Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 35 The Wounded Unicorn

Chapter 35 The Wounded Unicorn
He had already figured out the hidden path into the Forbidden Forest. He quickly passed through the intertwined vines and did not stop until he heard the sound of gurgling water.

There is an open space here, which Bree discovered a few days ago. It is very secluded.

Because it is near a water source, there are many fruit plants here, as well as several magical plants, probably seeds brought by animals that come to drink water.

Bree took the box out of her pocket.

The box is wooden with brown veins, and Professor Sprout told Bree how to use the box before.

Brie placed the box on the ground, then gently tapped the pattern on the box with her wand, and whispered: "Open the flower garden!"

With the slight shaking of the box, it was slowly peeled off layer by layer from the middle, then expanded and unfolded, forming a garden door, and inside the door was a flowerbed surrounded by railings, like a plainly opened space, very magic.

It was really good. Brie saw a wooden box next to the garden door, which contained some farm tools, so he picked up the farm tools and prepared to transplant the surrounding magic plants and fruit plants into the flower bed.

Bree, who had been helping in the greenhouse for so long, quickly used magic to sweep away the surrounding area, leaving only some young seedlings that could not bear fruit yet, leaving them for the animals that would come to eat the fruits when the flowers bloomed in spring in a few years.

She clicked on the flower garden door with her wand and closed the flower garden. After seeing the magic of the small box, Bree got over her excitement and started to continue her previous task, looking for the Trance Grass.

Walking up the water, Brie collected some edible or magical plants from time to time. Brie's luck was particularly good today.

"I hope to find the Trance Grass today. There are always moments when people's luck blows out." Brie chuckled, and the tip of the wand lit up.

After long-term study, some simple magic spells can be cast silently.

"Natural magic is not just the power of blessing, it should have deeper changes." Brie's current way of using natural magic is very rough, and magic is the embodiment of faith. Maybe he can start to try to combine natural magic with modern magic. Create his own magic.

This is also Brie's next goal.

Bree held the wand in hand and began to mobilize the natural magic power in her body, slowly chanting: "Fluorescence..."


The light illuminated the area, reflecting ripples on the stream, and Bree's face was reflected in the water.

The strong light frightened the birds on the tree, and they soon flew up chirping, and landed cautiously in the dark treetops, watching Bree, the glowing little wizard, with their clever eyes.

Bree frowned and slowly withdrew the light, returning it to its original size, just enough to illuminate the road.

"It still doesn't work. The most I can do now is use natural magic power to increase the strength of the spell, but I can't change its essence. But some powerful wizards can also do it with such intensity. It's nothing special."

Brie rubbed his brows. He always felt that there was no opportunity. The natural magic power in his body was obviously very obedient, but he had never succeeded.

"Maybe it's because you are too obedient." Bree threw the wand in her hand. Whether it was the wand or the magic power, they all obeyed Bree's will and cast it according to the direction of the spell itself without too many changes. ,and.

"I don't know how natural magic can change the curse. I have no reference at all."

We have reached the end of the water source. This is a small pool and there is no way to go deeper.

That's it, Bree thought, looking around to see if there was anything valuable. After all, Cedric said before that he had to think about life after graduation. Bree still remembered it in her heart and brought some valuable things from the Forbidden Forest. It’s not too much to say that renewable resources make a home and life possible.

"When I graduate, new magical plants will grow here again."


what sound?
There was a painful cry in the cold wind, like the cry of a deer, accompanied by the slightest smell of blood.

Bree extinguished the luminous spell, walked around a pile of rocks, and saw a pool of water stains and silver blood stains under the moonlight. This was the blood of a unicorn, and the water stains were found during the escape in order not to leave any traces. , brought about by walking in the water, it is very smart.

The unicorn is a magical creature that lives deep in the Forbidden Forest. It is respected by wizards as a symbol of beauty and is forbidden to be hunted.

And now it hurts?
"No creature would be willing to attack a unicorn, its unwilling blood is full of curses!"

Unicorn blood is magical, both feared and desired. If a unicorn voluntarily donates its blood, it will be a magic medicine that prolongs life. If it is forced to flow out, it will turn people into monsters. poison, no one wants to become a monster.


Listening to the sadness of the voice, Bree tightened her wand. Anyone who dared to attack a unicorn must be in danger. Bree was not sure that the murderer was not chasing her, and Bree, who had been close to nature since she was a child, could not abandon her innocence and kindness. unicorn.

Rounding a mound, Bree soon saw the unicorn with bleeding from its abdomen. It looked like it was a big adult.

"Keep your voice down." Brie warned the unicorn in a low voice. Then she walked carefully to the unicorn's side. Looking at the unicorn's pitiful appearance, she immediately took out her wand and said, "I didn't say anything to anyone." Healing spells have been cast on living beings, and I can cast them on you if you decide to try."

The unicorn understood Bree's words and nodded weakly.

Bree immediately used the spell.

"Heal quickly!"

A faint blue light gushed out from the tip of the wand, spreading to the wound of the unicorn, silvery blood slipped down, the wound was healing rapidly, the natural magic had played a role, but this was not enough, such a huge wound was only due to the fact that Bree The power of the spell could only barely sew up the wound to stop the bleeding, but the already weakened unicorn found it difficult to regain its vitality.

There is no spell in Bree that can replenish the life of a living being.

"Jiujiu..." Perhaps knowing that he was dying, the unicorn shook his head at Bree, and then arched the side path, as if to persuade Bree to leave.

"Sorry." Brie had no choice. It was too badly injured, and even if it temporarily alleviated the loss of life, it could not reverse the arrival of death.

The unicorn slowly stood up. It wanted to leave this place and stay away from its own group's territory to avoid being targeted by them.

And the direction it left was exactly the direction Bree came from...

Brie was stunned, he wanted to go there too, he didn't know any other way!

Bree hurriedly chased after him, trying to make the unicorn go to another direction to die, but the unicorn was stunned for a second, then chirped at Bree a few times, then forced himself to run quickly.

Here we come!
Bree hurriedly followed the unicorn, and the unicorn didn't bleed anymore because the wound had healed. This was good news, but it was still unsafe. Bree could feel something chasing behind her. This was intuition, not to mention Du. The horned beast had no intention of stopping.

There was no road ahead, so it was the small flat land where Bree stayed first.

"This way..."

That's too late!Brie hurriedly held down the unicorn that wanted to dive, but instead pulled it to the corner.

"Hidden figure!"


After casting the Disillusionment Curse and the Ignore Curse on himself and the unicorn, Bree cautiously covered the unicorn's eyes, and he himself lowered his head.


A cold wind blew, and something like a snake twisted its body and floated along the stream.

Bree increased the mobilization of natural magic power and tried his best to cast these two spells. The monster quickly floated away, and the wolf howl in the distance attracted the monster's attention, and it ran along the wolf howl. .

It wasn't until she realized that the monster was really far away that Brie released the spell. Her face looked a little weak. The monster just now was very weird, which gave Brie a creepy feeling. Brie was not prepared to take risks when she didn't know the danger. .

The unicorn slowly fell to the ground, humming softly.

"I beg you, a wizard with natural power..."

The unicorn is talking?

Bree looked at the unicorn, whose human eyes shed tears.

"Tell Hogwarts of my death..."

"I can give my body to you."

After saying that, Bree felt that the unicorn's life began to pass rapidly, and it looked at Bree's puzzled expression and finally said: "The death of the unicorn has powerful magic power and will lead our souls to the original place. , so you can hear..."

The vitality disappeared, the unicorn's eyes were no longer bright, and Bree suddenly felt the natural magic in the surrounding air screaming, and they gathered in a riot.

Bree had a hunch that if he closed his eyes and meditated, he could see it all.

He chose to trust his own consciousness.

As Bree closed his eyes, just like the last time he meditated, he first saw the natural magic around him approaching him, and he seemed to fly into the air, and could see the light group belonging to his body, which was An In Qing's memory, the light group is like a strange isolated island at this time, conveying natural magic power to Brie and cutting off his own relationship with natural magic power.

Bree frowned, but what surprised him more was not his own problem, but the soul condensed in the unicorn.

The natural magic in the air enveloped the unicorn soul who was also surprised.

"You are indeed a wizard blessed by nature, but I don't have time anymore. I want to take another look at my homeland..."

As Bree watched, the magic turned the unicorn's soul into a stream of light, flew into the distance, and soon disappeared without a trace.

Bree's consciousness returned to her body, and the cold unicorn body still fell aside.

"Can I see souls?"

Bree rubbed her eyes to make sure it wasn't an illusion.

"So, are you also a soul, An Qing?"

Bree's heart suddenly became heavy, and a sense of uneasiness came over her, but Bree couldn't do anything, maybe...

"Only black magic can control the soul, and performing any black magic requires matching thoughts. Darkness is the only way to see the soul..."

"This sentence was written in the notes Professor Quirrell gave me, so is it true?"

Bree was a little shaken. In the past few weeks, he had not read Quirrell's notes carefully. Even in class, he used the knowledge he learned to be a good assistant.

Unless he went to Quirrell's office, he would have no chance to ask about the soul.

"Quirrell hasn't asked for his notes back yet, can I take a look?"

But that contract!

"Qi Luo has no good intentions. Why should I jump from one pit to another? Don't put yourself in danger in both pits."

Bree thought rationally, and felt that it would be more prudent to rely on himself to find things about souls, such as the restricted area, which should help Bree. The man in the turret rarely mentioned souls in his notes. According to Val, that guy After signing a soul contract with the God of Death, he went crazy and destroyed this part of the record before his death.

(End of this chapter)

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