chains rose and fell like breathing, knocking against the mountain, making a dull buzzing sound.

"Ms. Ravenclaw."

Brie said softly, and came to the side of the statue with the lift of the water flow.

The statue here is very exquisite, with gorgeous carvings. Bree can feel that this is an alchemical product, not an ordinary statue, and it is very different from the statue in the Ravenclaw lounge that only has symbolic meaning.

It possesses powerful magic.

Bree wasn't sure if putting the crown on would activate her powers.

"You still found her."

Helena's voice suddenly appeared, accompanied by a ripple of water, and as a ghost, she appeared in front of Brie's eyes.

"I felt someone touch her."

With a sentimental look in Helena's eyes, she slowly approached the statue. When she couldn't touch it, she reluctantly withdrew her hand.

"This is an alchemical product created by Ravenclaw himself, but if you look closely, you will find that she is separate from the chains under her feet, and they are not one."

Bree knelt down and touched the chain lightly, and indeed found that the magical craftsmanship of the chain and the statue were somewhat different.

In contrast, the chain is made in a rougher way, more like it was made by a man.

"The chains are a product of Gryffindor, and the statue here originally belonged to Gryffindor."

Helena covered her forehead, her cold eyes slightly wrinkled, her expression painful.

"I completely remembered it." Helena took a deep breath for a long time and struggled out of the pain.

She looked complicatedly at Bree, then at the statue, and then at Slytherin in the distance.

"Slytherin left Hogwarts to prove his way."

"Gryffindor soon followed his path and left Hogwarts..."

Helena paused for a moment, and she said to Bree helplessly, "Put the crown on her."

"The not in my mouth."

Brie took out the crown and said: "What will happen? I don't want to release a monster."

"No, it won't be bad for you, and it won't be bad for Hogwarts either."

"Actually, the crown should have been worn here a long time ago, but... I forgot." Helena smiled bitterly, reproaching herself.

Hearing this, Bree stopped what he was doing.

"There's a guy's soul in the crown, are you sure you want to keep it on?"


Helena frowned, but quickly said: "It only takes one year for the crown to be taken off again..."

"And the soul inside can't survive more than a year."

"The activation of this statue is not something that Tom Riddle can stop."

"It's Voldemort, Ms. Grey." Bree corrected Helena.

Helena was stunned for a moment, surprise seemed to flash across her cold face, but she soon understood.

"Indeed, he used the failed magic studied by Slytherin and is no longer the same person he was before."

Slytherin's failed magic is the immortality magic adapted from the magic made by house elves.

Flying away from the trap of death comes from the ancestor of Voldemort.

Bree looked at the crown in his hand. This is the Horcrux he got in the second year. Of course, this is also a treasure left by Ravenclaw. It is said that it can increase wisdom.

It's a pity that Bree disdains such wisdom. He doesn't think that he needs external objects to deceive himself.

"Hopefully the truth is valuable or I'll take the crown off."

Bree threw the crown, and it landed on Ravenclaw's head...

(End of this chapter)

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