Chapter 301

"Voldemort?" Draco hated people who played riddles.

Bree glanced at Draco.

"If you can understand the situation, you can understand it. The future of the wizarding world is about to change. There is only one opportunity left."

"The Muggle and wizarding worlds are very reserved right now, but the explosion will come soon."

"Whether it's Grindelwald, Voldemort or Dumbledore, they are all racing against time in their lives. Whoever can seize the initiative when it breaks out will win."

"The wizarding world cannot stand three demon kings, and the other two will surrender to the winner. This is what the three of them think."

"At the same time, it is also the idea of ​​​​people in the entire wizarding world who choose to take sides."

Bree looked at the white roses and envelopes on the table with a smile.

"Then who will win?" Draco looked at Bree dreamingly.

He thought maybe Bree could see the future.

"What do you think, Draco?"

Bree looked at Draco like he was stupid.

Draco blushed.

"You don't have a good heart, Black Crow!"

Draco quickly turned his head away.

Bree smiled and fell silent.

His methods are indeed cruel, but if successful, both the wizarding world and the Muggle world will achieve incredible changes.

Wizards and Muggles can learn magic in the same blue sky, instead of the false sky on the ceiling like the Great Hall of Hogwarts, in exchange for that moment of wonder.

Fake is fake.

"Okay, this has nothing to do with Hogwarts. You are still a fifth-year student, so don't get involved."

Bree reminded Draco.

"Humph, I don't want to get involved, but because of this news, other students at Hogwarts may be affected." Draco pointed to a report on the table, which was a piece of news praising Dumbledore's Order of the Phoenix. .

"Look, many wizards are restless, especially those stupid lions."

"I think Snape regrets taking the position of Head of Gryffindor."

Draco threw the report away casually. He could just follow Bree and live a safe life.

"Let's go, it's dinner time. Lord Black Crow is dining." Draco stood up and bowed to Bree to invite him.

Brie was helpless, but she had to eat.

When they came to the hall, Bree took the teacher's seat, but McGonagall had something to say before the meal.

When everyone was almost here, she stood up and said, "Everyone has seen the recent reports."

McGonagall's words attracted the attention of all the young wizards, including the professors.

She nodded with satisfaction and continued: "Our Hogwarts is a magic school, responsible for cultivating underage wizards. It will not become a military factory and let you take risks."

"Of course, any wizard who wants to participate can leave, and we respect your choice, but I hope you will study magic with your heart."

"Otherwise, if you leave Hogwarts, let alone helping the situation, it will be a problem to protect yourself. Instead, it will cause trouble for those around you."

As he said that, McGonagall glanced at the little lions of Gryffindor.

The cubs had been so active lately that Snape came to see her several times.

The young Gryffindor wizard looked unconvinced.

Mag understands this very well, but she has a way to deal with it.

"You are wizards, and the power of wizards is magic. If you can pass the dueling club's assessment, then your self-confidence is correct. If you can't..."

Mag all called them by name.

She looked sternly at the Gryffindor table.

"If you can't even pass the school's assessment, then don't go to the battlefield to hurt your companions!"

The little Gryffindor lions were mute and did not dare to see McGonagall.

Meg nodded.

"Let's talk about another one."

"Due to changes in the external situation, we have decided to cancel the Fantasy Game Competition. We are sorry that this is an unexpected change."

Mag has already discussed it with the deans. As for fantasy games, such entertainment activities are obviously not suitable for the current situation. The young wizards should receive more rigorous training.

To prevent them from being unable to adapt to the current wizarding world after graduation.

Especially the little wizards who are already in seventh grade.

Their Defense Against the Dark Arts class was a mess, and the best they could do was to pass the Wizarding Level Exam.

"Oh!" Some wizards in the lower grades shouted reluctantly.

However, none of the senior wizards resisted this decision.

Even the Weasley twins are in seventh grade. Although they are still naughty, they have grown a lot.

At this time, the wizard from the foreign school stood up.

"Sorry, we have to interrupt."

Because Newt left, the external school had no dean to manage it, so they all negotiated on their own.

"We have to go back to our own country. I'm sorry, this study exchange didn't go to the end." The female teacher of the magic institute said first.

The other teachers also echoed.

However, Durmstrang's wizard said otherwise: "Our principal's words are still valid."

"As long as Odd and White Rose are here, the saints will not target Hogwarts."

Beauxbatons on the side didn't have the confidence of Durmstrang. The biggest backer of their school was Nicole Flamel, but he was dead.

Beauxbatons was very distressed about this, how would they stand up...

Facing the departure of the foreign school, McGonagall had already made preparations.

"Of course, we will say goodbye to you all."

Even some wizarding communities far away from Europe will be threatened, and the exposure of wizarding communities is a common problem.

Ending the topic, McGonagall said: "Finally, we have to arrange the teaching positions at Hogwarts."

Mag looked at Bree.

Bree was helpless.

"We would like the current Professor of Natural Magic, Mr. Bree O'Dea, to assume the position of Deputy Headmaster of Hogwarts."

Bree sighed. After he deprived Dumbledore of his position as deputy headmaster, he had a hunch that McGonagall would give him this responsibility.

"I'd love to, Principal McGonagall." Bree answered as she stood up.

Since you can't escape, try to accept it and then do it faithfully.

McGonagall smiled and nodded, but Umbridge, who had been silent on the other side, almost broke her teeth.

But she dared not do anything.

She was still useful in Hogwarts, but after leaving Hogwarts, there was no place for her in the Ministry of Magic.


Muggle world...



Accompanied by a howl, a wave of magic power appeared in a flash.

I saw a "cat" as big as an elephant and with a colorful body running towards me.

Its tail is very special, long and agile, like a ribbon with feathers hanging on it, and when flapping it is as dazzling as a fire sickle.

"Zouwu!" A wizard recognized it.

Zuowu looked at it in confusion. It appeared here just now because it felt the fluctuation of magic, but it seemed that it was not very safe here.

Wizards and Muggles were fighting, and the surrounding crowd had been dispersed, but many innocent people were still injured and fell to the ground, groaning...

"Ouch!" The time and space around Zuowu suddenly distorted, and it jumped up and disappeared from the scene.

space-time transformation.

Hogsmeade Village, England——

Zuowu carefully hid in the alley and wandered around this small wizard village...

On the other side, Voldemort, who had secretly occupied Hogsmeade village, was gathering a group of Death Eaters.

Unlike the previous snake face, Voldemort's appearance has become closer to that of a normal human being after recovering the soul fragments from Slytherin's locket and Hufflepuff's golden cup.

Even the nose and hair have grown out, but the skin looks paler.

Voldemort's eyes were blood red. He sat elegantly on the main seat at the head of the long table. The other Death Eaters sat on the left and right sides of the long table, looking at Voldemort respectfully.

Under the green decoration, the whole hall is gloomy.

Voldemort threw some information on the behavior of Grindelwald and Dumbledore on the table.

"Dumbledore, he arranged for the Order of the Phoenix to hinder our actions, and internationally, he used Newt to arrange Dumbledore's Army to stop Grindelwald's madness."

Speaking of crazy, he sneered a few times.

"Let me clean up the trash for you, Master!" Bellatrix looked at Voldemort fervently, her eyes full of love and madness.

"Bella, you should learn to calm down. It seems that the dementors haven't taught you this yet."

Bellatrix said hurriedly: "Master..."

"Stop talking. I don't blame you. Your loyalty is enough for me to tolerate everything you do."

"Oh, Master." Bellatrix covered her heart with happiness on her face.

Voldemort ignored Bella. He glanced at the Death Eaters below and set his sights on Peter.

When Peter saw this, he trembled and lowered his head.

"Master, what can you do?"

Under Voldemort's eyes full of scrutiny, he then said: "You, find a way to enter Hogwarts. I need the crown of Ravenclaw."

Peter swallowed.

"Master, Hogwarts has been sealed off by Bree Old. No one can circumvent his magic, Peter, Peter..."

Peter said, falling to his knees.

The rest of the Death Eaters dared not speak, but most looked at Peter with contempt.

Bella stood up directly and kicked Peter.

"Trash, you actually disobeyed your master!"

"No, no, no, Peter is willing to do it, even if it costs his life!" Peter shouted.

Voldemort raised his hand to stop Bella.

"Get up, Peter, and I'll give you Umbridge's connection, and you two will do this."

"Yes, Peter will definitely complete the mission, Master!"

After dealing with Peter, Voldemort closed his eyes and said quietly: "How did you do that?"

Hearing this, Rodolphus Lestrange and Selwyn stood up immediately.

"Master, the arrangements have already begun. We are doing it very secretly."

Voldemort nodded.

"What about the Department of Mysteries?"

August Rookwood on the other side got up.

"Master, the Department of Mysteries has been under the jurisdiction of the White Wizard for thousands of years. It has taken our family hundreds of years to get close to the core position. As soon as this current director of the Department of Mysteries takes office, it will be me."

Voldemort frowned and didn't say much, but most Death Eaters were excited to hear the news.

"Very well, we will help you become the Director of Mysterious Affairs."

Voldemort said neither salty nor coldly.

"One last thing."

Voldemort clicked on the table, and a piece of information appeared in front of each Death Eater.

"I hope that this news will spread throughout the world, and our Death Eater organization will follow this trend and become a worldwide wizarding organization."

A smile flashed across Voldemort's face, the moment he had been waiting for had arrived.

The world began to shake due to the battle between Grindelwald and the Muggles.

Some support Grindelwald, hoping to gain a share of power.

Some support Dumbledore and hope that the Wizarding Protection Act will continue to exist and that there will be peace with Muggles.

But he, Voldemort, also wanted to have a hand in it to prove that he, Voldemort, was a true Demon King!

"Let's adjourn the meeting. I'm going to see little Barty. What's in his mind is very important to me."

Bree O'Dea had the audacity to say that he was worse than a London street gangster!
He won't let Brie get on top of her, either.

"I want to see what your weakness is."

Voldemort said, but he was very impatient.

Because he used magic to know every secret in little Barty's mind.

Only about Bree, little Barty refused to reveal anything even though his soul was sucked by the dementors and he became a living dead.

"Little Barty, you betrayed me too."

Voldemort's eyes were filled with anger, but he soon breathed out.

Having recovered part of his soul, he was able to suppress his rage and learn to think calmly, instead of being a mindless weapon.

"Of course, I am more interested in the position that those purebloods gave me than your betrayal."

"Weapons..." Voldemort said in a cold tone.


Inside Hogwarts, Bree looked at the information that Tom had sent him, which was all about the results of planting natural trees. Of course, in addition, there were arrangements for subsequent activities.

at the same time.

"Boom boom boom!"

"Professor Odd!" was Hagrid's voice.

Brie lets Hagrid into the turret.

Hagrid entered with long strides.

"Your mail, Professor Odd." Hagrid placed some letters on Bree's desk.

"Thank you, Mr. Hagrid... By the way, after Professor Newt left, the Professor of Care of Magical Creatures has not come yet, so Professor Sprout has been teaching for the past few days."

"But Professor Sprout has a lot of things to do as dean, so I think you can take over for a while..."

"Oh!" Hagrid cheered in surprise.

"Oh, I mean, I'd love to. I'm always available..."

Bree calmed Hagrid's mood a little, and after he left, he looked at the letters. They were all sent by insignificant wizards for learning and communication.

As the creator of natural magic, Bree often receives these letters.

But there is one more report.

"Popular science report?"

How could this be reported at this time?

Bree looked down—

With the combination of wizards and Muggles, wizards' magical talents are getting lower and lower. This is a disaster for the wizarding world. Of course, we will not deny that some Muggle wizards have strong talents, but this is a small part...

Everyone should agree that if the bloodline of wizards continues to be thinned, magic will disappear from this world...

This is why in the wizarding world, we always respect that pure-blood wizards are more noble. This is also the reason why pure-blood families are so keen to combine with pure-bloods.

The Selwyn family said in an interview: "We pure-bloods just hope that wizards will always exist, but with more and more mixed-bloods, the magical talents of wizards are getting weaker and weaker..."

What follows is a powerful analysis, mostly academic argumentation from wizarding scholars.

(End of this chapter)

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