Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 52 Little Snake’s Thoughts

Chapter 52 Little Snake’s Thoughts

In the next few days, some stupid little snakes from the lower grades finally stopped harassing Bree. After all, not everyone can withstand Bree's indifference. Although they did not feel helpless that they could further deepen their relationship with Bree, they still wanted to deal with it. Feeling reassured by the slight discomfort he had with Bree before.

Bree's magic at the beginning was really amazing, which also caused some little guys to be afraid of him. The little snakes were afraid that if Bree was unhappy one day, they would shoot at themselves. When they met Bree before Christmas, they were all trembling. of.

It was really Pansy and Daphne who both sent apology gifts.


In the Slytherin common room, several older men and women are sitting on the sofa. It is now their internal meeting time. Although it is not known who organized this meeting, the people here can be said to be Slytherin now. Everyone in power, everyone has a lot of family power, and they all have one thing in common.

"That Bree Ord, you should also know his eyes. They are probably descendants of Slytherin, and..."

One of the men had a sullen face, and he did not say anything further. Everyone present knew the inside story of this matter, or they might have gotten a way to face Bree from home during Christmas.

The sixth-grade female prefect sat there unsmilingly and said with a straight face: "I think everyone is holding on to this news tightly. This is something that cannot be disclosed to the outside world."

Hearing her words, another person said: "Of course, who would disobey the order of the superior? We are not stupid Ted."

Ted was the former male prefect of the sixth grade, but because he stopped Bree in the lounge and was injured by Bree, everyone pushed him out to calm Snape's anger when he found out about it. The new prefect is now speaking. this man.

Another man is in the seventh grade. Although he is not a prefect, he is definitely the strongest in the seventh grade. He said: "What should I do with some people who are disobedient? There are also those in the lower grades who follow the trend quickly enough, but That's not what Bree Ord would take."

The sixth-grade female prefect raised her lips and smiled coldly: "Only the Malfoy group in the lower grades and Miss Rosier from the second grade know the meaning of Oude's red eyes. The third graders are all idiots; everyone that night has warned them Yes, they know how to keep their mouths shut."

When Snape found out about Bree, these little guys didn't say anything about the red eyes. It was because of the warnings of these powerful people. You must know that their families are intertwined, but they all have strong abilities. strength.

"Now that the chessboard has been laid out, please use your own abilities. I want to win over or suppress Bri Odd. You all have plans, but I still advise you that the great man will return eventually..."

A boy with a rough face and a hoarse voice ended the party, and the rest of the party acquiesced to this remark and left.

But the sixth-grade female prefect stayed and left after a while.

After she left, a man also walked out of the corner. He was the prefect of seventh grade. He didn't appear in the lounge at first, so he didn't know about Bree's red eyes. Later, he went to save Bree himself, but unfortunately His arrogant attitude and alms-like tone made him rejected.

Hearing the conversation between several people, he looked solemn, thinking about his relationship with Bree and what Selwyn said just now - coaxing or suppressing.

He didn't make a decision right away. This matter originally needed to be discussed with the family, but there was no time left. The rest of the people started to make a profit from it. He would not give up this opportunity.

Maybe it should be a preemptive strike!


During lunch, as soon as Bree wiped the corners of his mouth with a towel, he saw many owls flying in the sky, but Bree ignored them because he didn't buy anything in Diagon Alley.

Bree, who had just reached the second floor, stopped when she heard the sound.


She is a tall and slender senior female senior, exuding a strange kind of beauty.

Brie seemed to have nothing to do with this senior, and she didn't even notice her when she made a big fuss in the lounge. There was no reason for her to come to give her an apology.

For the past few days, most of the people who came to deliver things were some juniors, as well as those guys who came out to be hostile to Bree when they made a big fuss in the lounge.

"I'm Enid Child, fifth grade."

Seeing Bree's doubts, Enid hooked her lips, restrained the charm exuding from her body, and smiled lightly: "Maybe I should say that I'm also here to apologize, just like those idiots...heh."

Enid took out a purple book from her arms and handed it to Bree.

"This is an investment, don't rush to reject it, it's really not cute..."

Looking at Bree's cold eyes, Enid had read countless people, how could she not understand what Bree meant, but she was confident in her own charm.

"Perhaps we can discuss this matter in private. There is no harm in hearing it. Maybe you will accept this free investment..."

"Thank you, I accept this free investment."

Bree took the thing from Enid's hand, smiled, and was about to leave. Since it was free, why not take it? As long as it didn't violate her own principles, there was nothing to worry about.

"Huh?" Enid raised her eyebrows and then smiled happily.

"It seems that little Oude is also a free and easy person, hum, but my investment is not just about this."

"I'm sorry. Although I don't blame many people for being polite, I understand that there is no free lunch in the world."

Surprise flashed in Enid's eyes. She could see that Bree had his own considerations. Now he accepted what he was willing to take and what he could easily give. In other words, it was not worth a Nat's kindness.

And Enid wants more than that. She has been eyeing Bree for a long time, and she will not give up so quickly.

"Maybe you can make a request. Your whereabouts are always erratic. I don't like to spy on other people's little girls. Mr. Ode should be more gentleman and don't let little girls guess men's thoughts..."

Enid, who is in fifth grade, is obviously four years older than Bree, but she pretends to be weak and pitiful, which really makes Bree look at her, just one glance.

"If you can get a book about elements or ancient magic, I think I can listen to what you want me to bring to you. Don't just find cheap goods to deal with me. Slytherin's investment needs are also Mutual, more like a deal, you should understand."

"Of course, I will find something that satisfies you, but I also hope that little Oude can keep his promise and listen to the contents of my transaction when the time comes."


"This is not a promise. I think Miss Enid will be mistaken."

"This is just a business. If you have what I need, I will trade with you. If not, then I'm sorry..."

He raised his eyes and glanced at Enid. Seeing the surprise on her face, Bree looked indifferent.

Enid suddenly smiled. For her, it was more beneficial and more satisfying for her to turn her investment in Bree into a fair transaction.

"It seems Miss Enid has made a decision, so see you later."

There are not many books on elemental magic in the library. According to history, this kind of magic has begun to decline as early as a thousand years ago. Only those old families that have been in business for many years may have isolated copies.

Maybe you can try using Enid, maybe you will gain something. If the price is not high, then you can trade it, and take this as a signal, maybe Bree can gain more.


Watching Bree leave, Enid smiled softly and said: "It's really funny, but I got the upper hand, and I have to thank our sixth-grade female prefect for not forcing me to attend some nonsense meeting. "

Her eyes darkened, thinking about the conditions put forward by the sixth-grade female prefect, Alisa Shafiq, which made her have some doubts.

"What is Shafiq going to do? Why did she ask me to invite the stupid male prefect of the seventh grade to the lounge in advance? Is it because she wants to indirectly let her fiancé participate in the meeting and also get a cake about planning Ode? ?”

She raised her eyebrows elegantly, Enid didn't believe that Shafik would be so kind!
Did she know that the Shafiq family forced Alyssa to marry Baker Bernard, the son of the patriarch of the Bernard family, which had just emerged in recent years.

"It's none of my business. Let's think about how to satisfy Bree Old." Enid twisted her waist and leaned against the guardrail of the corridor, smiling softly with a deep look in her eyes.

On the other side, Bree, who was going to read in the turret at noon, spread out the book Enid had given him. This was a book that recorded magic. It was very detailed, even more detailed than the turret owner's notes. It needs to be much more detailed.

After all, that notebook was a thousand years ago. Although the essence of magic has not changed much in the past thousand years, we should not underestimate the accumulation of these years. There are also some small innovations and discoveries.

"Quilro, Quirrell, look, even a female student is more generous than you. How can you succeed?"

Bree flipped through the book, only to find that the whole book was talking about three spells, namely the Imperius Curse among the Three Unforgivable Curses, which is the spell with the most length in records, and the other ones are the Occlusion Curse. and mind-reading spells (Legilimency).

These three are very powerful spells and are very difficult to learn. When Bree came into contact with the forbidden book area before, she did not find much explanation of these three spells.

"Occlumency requires a person to practice with oneself..." Bree has no one she can trust.

"Although Legilimency is not a black magic, it still requires many times of practice." Bree also had no target to use.

"The Soul-Seizing Curse is one of the three unforgivable curses. Although it is not as bad as the other two, the malicious thoughts required to match it are not much weaker. It cannot be attempted easily."

Brie has read the whole book carefully. Maybe Brie hasn't had the chance to study now, but reading a lot of books can always help Brie get in touch with other subjects. This is also one of the ways to improve herself.

"It seems that the magic of the owner of the turret was still too rough back then." Bree took out her notes and compared them with the book given by Enid. She found that the dangers recorded in the notes were very high when it came to the Imperius Curse, and it was very easy for the spell to be cast. The victim and the victim were injured.

Moreover, Bree also discovered something different. This may be the private collection of Enid's family. However, this aspect is not fully introduced. It is more like a bait specially put in by Enid.

"Weird charm ability."

Brico remembered the weird aura around Enid, which was a kind of charm that made men fall in love with her, but it was a pity that the effect could not be like that of a Veela.

"I thought she had Veela blood before, but that doesn't seem to be the case."

Veela is a kind of magical creature. Wizards have reproduced with them a long time ago. Nowadays, some wizard families also have this bloodline. It can be said that many ancient wizard families have the bloodline of magical creatures. This is very strange. After all, this is a wizarding family that claims to be pure blood.

Closing the book, that part of the charming ability cannot attract Bree. Perhaps this is Enid revealing to him, and the deeper secrets are still behind?
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  Dahua wrote ing with tears streaming down her face.

(End of this chapter)

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