Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 318 Muggles and Magic

Chapter 318 Muggles and Magic

... On the other side, Grindelwald, who left England, looked at the British island solemnly.

In his eyes, the British islands were disappearing.

"The Red Loyalty Curse, or is it such a large-scale one...did you discover it from natural magic?"


Grindelwald smiled, but the fear in his eyes was deeper.

"The UK is really not a good place to come."

Oded, Dumbledore, and now Voldemort.

"Just wait, when you succeed, I will fight you again."

Now, Grindelwald wants to appease the Saints and find a way to bring down the country outside of Britain.

Not all wizards want to occupy a corner, even in a place the size of England.

Dominating the Muggles is a huge temptation, and it is also Grindelwald's unchanging thought.

However, Voldemort's actions will definitely attract the support of more wizards.

A big trouble!

"Let's go!" Grindelwald waved his robe and smiled. During this trip to England, at least he had thrown away the most annoying shackles. Those people in Godric's Hollow were arrogant and arrogant.



Bree stepped into Slytherin's study with Slytherin's locket in hand.

Here is the origin of the word curtain.

Bree thought about the magic trap left by Voldemort in the resurrection stone ring.

That is the power of the veil, heading towards death.

And Tom said that it was from here that he discovered the books recording the curtain.

The curse of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor is probably an experiment carried out by Voldemort after Tom.

There is also "Monsters in the Witcher", this book is from Greengrass Astoria, in which the magic of suppressed blood curse is called curtain magic——

The breath of death comes from the darkness under the veil. The power of darkness is the same as the blood curse, and they are together in one place. The blood curser lacks the power of darkness and can only be swallowed by the darkness brought by the blood curse. Only the darkness in the body surpasses the blood curse , to escape the shackles...

"So, is it you, Lord Slytherin?"

"I have to doubt you. You left Hogwarts to find the Veil."

The portrait of Slytherin wakes up.

He looked at Bree faintly and said, "You haven't been here for a long time."

Seeming to have noticed the difference in Brie's robe, he asked, "What is your identity?"

"Head of Slytherin, Your Excellency," Bree replied.

Slytherin smiled in understanding.

"Your talent has still been discovered by people outside, and no one can stop your growth."

As if he felt that this topic was not what Bree needed, he paused.

"You were talking about the curtain."

"Yes, sir, curtain." Bree looked around.In the gorgeous green study room, he had read almost all the books around it, but there was very little about the curtain, as if someone had taken it away.

"They were taken by one of my descendants, and you can't find them."

It was Voldemort, Bree was sure.

The portrait of Slytherin had an inquiring look in his eyes.

"It seems that you discovered where I went."

Bree could see that the portrait had no connection with Slytherin's true form, and he didn't know much about it.

"Yes, the world within the veil."

The portrait of Slytherin said when he first met Bree that he was no longer in this world. At that time, Bree talked about Slytherin going to another world.

Now it seems that everything is so.

The portrait of Slytherin doesn't know what he did after leaving Hogwarts, but he knows that Bree wants to find out where he really is.

"I am willing to help you, but I have not left here for thousands of years, and I don't know where the curtain is."

Bree wasn't sure who the portrait was for, why it existed, and it didn't say anything about today's events.

He was just here to determine if the Veil had anything to do with Slytherin.

It seems that there are.

Then, he had to go find Voldemort.

Bree left the study and went to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom. Sure enough, there was a special power here.

And this power comes from the veil.

"If the curtain really disappears and is cut off from this world, then the curse will no longer exist." Bree did not take action to solve the curse. He still needed it to verify the existence of the curtain.

As for using this curse to find the veil, no, someone has hidden the location of the veil.

"Nagini." Bree said to the dark corridor.

The next second, I saw Nagini coming out of the corner.

"grown ups."

"Take the Forbidden Forest Contract and look at Hogwarts." Bree handed the Forbidden Forest Contract to Nagini.

Afterwards, Bree took out the notes and opened the world in the notes.

In the world, the tree transformed from Bree's wand is shining brightly.

And as the light poured out, star points flew into the sky from the window, penetrating the barrier of Hogwarts.

Over the dark clouds over Britain, with the infusion of stars, incredible things began.

"Look at Hogwarts, Nagini."

Bree opened the teleportation circle and went to Oude Manor.

In the manor, when Brie appeared, the flower elves, led by Nico, came to Brie.

Ver also crawled onto Bree's shoulder with sparks vomiting from his mouth.

Enid was also there at this time, and she had been preparing for something during this time.

"My lord, we are ready," Enid said.

Enid looked at Bree expectantly, waiting for Bree to speak.

"When natural magic appears in every corner of the world, the Oude order will open a new chapter."

Bree is ambitious, but he is not a stupid fool, nor is he a dictator. All he wants is a stable order that can keep the world going.

"Yes, Enid will do his best to complete your plan." Enid stood up and left immediately.

After Enid left, Nico said: "Are the flower elves going to the Muggle world now?"

The flower elves each held a bag, which contained spellcasting items, as well as "Basics of Natural Magic," which is a must-have item for learning natural magic.

"When a canopy-like, towering natural tree king grows in the natural forest, the flower elves will be summoned. At that time, the flower elves will grant natural magic and spellcasting items to talented Muggles."

"Enid will guide public opinion and let everyone know that natural trees can bring magic to Muggles."

When Nico heard this, he immediately said: "Yes, sir."

Nico immediately went to deliver the order to the flower elves.

At this time, Vale, who was lying on Bree's shoulder, said: "Where's Tom, Bree?"

Logically speaking, Tom should be back at this time, sitting in Oude Manor, arranging the flower elves to produce spellcasting items and handing them over to the Muggles.

There is also the acquisition of materials. Although Oude Manor has a lot stored in it, no one knows how much it will take in the face of the huge number of Muggles.

There are a lot of troubles involved.

"Tom...he'll be back soon."

"Ver, Tom's work will be troublesome for you. I need to find Voldemort."

Fan puffed his cheeks and said, "Okay, okay."

Bree smiled, hiding the emotion in her eyes.

"When this matter is over, I will buy you a big shop, Nico."

After Bree finished speaking, without waiting for Nico's reaction, he lowered Nico from his shoulders and stepped into the teleportation circle.

...At this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds in the UK.

Day and night could not be distinguished, and the howling black wind made people feel dizzy.

Let them find their way.

"Are we leaving England?"

On the TV set that flickered with black and white snowflakes, as the Death Eaters occupied the radio station, waves of commanding tones came out.

——Leaving Britain is the last way out for Muggles.

"No, we can't lose Britain!"

Because of the emergency assistance from the Order of the Phoenix, London and some large counties were on the defensive, but because Voldemort had the upper hand, and they could not use weapons of mass destruction to attack them.

As a result, the Muggle army became more and more embarrassed against Voldemort's power.

If Dumbledore and the Order of the Phoenix hadn't stopped him, the situation would have been even worse.

But even so, wars kept happening.

"Mr. Dumbledore, can we still get in touch with the outside world now?" The British Muggle executives said to Dumbledore respectfully. It was obvious that they wanted to ask for help.

However, the current situation abroad is also very bad, and Dumbledore knows this.

"Because of the existence of the Red Loyalty Curse, even if we send people to deliver the news, the outside world is still unable to confirm the existence of Britain."

"What!" Muggle executives said dejectedly: "Is there no way?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, the Red Loyalty Curse is a powerful curse, unless the secret keeper of this spell can be found."

Seeing that the Muggle executives were a little excited, Dumbledore struck: "This secret keeper is probably Voldemort himself."

The Muggle executives were slumped again.

Dumbledore sighed.

"We will do our best to allow Muggles and wizards to return to normal life, Your Excellency." Dumbledore assured the Muggle executives.

"Of course, of course, we believe you, you are a righteous wizard." The top Muggle officials complimented.

The change in Muggles comes from Dumbledore's position, which is good for Muggles.

In such a panic, Dumbledore may have become the Muggles' hope against Voldemort.

In order to stabilize the people below, the Muggle officials can only lift Dumbledore out, and he is the best candidate.

After Voldemort's radio report ended, Dumbledore appeared in front of the TV soon. As he reassured the people and gave assurances, the people felt more at ease.

But at this time, there was a loud sound in the sky!
"What happened?" The Muggles looked out the window cautiously.

Not Death Eaters.

But the sky cracked?
No, the dark clouds were cut open and the stars were revealed!

"It's a meteor!"

Huge starlight streaked through the thick dark clouds, bright and dazzling.

They can be seen all over the UK, or they appear simultaneously.

However, not only the UK, but the whole world, even if the earth is round, the meteors are like boundless heavy rain, pouring down.

"Buzz!" As the meteor fell.

A natural tree was hit.

The imaginary destruction did not appear, but the meteor was like a real raindrop falling into the water, causing a wave and blending into the natural tree.

"Buzz!" Violent magic fluctuations burst out from this natural tree.

The natural magic continued to spread around, and the natural tree began to grow crazily. In just a few blinks, it covered the surrounding area and became a towering natural tree king.

Then, a faint light emerged.

At the crown of the natural tree king, a teleportation magic is slowly outlined.

A flower elf suddenly appeared and merged into the natural tree king.

The breeze blows, and the breath of nature begins to sway. The natural trees around the natural tree king seem to be responding to the tree king's order, and the natural magic power is released quickly.

The surrounding Muggles have suffered from the long-term influence of natural magic. At this time, under the power of the natural tree king, the shackles in their bodies were broken...

On the streets of London, a British man walked carefully through the streets. He had to go home, and there were people waiting for him at home.

"Muggle, haha." A curse came along with the eerie laughter.

The Muggle's eyes widened.

"Buzz!" An easy-open lid flew up, blocking the spell.

But the magic power attached to the easy-open cover was too weak, and the residual power of the curse still knocked the man away.

"It's a Death Eater. He's attacking Muggles. Hurry!" Someone from the Order of the Phoenix came.

"Hmph, good luck to you."

But something was wrong, the Muggles from just now appeared in the Death Eater's mind, that was the situation of the magic riot.

But that person is already in his 20s!
How could there be a magic riot!

Magical riots are exclusive to young wizards under the age of 11. Wizards who have been exposed to magic education rarely have such a situation.

Judging from the man's magic control, he was obviously a Muggle who knew nothing about magic before!

"What happened?" The Death Eater looked up at the sky. The traces of those meteors had not disappeared, and the thick dark clouds were full of trauma.

Here, next to the rescued Muggle, Dumbledore suddenly appeared.

Because of the meteor, a flaw appeared in the Red Loyalty Curse, and before the flaw was healed by Voldemort, the British islands could be seen by the outside world.

Officials are now contacting the outside world.

And he was also petitioned by the official, hoping that he could involve the Death Eater organization until the official received help from the outside world.

"An unexpected thing finally happened." Dumbledore looked at the man in front of him with bright eyes.

His hand touched the man's heart, where there was a faint trace of magic.

"You, what are you going to do?" The man looked at Dumbledore with a strange and scared expression.

Dumbledore smiled awkwardly.

"Congratulations, you have magic."

"Magic!" the man yelled.

The surrounding Order members were also shocked.

Muggles have magic, are you kidding me?
Dumbledore was not joking. As a great wizard, he was well aware of the changes that had occurred in the man.

"It is guiding you." Dumbledore nodded the man's heart.

Only then did the man feel a vague call.

It's the power coming out of London's parks.

"If you follow it, you can learn magic." Dumbledore reminded the dazed man.

Magic... There are very few people who know about the existence of wizards who don't wish that they also have such powerful power.

Now, he gets this opportunity!
The man ran quickly to the calling place.

The smile on Dumbledore's face did not fade away.

"Natural magic."

Dumbledore understood that the future world would be dominated by natural magic, and wizards' magic would become a niche power.

"Let's go."

After hearing Dumbledore's words, someone asked questions.

Dumbledore smiled, his eyes twinkling.

"He allowed wizards to learn natural magic. Now, he wants Muggles to learn it too. In a world where anyone can learn magic, there will no longer be wizards, but only magicians."

Dumbledore has already seen that in the future, wizards will exist as a talented part of magicians, and this part of existence is easily allowed by Muggles, because wizards will also be born among Muggles.

This not only ensures the status of wizards, but also makes Muggles accept and even pursue wizards.

"This is the path you choose, which makes this unfair world a little bit fair."

Whether wizards can use magic or not is the biggest difference between wizards and Muggles, but now, Bree has broken this unsolvable situation.

(End of this chapter)

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