Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 27 Bree’s First Confinement

Chapter 27 Bree’s First Confinement

Hermione wiped her tears and said angrily to Ron: "Everyone knows that Bree Old is a Slytherin who loves to study, and is friends with many Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs, even your brother. We're friendly with Bree too, but you've been using your 'Slytherins are dark wizards' theory on Bree!"

"Sorry, Professor McGonagall, I saw Harry rushing out after Malfoy, so I panicked and tried to stop him on my broomstick, but they both ignored my shouts."

Hermione said as she glared at Harry, who was still blushing and frustrated, and Malfoy, whose face was so pale that there was no color in it.

"Later, Senior Wood also wanted to stop him, but Malfoy changed his path, turned around and threw the memory ball to Bree, who had his back turned to him. At that time, I was sure that Bree was staying away from the group of fighting little wizards! And Malfoy used Then I saw Weasley rushing out, grabbing Bree's broom, and almost letting the broom fall apart. Harry's broom also lost control. Harry fell, but the broom hit Bree. , if Brie hadn't learned so many spells, he would have been seriously injured."

"I'm worried about Bree. Can I go see him first? If there is any punishment, I will definitely accept it." After saying that, Hermione dropped the broom and ran towards the castle wiping her tears.

None of the professors stopped him, because what they saw was consistent with what Hermione said.

"Then..." Snape glanced at all the young wizards and said to McGonagall: "I think everyone needs to be punished. It happens that the professors are very busy during this time."

Professor McGonagall calmed down, then looked at the guys in charge and said, "You guys will be treated differently, based on the badness of what you have done!"

"I have never encountered such disobedient little wizards as you in all my years at Hogwarts!"

Professor Snape did not say any more nonsense, but said——

"Fifty points from Slytherin and Gryffindor each! For fighting in a group!"

"Another fifty points will be deducted from Weasley for prejudice and hurting classmates!"

"Another fifty points from Potter. Because he was impulsive without being familiar with the broom, he injured his classmates and almost fell off the broom and broke his neck!"

"Seventy points from Malfoy for causing trouble and involving classmates."

"Granger deducted [-] points, because she also flew into the sky, even though she was trying to persuade."

"Wood...he didn't manage the little wizard well, but it's not his responsibility..."

"Wood, forget it, Snape. He never wanted to do this and tried his best to save it."

Such a high deduction made even the strictest Professor McGonagall frown, but she felt deeply helpless. She had no reason to object. She only hoped that these little lions would have a long memory in the future.

But this is not over yet, Professor McGonagall said again: "You three must be detained!"

"I think I need some people to deal with potion materials recently. There will be more injured little wizards during this time, for that rude Quidditch match."

McGonagall pursed her lips, a little displeased with Snape's comments about Quidditch, but still didn't refuse.

"You three will be detained in Professor Snape's office for a month!"

Harry didn't dare to speak. He was lucky not to be expelled. Malfoy also acquiesced to such punishment, but Ron was a little dissatisfied. He always believed that Bree should also be at fault. If it hadn't been for him, Ron himself wouldn't have been punished. Deductions and confinement.

"What about Bree Ord?" Ron said angrily.

Professor McGonagall frowned. In Bree's case, he could be said to be a victim, but he also used the spell to treat the little wizard. Even if he was trying to stop him, there was also an element of revenge.

"Just, no points will be deducted. I just need a little assistant to help me."

McGonagall nodded, but Snape looked at Kino unexpectedly and sneered: "Of course, Mr. Old doesn't like slugs."

After Kino finished speaking, he walked towards the castle timidly.

Professor McGonagall finally broke the upside down spell on all the little wizards, allowing them to slowly fall to the ground.

She said seriously: "Now, all go back to the castle. I hope you can reflect on your behavior this time and stop causing trouble!"

"Yes, Professor McGonagall."


When the little wizards took their brooms and returned to the castle in panic, Snape and McGonagall looked at each other, and McGonagall said: "Mr. Odd's magic is simply... too strong. I thought it was a magic riot just now. Moreover, Flitwick took a leave of absence today, and it seems to have something to do with Oude."

Snape's face was cold, his eyes were also thinking carefully, he said uncertainly: "We all know that when the magic power overflows, it will bring some changes to the body, just like Bree Odd's hair faintly glowing purple, we I have never seen another little wizard like this, maybe he is just gifted."

"I think I have to ask Dumbledore. Maybe he can give an answer. It's surprising even a young wizard to knock so many people upside down in an instant. His magic power has surpassed that of most adult wizards, not to mention the The use of magic spells is also amazing.”

McGonagall said, and went to find Dumbledore with Snape.

In the principal's office, Professor McGonagall was talking to Dumbledore about what happened today with a sullen face, while Snape remained silent.

"Oh, Minerva, this is a good thing. Another powerful wizard will appear in the wizarding world, as long as we can guide him correctly." Dumbledore sat on the principal's chair, picked up a piece of candy on the table and stuffed it into his mouth , speaking relaxed words, but there was still worry in his eyes. It was obvious that he did not think so.

"But this child is indeed somewhat special. It seems that he is an orphan?"

After hearing this, Mag thought about the files when dealing with Bree and said: "Yes, he came from a London welfare home. The director at the time passed away, and it happened that the director's niece was Emmeline Vance. The director asked her, so she wrote me a letter saying that she wanted to take the child to Diagon Alley herself..."

"Oh, I remember Emmeline Vance, an elegant girl." Dumbledore smiled, memories flashed in his eyes, and then said: "But I remember she said she wanted to adopt Mr. Ode."

"It didn't work out. Oude hopes to live on his own."

"That's it..." Dumbledore frowned, ate another piece of candy and said, "Let's discuss this matter when Flitwick comes back. He asked me for leave, saying... because Mr. Ode's magic power is somewhat I wanted to familiarize him with it, so I went back to his hometown, where his father was born, where fairies live.”

Surprise flashed in Mag's eyes, the power of goblins?

"Mr. Odd is not a descendant of goblins." Snape said at this time: "Otherwise Flitwick wouldn't have discovered it, not to mention he has an oriental face. We don't know about the orient. Maybe it's the power of his family's bloodline. ."

Mag heard this and nodded.

Snape added: "I only hope that Hogwarts can bring safety to the students, Dumbledore, you should understand."

"Snape, Oded..." Professor McGonagall frowned after listening to Snape's words: "You should rest assured about him. Oded is very popular at Hogwarts, including Gryffindor."


"Yes, except for Slytherin, everything is fine, I was worrying too much."

Dumbledore was relieved when he heard that, and then took out his treasured lemon sherbet candy and ate one, and said comfortably: "Severus, you should understand that children need their own world, they should grow up freely, We just need a little guidance, and I'm sure you can do that, Bree Udd is from Slytherin after all."

Dumbledore's eyes flashed, and he finally decided to leave the matter of Bree to Snape, because he had been doing other things recently.

"Hmph." Snape snorted, did not refuse, and strode out of the principal's office.

McGonagall glanced at Dumbledore and didn't have any other thoughts. She only hoped that Bree could use his power correctly, but so far, Bree has done a good job, except that he lost control when he got angry...

"Brie, are you okay?"

Hermione's eyes were red and she looked worriedly at Bree, who had just drank the potion and was lying flat on the bed, unresponsive.

"I think you should go out. The patient needs to rest. He will have to relax for a while after drinking this potion. I chose the most bitter one. Really, I really don't know why the school allows such a dangerous course. Just now There was another one who was crying and frightened, and now here comes another one who is even worse!"

Hermione was quickly kicked out by Madam Pomfrey, and Bree was really in no mood to speak. Wood on the side saw this and also left the room.

Bree didn't fully recover until about evening, when Hermione came again, bringing food.

"Are you feeling better, Bree?"

"Much better, Hermione."

Bree got up slowly and took the fork from Hermione. He was already hungry, but the bitter taste in his mouth suppressed him before, and now he could not bear the smell of the aroma.

"Looks like I came at the wrong time, Bree."

With gentle teasing, Cedric walked in with food, and Bree said without raising her head: "No, you came at the right time."

"Hermione doesn't know my appetite, and yours is just enough to eat [-]% full."

"Okay, little badger." Cedric placed the food next to Bree's bed, and then said worriedly: "I heard that you were injured during the flying lesson, so I came to see you. Are you feeling better?"

"It's okay. I'm going to leave after I finish eating. If you have anything to do, you can go and do it first." Bree would not go back to Slytherin, but she didn't want these two people to know, so she wanted to drive them away.

"Okay, I need to go back and write my potions paper, so I won't disturb your meal." Cedric smiled and then left.

Hermione looked at Bree, who was eating so much, in embarrassment, and shook her head helplessly. She thought Bree was really well, but...

"I'm sorry, Brie, I couldn't stop them and caused you to get hurt...and you will have to go into confinement later."

Hermione blushed because she wasn't confined, and she couldn't help being angry that the three wrongdoers didn't come to apologize to Bree.


Bree frowned. What did he do that required confinement?

(End of this chapter)

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