Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 337 Let the World Destroy

Chapter 337 Let the World Destroy

Brie's little world is built with the backbone of an ancient tree that reaches up to the sky and touches the ground.

The ancient tree is surrounded by a world barrier, and every branch and root system of the ancient tree supports the ground, using it as a living environment...

Bree frowned slightly as she looked at little Barty's soul in the small world.

Instead of waking up Barty and asking him where he came from, Bree led Barty's soul to the small world, a continent in the middle.

This continent is the widest of all the continents in the small world.

The landforms and architecture of the human world are almost replicated here.

Only some special places were moved to other floors.

Just like Bree placed Hogwarts on the upper level of this continent, where magic is learned.

The next floor is where Bree lives, which is the Ode family, but this floor is secret and not known to the outside world.

The broadest continent is also the place most seriously infected by the death energy. The death energy is rampant and covers everything here.

When little Barty's soul came to this continent, it fell into the ground. Soon, a bud grew out of the soil.

As the buds grow, bits of natural magic power begins to fight against the surrounding death energy, constantly eliminating the presence of death energy.

There are many such situations, just like Snape was placed in this place by Bree before.

And with time, more and more souls entered the small world, and they also turned into seeds, taking root and sprouting in this world.

"You can come back when everything is stable."

Bree looked away, it was too early to say success now.

It is a turning point that the small world can counteract the death energy through vitality, but it is not certain whether the small world can resist the world behind the crack.

Looking at the notebook itself, Bree frowned slightly.

"Relying only on the material of the notebook itself, I am afraid it cannot support the coexistence of so many souls."

Bree had a crazy idea in his head that made him hesitate.


In the silence, Bree smiled.

"I guess I'm more of a gambler than you are."

Most of the existing human beings are scolding the despicability of the three giants, saying that they want to destroy the world for themselves. With their righteous voices, they even use Bree, who is "on their side", as an excuse.

Feel free to compare.

People promoted Bree as a savior because they were afraid that Bree would abandon them too.

But people don't know that Bree cannot be like Dumbledore and sacrifice himself to help the world.

"But I am still willing to destroy this world and take a chance."

Bree held her forehead and chuckled.

"I have found a way out of this world... haven't I? Although it may not be successful, and if it fails, it will be destroyed immediately."


Outside Hogwarts Castle, the summer breeze is blowing. If students are still in class, they are probably already in a hurry to take exams.

By the stone bridge outside the castle, Bree and Professor McGonagall were quietly looking across the Black Lake. The sparkling lake in the sun was beautiful and peaceful.

"What do you think if we give students leaving school an open-book exam paper?"

Bree's gaze remained unchanged, and he looked into the distance amiably.

Professor McGonagall took a rare break and seemed to be thinking after listening to Bree's words.

Bree chuckled.

"Forget it, it's better not to worry about the children. This world may not exist anymore, so what are you still studying?"

As Ravenclaw said, there is an upper limit to the wisdom of this world, and the upper limit of time. At this time, people will collapse, and learning has become impossible.

Professor McGonagall pursed her lips and sighed softly: "Are you even becoming pessimistic?"

Bree's eyes moved slightly and she said coldly: "How many students are there at Hogwarts, Professor McGonagall?"

Bree suddenly changed the subject, leaving McGonagall helpless.

"A number that no one wants to hear is very few...except for the children who lost their parents in the war, there are only the children of those who are still fighting on the front lines."

"However, some elderly wizards have recently entered Hogsmeade. Are we sure we won't let these adult wizards in?"

Bree nodded slightly.

"Let them in, and I hope Mr. Filch can arrange them."

Professor McGonagall smiled slightly when she heard Bree's words.

"I'm glad you're accepting everyone's support, we don't know how to help you."

"Everyone knows that it is very difficult for you to be in this position. I am afraid that you are anxious all the time."

Mag showed his true feelings, with a worried look on his face.

Bri said nothing, he lowered his head and said, "This is what I should do."

Professor McGonagall patted Bree on the shoulder, shook her head and left. She had to implement what she just said.

Seeing Professor McGonagall leave, Bree exhaled. He was not anxious.

He is waiting, waiting for the three giants to break the world into pieces, even if everyone in the world is dead, it doesn't matter.

He is waiting, waiting for the small world to envelope this world...

"Soon, in these few days."

Brie said softly, not knowing whether he was saying that the Big Three were about to attack or that the small world was about to envelop the entire world.


UK borders -

Sometimes transparent, with only one head exposed, a half-giant kneels in front of Voldemort.

The half-giant held up the wand in his hand.

Voldemort picked up his wand as if at a coronation ceremony.

He carefully looked at the wand in his hand, and whispered as if to a lover: "The Elder Wand, the Elder, and the Thestral's tail feathers are full of powerful power that transcends death."

A flicker of magic flickered at the tip of the Elder Wand.

Voldemort waved.

"Boom!" Xiaopo in the distance blasted a big hole.

"It really makes people obsessed, and now, it's mine."


Voldemort felt the double blessing of the invisibility cloak and the Elder Wand, and became more and more confident in his own power.

And he also felt that the Elder Wand and the Invisibility Cloak were getting stronger over time, which was good news for him.

"There is one more thing left, the Resurrection Stone Ring. That one belongs to the Gaunt family's collection!"

There were some more memories in his mind. In the past, Brie had obtained the Resurrection Stone Ring under his leadership.

"This time, I will take it back with my own hands."


"Grawp, let's go to Hogwarts!"



"Hufflepuff, you can't stop it anymore."

Behind Ravenclaw stood towering monsters, their bodies full of entangled souls.

Waves of mixed roars came from the monster's body.

The people standing behind Hufflepuff faced the monster with solemn eyes.

They are the most stable state, and only they can suppress the appearance of monsters.

But as a large number of people from other states came from far away, things took a turn.

As people from other states came to Asia, the monsters that wreaked havoc in other states also came, which made Asia, which was originally maintaining balance, miserable.

Hufflepuff looked at Ravenclaw's posture and sighed: "We are all born in this world and grow up in this world. Do you have to do this, Ravenclaw?"

Ravenclaw looked at the people behind Hufflepuff as if they were looking at ants. Only towards Hufflepuff did she feel unsteady.

"I dare not belittle your kindness, but I should be kinder to myself. I cannot make a meaningless sacrifice and die anyway. My kindness has been exhausted by the future of this world."

Ravenclaw waved his hand.

The monster behind her started to move.

The thundering footsteps seemed to hit everyone's hearts.

And looking around, the dense army of monsters filled everyone's hearts with deathly silence.

"Come back, Hufflepuff, and leave this world with us!" Ravenclaw's last advice was, but Hufflepuff remained motionless, facing the incoming monsters with an expression of sacrificing his life for justice.

"Fight for the tiny vitality of this world, children who grow up in this world!"


The battle begins.

Humanity is losing ground.

At the same time, Gryffindor in the Americas also eliminated the humans on the American continent, which was full of huge monsters and the souls screamed here.

Looking from a distance, the sky is already filled with the air of death.

"it's time."

Gryffindor rose into the sky and flew to the European continent on his broomstick...

As Gryffindor set off, the monsters on the American continent seemed to have received instructions and stepped into the sea one after another, approaching into the distance.



Bree stood on the platform outside the turret.

Nowadays, Hogwarts is crowded with wizards. They are either former graduates or wizards from abroad. Of course, there are also many foreign troops, but the troops are all in Hogsmeade Village, guarding Hogwarts at all times. Gwartz.

Most of those who stayed away from the UK were ordinary people, while some wizards with strength and still will came to the UK.

Defending this world is the voice of everyone.

Looking at the surging heads below, Bree narrowed her eyes as she felt that the small world was about to envelop the entire world.

Success or failure is here.

In this world, more than half of humanity has died.

A large number of souls formed monsters and continued to kill humans.

And those inhuman creatures also began to be slaughtered. It seemed that the three giants wanted to kill all the creatures in the world that could produce souls to support their departure.

"You seem to be waiting, are you waiting for me?" A voice sounded next to Bri's ear.

Bree looked sideways slightly, Voldemort had already walked to his side.

Bree looked at the invisibility cloak with some blood stains and the Elder Wand in Voldemort's hand, and there was no fluctuation in her heart.

He had already guessed it, after all, Voldemort had seen Dumbledore's demeanor when he held the Deathly Hallows against him and Grindelwald.

"I think you should return the things to their original owners," Voldemort said.

Bree chuckled and threw a ring.

Voldemort took it in surprise.

When he felt the ring, he immediately frowned.

"Why is its power disappearing?"

"Is this fake?"

Of course it's not fake.

Bridao: "This is the ring you brought me to get."

Bree gave the ring that was being fused to Voldemort. Anyway, it would not be long before it was absorbed by another one.

"You're kidding me!" Voldemort squeezed the ring and shouted sternly.

"You may think so, Voldemort."

Voldemort sneered.

"The Deathly Hallows is very important to you, otherwise why would you search for it across time?"

"Haha, do you think you are the savior? I have two Deathly Hallows in my hands. I have the initiative. I will leave this world with the Big Three."

"If you hand over the ring, you may not be able to leave together."

After saying that, Voldemort looked at Bree who was unmoved and frowned.

"You don't need to test me, I know what you are thinking."

Did Voldemort not need the Deathly Hallows? He only needed to go to Slytherin to get a place to leave this world, but he still took the Deathly Hallows.

The reason is to wait for Brie's turn.

He knew Bree very well, and he did not believe that Bree was a person like Dumbledore. Bree did not behave like a compassionate and holy mother in his own affairs.

Brie must have a back-up so that he sticks to his bottom line.

That's why he, Voldemort, wanted to gamble.

"Haha, I'm looking forward to it." Voldemort secretly retreated and covered his figure with an invisibility cloak.

Bree's eyes moved slightly, and he said softly, "These two things will bring you disaster, Voldemort."

Unfortunately, Voldemort did not answer Bree again.

In this regard, Brie said no more.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The mural of the big tree was rang, and soon a person walked in from the outside.

It's Professor Sprout.

"Didn't you go to Asia to help Lord Hufflepuff?" Bree stepped forward.

Professor Sprout shook his head and said: "We lost. A large population in South Asia suddenly erupted into a large number of monsters. They had no power to resist and fell quickly."

"A large number of monsters have swept across the world, and now only the big countries in East Asia are left to support them, but Hufflepuff has retreated to Britain."

Professor Sprout looked at Bree solemnly, his eyes full of exhaustion.

"After Ravenclaw wiped out the Sakura Kingdom, she did not continue to fight against the powerful eastern power. She brought an army of monsters to England..."

Bree's expression moved slightly, and he felt that the Deathly Hallows he brought from the past disappeared and completely integrated into this world.

"Let's have a meeting then, I think we're about to face a tough fight."

The Deathly Hallows were ripe, and the souls might be enough for the Big Three, so they began to approach Hogwarts.

However, death will continue.

Bree suppressed the small world to absorb the soul before, so as not to be discovered by the Big Three.

But when the Big Three came to attack, no one looked anywhere else.

Bree's thoughts moved slightly.

In an instant, a message spread to the world along the small world barrier laid by the cloth.

The weak monsters that were still left in various parts of the world and had not kept up with the large army suddenly stopped.

They were suddenly disconnected by the killing control set by Slytherin and controlled by Bree's thoughts.

Kill and let the creatures of this world perish.

Destroy, use the power of the soul to penetrate the earth, sky, mountains and lakes... to collapse the world.

Bree gave the order, and at the same time, the other professors who had rushed back and some arranged leading wizards also gathered in the corner tower.

A battle of defense and counterattack is about to begin.

And throughout the world, the surviving humans had not yet celebrated their luck, but found that the monsters that should have left began to wreak havoc again... Without the help of wizards, the speed of collapse left them unable to raise any hope.

(End of this chapter)

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