Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 274: Looking for Muggle attitudes towards wizards

Chapter 274: Looking for Muggle attitudes towards wizards
Brie has always believed rationally that she cannot just listen to her own voice and be an egotistical person.

He had collected various wizards' views on Muggles.

Purebloods, half-bloods, and Muggle wizards all have different views on Muggles.

Or contempt, disgust, indifference, ignorance, intimacy, friendliness, curiosity...

But they are all sure that they are different from Muggles, and magic is the biggest isolation.

Even wizards who were originally from Muggle families considered themselves to be characters in two different worlds.

Some mixed-race families also say that it is difficult for their Muggle father or mother to understand the wizarding world.

The same goes for wizards. They are always curious about Muggle things, such as the Weasley family.


This is Devon in southwest England, and it’s extremely hot under the sunset.

Most of the people living here live a leisurely life and enjoy the scenery of the county. They are not surprised at all that Bree came here, but they are just slightly curious about how long this handsome young man can stay.

"I'm a magician."

On the street, Brie is holding a hat, and in the hat, Nagini is stretching her snake body.

The regional police officer on the opposite side didn't believe what Bree said. He grabbed Bree's hat, but there was nothing in the hat.

It was as if Nagini had never appeared.

"Magic?" The regional police officer seemed not to believe it. He looked at Bree in surprise, but there was indeed nothing in the hat.

"Okay, you passed, but where is it?"

Due to the influence of the regional police, some tourists around also came over and looked at Bree.

Brie smiled and saw Nagini get out of his pocket.

"Oh!" The regional police officer was startled.

"Great." The regional police officer coughed twice, dropped a pound in Bree's hat, and left.

Bree smiled, watching the sky getting dark, and walked into an alley, preparing to return to the hotel from here.

It has been several days since he came to this place. Brie has already figured out the situation here and is well prepared.


A group of street gangsters stopped Brie. Judging from their appearance, they had been watching Brie for several days.


"I'm a wizard." Brie looked at the gangsters surrounding him and answered the question with a smile.

But it made the gangsters laugh.


"Then we are the medieval church."

"Now, please, Mr. Wizard, hand over your money, lest we burn you to death with fire."

Just as the gangsters surrounded Brie, Nakia crawled out of Brie's pocket and slowly grew bigger...



Nagini surrounded these gangsters, and Bree said: "Are you afraid of wizards?"

It was obvious that the little gangster was so frightened that he could not speak.

If wizards were suddenly exposed to Muggles, this might be the scene.

"Uh..." Under Nagini's bloody mouth, the little gangster fainted smoothly.

Bree tossed the punks onto the side of the road, hoping they wouldn't scare anyone.

The gangster was not Brie's target. A magic circle appeared on the soles of Brie's feet. When the evening breeze blew, he had already appeared in another place.

This is a cozy cabin, and in the cabin is a couple on their honeymoon.

In the dark night, the two of them were preparing to do something indescribable...

Alahoo hole open!

Bree opened the door, and the two people still in the room stared blankly at Bree walking in.

"I am the wizard enforcer. You violated the wizard protection law and fell in love with a Muggle without permission. You will be punished in the most severe way."

A flame burst out from around Bree's feet, surrounding the two of them.

When the two of them reacted, they could only helplessly shout for help.

"Who are you!" the man shouted.

Imperius Curse!
The woman next to the man's eyes froze, and then she began to cry sadly.

"Honey, it's my fault, I'm a witch!"

As if to prove herself, the woman waved her hand and used the floating spell to lift the sofa next to her.

"Ah..." The man looked at the woman in shock.

At this time, Breede said: "If you combine with a Muggle without authorization, you will be judged and imprisoned for life in Azkaban!"

Bree looked at the woman. The woman was stunned, as if she had heard something terrible, and shouted loudly: "No, I don't want to be judged, my dear, save me!"

The woman wanted to hug the man, but the man suddenly pushed her away.

"Stay away from me, you witch!"

It seems that a man gave up on his woman because she was a witch.

Bree took out her notes and recorded them, and then used the forgetting spell to swap the memories of the men and women... This time, the woman did not give up on the man.

It was a boring experiment, but Bree had to do it.

Soon Brie took care of everything here and restored everything to its original state so that nothing happened here.

"This is the true reaction of an ordinary-class couple in their honeymoon period when they face that their partner is a wizard. It can be seen that in the eyes of some people, wizards are absolutely alien."

Bree quickly left here and went to another place, which was a luxurious area in Devon County. As a high-ranking official here, the Sheriff had a virtuous and beautiful wife and several children.

This time Brie still used her relatives as an experiment and then let the other party make a choice.

The result is obvious, they both gave up on each other.

But this time Bree didn't use the forgetting spell to make the senior officials forget about it.

This is an adventure.

As Bree expected, the high-ranking official began contacting people higher up, and in his reports, the wizards seemed to have changed some of their laws.

It seems that as the upper echelons of the Muggle world, they are aware of the existence of wizards and have been on guard.

Bree intercepted the letter and cast a forgetting spell before leaving.

Walking to a secluded hotel, Bree put on her hood and walked in.

"Oh, my old friend!"

The owner of the hotel stepped forward excitedly when he saw Bree, as if they had known each other for a long time.

Of course, this is also some false memory that Bree makes for the innkeeper.

Bree walked up to the innkeeper and showed the scars on her arms without leaving any trace.

He took a closer look, his mouth opened in surprise, but he quickly covered it, and then looked left and right.

The first floor of the hotel is a lobby similar to a B&B bar. There are still some residents drinking tea and passing the time.

The innkeeper whispered to Bree: "Oh, brother, what happened to you, come with me quickly."

With that said, he took Brie up to the second floor.

Getting right to the point, Brie said bluntly: "I'm a wizard and I'm being hunted."

With that said, Brie proved herself with a little magic.

"Oh, my God!"

The owner of the bar is an old-fashioned Christian who is very loyal to his religion. He looked at Bree and struggled and said: "Quick, get out of here, I can't let my faith cause harm to you."

Bree looked at the owner of the bar and cast a forgetting spell on him. The boss forgot what happened just now and thought that Bree was a guest who returned late.

"I won't disturb you, guest." The owner of the hotel quickly went downstairs.

Early the next morning, Bree once again appeared on the street performing a magic show.

On the side, several boys and girls in shabby clothes were staring at the pounds in the hat at his feet.

"Yes, can you teach us?" one of the little boys asked Bree.

Bree looked at them kindly.

"Where are you from?"

"It's Luo Li Welfare Home in Devon." The children answered.

Bree nodded knowingly.

He agrees with the idea that these children want to learn some means of making a living.

But Bree doesn't know any magic.

"Is that okay?" The child in front of him opened his eyes wide and looked at Bree innocently.

"Little guys, I am also a child in an orphanage. Your little tricks can't fool me." Pretending to be cute is outdated in Brie.

"Huh?" The child opposite was obviously stunned.

After putting away the hat, Bree took out a pound from it and handed it to the child in front of her and said, "You decide for yourself."

After saying that, Bree patted the little head of the child in front of her and left with the hat.

"Give it to me!" a child next to the little boy shouted. The temptation of one pound was too great for him.

"This...this is for you!" The little boy threw the pound and chased towards Bree.

"Wait, wait, can you teach me magic? I want to leave the orphanage!"

The child looked at Bree's free appearance, his eyes twinkling, and he looked at Bree imploringly.

"I have money, I have more than 40 pounds. As long as you can teach me, I will give it to you!"

More than 40 pounds, which is already a huge amount of money for a child in an orphanage.

And this kid knows how to seize opportunities.

Bree watched him carefully.

This is a blond, blue-eyed kid who looks about seven or eight years old.

"What's your name and how old are you?"

"My name is Vaughn Enoch. I'm almost 11 years old."

11 years old?
Bree looked at Vonn and said, "You don't seem to be doing well."


Vonn is average-looking, with a dirty face, and his pretense of cuteness is not as good as Brie's when she was a child. He probably didn't get much preferential treatment in the orphanage.

Bridao: "Where is your money?"

"In the orphanage, I dug up a brick in the room."

Bree nodded in understanding.

"I'm about to go to the countryside to perform a magic show. You can only learn magic if you follow me."

As he said that, a bag of bread appeared in Bree's hand, and he handed it to Vonn.

Vonn touched his belly and was about to refuse Bree.

"You need to distinguish between good intentions and bad intentions, and learn to owe favors."


Bree looked at Vonn's confused look and then realized that he was only 10 years old.

"Those who don't want to communicate are strangers."

Vonn seemed to understand something and immediately caught the bread and said, "Thank you."

Brie nodded and said, "I think you should grow up in an orphanage, right?"

"At least you can live safely here."

"No, I don't want to stay in the orphanage. It's like a bird market where outsiders can pick and take away the birds for fun."

After hesitating, Vonn whispered: "There is an underground casino here, and many underage people have been brought in under the name of adoption."

"If our dean hadn't had some conscience, I'm afraid we would have been taken in too."

Underground casino.

It can be said that all the gangsters in Devon County are related to this place. Those gangsters were also children in the orphanage.

"I will start setting off at the train station early tomorrow morning. I hope you can catch the train."

"I will!"

Vonn bowed heavily to Bree, and then trotted away from here.

Bree tapped the Nagini in her pocket.

"Nagini, we can go around again tonight."

After several days of searching, Bridu learned a lot about Muggles' views on wizards. Under different circumstances, some people were friendly to wizards, while others hated the existence of wizards.

But before that, Bree had to find a few people.

The gangsters from last night were still at the corner, but this time when Bree walked into the corner, they immediately chased after her like a dog-legger.

"Master Wizard!"

Several people looked at Bree flatteringly.

"You must need servants. We can. No one in Devon knows this place better than us."

Bree looked at the little gangster who was trying his best to please him and gave him a clear message.

"I heard that the owner of the underground casino is very rich?"

The gangsters looked at each other and saw each other's surprise.

"Yes, he is the boss of the gang here, and he has made a lot of money by buying and selling and some black business."

"Master Wizard, do you have any ideas?"

Bree nodded with a chuckle.

"I do have an idea..."

Looking at the few, Bree added: "I always have to return to the wizarding world, and there is always someone to help me look after the territory..."

"My lord, my lord, we can do it, we must be loyal to you!"

The punks became even more excited.

Brie smiled and said: "Then can you find the powerful leader?"

"Of course, we can find it...but our level is too low and we can't get in." The gangsters scratched their heads and looked at Bree with some worry.

Brie said nonchalantly: "As long as you know where it is, take me there."

During the day, the underground casino is also full of noise, alcohol, and unwilling voices.

"Hey, isn't this a magician? Why do you have time to come here and why do you want to try it?"

Someone recognized Bree's presence and looked at him curiously.

The gangster behind Brie dutifully stopped him and threatened: "Don't cause trouble, just go away!"

When Bree saw this, he didn't care. Instead, he raised his wand and said: "Collapse!"

Stunning spell, people in the casino fell down one after another.

The gangsters behind Brie looked at Brie with fear and excitement, and then said: "In the secret passage behind the casino, this can lead to a secret manor."

Bree expressed his understanding, and soon he found the location of the secret passage. As for the people guarding the secret passage, they were knocked unconscious by the stun spell before Bree arrived.

"Wow, this is the latest tutuk..." A gangster touched the side of the fainted guard and picked up the tuttok.

"Tch, my lord is a wizard, Tutu is nothing compared to him."

At this time, Bree's voice came from the front: "The wizard is weak and will be injured if he is not prepared."

(End of this chapter)

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