Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 324 Time Journey

Chapter 324 Time Journey
Halloween is coming——

The weather was getting cold, and Bree put on the scarf Hufflepuff knitted for him, which was very warm.

Walking on the road from the hut to Hogwarts Castle, you won't feel cold even if you don't cast a warming spell.

At this time, Professor Sprout happened to meet Bree holding a pot of flame flowers.

It seems that Professor Sprout is going to the cabin as well.

"You discovered it, my dear." Professor Sprout smiled gently.

"Your Majesty Hufflepuff used to be my extracurricular teacher, and besides teaching at Hogwarts, I also helped her look after Hogwarts."

"Of course, I didn't know about your relationship with Mr. Hufflepuff at first. It wasn't until the year before last that Ms. Hufflepuff came back from the outside and she was ready to explore the Forbidden Forest..."

Sprout said briefly.

"See you later, Bree. I have to send fire flowers to Lord Hufflepuff, otherwise those precious plants will not be able to withstand the coming cold."

"See you later, Professor Sprout."

Crossing the stone bridge, Bree returned to Hogwarts Castle and walked up the corridor.

Now Bri has two offices, in the principal's office during the day and in the corner building at night.

Of course, the important things in the principal's office will be moved to the corner building after a while.

"Harry, what are you doing with these things?"

As soon as he reached the door of the principal's office, he heard Ron's loud voice coming from the corridor on the other side.

"Shh, Ron, keep your voice down, I'm doing an experiment."

"Oh, it's a time turner, the same as Hermione's original one... But why is it empty?"

Upon hearing the time turner, Bree stopped and walked in the direction of Harry and the others.

Room of Requirement?
Harry and Ron opened the Room of Requirement, and Bree noticed a strange power at this time.

What are these two guys going to do?

As the principal, Bree has the obligation to see what the students who go out at night are doing.

In an instant, Bree transformed into a little snake and slipped into the house.

"We came here in the wrong place, this is the library, not the laboratory!"

In the blue-toned study, Harry and Ron looked at each other in bewilderment. They also held many alchemy items in their hands.

Even the precious sands of time were found by them.

"Let's go out quickly."

"Bang bang bang!"

"The door can't be opened, what's going on?" Ron kicked the door twice, but there was no change.

"Ron, come on, there is a huge time turner here!" Harry made a surprised voice.

"What?" Ron trotted over in confusion.

In the middle of the library, a huge time turner phantom was suspended in mid-air, and beneath the phantom was a huge coffin.

"Ah, Harry, don't you see what's down there!" Ron was shocked and wanted to pull Harry away.

But Harry's eyes were covered with a dark light, regardless of it.


Harry stepped forward as if he was charmed and pushed open the coffin easily.

"Ah!" Ron was so frightened that he backed away in panic.

"Man, there's someone inside!"

Harry paid no attention to the woman in the coffin, his eyes were fixed on the crown on her head.


Bree's figure appeared beside Harry. He pulled away from Harry, but saw the look in Harry's eyes.


Yes, there is Voldemort's remnant soul on Harry's scar. After Voldemort's death, it is likely that he will be resurrected with it.

Now, Voldemort wants the remaining soul of the diadem.

"We met again, I'm so surprised, I thought I was indeed dead." A hoarse voice came out of Harry's mouth.

"You will die soon, Voldemort." Bree decided to deal with the remnants in Harry's head with his own hands.

Voldemort sounded regretful.

"I thought you'd let me go."

No, Bree is not going to use Harry to fulfill Voldemort, they are not that far.

"I am the Headmaster of Hogwarts, and I have the obligation to protect the students who are still studying."

Bree reached out and touched Harry's scar.

But at this moment, the woman in the coffin opened her eyes.

"Ah!" A fierce scream came from the woman's mouth.

Bree recognized that this was the voice of Mrs. Grey, Helena.

But the sound stopped abruptly.

It was like a different person, she was Ravenclaw, and she was looking at Bree indifferently.

"There is an upper limit to the knowledge in this world."

A sense of sadness radiated out with the woman's words, and this sadness made everyone around them stunned.

Immediately afterwards, a strong magic circle appeared on the ground.

The shadow of the time turner suspended in mid-air rotated rapidly.

"Please let me reverse time and change the inevitable outcome of this world..."

There was a firm, reckless tone in Ravenclaw's tone.

Moreover, the power of reversal in the world enveloped both Harry and Bree.



A violent force erupted from the coffin, and a large amount of time locked the surrounding space.

The whole Hogwarts began to shake.

The Hogwarts Castle back then was designed by Ravenclaw. She left behind a large number of magic circles to absorb the surrounding magic and store it for the operation of the castle.

Later, she modified a part to make the storage more powerful.

Now, the power that has been stored for thousands of years is flowing into this room to complete her plan that has been planned for thousands of years.

"Bang!" The door was opened.

Dumbledore was the first to arrive.

He quickly grabbed Harry's hand, who was standing outside, with the intention of pulling him out.

"Buzz!" Bree forcefully broke the restraint and pushed Harry out.

Then prepare to leave.


A gust of wind came out, and inside the Ravenclaw tower, the walls kept opening, revealing a huge Ravenclaw statue, which was facing the room.

From the coffin, you can see the eyes of the Ravenclaw statue from the window.

The eyes of the Ravenclaw statue are like bright lights.

It was so dazzling that Bree's vision blurred for a while.

In the coffin, a huge space-time vortex appeared, sucking Ravenclaw, Bree and Dumbledore into it.

"Brie!" Professor McGonagall shouted as she arrived.

Professor Flitwick soon learned about this magic, and he shouted: "Use mark magic quickly!"

"The mark appears!" Professor Flitwick's magic hit Bree before she disappeared.

On the other side, Professor McGonagall followed, and a spell hit Dumbledore.

clap clap clap!
With a crackling sound of space-time collision, only an empty coffin was left in the library, while Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick were unable to move, trying their best to maintain the marking magic.

"What happened!" Snape had just stepped into the house when he saw Ron hiding aside, supporting Harry who had fainted.

And Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick are keeping their magic immobile.

"It was Ravenclaw. Her magic took Dumbledore and Odd away." Flitwick explained.

He just felt the power of time and the time turner above his head, so he immediately asked Professor McGonagall to indicate the marking magic to avoid being unable to find the whereabouts of Bree and Dumbledore.

"Professor Snape, block this news." Professor McGonagall said to Snape very seriously.

Hogwarts cannot lose Bree now, let alone let the outside world hear the sound of Bree disappearing.

"Royna, why are you doing this..."

"Hufflepuff!" Professor Flitwick exclaimed when he saw the woman who suddenly appeared.

Meg also stared.

Professor Sprout stepped out from behind Hufflepuff.

"I will explain this to everyone. Now we need to find Bree and the others first."

Professor Sprout looked at Hufflepuff.

Hufflepuff shook her head.

"I haven't done much research on time. Ravenclaw is the expert in this field. We can only wait now." After saying that, Hufflepuff said to Professor Flitwick with admiration: "You react very quickly. , there is a marking spell, if Bree and the others have not come back within a certain period of time, then I can use this spell to go to time and space to find them."

Of course, this is dangerous, everyone knows it.

Even a powerful wizard who travels through time may be wiped out by the power of time, so this cannot be done unless it is a last resort.

"Your Majesty Hufflepuff." Professor McGonagall said.

"Can you run Hogwarts temporarily? Neither Professor Flitwick nor I can leave here."

Now, Hogwarts needs a wizard with a voice to run it.

Hufflepuff shook her head at this.

"I need to find Gryffindor and Slytherin. I must inform them of what Ravenclaw has done now." Moreover, she also needs to tell them the secrets of the world she discovered in the ancient elf tree. , and then clarify their ideas.

"Then..." Professor McGonagall had no choice but to let Snape take over.

Looking at Snape who was checking Harry's body, McGonagall sighed slightly.

This situation may have something to do with these two children. I don’t know how they can cause trouble.


dong dong dong...

A drumbeat beat in Bree's ears, full of rhythm and rhythm.

Bree didn't open his eyes. He felt like a fallen leaf drifting with the current, constantly swaying in the stream, falling, and hitting rocks.

Until someone picked him up.

"Are you awake?" A cold voice sounded in Bri's ear.

It was a Ravenclaw voice, but less mad.

Bree opened her eyes.

I saw Ravenclaw looking at Bree with an indifferent expression.

Bree also looked back indifferently.

This is not Ravenclaw, or rather the Ravenclaw who was in the coffin just now.

"I didn't expect to meet the traveler of time." Ravenclaw looked at Bree, looking at her with a little surprise in his eyes.

Ravenclaw didn't expect anyone to be able to reverse time like her.

"When are you from?"

Ravenclaw asked, looking at Bree's clothes.

"Thousands of years after the founding of Hogwarts."

Hearing Bree's words, Ravenclaw's eyes flickered, with a hint of innocent surprise, but it was hidden deeply. She said inexplicably: "It seems I have another chance."

Bree got up from the ground. This seemed to be near Hogwarts Castle.

"Now is the time when Hogwarts has not yet been built. The other three and I are doing our best to build this school."

Ravenclaw looked into the distance, she seemed to know the time very well.

"Come with me. I can block the rejection of time and avoid being discovered by them in this world."

They refer to the current Big Four.

"Your purpose is to change the future, right, this inevitable destruction." Bree followed Ravenclaw and watched Ravenclaw cast the magic of time shielding so that no one at this time could detect them.

But after Bree uttered this sentence, Ravenclaw froze in a daze.

She said: "It seems you know something. What happened a thousand years later, and who are you?"

The current Ravenclaw should be the Ravenclaw who is preparing to use time to rewrite history because the four giants have conflicts after knowing the truth about the world.

And she will be injured during the time journey, to the point of death.

"You should watch what happens a thousand years later for yourself. As for me, I am the new principal of Hogwarts a thousand years later."


Looking at Bree's young appearance, Ravenclaw nodded.

"I can see that you are very strong. I hope you can protect Hogwarts well."

Hogwarts was Ravenclaw's brainchild, so she naturally wanted someone strong to look after it.

"I will find a way to send you back safely, but only after I finish my own business."


Time did turn back, but not enough.

"What time period are you going to go?"

Ravenclaw glanced at Bree and said without hesitation: "There is still time for God to exist."

Brie Moran, the time when God still existed was already very ancient, and it would be difficult to go back to that time.

"But there is still a chance this time. Hufflepuff once got God's last look back in the Forbidden Forest. As long as she catches this look back, she can find the coordinates of God and go to the time when God existed."

Ravenclaw said firmly, she was sure of this.

The only problem is that look back.

So now Ravenclaw is going to find Hufflepuff and follow her.

"Let's go."

Ravenclaw heads to the Forbidden Forest...


"You have no right to stop me from going anywhere, Lord Gryffindor!"

Durmstrang School, Grindelwald, who noticed that Dumbledore had a problem, was about to go to Hogwarts, but was stopped by Gryffindor who came from Godric's Hollow.

"You are my child, do you want to leave your father?"


"I am Gellert Grindelwald, not Gryffindor."

Grindelwald looked at Gryffindor coldly.

"Everything is over. It is impossible for me to start another war. The wizard secrecy law is over."

Gryffindor looked at Grindelwald solemnly.

"Yes, everything is over. I don't need you to start a war. I just want to tell you something!"

With a wave of Gryffindor's hand, the surrounding environment changed.

Here is the bottom of the lake, and it is dark.

But the large waves formed waves on the bottom of the water, and finally made countless hot foam on the edges.

"Ang!" A dragon roar soared into the sky.

"Impossible, human, this is my territory!" Huge scales were densely arranged on the mountain. Looking from a distance, it turned out to be a huge black dragon entrenched in the black lake.

When it moved slightly, the black lake stirred up waves.

At this time, a strong man was holding a sword, pointing directly at the black dragon.

"We need a place to build a tower for wizards!"

"Survival of the fittest, Black Dragon, let's see which one is sharper, my sword or your claws!"

Gryffindor rushed towards the black dragon full of fighting spirit.

The black dragon was full of anger. It was disturbed while sleeping, and its strength had not yet been restored.

"You filthy guys, abandoned by God, ignorant and fearless!"

The black dragon roared at the bottom of the lake.

Gryffindor heard the black dragon's words and didn't hesitate.


"A wizard believes in himself, what is a god!"

(End of this chapter)

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