Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 339 He's Dead

Chapter 339 He's Dead

"Albus!" Grindelwald suddenly rushed out and rushed towards Dumbledore...

"Stop it, Ravenclaw!" Hufflepuff didn't even use a wand and cast powerful magic against Ravenclaw.

Ravenclaw knew that a fight was necessary.

As the war intensified, the wizards and white wizards in Hogwarts also gradually suffered casualties. The dead turned into souls and were sucked by the monsters in the Forbidden Forest...

Slytherin looked at Gryffindor who was beaten by Bree and sneered, but the vigilance in his eyes became even higher.

"Maybe if you live for a thousand years, it will be difficult for the four of us to win against you."

With that said, Slytherin also joined the battle, fighting against Bree with Gryffindor.

Fierce battles are not something a platform like Hogwarts can withstand.

Unknowingly, Bree fought with Slytherin and Gryffindor on the Black Lake.

The Black Lake has lost its former tranquility, and the rough waves are rolling up and hitting the shore like hands.

Slytherin and Gryffindor were suppressed by their power, and their flaws were gradually revealed.

But Brie didn't bother to seize these opportunities to fight off the two men, but just kept busy.

"Why is this kid's magic so strong?" Gryffindor touched the corner of his mouth that was accidentally hit and said with bared teeth: "What's the use of him standing up at this time?"

After hearing this, Slytherin distanced himself from Bree and stood on the rippling black lake, confronting Bree.

Gryffindor hurriedly ran to the shore and waved his sword. He wanted to get the dragon out, otherwise he was worried that he would not be able to defeat Bree.

Bree didn't stop him, just looked at Slytherin quietly, and then glanced towards Hogwarts Castle.

Different magics exploded at Hogwarts.

Very tragic.

Bree felt that Dumbledore's vitality had been drained a lot, and Grindelwald was using his own vitality to save Dumbledore.

"What are you thinking about? Victory, can you really win?" Slytherin's whispering voice drew Bree's attention back.

Looking at Gryffindor who was wielding his sword and cutting the vines, Bree said: "I am thinking about the future of this world."

"There is no future for this world." Slytherin felt his slightly trembling arms and said with admiration: "You are stronger than any of us. It's a pity that you can't win."

"How many people can you save?"

"No matter how strong a person is, it is impossible to save a world. On the contrary, because of this strength, you will be very miserable."

"Unless you are willing to be like us and swing your sword at the weak in despair to create a life for yourself."

"I know you can, Bree Old."


Outside the castle, the voices of Dumbledore and Grindelwald have become transparent, and they understand that they are about to die.

"You idiot, what can you get from being a savior all your life?" Grindelwald hugged the weak Dumbledore and transferred magic power to him.

Dumbledore smiled and shook his head, he said in a trance: "I saw wool socks with a rose embroidered on them."

"Is it red?" Grindelwald asked softly.

Unfortunately, Dumbledore couldn't answer.

And Grindelwald also leaned against Dumbledore's chest.

Mrs. Gray on the side was holding the Pen of Acceptance and the Book of Admission tightly, smiling miserably.

"Mother, my mission is over." She shed a tear and slowly fell down.

But Ravenclaw was in a stalemate with Hufflepuff, so Ravenclaw couldn't be distracted.

"Boom!" Hogwarts began to collapse, and huge blocks fell.

Professor McGonagall cried in tears: "Stay away from the castle!"

As the castle was shattered, a magical force emerged from the ruins.

这 是
Hogwarts has stored power for thousands of years...

"Ravenclaw!" Hufflepuff cursed bitterly: "You have completely abandoned your original self!"

Ravenclaw looked unmoved.

"Ugh!" Hufflepuff felt a pain in his heart and suddenly fell to the ground.

Voldemort, who was wearing an invisibility cloak, slowly appeared. He looked at the collapsed Hogwarts Castle, with imperceptible unbearableness flashing in his eyes, but more of a madness.

"I think I made the right choice."

Oded lost.

Voldemort decided to favor the Big Three and leave this world. He, Voldemort, could not coexist with a world that was about to perish.

With this thought, Voldemort raised the Elder Wand in his hand and flew a death curse towards the injured Hufflepuff.

The death curse just now did not kill Hufflepuff, but what about the second one?

"Boom!" A magic spell blocked the life-killing curse.

It's Tom.

The volleying Ravenclaw ignored it.

She would not kill Hufflepuff, but if Hufflepuff died at the hands of Voldemort, then this would be Hufflepuff's own fate.

Tom stumbled back after blocking the spell.

But Hufflepuff was still behind him.

"It's you." Voldemort chuckled, raising the Elder Wand again.

"Should I call you Tom Riddle or Tom Old."


Voldemort swung his wand at Tom.

Tom tried his best to resist, but with two Deathly Hallows in his possession, Voldemort's power was no longer something Tom could handle.

Tom was knocked out.

Before he was defeated, Voldemort took Tom into his hands with a summoning spell and pinched Tom's neck.

"You... what do you want to do!"

"Of course you want my soul!" Voldemort roared, opening his pale mouth.

"Hiss!" Nagini suddenly appeared, transformed into a snake and rushed towards Voldemort.

"Ah, idiot!" Nagini bit Voldemort's wrist, forcing Voldemort to throw away Tom and Nagini.

Feeling the venom seeping into his body, Voldemort immediately suppressed it. In an instant, he looked coldly at Nagini who had returned to human form and was supporting Tom.

"Very well, Nagini, you are on my kill list."

A curse hit Nagini, and Nagini fell to the ground instantly under the green magic power. Then, Voldemort smashed Nagini's body to pieces.

"Can't you break the death curse? So now!"

"Hahaha!" Voldemort pointed his wand at Tom.

Hufflepuff regained his composure and tried to strike, but Ravenclaw stared at her.

"This is the fate between them." Ravenclaw said.

"Avada Kedavra!" An emerald green, dazzling curse hit Voldemort like a meteorite. Voldemort flew out and hit the remaining wall of the castle.

", you used the Death Curse..." Voldemort's breath was weak, and his body began to collapse. An ugly black mist floated out of his body, roaring, and rushed towards Tom crazily.

Ravenclaw frowned and took the Elder Wand and Invisibility Cloak.

Hufflepuff tried to stop him, but she was too injured to stop Ravenclaw.

Harry and Ron, who were being guarded at the back, saw this and wanted to step forward, but were stopped by Ravenclaw's eyes and unable to move.

The Elder Wand and the Invisibility Cloak came into her hands.

Ravenclaw paid no attention to Voldemort's death.

She set her sights on the Black Lake.

At this time, Bree, who had the upper hand in the battle, was trapped by a spell from Slytherin, and Gryffindor over there also rescued the dragon. Gryffindor rode the dragon and swooped toward Bree. .

"You're being stupid." Although Bree's magic that saved Tom just now gave Slytherin an opportunity, he still mocked.

Gryffindor didn't care so much, he wanted to seize the opportunity to knock Bree down.

Bree lay on the lake, mobilized her magic power, and continued to resist the attacks of Slytherin and Ravenclaw.

Gryffindor said: "Stop struggling, kid, be good, we won't kill you."

"Quick, give those things to me, I'll knock you out, everything will be over when you wake up."


a long time.

Neither Gryffindor nor Slytherin's attacks could break Bree's magic, which made them a little embarrassed.

Slytherin said nothing with a cold face.

And Gryffindor is not like Slytherin who wants some face.

He shouted: "Ravenclaw, hurry up, catch him together!"

Ravenclaw heard this and glanced at it. At this time, the white wizard had already begun to suppress the wizards of Hogwarts.

And Hufflepuff was injured.

Immediately, she cast a spell to fly the injured Hufflepuff away, and was about to fly to the Black Lake.

Bree, who was in the black lake, frowned slightly, and he began to shrink his magic power and work it under the black lake.

"Hi, old woman!" Draco climbed up to the ruined Hogwarts Castle and held up a ring.

"I have the Resurrection Stone Ring, come and get it!"

Draco's words caught the Ravenclaw's attention, but not much since she could come and get the ring at any time.

Catching Bree is the first priority now.

"If you don't want it, I'll throw it in the toilet!"

Ravenclaw paused and waved his hand to take Draco in front of him.


It's just an imitation with a hint of the Resurrection Stone.

The Ravenclaw glanced at Draco's face indifferently.

Draco was extremely frightened and his forehead was covered with sweat, but he still cursed forcefully: "You old woman, you were deceived by me..."

"Draco!" Narcissa and Lucius shouted in fear.

Draco was getting more and more energetic, but thinking of Bree being shackled, he immediately shouted: "Bree, run!"

Ravenclaw waved.

Throw Draco out.

Lucius and Narcissa hurried to catch Draco who was thrown down.

And Ravenclaw arrived on the Black Lake in the blink of an eye.

It was also at this time that the air flow around Bree surged, and a burst of magic broke through Slytherin's imprisonment.

Slytherin snorted.

A black mist erupted from Bree.

Slytherin's locket fell out of Bree's body, and it was this thing that hurt Bree.

"Bree!" came the worried shouts from the professors at Hogwarts.

Bree turned over and threw the pendant out, and a huge snake eye appeared from the pendant at this moment.

A small snake jumped out of the locket, flew quickly into Bree's arms, and came out with a ring in its mouth.

Bree fell into the black lake...

Gryffindor laughed and said, "I thought you wanted to save some face."

Slytherin said coldly: "If you can accomplish great things at a small price, why not."

"Besides, if we don't hurry up, that kid will be able to fight again."

Slytherin glanced at Ravenclaw.

"If you don't do this, how can you break this barrier?" Ravenclaw looked at the black lake that had revealed its flaws. She did not deny Slytherin's doubts about her, and raised her hand.

A point in the black lake is constantly stirring, sending water gushing out in all directions.

As if being stirred by something vigorously, a whirlpool formed in the black lake.

Gryffindor turned his head and said to the dragon: "Let them stop!"

The dragon soared and fell into the ruins of Hogwarts, dividing the battlefield.

"Isn't Oded dead..." Ron's voice sounded in the ruins.

Like a tragic song, almost everyone became decadent...

Soon, everyone was caught by the white wizard and brought to the black lake.

The Black Lake also broke open at this time.

Gryffindor raised his sword and swung it, a huge opening was cut open, revealing the abyss under the Black Lake.

Slytherin took the locket and hid in the curtain. He wanted to start contacting the crack under the black lake and let it merge into the huge crack in the sky, so that it could be complete.


Buri, who fell into the black lake, still had a hint of red at the corner of his mouth. His silver-white hair began to dry up, and his body continued to disappear.

He looked at the note, which was trembling slightly, as if he was worried about Bree.

"Next, don't let me down."

Bree closed her eyes and dropped to the ground in front of her notes.

A magic circle lit up on the ground.

Soon, Brie's entire body collapsed and turned into countless natural magic powers.


Bree sacrificed his body to activate the spiritual magic circle he had secretly arranged.

Brie's spirit gradually appeared, fell into the notes, and became silent...

And the huge magic power that Brie sacrificed flew towards the barrier of the small world, began to control this small world, and issued the final instructions...

— Destroy the world.

"Buzz." Ravenclaw and Gryffindor came to the bottom of the Black Lake, looking at the notes on the cracks and the activated spiritualization circle in front.

Gryffindor was surprised: "What about the boy? That little damage can't kill him, but why do I feel... that he disappeared?"

Ravenclaw took down the note and smiled for the first time, although it was very faint, it was still a smile.

"He left a trail for himself, a smart kid."

Holding the note, Ravenclaw said: "The divinity is in the note, and the spiritual formation is also activated by him. Then, let's start leaving this world."

Gryffindor also came to his senses, and he said amusedly: "He is worried that we will kill his spirit body, so he is bound to the divinity in this note?"

"We would have taken him, not just him, but all the wizards at Hogwarts."


By the black lake, Tom fell to the ground, struggling, while Voldemort was fighting for his body.

"Stupid guy, you are willing to have such a powerful slave contract!" Voldemort's voice sounded in Tom's ear.

Tom smiled and said: "Then you are still fighting for this body from me. You are not even qualified to be his slave!"

Tom held his wand steady and pointed it at himself.

He made the decision after feeling that the contract was weakening and almost disappearing.

"His presence is my eternal life. This is what you desire, and I have it."

"If he is not here, then it is useless for me to seek eternal life..."

"You crazy person! No!"

"Avada Kedavra……"


Tom fell down slowly, lost support together with Voldemort's soul, and turned into a sky full of spiritual consciousness, which was absorbed by the monsters coming from the Forbidden Forest.

The wizard on the side watched Tom's suicide in silence.

Draco was stunned, his eyes were red and he said: "Is he dead?"

No one answered.

After a long time, Harry's trembling voice came out.

"Who are you talking about..."

(End of this chapter)

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