Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 299 The Ministry of Magic wants the Vice-Principal

Chapter 299 The Ministry of Magic wants the Vice-Principal
In the report, Fudge criticized Dumbledore's inaction and attributed all the disasters to Dumbledore's name.

There is a photo of Umbridge and Fudge looking serious and accusing of Dumbledore, in Gringotts.

After that, Fudge told Dumbledore as the British White Devil, but he didn't stop the Death Eaters from attacking Gringotts at all.

It is reported that someone saw Dumbledore near Diagon Alley at the time, and Dumbledore did not appear to stop the Death Eaters from stopping him.

The Ministry of Magic has the right to question whether Dumbledore is allowing Death Eaters to do evil.

The Ministry of Magic also stated that the damage to Gringotts was Bellatrix Lestrange's vault, and the remaining vaults were not seriously damaged.

Then there is a picture of Arthur Weasley fainting in St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, on his bed, with Fudge and Umbridge visiting him, holding flowers in their hands.

Below the picture is a paragraph about the attack on the Order of the Phoenix, an organization that supports Dumbledore in Black Mansion.

There is also Arthur who is seriously injured as a rescue worker for the Ministry of Magic.

But Dumbledore failed to describe the Order's rescue in time.

The entire report is extremely extreme and highly misleading. People who don't know the truth may be led by the Ministry of Magic to distrust Dumbledore.

The next news was that the Ministry of Magic apologized to all wizards.

After a long investigation by the Ministry of Magic, the criminal who escaped Azkaban was finally identified, the report was written by Rita Skeeter -

In the report, there were ten black and white photos of nine wizards and one witch, some laughing silently, some haughtily tapping their fingers on the side of their photos.

Each photo was labeled with a name and the crime for which he was imprisoned in Azkaban.

Antonin Dolokhov, a wizard with a pale, twisted long face, sneered out of the photo, brutally murdered the brothers Gideon and Fabian Prewett.

August Rookwood, a pockmarked man with oily hair, leaned on the edge of the photo with a bored expression, leaking Ministry of Magic secrets to the mysterious man.

Bellatrix Lestrange, tortured and permanently disabled Frank and Alice Longbottom.


The final concluding article - the Ministry of Magic effectively blocked the Death Eaters, but as the deputy principal of Hogwarts and the leader of the Order of the Phoenix, Dumbledore failed to protect the Black family and Hogwarts. It was a dereliction of duty and failed to live up to the expectations of the British wizarding community for Dumbledore. Dumbledore should abdicate from Hogwarts and disband the Order of the Phoenix.

As the senior investigator of the Ministry of Magic, Professor Umbridge played a huge role when the Death Eaters invaded Hogwarts. She should become the deputy principal of Hogwarts, replacing Dumbledore.



Bree silently put the report on the table. At this time, the young wizards and professors had already quarreled over the two reports, especially Professor Newt, who could not understand the behavior of the British Ministry of Magic at all.

Bree frowned secretly. He already understood what happened yesterday after Tom told him.

Dumbledore was plotted by Voldemort at that time. Voldemort had many targets, the least important of which was the Black Mansion, so he led Dumbledore there.

Taking advantage of Harry.

What Voldemort took from Gringotts was probably a Horcrux, just like when he came to Hogwarts Black Lake to take away the crown.

The crown disappeared at that time, and Bree herself didn't know about it.

"Who is it, Ms. Grey?"

Helena has indeed not appeared for a long time.

Bree waved her hand, and a little paper snake snaked away.

Since Dumbledore left Hogwarts, his sister Ariana had been taken care of by McGonagall. At this time, Ariana was in McGonagall's office, and Bree had to ask her to tell the ghosts to look for Helena.

"Oh, they're all here." Umbridge arrived belatedly, her face full of smiles and radiant.

"Da da da." At this time, Fudge also came to Hogwarts with a group of Aurors.

McGonagall stood up immediately and said dissatisfied: "I don't think we invited you, Minister Fudge."

"You are so aggressive, are you here to arrest someone?"

Mag suppressed his anger.

Umbridge stepped forward to comfort him.

"Oh, I asked Minister Fudge to come. I'm sorry for not informing you, Minerva, but as the inquisitor of Hogwarts, I think I have this right."

Umbridge smiled so sincerely that it made McGonagall sick, and her hands clenched tightly.

"I'm sorry, haha, I'm here to announce something that should be taken for granted."

Fudge produced an appointment order——

Due to Dumbledore's inaction, he was unable to hold the position of Vice Principal of Hogwarts. However, Professor Umbridge had both ability and political integrity, and had the courage to say no to evil forces, preventing the Death Eaters from invading Hogwarts...

Professor Umbridge was appointed Vice-Principal of Hogwarts.


All Heads of Magic.

Minister of Magic.


When Professor McGonagall got the appointment order, she clenched her teeth tightly.

"I don't accept it. This is a ridiculous lie!" McGonagall threw the order in Fudge's face.

Fudge's smile immediately darkened.

"Don't be disrespectful, Mag." Fudge put on his smile again and handed the order to Mag.

Mag's face was livid, and there was silence in the hall.


A burst of flame struck and swallowed up the command in Fudge's hand!
"Ah, what are you doing!" Fudge glared at Bree.

The Aurors around Fudge pointed their wands at Bree.

"Buzz!" Several vines rose from the feet of the Aurors, and the Aurors instantly turned into rice dumplings.

Fudge's back felt cold, and he quickly put on a smile.

"Don't get excited, Mr. Ode..."

Fudge's eyes rolled wildly. He had to find a way to calm down. He actually didn't want to come, but... Voldemort found him.

Fudge trembled when he felt the Death Eater mark on his wrist.

"Mr. Oded, as the Minister of Magic, I have the right to remove the professor from his position. Even if the principal has done something wrong, I can also remove him..."

Fudge spoke slowly, his tone sounding like he had been wronged.

"Shut up, Fudge, this is Hogwarts, and Hogwarts is fully capable of breaking away from the Ministry of Magic instead of being hijacked by the Ministry of Magic."

"Yesterday's events need to be verified. Umbridge's magical skills are said to have resisted the Death Eaters, but it is better to say that the Death Eaters let her go."

Bree received news from Draco that his father, Lucius Malfoy, had been dismissed from the Ministry of Magic. According to Lucius, traces of Death Eaters had been found in the Ministry of Magic.

So... Voldemort did something wrong again to find something for him to do.

"Go back, you can use reports or other means to tell the Death Eaters that from now on, Hogwarts will be isolated from the outside world and will not participate in any power struggle. All those participating in the power struggle will be expelled from Hogwarts. .”

Bree glanced at everyone, including the little wizards below.

"Don't make random slogans, and don't take sides easily."

Bree looked back at Mag.

McGonagall nodded happily to Bree, and then McGonagall snorted heavily to Fudge and Umbridge.

"I, Minerva McGonagall, as the current Headmistress of Hogwarts, support Professor Bree Odd's new regulations."

Snape also stood up, with disgust in his eyes, and looked at Umbridge and Fudge with dissatisfaction: "Severus Snape, Vice President of Hogwarts and Head of Gryffindor, supports Bri O Professor De’s new regulations.”

"I, Filius Flitwick..."

"Pomona Sprout..."

The Headmaster and four Heads of House of Hogwarts all passed the regulations.

After Bree took out the Forbidden Forest Contract, the binding part of the contract on Hogwarts also exerted its power.

Hogwarts Castle shook slightly as it accepted...

Bree looked indifferently at Fudge and Umbridge, who had extremely ugly expressions.

"With the new regulations, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is separated from the Ministry of Magic and is no longer bound by it. If Hogwarts violates the laws of the British wizarding community, please sue us in the Wizengamot Court."

"Instead of just adding some random... education order here."

Umbridge couldn't believe it.

"That's not right. Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic have existed together for hundreds of years!"

Umbridge shouted hysterically.

Fudge also questioned: "What about Dumbledore, you are protecting him!"

Brie was quick to give her answer.

"As the deputy principal of Hogwarts, Dumbledore participated in the power struggle and was dismissed."

"However, if he withdraws from the force and returns to Hogwarts, we can give him a professorial assessment."

Fudge stopped talking. He felt the magical suppression deliberately emitted by Bree, and his calves were trembling.

He felt like Bree had seen something.

Here, Umbridge was the same. Fudge didn't speak, and she didn't dare to confront Bree.

Bree looked at Umbridge.

"Professor Umbridge, you are one of the professors at Hogwarts, but you are also an official of the Ministry of Magic. This is against the rules."

Bree's eyes flashed.

The other professors also smiled and looked at Umbridge's funny face tacitly.

"I, I..." Umbridge stammered, frantically gesturing to Fudge, hoping that Fudge would support her.

"Ministry of Magic, decided to remove Umbridge from her post, she is a professor at Hogwarts!"

Fudge must not leave Hogwarts without the Ministry of Magic's nails, no way!
On the surface, Umbridge can't have it, but secretly, she can. However, Umbridge can no longer pull the skin of the Ministry of Magic.

"No, Minister Connelly, it's me." Umbridge felt a stinging pain on her wrist, and her face changed wildly.

"I...agree, I think I would rather teach the little wizards."

The professors at Hogwarts showed disgusted expressions. They were not satisfied with the result.

The little wizards below also complained and complained that they wanted Umbridge to leave here.

"It's time for you to leave, Minister Fudge." Bree untied the Aurors, and Fudge quickly left with the Aurors, leaving Umbridge alone.

"Oh, I still have some papers to grade, so I'm sorry..."

Umbridge left quickly.

The little wizard below was filled with joy.

The professors on the teachers' bench also smiled.

Even Snape raised the corners of his mouth, showing his good mood, but when he thought about teaching Harry Occlumency later, he immediately turned cold.

"This should have been done a long time ago." Mag sighed, she had endured it long enough.

Let him worry about Dumbledore's affairs.

Bree sat back at the teacher's desk and quietly looked at the smiling faces of the little wizards as if they had won a battle.

But Little Snake's atmosphere was a bit frozen, and it could be seen that many people were betting on Umbridge.

Unfortunately, this world has always been dominated by magic. Even if the Ministry of Magic restricts magic with regulations, the importance of magic in the hearts of wizards cannot be bypassed.

And Bree didn't completely dislike Umbridge and the Ministry of Magic's attitude.

Arbor Day is coming soon, and he has to keep an eye on it to avoid any accidents.

Recently, Tom has news that both Grindelwald and Voldemort are secretly preventing tree planting.

Of course, their movements are not obvious, they are just tests.

If Bree leaves at that time, who knows what Umbridge will do with the backing of the Ministry of Magic, Bree doesn't want to come back and clean up the mess.


Time passed quickly, but not nearly as quickly as the news of the outbreak of war.

The little wizards who had just finished their vacation were still enjoying breakfast in the hall, but hundreds of owls flew into Hogwarts, leaving the reports in confusion and leaving, which frightened the little wizards.

"Did they eat fried-ended snails? Why are they so angry?" Ron looked dissatisfied at the owl feathers hanging on the chicken legs in front of him.

"War!" Hermione exclaimed, holding the report!
The little wizards at other tables also exclaimed one after another.

At the teacher's seat, the professors had already gathered in a circle, discussing the matters in the report.

The foreign school personnel below were also holding reports and their eyes were moving wildly.

At the professor's chair——

"What do you think, Odd?" Snape frowned.

"War!" Professor Flitwick shouted, he hated war!

Newt followed the report closely. He really wanted to tell Bree that he was leaving Hogwarts to fight Grindelwald, but he had not yet received news from Dumbledore.

According to reports, Grindelwald mobilized the Saints, causing many magical incidents in the Muggle world and creating chaos around the world. He had already made the Ministry of Magic public and aroused the official attention of the Muggle world.

"What is he going to do?" a professor asked.

Professor Trelawney on the side was talking nonsense: "Dark Lord, two Dark Lords are about to duel, and it is difficult to stop the white light rushing in. The only way to kill the Dark Lord...ah!" "

As if accidentally, Umbridge fell suddenly, interrupting Trelawney's prophecy.

"What happened?" Trelawney sat on the ground confused.

The other professors looked at Umbridge.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it, I was just too surprised..."

No one believed Umbridge, but that didn't matter.

Breedao: "We at Hogwarts have broken away from these forces. Of course, we cannot break away from the wizarding world. If there are professors who want to take sides, they can leave Hogwarts at will."

"The same goes for the little wizard." Bree's voice was unconcealed.

"But Hogwarts is not a place of war. You have to go outside. This will be a place to shelter young wizards, a refuge, just like Hogwarts thousands of years ago."

With that said, Brie stood up and took out the Forbidden Forest Contract.

(End of this chapter)

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