Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 71 Can you do it, Hermione?

Chapter 71 Can you do it, Hermione?

At present, Bree cannot conjure real plants out of thin air, but he can bring the seeds of plants in advance. He has been preparing for it since he discovered that he can extend the growth spell into natural magic.

Using this special natural magic, a huge narcissus rose up in front of Brie, blocking the death curse. The narcissus was instantly destroyed by the power of the death curse, collapsed and turned into powder.


Bree took a step back. Following his words, streams of water suddenly surged out of the ground, winding like snakes, and rushed towards Voldemort. Voldemort also immediately used his own unique black magic, turning into a cloud of smoke and flying everywhere. Moving.

Voldemort was thinking about how to knock Bree out, and he couldn't let Bree mess up his plan.

But Bree's natural magic is not so simple to dodge.

Bree's eyes narrowed, and the water snakes on the ground rose into the sky, turning into water mist and covering the black mist that turned towards Voldemort. Then the cold wind blew, and the water mist froze, knocking Voldemort out of the cursed state. , landed stiffly on the ground, and kept retreating, making a thumping sound on the ground.

"Very well, but I don't think your purpose today is to help Dumbledore!"

Voldemort gritted his teeth, but also began to confuse Bree.

"We can cooperate. There is a magic stone in this mirror. I can share it with you. I know its deeper secrets and true immortality..."

Since "fair duel" is useless, we can only rely on "fair negotiation".

Unfortunately, Quirrell's words had no appeal at all to Bree.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in getting the Philosopher's Stone!"

Bri said righteously, but his eyes were looking at the black flame channel...


"The three-headed dog is asleep, let's get down quickly!"

The three Harrys stood in front of the harp and looked at the three-headed dog lying upside down next to the harp. They looked at each other and understood that Snape had already started to take action!

"Quick, let's go down!"

Harry pulled back the flap, but stopped short because it was pitch black.

Hermione saw it, cast a glowing spell on the hole, and saw the vines below.

"It's devil's ivy, nothing will happen to us if we jump."

After listening to Hermione's words, Harry and Ron jumped down one by one with confidence, but when Hermione jumped down, they heard panicked shouts from them.

"It's getting tighter Harry...Hermione help!"

The devil's vine began to riot, tightening Harry and Ron's hands and feet. The more they struggled, the tighter the vines became!

"Shut up!" Hermione had a headache. This was obviously a very simple herbal knowledge point!

"Stop moving, this is a web made of devil's ivy!"

Hermione waved her wand and muttered: "Fire is raging!"

A blue flame spurted out, quickly frightening away the devil's net. Hermione remembered that Bree had seen this spell in the library before, and she deliberately learned it. It seemed to be very effective.

With the two distraught boys, Hermione stepped into the room full of flying keys.


Keys were flying in the sky, and soon Ron discovered that the door opposite could not be opened, and there was a broken broom next to it.

"Oh my god, this broom is even more pathetic than mine." Ron swallowed, not sure that such a broom could reach the sky.

Harry couldn't care less. He quickly grabbed the broom and flew up astride it.


Harry and the broom's poor branches were scurrying in the sky. The key he grabbed was thrown down and picked up by Ron and Hermione, but it couldn't open the door at all.

Ron threw the key on the ground angrily and said angrily: "This can't be opened at all. We can't try all the keys!"

"Ahhh!" As expected, Harry's broom was on the verge of falling apart. He tried hard to maintain his speed, but he couldn't control it at all. Hermione held the wand in her hand and wanted to use the levitation spell to catch him.

"Don't move!" Hermione pointed at her wand angrily.


Seeing Harry who was about to fall, Hermione immediately chanted: "Wingardim Leviosa!"

A spell burst from her wand, and Harry slammed the broom he was struggling with onto the ground.


Hermione put away her wand silently, and the spell just passed over Harry's face. Now she could only hope that Harry was not injured due to the short distance.

Obviously, Harry had experience with falling in the air. He only had some scratches on his body, but nothing serious.

Hermione and Ron quickly ran up and helped Harry up.

"I'm fine, but the broom fell apart."

"No Harry, the key is in the broom!" Ron saw the metallic luster emerging from the broom branches and quickly pulled out the key with its wings broken off...

"Damn it, who thought of this!"

Harry angrily took the key from Ron's hand and opened the door depressedly. Just now he was running around like a monkey in the sky, but the key was in the broom under his butt!

Arriving in front of a huge chessboard, Ron's eyes gleamed.

"This is Wizard Chess, so big!"

"We are Heizi!" Hermione looked at the incomplete Heizi, obviously it was very difficult to win this game.

Ron nodded, he understood, this must be the person who made it want them to act as pawns!

"What now?" Harry whispered. He was not as good at wizard chess as Ron, at most he was the kind of person who knew the rules, but obviously he also knew the difficulty of playing this game.

"We have to act as chess pieces and win this game before we can get through it!"

Ron thought for a while, and then his eyes lit up.

"Harry, you go to the Bishop's place."

"Hermione, you go to the castle."

Hermione frowned. She didn't pay much attention to wizard chess, and now she could only watch Ron's.

"I'm going to be a knight!"

As he spoke, he walked towards the lonely skinny horse and climbed on it. Soon the horse started to move, pawing the ground like a real horse and neighing from its mouth.

"We should believe Ron." Harry said to Hermione, and then he also stepped into the position of representing the bishop.

Hermione frowned and thought about it. Although Ron was usually useless, lazy and liked to make trouble, he was still brave sometimes. This may be the reason why he was sorted into Gryffindor.

Hermione walked to the castle and waited for Ron to give orders.

As Hermione took her position, the chess pieces on the chessboard stood ready, and the white pieces on the opposite side also began to move. However, when Harry and the others saw the chess pieces on the opposite side raising huge spears and machetes that were larger than normal weapons, They couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

Why does even the king have a machete wrapped around his waist? This is not normal wizard chess!

Ron's legs were a little weak, but the arrow was on the string, they had to go on!
"Hermione, go and eat the bishop opposite!"

Hermione walked up to the bishop with an ugly face and was at a loss as to how she could "eat" the bishop who was covered in armor and holding a broadsword!

And it seems to be a chessboard rule. When she walked in front of the bishop, the bishop quickly collapsed and broke, which made Hermione exhale.

Seeing that Hermione was safe and sound, Harry also calmed down. As long as he could destroy the king on the opposite side, he would win!
Following Ron's command, everyone was getting closer and closer to the opposite king, but when Ron was confident.

"Eat the white queen on the other side!"

But when their chess piece raised its legs, its feet were firmly locked and only its body kept shaking!
This is the adhesion spell that Brie cast before!
"Oh, my God!" Ron's eyes widened, but the white chess pieces opposite him didn't care about his mood. Anyway, for them, it was their turn to go!

A chess piece two steps ahead of Ron was instantly blown to pieces by the knight on the opposite side!

Great, now Ron is in danger, but...

Ron looked at Harry's position. He only needed to take one more step to checkmate the king, but he would be cut!
Ron hesitated...

"Ron, come on!"

Seeing Ron silent for a long time, Harry shouted. He didn't understand the situation at this time. He just hoped that Ron could find a solution quickly. This game of chess was too unfriendly to them!

Ron looked at Harry, as if he had gained some motivation in his heart, and he shouted loudly: "Then get ready, Harry!"

Ron was pale, but determined.

"We will win soon... Pay attention, act immediately after winning, don't delay here, remember, move three spaces to the left to eat the king!"

After saying that, Ron took a step forward and stood directly in front of the knight on the opposite side, blocking the white chess piece's only way out.

The knight on the opposite side seemed to be angered by Ron's actions. It raised its huge spear high and hit Ron.


"Neigh!" The horse under Ron's crotch raised its body high and stood in front of Ron. It neighed at the same time, and then was shot off by the knight on the opposite side. Ron was thrown to the ground by the huge impact. Face, fainted.


Harry shouted in fear and wanted to rush over to check on Ron, but Hermione hurriedly said with a nasal voice: "Don't waste Ron's sacrifice, go and eat the king first!"

Harry trembled and moved three steps to the left. The king looked at Harry in front of him, took off his crown, and declared his victory at this time.


Harry and Hermione ran to check on Ron and were relieved to find that he was just unconscious.

"We'll stop Snape first, and then come back and take Ron to the school hospital."

Hermione quickly made a decision and took Harry to the next level.


Harry and Hermione, who had just entered the door, vomited out, and the room was filled with a familiar and even worse smell.

"It's giant..." Hermione hurriedly covered her mouth. She felt that speaking was a kind of attack, and the anger would run down her throat into her stomach and then rush to her head.

Harry pointed to the door in front and hurriedly ran out of the room with Hermione.

As soon as the two of them crossed the threshold, a purple flame rose up behind them and sealed the doorway.

At the same time, black flames burst out from the door leading to the front, and they were trapped in the middle, but this also blocked the smell, allowing them to take a deep breath and calm down.

"I think Ron will definitely wake up if he smells this smell." Hermione thought of a book that said that anyone who smells a strong and pungent smell will wake up.

"Oh, I think we should go through here first, and we can try it when we go out."

Harry's expression softened, and he felt a strange sense of familiarity as he looked at the potion bottles on the table in front of him.

"What is this?" Hermione walked to the table and picked up a piece of parchment. It said: "Danger is in front of you, safety is behind you. Two of us can help you."

And underneath this sentence was a math problem that made Hermione's eyes widen!

 First of all, I'm sorry, I was going to release 5 chapters today, but there was another one that was difficult to deliver.

  Because the epidemic in Guiyang can spread to some places today, my mother called me early in the morning and asked me to pack my luggage. I had been packing up the rental house I rented for a day, but she took someone away in the afternoon.

  I don’t know what will happen to the epidemic in the future, so I will leave as soon as possible while I can. . .I didn’t get to my hometown until the evening, and then Chapter 5 had a difficult delivery.

  But Chapter 5 will definitely be released today. . .You can go to bed first after reading these four chapters. Please ignore it if you are a night owl.

(End of this chapter)

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