Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 50 I am Brie

Chapter 50 I am Brie
With the arrival of the last day of the Christmas vacation, Bree also ended her research on natural magic. Up to now, Bree has given up on the essential transformation of most functional magic. These spells can only use natural magic to increase their intensity, and are different from natural magic. Only elemental magic is highly adaptable.

Brie is going to conduct preliminary research on various basic elemental spells such as luminous spells, fire spells, water-making spells, growth spells, hurricane spells, snow-making spells, earth spells... and list them as exclusive to Brie. Magic system.

Now that Bree has preliminary knowledge of these spells, he only needs to continue to study and strengthen his ability to use his own magic to induce the surrounding natural forces to enhance the power of these natural magics.

In other words, natural magic is more like controlling the elemental power of nature, communicating with nature through the magic power in the body to perform various magics.

"Ah!" Ver yawned and spit out a large ball of sparks.

"Brie, you've been bored in your room for several days, and you don't even eat on time. If you continue like this, you will get sick..."

"I'm sorry, Ver, for making you worry." Brie smiled softly, making Ver a little stunned.

Although Ver had seen such a smile several times in the past few days, every time he couldn't believe that this was actually Bree!

Yes, Brie has changed, becoming more free and easy. He no longer chooses to hide many things. There is no disguise in his eyes. Maybe this is confidence. Although people who are not familiar with him cannot see any change, Ver and Brie How could I not discover it after staying there for so long?

Ver thinks this is a good thing, at least Bree's smile is very real and no longer so fake on Bree's face.

Brie is also aware of his situation... An Qing's disappearance is the greatest relief and greatest help to him.

No longer shackles, no longer worried that she will disappear at any time, Brie no longer needs to disguise herself to integrate into the world.

"Put the books away for me, Ver, I'm going down first." Bree arranged her wizard robe slowly and silently cast a cleaning spell on herself to clean the corners of her clothes.

Bree was going to find Professor Sprout, but it was not time to enter the Forbidden Forest yet. The monster was a problem. Dumbledore knew about the Centaur and the Unicorn, but he didn't see any action from him. .

"Oh, Bree?" Professor Sprout didn't seem happy. She turned around and fiddled with a pot of orchids and said calmly: "If I hadn't known that you signed your name on the detention list, I would have thought You have left Hogwarts."

Bree smiled awkwardly. He was obsessed with the study of natural magic. Who makes this power so powerful? Maybe Bree can become a scholar in the future and bring a magical revolution to the wizarding world. In that way, Bree Possibly another Merlin.

"I'm sorry, Professor, I'm just a little busy. Magic always takes up most of my time. Of course, I'm happy with it."

Brie smiled softly and was extremely kind. It seemed that because of his good mood, the plants around him became happy and spread their branches and leaves one by one.

"Oh!" Sprout stared at Bree seriously, and pinched Bree's little face.

"You are not the descendant of some special elves, right? According to legend, elves are the clan closest to plants, or are they druids?"

"It is said that druids are messengers of nature and can borrow the power of nature."

Brie thought about it in his mind. He didn't know his life experience, and An Qing never mentioned it before disappearing. Maybe it wasn't important, but now was not the time to talk about natural magic.

"I guess wizards have special gifts too, maybe I would have been a Hufflepuff..."

After hearing what Bree said, Sprout hurriedly said: "Let's go find Dumbledore to change colleges!"

"Oh, no, Professor, please stop teasing me. I understand that I am a Slytherin, and I also want to pursue glory and fame."

Bree was helpless, and Sprout shrugged in disappointment.

"They all say that you are a Ravenclaw and that you are more eager to learn than anyone else."

Sprout smiled, but Bree's words made her frown.

"I guess I pursue wisdom for the sake of power..."

But Bree's next words made Sprout relax again.

"Because strength can give me a sense of security. As you know, I am an orphan. Relatively speaking, I only have myself left in my life. Maybe my friends will leave traces in my life, but they cannot always be with me. , they also have their own lives, and I can only rely on myself for many things."

Bree spoke very seriously, and Professor Sprout felt sad. She touched Bree's head and prepared to hug him into her arms.

"Oh, Professor!"

"Actually, I don't like being held by others, and I don't like people touching my face and hair."

Pushing the professor's hand away, Sprout looked at Bree's clear black pupils and couldn't help but laugh.

"Yes, I have to respect the little wizard's choice, but I think I can help you as a professor at this stage. You are right, no one will think about you all the time, you need to strengthen yourself."

Sprout heard what Bree had said, and said directly without beating around the bush: "Tell me, if you have anything to ask me for, seeing as how little Bree finally spoke his mind to his herbal medicine professor, I I think the professor of Herbal Medicine will do his best to help him."

Bree knew Professor Sprout would help him.

"It's Trance Grass, I said it before." Brie said without hesitation.

"You know I often lived in the turret. It was the territory of an alchemy master who left a lot of alchemy books. I wanted to try some alchemical items, and I found a way to make unlimited uses and The method of alchemy notes is extremely confidential, so... you understand, I still need the last Trance Grass."

Bree has become unabashed and tells the truth, but Bree has not become convinced of everyone. Maybe Professor Sprout is worthy of trust, but Dumbledore is not. If asked, Sprout Professor Te probably wouldn't refuse Dumbledore.

Keeping some secrets is also to maintain the relationship. Brie knows what can and cannot be said, and not lying does not mean telling the truth.

"Trance grass?" Professor Sprout finally remembered the situation at that time in his memory.

"Oh, I remember I said that if you behave well, I can take you to the Forbidden Forest to find it in a higher grade."

Professor Sprout smiled kindly and said, "But I didn't expect you to need it so much."

"I think I can take you there, but you have to ensure that the alchemy items you make are not dangerous. This is the only requirement."

Bri nodded when he heard this. There is no danger in making the alchemy notes, but it costs a lot. But that's not a problem. Bri has already bought it.

"Of course, there is no danger in the alchemy notes. I can swear by Oude's surname. There is no reason for me to pay the price for it."

Professor Sprout nodded and rubbed his little head despite Bree's refusal.

"Then let me think about it. I have to report this matter to Principal Dumbledore first. You need to wait. I will come to you after I have taken care of it."

"Of course." Brie was very happy, he could finally make alchemy notes!

Sprout looked at Bree teasingly. Although it was not clear why Bree suddenly became so... real, as if she had opened her heart to the world, Sprout was happy with this, which also made her feel attracted to Bree. Letlin's resentment deepened.

Bree, who loves plants, is obviously very suitable for Hufflepuff, although... this may be to gain strength and satisfy her own sense of security.

Professor Sprout had a headache and didn't know whether to tell Dumbledore about Bree's situation...

Or not, Bree would be a good boy, Sprout thought she would take good care of Bree, it was her duty to educate little wizards, what did Dumbledore know, he only knew how to eat candy every day.

"Now ask Mr. Bree Ord to help his herbalism professor take care of the plants, they will be happy."

"Of course, I'd be happy to help Professor Sprout."


When Bree walked out of the greenhouse, he softened his smile. Although he didn't show off when he smiled, it was just shallow, but it was eye-catching enough.

There are still many people walking at the entrance of the silver-covered Hogwarts Castle.


Hermione looked at the smile that had just disappeared on Bree's face, feeling a little strange, because she felt that there was something different about Bree.

"You look a little weird today. Could it be someone who drank the compound potion and changed it?"

Hermione knew that the compound potion was a potion that could transform a person into a designated person. All it took was the owner's hair as a trigger.

"I'm Bree, Hermione... I don't think anyone can wander around Hogwarts looking like me."

Hermione had a strange look on her face, and she said without thinking: "I think it's weird for Bree Old to wander around Hogwarts. You should be reading in the library or hiding somewhere."

Okay, Brie's nerdy image is well established, but that doesn't matter.

"Uh-huh, you can guess as you like." Bree smiled and did not answer, but said: "Welcome, Miss Granger, who had a wonderful Christmas, is back a day early."

Hermione blushed, Bree was terrible at changing the subject.

"I'm just worried that those two silly boys, Harry and Ron, can't find any information about Nico Flamel."

Hermione was a little angry when she thought of Nico Flamel.

"Those two guys didn't take what I said to heart at all and played around all holiday!"

Without Hermione's guidance, the other two would not go to the library obediently. This would be difficult for them, Hermione knew, but she did not expect that they would not be able to survive even the first day.

"Don't be angry. If you want to know about Nico Flamel, I can tell you."

Bree's eyes were deep, and he didn't want to know too much about why the savior participated in this matter. It was probably arranged by Dumbledore, although the reason is unknown... I don't know?
"Hermione, why do you want to stop...Snape from taking the Sorcerer's Stone?"

Bree stared closely into Hermione's eyes, her serious look made Hermione stunned for a moment, and then she thought about it carefully, yes, why should they stop Snape?
Bree looked at Hermione strangely.

"Is it because everyone says that Harry Potter is the savior, so he really regards himself as the messenger of justice, and you and Weasley also brought in the partners of justice, don't you think it's naive?"

"Let me tell you, Harry Potter just wants to be an ordinary student. This is the greatest happiness for him."

"Besides, this is Hogwarts, and Dumbledore is the greatest white wizard of this century."

Before Hermione could speak, Bree revealed that Nicole Flamel was a master alchemist who had lived for 600 years.

"The Philosopher's Stone was made by Nico Flamel, and Dumbledore was his friend. The Philosopher's Stone can turn stones into gold and can also make elixirs..."

After saying that, Bree walked around Hermione without waiting for her reaction, walked through the corridor and entered the hall.

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(End of this chapter)

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