Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 55 Little Snake’s Obstacle

Chapter 55 Little Snake’s Obstacle

A few days after Bree and Snape ended their conversation, it seemed as if some order had been given to the little snakes in the entire academy. Those juniors no longer followed Bree fanatically, which made Bree feel a lot more relaxed.

It seems that Snape's control over Slytherin is still sufficient, but some of the things cannot reach heaven.

Alyssa had already told Bree that Snape could not be trusted too much, many purebloods hadn't figured out his position, and only respected him as a master of potions on the surface.

The seniors have also slowed down their approach to Brie, because Brie no longer likes those gadgets, and there is no need to pretend to be friendly with them unless they bring out some good things...

But Arnold, who ended the conversation with Bernard, was different, and now he was in trouble.

"Put him on a chair and feed him Veritaserum!"

In Quirrell's office, Arnold was lying on his back, and the voice in Quirrell's head kept urging him.

"Yes, master..."

What is on Quirrell's head is the mysterious man, or his soul. His soul is parasitic on the back of Quirrell's head and controls him.

Lifting Arnold to the chair, Quirrell soon found a small bottle of Veritaserum. Veritaserum is a prohibited drug that is prohibited from private use by the Ministry of Magic. .

No idea where Quirrell got it from, but it obviously worked well.

"Say, why is the whole Slytherin courting Bree Udder!"

Quirrell didn't stutter at all at this time. He changed his previous submissiveness and stared at Arnold, the unfortunate poor guy.

Because of Bree's popularity in the past few days, Arnold has been staying away from the Slytherin team, just to avoid some people stepping on him and claiming credit for Bree. However, he did not expect that his behavior of leaving alone would be noticed by Quirrell. The mysterious man above Luo owes Bree his life, and he is trying to figure out how to break this contract.

Slytherin's recent behavior attracted his attention, so he kidnapped Arnold for questioning.

Arnold was in a daze. After hearing the inquiry, he couldn't help but said: "Because the Malfoy family praised him, a dirty wizard from the orphanage, so what if he is pure blood? What is hateful is that many big wizard families are also preparing to invest in him. The little wizards also follow the crowd to please..."

After hearing this, the mysterious man suddenly exuded a murderous intention. Cold sweat broke out from Quirrell's back, and Arnold was trembling in the chair, but the murderous intention soon disappeared.

"Quirrell, let me ask him!"

Quirrell took off his turban and turned around. He saw that Quirrell's smooth head had a terrifying snake face without a nose, and his eyes were scarlet and very penetrating.

"Tell Bree Ord how she reacted to that."

Arnold's eyes were blank, but he said tremblingly: "Brie Olde enjoyed it very much. He used his cheap kindness to collect a lot of apology gifts. It's extremely despicable..."

The mysterious man asked again: "You don't seem to like him?"

"Yes, he caused me to lose my position as prefect. I must take revenge on him. He is a trash and a despicable person!"

Oh, it seems that not all Slytherins are moving closer to Briod!
The mysterious man stared at Arnold viciously and subconsciously mocked: "How do you want to retaliate against him, you stupid fool."

As a Slytherin, he would go against the general trend for this worthless prefect, he was looking for death.

But Arnold's next words made the mysterious man freeze in place.

"That despicable person actually has a pair of hidden red eyes. That fool thought it was the symbol of Slytherin and helped him block the news. That guy came from the orphanage. How is it possible? He is at best a mixed-blood inferior. goods!"

"As long as I tell the news, Hogwarts will definitely not tolerate him. Now Dumbledore of Gryffindor is the headmaster..."

The mysterious man listened silently, while Quirrell behind him was already dripping with cold sweat. He could only feel that the killing intent around him was so strong that it cut his flesh and blood with a sharp edge.

"Hehe, hehe, hahaha, what an inferior Slytherin!"

Quirrell felt that his body was no longer under his control, and Arnold had already been pinched by the mysterious man...or the Dark Lord. He only needed a slight force...

No, not yet.

The mysterious man put Arnold down and directly used a magic on him that he couldn't use randomly now - Legilimency.

Legilimency comes from reading the mind, but now the mysterious man is borrowing Quirrell's body, and his mind is not connected. Using this magic will extremely harm Quirrell's body.

Quirrell wanted to beg for mercy, but he fainted from the pain.

After Legilimency, the mysterious man got what he wanted to know.

"Really a descendant of Slytherin?"

The mysterious man wasn't sure, but he already had a plan in his mind that was enough to make him tempted.

He decided to make up a lie...

The mysterious man roared in a low voice: "Brie Olde, you can't escape my grasp. When I open the secret room for you, you will find that you are a creature I created and my dear child! "


"Sneeze!" Bree sat in the reading area of ​​the library and rubbed her nose. Fortunately, Bree cast the whispering spell in advance, otherwise Mrs. Pince would have heard the noise and kicked her out.

During weekend review time, there is always a large group of crammers guarding the library. If Brie didn't need to look for a piece of information, she wouldn't come.

"Could it be that Hermione is talking about me... Isn't it just that she refused to review with her, and I don't need to review."

"I'd better lend the book out, more and more people are coming now."

Bree came to the library very early, and those belated arrivals had just arrived. Bree was kind and decided to make room for them.

Bree picked up the book on the table and was about to go find Mrs. Pince, but saw Hagrid walking in.

"Does Hagrid also need to review?" Bree was a little surprised and saw Hagrid walking towards the magical beasts book area.

Oh, this is understandable. It is already known that Hagrid likes magical animals. Bree even learned from Hermione and the others that the three-headed dog named Luwei was raised by Hagrid.

Just as she was thinking about it, Bree saw Hermione walking in with her two reluctant followers, Harry and Ron. It seemed that some people were not even willing to improvise.

"Brie?" Hermione saw Bree and walked over with Harry and the others, because now only Bree had a place in the library.

Hermione was a little angry, but because of Mrs. Pince's anger, she gritted her teeth and whispered: "Didn't you say you don't know how to review!"

When Ron saw the angry Hermione, he was a little gloating. He provoked and said: "Hermione, he just studied secretly behind your back. Otherwise, how could he be so good..."

After hearing Ron's words, Harry silently took a step back, preparing to find some books to read. He couldn't come here in vain.

"I don't think I lied to you." Noticing that Hermione's mood had become depressed, Bree handed Hermione the book to look at.

"Let's take a look, "Preliminary Learning of Ancient Magic Texts", "The Magic of Plants" and "Simple Lightning Magic" are not the contents of textbooks."

Hermione looked at it carefully, snorted and handed it back to Bree.

"I'm looking for review materials for you. I don't need to review to get high scores."

Hermione, who refused to admit defeat, walked quickly, and Bree had no intention of staying, and nodded to Ron, registered the books and left the library.

Bree, who had just walked out of the library, stopped. It was Peeves looking for him.

Ever since he brought little Peeves to Hogwarts Castle that day and was discovered by Peeves, Peeves seemed to be stupid. He followed little Peeves around every day and took little Peeves around. , If Peeves hadn't been worried that he had become evil and Bree stopped paying attention to him, I'm afraid the two of them would have started causing trouble.

Did Quirrell enter the restricted area on the fourth floor?

No, it was Alyssa looking for him!

Soon Brie came to the underground floor and met Alyssa. Alyssa said directly: "I have been keeping an eye on Bernard these past few days. He should be ready to take action..."

Bree has also received several friendly gifts from senior students in the past few days, which is a temporary sign that they can be traded.

Looking at most of the Slytherins who had already entered the net, Bernard knew that the time had come. As soon as Bree fell, these guys who had made their stance clear would flee from the board one after another, but it would not be so easy to escape at that time.

"He won't do it himself. He convinced that guy Arnold. We have to find Arnold now, and I will ask Bernard out to the Forbidden Forest tonight, and you have to come too."

Alyssa spoke very urgently, and Bree also understood the importance of this matter. He had not yet found out the trouble behind Dumbledore's knowledge of the red eyes, so he could not expose it yet.

"Do you know the Forgetting Curse?" Bree asked Alyssa.

Alyssa frowned. She had not studied this spell in depth and was not sure of its effect.

Seeing Alyssa's hesitation, Brie said without waiting for her to speak: "Then let me handle it. I just need to experiment with this spell."

There happens to be no subjects for the Legilimency Curse, so there is no need to use it. There is a bottom line in Bree, but people who cross the bottom line don't need to care. They bumped into it themselves.

Alisa didn't speak, and she didn't care how Bree handled it, as long as the matter wasn't exposed, otherwise, in the current situation of Slytherin, moving Bree would be tantamount to causing harm to the entire academy.

When did things develop like this? Sure enough, they were just a group of cats that smelled the fishy smell and lost their minds.

Alisa looked at Bree, and thought uncertainly in her heart: This should be caused by unconsciousness, Bree Ord presumably didn't have such scheming, if not...

Soon, Bree and Alyssa found Arnold on the second floor. He was talking to Quirrell, apparently talking about the Defense Against the Dark Arts class and his assistant.

"Professor Quirrell."

Alyssa went straight up, and Bree didn't even have time to pull.

(End of this chapter)

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