Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 294: Friendship match with other schools

Chapter 294: Friendship match with other schools

In Hogwarts, there is a small boat floating on the black lake. From a distance, you can see a very large man sitting on the boat.

It's Hagrid. Hagrid is back after a long absence.

Bree was resting on the platform outside the turret, reading quietly, and inadvertently discovered the movement on the Black Lake.

"Oh oh oh..." Little Peeves walked in from the outside. Because Peeves was suppressed under the Black Lake, little Peeves now took over Peeves' work and played tricks on the little wizard from time to time.

Of course, little Peeves is much cuter, and little wizards are happy to play with it.

"Go and see what's going on, little Peeves."

Bree directed Peeves to leave and not to disturb his reading here.

"Yes, my lord!"


"Hi, Hagrid, why are you back?" Harry, Ron, and Hermione greeted Hagrid at the dock in surprise.

"Can't I come back?" Hagrid scratched his messy hair and laughed.

"Where have you been?" Harry and Ron pulled Hagrid ashore from the boat, and Hagrid leaned over to tie the boat to the dock.

"Come, go to my place, I brought some good things." Hagrid patted his chest, but only then did Harry and the others notice the bruises on Hagrid's face.

Was he beaten?

"This is, this is a fall." Hagrid covered it up and walked forward.

Harry and Hermione looked at each other and saw the problem.

Ron was laughing and joking and didn't pay attention.

Harry and the others arrived at Hagrid's hut, when Peeves also came out of Hogwarts Castle.

"Huh?" Umbridge, who was patrolling outside to check that the little wizard had done nothing bad, saw little Peeves, raised her eyebrows and followed him with a smile...

In the afternoon, when Bree came to the hall for dinner, she learned that Harry and the three of them had been detained by Umbridge and sent to Filch to clean the Quidditch pitch for the following fantasy game.

The reason was that a gathering of more than three people was held and she was not notified.

"Sir." Little Pippi sneaked under Bree's teacher's chair and said, "It's Hagrid. Hagrid went to the Nordic mountains and found giants there. Hagrid said that Dumbledore asked him to go there. , in order to prevent Voldemort from wooing the giant Bree."

"Originally Hagrid was about to succeed, but the leader of the giant tribe was killed by the new leader, and the new leader was Voldemort's man."

At this time, Umbridge also came, Umbridge smiled, completely without the tit-for-tat he had with Bree a few days ago.

She came over in a flattering manner and said to Bree: "The Ministry of Magic wants to participate in this fraternity competition, Professor Oded. We think this can enhance the influence of the British wizarding community."

That's a pretty good excuse.

"You can go talk to Principal McGonagall. I only pay attention to their competition results, which will be included in the final grades."

"Of course, this is best." Umbridge said flatteringly, then turned and left.

Fudge has already sent a warning to her, not to target Bree anymore, she just needs to form her own forces in Hogwarts and let the Ministry of Magic invade.

After that, deal with Bree again when you get the chance.

After all, Hogwarts belongs to no one, not Bree.

With this thought in mind, Umbridge came to McGonagall's side.

McGonagall looked impatient, but when she heard that the Ministry of Magic was involved, she readily agreed. After all, Dumbledore needed her to attract the attention of the Ministry of Magic.

McGonagall sighed inwardly, hoping that Dumbledore could resolve the Order's affairs quickly. She had had enough of Umbridge.

Not just Umbridge’s various educational orders, but her shoddy teaching!

McGonagall didn't know how many complaints she had received from little wizards. Umbridge's classes were too bad. If this continued, the little wizards wouldn't learn anything at all. This was something McGonagall couldn't tolerate!
However, she couldn't ban Umbridge at this time.


The little wizard's mood to learn magic became high due to the fantasy game competition.

From the beginning, the fantasy game had the slogan of helping wizards practice magic, so it was possible to enter the wizarding world so quickly.

The stronger the proficiency in a magic, the more powerful the card can be when using fantasy cards.

However, as for the selection competition, students from other schools can watch it first and then join in halfway through the competition.

This is a competition in nature, and as a local game, the little wizards of Hogwarts are naturally stronger, while most students from outside schools need to start from scratch. This has led to students from outside schools recently practicing magic and buying fantasy cards. To avoid embarrassment during the game.

"Cuckoo!" The owl came again.

Because of the competition, the Oude family released blank cards, which allowed the little wizard to enter magic by himself, so that students from other schools could compete.

Blank cards are very suitable for natural magic, so this competition stipulates that only blank cards can be used, and the little wizard can enter the magic by himself.

"My, luckily I'm not late, otherwise the owl detention fee would be quite high." Ron, who had just entered the hall, breathed a sigh of relief and got the package.

This competition has requirements that the cards used must be related to natural magic.

"What cards are you going to enter?" Ron sat down on the dining table holding the package and asked while eating.

Hermione checked the card and then said: "Most young wizards cannot use complete natural magic. They can only use natural magic to enhance the wizard's spell."

Hermione hadn't finished speaking, she hadn't thought about it yet.

Harry said: "I am good at disarming spells. I should use natural magic to enhance this spell and then engrave it into the card."

"Then find some auxiliary spells."

Bree once said that Harry was suitable for this spell, so Harry has been practicing it.

"Oh, I'm actually more suitable for magical beast cards, but blank cards can't be entered." Ron sighed.

This competition was designed to test the young wizard's mastery of natural magic, so there were naturally some restrictions.

"Actually, magic plants can also be registered. Natural magic has the power to control plants using magic power." Hermione reminded.

After hearing this, Ron said with a grimace: "This is even harder."

Harry and Hermione smiled. This was what Bree taught them last semester. They haven't practiced it yet, so of course it's difficult.

But having said that, finding offensive spells is not that easy, let alone training.

"The Defense Against the Dark Arts class is a place to learn attack or defense spells, but Umbridge obviously can't teach us." Hermione said.

Umbridge's lessons are scripted and completely devoid of nutrition.

"Don't forget, our fifth graders also have to take the Junior Wizard Level Examination." Hermione continued.

"We must practice magic in private, otherwise there is no way we can pass the exam."

Hearing Hermione say this, Harry and Ron looked at each other.

"Don't forget why we were punished by cleaning the Quidditch pitch, Hermione."

After hearing this, Hermione hugged her chest and didn't want to speak.

Just when Hermione and the others couldn't think of a way, on the other side, a protest broke out in Ravenclaw House, but they were smart enough not to yell angrily.

"We must do something. Learning without communication is not conducive to our progress."

Ravenclaws were originally solitary in their studies, but as they learned natural magic, they felt pressured.

Because the debate activities they used to participate in knowledge clubs were gone, and there was no link to show their wisdom, they found that their studies were in a dilemma.

No inspiration.

"Perhaps we can find Umbridge and start a natural magic exchange club to avoid her punishing us with an education order." A little eagle suggested.

But it was rebutted.

"Do you think she would agree?"

"How about we go find Professor Oude?"

There was a chirping sound at Xiaoying's dining table.

"What are you doing, kids?" Umbridge suddenly appeared at the table, and the eaglets' voices stopped abruptly.

This is Luna looking at Umbridge, her translucent eyes reflecting Umbridge's unhappiness.

"We wanted a place to practice magic."

Luna's voice was not loud, but it was the voice of the little wizards present.

Umbridge's smirk grew a little lighter.

"I think my lessons are enough for you to learn. Magic is more about thinking." Umbridge refused this because it was not in line with her wishes.

If the little wizard can practice magic at will, she can't control it.

After saying that, she turned around and left the hall, leaving the little wizards no room to complain.

"Luna, can you go find Professor Oude." A little eagle approached Luna, hoping that Luna would talk to him.

Luna nodded and looked at Bree.

Bree also heard the appeals of the little wizards.

"Start a dueling club, Professor Flitwick. I think some of the ideas Lockhart left behind were higher than those of Professor Umbridge."

Bree looked at Snape again.

"Professor Snape, I hope you will participate."

McGonagall also nodded. This was a solution to the problem that Umbridge, as a professor, did not do anything for students academically.

Mag said: "I think this is a good proposal."

With Bree as a guarantee, Umbridge didn't dare to come over to take care of it, and the dueling club soon became a topic of conversation among the young wizards.


In the corridor, Harry and Ron were preparing to return to the dormitory.

"That's great, but if we want to win, we have to practice privately. This is not only for the competition, but also for the subsequent Junior Wizard Level Examination." Hermione said to Harry and Ron on the way.

Being unable to learn magic effectively was unacceptable to Hermione.

"Oh, I found you!" Newt walked through the corridor and stopped Harry and the others.

"Is something wrong, Professor Newt?"

Harry and the others still respect Newt.

"It's about you, Potter." Newt scratched his head, and then said: "Follow me, Dumbledore asked me to come to you."


Harry thought about Bree's previous words to let Dumbledore solve the problem in his head.

"You guys come together." Seeing Hermione and Ron's probing looks, Newt said, "This has something to do with the Order of the Phoenix."

Newt blushed and said that he was actually here to help Dumbledore attract people, and he was very skilled at this.

Following Newt, Harry and the others came to the eighth floor, in front of a portrait of a troll.

"This is the Room of Requirement." Newt opened the door the same way.

When Harry and the others entered, they found that this was a training ground. Of course, Hermione had learned about the Room of Requirement and knew that it was definitely not that simple.

"Dumbledore wants me to train you... you know, he is fighting Voldemort and Grindelwald."

Harry and the others nodded.

Newt continued: "This is not something that young wizards should participate in, but you also know Umbridge's teachings, so Dumbledore asked me to give you some convenience."

"Of course, this does not belong to Potter alone. As long as you are willing to come, you can. I will teach you some useful magic."

Hermione and Ron's eyes lit up, but Harry was a little confused.

Newt noticed Harry's confusion and said, "Someone will help you later, but not me. I don't know much about that magic."

Newt smiled apologetically, and then said: "You should know how to enter here, so I will come here every Friday and Saturday night. You can allocate the rest of the time yourself. Of course, you can also find a trustworthy little wizard to come here. Practice magic.”

After saying that, Newt started the first lesson - the disarming spell.


As time goes by, Christmas is getting closer, and the auditions for the fantasy game are about to begin.

However, compared to the first trial, the Duel Club that has already begun is much more interesting, because there are no pink toads gesticulating here, and the little wizards wave their wands as much as they want.

Outside of the Duel Club, a private organization called the Magical Exchange also began to spread in Hogwarts. Of course, this was to avoid Umbridge and Slytherin.

I don't know what the people in Slytherin think, but they listen to Umbridge so much.

Except for Draco and some neutral snakes, most of the snakes have become Umbridge's horsemen, led by Arnold Flint and Blaise Sabine, and Theodore. Nott and other large families were also involved.

In the Slytherin common room——

"Oh, Arnold, what a strange name, I thought he would hide away for the rest of his life." Draco sneered as he watched these people being summoned to her office by Umbridge.

Arnold, a guy with some luck, is now a sixth grader.

And Shabini was Brie's roommate at the time. Of course, he didn't deserve it.

And Knott...

"Theodore, do you really want to get together with Umbridge?" As a childhood playmate, Draco reluctantly reminded Nott.

"I have no choice, Malfoy."

Draco frowned when he heard Nott call him Malfoy.

On the other side, Pansy and Daphne also stood up. They were the female representatives chosen by Umbridge.

Draco didn't do any useless work this time.

At this time, a girl came over and sat next to Draco.

It was Stacie Rozier, a sixth grader. She was also the girl who helped Bathilda Bagshot, Grindelwald's aunt, deliver things to Bree last year.

"Rozier...your aunt seems to be..." Draco said suddenly.

Rozier smiled. His aunt was indeed Grindelwald's subordinate, a saint, and was now a professor at Durmstrang.

"Our family has made a decision and Mr. Grindelwald is a great leader."

Draco raised his eyebrows. He didn't expect Grindelwald's hands to have reached Hogwarts.

On the other side, Astoria also passed.

"Please tell Odd that the purebloods have decided to help the Ministry of Magic, but the purebloods are also helping the mysterious man." Astoria didn't care if Rozier was here, nor did she mind if her betrayal was known.

Draco was surprised.

"What does this have to do with Oded? We are not Dumbledore's people. If you want to join Dumbledore, go to him." Draco was not interested in helping Dumbledore.

Astoria was silent, there was only so much she could bring out.

Rozier said at the side: "Mr. Malfoy, do you remember Shafik, the Shafiq who escaped from the Shafiq family?"

"Remember, what happened?"

"She was assassinated by Death Eaters because she defected to Dumbledore."


Draco didn't expect that.

Astoria on the side trembled slightly.

Rozier smiled, patted Astra's shoulder, and prepared to take her to the other side to talk.

But before leaving, Rozier said: "Please tell Mr. Oded. Mr. Grindelwald respects Mr. Oded very much. The wizards in Godric's Hollow also respect Mr. Oded and will protect Mr. Oded's reputation. No." Would make the Ministry do some despicable things.”

Draco frowned and stood up soon, heading to the turret.

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(End of this chapter)

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