Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 37 to Chapter 37: Troll

Chapter 37 to Chapter 37: Troll

After hearing what Bree said, Professor McGonagall nodded and said, "Unicorns don't like to come into contact with wizards, but wizards who have seen them will be lucky."

"Your Transfiguration Technique is already very good, but I think this is not the time for you to start learning Human Transfiguration Technique."

Professor McGonagall picked up the wand and waved it at Bree, and saw that the unicorn head on Bree's head became active, and her big eyes looked around curiously.

"The dangers of the Human Body Transformation Technique are self-evident. Even I don't dare to use it easily, so you have to stop... This is for your own good. You still need to do a lot of homework before learning the Human Body Transformation Technique."

Mag tapped Brie's forehead with her wand and said, "Hide your secret. I know you are asking me for my next study plan."

Professor McGonagall was not really angry, but turned around and wrote on a piece of paper:

Mr. Bree Olde is allowed to borrow "Transfiguration of Living and Dead Things" from the restricted section of the library for one month.

——Minerva McGonagall
"You can read this book for a while, but it's still a bit difficult."

There was a smile in Bree's eyes, and she nodded reservedly: "I will study hard, Professor McGonagall."

After taking the library voucher, Bree bid farewell to Professor McGonagall with satisfaction.

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall, and happy holidays... Oh, and trick-or-treating!"

Professor McGonagall frowned, grabbed some prepared candies from the wizard's robe and said, "These are from Dumbledore, maybe you will like them."

Pumpkin flavored!

Bree left Professor McGonagall's office and prepared to go to the first floor. As it was getting late, many pumpkin decorations floating in the castle shimmered, and there were many bats and dark clouds hovering and swimming in the sky. The pumpkin lanterns also flickered on and off, which looked very interesting. It was not so fun when Bree spent Halloween in the orphanage.

"Oh, look, that's Ode and what he's wearing."

"He has a head on his head, it's a unicorn!"

Bree's outfit caught the attention of the little wizards in the hall, especially the vivid unicorn hood on his head.

Under the silver unicorn suit, Bree looked very dazzling, and he couldn't stand the excessive attention. He hurried to the Slytherin table, where at least he could just turn around and talk to Cedric. , get rid of this weird feeling.

"Your outfit is great, Bree. I've seen a real unicorn before!" Cedric was very excited. Today he was dressed appropriately, a farmer's outfit. In order to fit the character, he also painted on his face. Smeared with mud.

Cedric tried to touch Bree's unicorn hood, and the unicorn turned his face away in dissatisfaction and snorted at him.

"It's so pretty."

"Thank you. Professor McGonagall used the transfiguration technique to help me get this. It looks pretty good."

Of course, Dumbledore looked at Bree thoughtfully as the professors sat down in the faculty seat, as if he was exploring something.

Bree responded with a polite look of confusion, seeming to ask what Dumbledore was staring at.

When Dumbledore came back to his senses, Professor McGonagall saw him and said something to Dumbledore, presumably it was what Bree said to McGonagall before, so Dumbledore put down his doubts and blinked at Bree, and then He looked away.

"It seems that Dumbledore knows." Brerie felt a lot more relieved, but what would Dumbledore do? There was a monster in the Forbidden Forest. Bree was already planning to stop looking for the Trance Grass for a while and look at it first. Turn to the forbidden book area and look for books related to the soul.

Before that, he had to return Quirrell's notebook. Although he was sure not to touch it, Quirrell would still keep an eye on him if he kept it. But it was too dangerous to meet alone. Maybe he could take advantage of Quirrell's absence. Stuff the book under the door of the Defense Against the Dark Arts office.

Like now!

Bree took the unicorn headgear off his head, touched its horn, and handed it to Cedric.

"Don't look at it, I'll give it to you, but its magic power can only last for three days before it returns to its original ordinary hood."

The unicorn is too conspicuous for him to slip away.

"Oh, give it to me, isn't that bad..."

Bree put the hood on his head regardless of Cedric's opinion, then waved at him, cast a trance spell on himself, and left the hall.

Cedric shrugged helplessly, and saw the little badgers gathered around him, vying to touch the unicorn on Cedric's head.

"Be careful, little badgers." Cedric was very kind and lowered his head. Because of the ignoring curse, not many people noticed that Bree had left the table. Even if they did, no one would take care of it. This is Personal freedom.

Quietly taking out Quirrell's notes from the turret, Bree headed to the third floor without stopping, but heard footsteps on the fourth floor.

Bree hid in a corner, cast an Ignore Charm and a Disappearance Charm on herself and saw the back of Professor Quirrell.

Bree's eyes moved slightly downward, only looking at Quirrell's heels. People's sensitivity is always beyond imagination, and Bree didn't want to be discovered.

keep up?

The direction Quirrell went to seems to be the restricted area on the fourth floor. When school started, Dumbledore made it clear that students were not allowed to enter, as that was a place where they would die miserably.

Bree was dumbfounded before following.

Bree was about to wait for Quirrell to go away when he suddenly stopped.

Quirrell looked back in a panic, which made Bri think he had been discovered, but Quirrell turned around and hid in a corner not far from him.

"Ta-ta-ta!" A sound of footsteps came, and it turned out to be Snape.


Brie couldn't help but murmured in her heart: Are these two playing with you chasing me and hiding? Can you let me leave first?

Snape walked to the forbidden area on the fourth floor, paused for a moment and then strode into the corridor without hesitation. Quirrell slowly appeared after Snape left for a long time.

"Master, Master, Snape found out?"

"Yes, I will definitely get the magic stone."

Bree was not far from Quirrell, and vaguely heard the words "Philosopher's Stone" and "Master". Before he could react, Quirrell was sweating profusely and walked away in pain.

"Please calm down, Snape doesn't trust me..."

Quirrell left, apparently going to the third floor.

"Master, the Philosopher's Stone?" Bree looked into the depths of the passage, which was dark and dark, and then he heard a barking dog and the sound of the door being closed by Snape.

Get out of here!
Bree ran towards the fifth floor. Today is not the right time to return the book to Quirrell. Maybe Bree can change the way to make Quirrell look away from him completely.

Snape is such a good professor!

When he heard Quirrell say that Snape didn't trust him, Bree had the idea to ask Snape to withstand the pressure to get him away from Quirrell.

It can be seen that Quirrell is very afraid of Snape. As for the contract, as long as there is no entanglement with Quirrell, Bree can find an opportunity to get rid of it.


Bree returned to the corner tower and began to rest, but what he didn't know was that tonight was a day when other little wizards had trouble sleeping.


"They actually let the troll in." In the Slytherin common room, Malfoy said to Pansy and Daphne beside him: "Dumbledore must be old and confused. A troll is so scared. , any senior who studies magic seriously can make trolls spin around."

Pansy echoed Malfoy: "Let us come back from the banquet in the hall. This is a complete waste of the costumes we have prepared so hard. The elf prince dressed up as Malfoy today is so charming..."

Pansy blushed as she spoke, and secretly glanced at Malfoy's proud and handsome face.

"I hope the management of Hogwarts can be more cautious, and that Filch should be fired."

The situation in other houses is the same as that of Slytherin. Those scared little wizards are all juniors and are not familiar with the world. They only heard about the terror of trolls and were afraid without knowing more about them. The seniors were surprised that Dumbledore Li Duo's decision, although they will have some difficulty facing the giant monster, the professor can handle it completely, there is no need to mobilize troops like this.

"Is Cedric back?" asked a prefect in Hufflepuff College.

"Not yet. He said he was looking for Bri Ode. Ode left the hall during the banquet."

The prefect worriedly paced the Hufflepuff common room filled with pumpkin chairs. Finally, he clapped his hands and said, "I'm going to find Professor Sprout. You guys stay here."

After saying that, the prefect left the lounge.


"What the hell are you playing!"

In the girls' bathroom on the second floor, a stench filled the air. A huge monster fell to the ground, with a big bump on its head. It looked like it had fainted.

Professor McGonagall stood angrily at the door, staring at Hermione, Harry, Ron and Cedric in the bathroom, with Snape and Quirrell following behind her.

Snape went to look at the giant monster, but Quirrell cowered aside. Professor McGonagall calmed down and saw that the children were not injured before saying coldly: "You are lucky that you were not harmed by it. Die. Why don't you just stay in the dormitory?"

She looked at Cedric strangely again.

"I think Mr. Digory is an obedient little wizard. I have heard many praises for you in every college or from professors, but today you..."

Snape also looked over at this time, which made Hermione, the source of everything, stand up hastily.

"Don't be like this, Professor McGonagall, they are looking for me...and Bree, by the way, Bree is not here!"

Hermione's eyes widened, she didn't think of Bree just now because of the troll!
Cedric knew that Hermione was Bree's friend, and Harry and the others said that they made Hermione cry, and now they were hiding in the bathroom crying, so Cedric thought that Bree would go to find Hermione, so he followed Harry and the others.

Now it seems that Brie is not here.

Cedric said with a worried look on his face: "Brie left the hall before the news about the troll came out, and he even gave me the unicorn hood."

There was a lot of dust on the unicorn's hood now, and it could be seen that it was stained by Cedric and Harry when they dealt with the troll just now.

McGonagall looked at it and then looked at Hermione.

"Miss Granger!"

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(End of this chapter)

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