Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 73 Final Dinner

Chapter 73 Final Dinner
Before Dumbledore could look at Bree, Bree forcibly fainted due to "magic overdraft".

Professor McGonagall hurriedly supported him to prevent him from falling to the ground.

"Dumbledore, come and see him!" Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore nervously, and Dumbledore immediately came over and tentatively observed Bree.

Snape blocked Dumbledore's view and held Bree in his arms.

"Dumbledore, you should care about the savior instead of my students."

Snape only slightly sensed Bree's magic and was able to discover the "chaotic" magic in his body, which made Snape frown.

"Arrogant little guy!"

Then he looked at Harry again.

"I think Mr. Troll named Potter can explain clearly what happened. I'm going to take Odd to the school hospital now. Of course, maybe you should go too."


"Please and your friends think carefully about how to fool me!"

After saying that, Snape took Bree and left.

Harry lowered his head, thinking that Bree had arrived here before him, but why did Snape just preach to them? Is it because he didn't faint? This is unfair!

"Harry, I think we have to go to the school hospital. Your friend also needs to be checked. Don't be angry with Snape. He is not a bad person. He has been preventing Professor Quirrell's conspiracy. Of course, it can also be said that Voldemort."

Oh, come on, Harry doesn't trust Snape at all, even if it's not him this time, then he must have a deep hatred with himself, otherwise why keep staring at him.

Harry felt that he should stay away from Snape, hum!
Okay, he admitted that he had misunderstood Snape, but he would not give in to Snape because of this.


Today was the dinner party, and Bree wouldn't miss it. He woke up in time and didn't even stay in Madam Pomfrey's hospital hospital longer, but he was quickly taken away by Snape.

"I think our smart Mr. Ode shouldn't be interested in the restricted area on the fourth floor like a troll, even recklessly breaking in like a brainless slug, and fighting Voldemort self-righteously, like a splendens It's as annoying as falling into a boiling Felicia."

Snape kept talking until Bree was a little unsteady and then he paused and said: "I don't want to know why you went in, and I don't want to know why you did it, but I tell you, forget everything that happened inside, At least pretend it never happened and don’t say that person’s name!”

"Also, stay away from the savior who is more reckless and stupid than a troll. He is a troublemaker. I hope you don't want to come to my office every day next semester to help your underclassmen deal with slugs for class!"

"Now, get out to the dinner party!"

Brie was kicked out and didn't even say he had the excuse he had prepared.

Snape stood at the door and was about to close the door when he suddenly said: "Don't be so smart!"


Bree scratched the tip of his nose. He felt that Snape was really a arrogant person. He obviously cared about him, but he used all kinds of disgusting and disgusting words.

"Brie, I can't let this disturb your good mood." Brie said to herself, and then walked towards the hall.

It was already evening, and the entire hall was decorated with green and silver colors that represented Slytherin. Slytherin had won the House Cup for six consecutive years before, and this time was no exception. Although many major events have happened this semester, This does not affect Slytherin becoming the first with a good score of 560 six points.

And the second is Ravenclaw, 390 four points.

The third place is Hufflepuff, with 330 points.

Fourth is Gryffindor, with 220 and seven points.

At this time, a huge banner with Slytherin patterns had even been hung behind the professor's seat. The little snakes sitting on the Slytherin table all held their heads high and talked arrogantly. Among the people in the other colleges, He Chippa was indifferent, they thought it would be great if they were not in last place, and everyone in Ravenclaw admired them, who made Bree earn more than 200 points for Slytherin throughout the semester.

If a certain little snake hadn't been too naughty, Slytherin's score would have been even higher.

Brianna sat in his chair and accepted the alienation of the snakes around him. It was great. His plan worked. It was obvious that Harry told Dumbledore what he said at that time, and Dumbledore did not hide what happened in the restricted area. , just replaced Voldemort with the Death Eater Quirrell, maybe this is to build momentum and a kind of protection for the savior. After all, Harry can't afford the reputation of killing Voldemort again, it will be poison.

There is not much mention of Bree in the story, and Bree doesn't want to attract too much attention. Killing Voldemort and killing Death Eaters are two different things.

Anyway, Quirrell's death has nothing to do with Bree. Dumbledore loves to toss and toss, but he doesn't want to get involved.

Malfoy looked excited. He felt that he deserved to be the first in credits and one of the contributors, second only to Bree.

But he was a little awkward with Bree. After the little snakes around him learned that Bree was hostile to Death Eaters and helped the Savior kill Quirrell, they all began to re-examine their attitude towards him. Now even if he wins the Academy Cup, most of them belong to Bree. Credit, they didn't get close.

The conversation around them became more and more noisy, and it was obvious that some people were dissatisfied with this result, such as the little lions of Gryffindor.

"Damn it, we have just entered school and we are about to see Slytherin win seven games in a row!" Ron frowned, very dissatisfied with this Academy Cup, but there was nothing he could do about it.

He tried to say to Harry, who was also frustrated next to him: "Harry, you said we would get extra points. You also got extra points last time in the Forbidden Forest. This time we defeated Quirrell and stopped his conspiracy. That should be a plus.”

Harry's eyes lit up after hearing this. Although he understood that the score still could not surpass Slytherin, it could get them out of fourth place, which was already great.

Obviously, Hermione on the side also heard it, which made her feel a lot better.

Soon, Dumbledore arrived, and the other professors sat down one by one. The little wizards below gradually became quiet, waiting for Dumbledore to present the Academy Cup.

A little snake in the seventh grade said: "Don't think that the College Cup is not important. This is one of the trophies that best reflects our value when we are students. This will help your future, especially such a great achievement as seven consecutive championships." , only a few times in a thousand years."

The rest of the little snakes nodded in approval. They also heard from their own family that the Academy Cup is also a way to prove their abilities, and it is a capital worth showing off.


Some little snakes looked at Bree. They felt that Bree shouldn't be like this, or that being an enemy of the Death Eaters was the stupidest thing he could do. You must know that many pure bloods have been involved with Death Eaters. Bree's decision He completely isolated himself from the pure-blood family.

It is even said that the little snakes consciously stayed away from Brie without waiting for orders from their own families.

Enid glanced in Alisa's direction, and Alisa smiled coldly, as if laughing at the ignorance and stupidity of those little snakes. Her relationship with Bree is cooperation, and she understands how Bree behaves in the world. , there are definitely deeper reasons for this, such as severing the relationship with pure blood, ending the pure blood family’s ridiculous calculations, and letting Dumbledore feel at ease...

Enid quickly got the answer from Alyssa's expression, and then followed the crowd and stopped talking to Bree for the time being. After all, she understood that this must be what Bree wanted, and she didn't want to disrupt other people's plans. , was disliked.

Selwyn sat with a cold face, staring closely at Bree's face, and sneered from time to time.

Arnold swallowed, not daring to look at Bree, he was afraid of Bree.


"Oh, hurry up!" Malfoy raised his head proudly, and at this moment he was focused on the awarding of the Academy Cup!

"Alright alright!"

Dumbledore walked onto the stage holding the Academy Cup, looked at the little wizard below and said, "Another year has passed!"

"Then let's see—"

"The number one now is Slytherin."

"Oh!" A burst of thunderous applause and cheers erupted from the Slytherin table. This is the pride of pure blood, and they should let go of some etiquette.

The Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff students also applauded, but it was obviously for Bree, because they were still talking about Bree's outstanding grades in class this year and arguing with the professors. Striving for points.

Even the Gryffindors applauded a lot under Hermione's lead, especially the Weasley twins, they were all chanting Bree Odd's name and winking at Bree with a teasing smile.

Bree smiled, he deserved it.

At the professor's chair, the professors except Snape all smiled and clapped. Even McGonagall only sighed in her mind after briefly recalling the little bastards who helped Gryffindor lose points this year. She looked at Bree with approval. She was thinking, how could the person who dared to break into the restricted area and fight Voldemort be a Slytherin? This was obviously a Gryffindor, and she had never been so crazy even back then!
Dumbledore was a little embarrassed. This was different from what he thought. Unfortunately, he had not paid attention to the current situation of the little wizards at Hogwarts for a long time. He also thought that the other three houses did not like Slytherin, but it was obvious that because of Bree It has changed many people's views on Slytherin... To put it bluntly, they all regard Bree as a good boy who was assigned to the wrong house... Well... they hate Slytherin even more!
But no matter what, when Dumbledore glanced at Harry who looked envious and blamed himself for deducting so many points from the academy, he still made up his mind that future interests were more important than a fair Academy Cup.

"Yes, yes, good performance," said Dumbledore, "but we have to include some recent events."

The hall suddenly fell silent, because the news that Harry took people to the restricted area yesterday and defeated the Death Eater Quirrell had already spread, and everyone had already expected the extra points this time, and Bree was there at the time, so they felt that It has no impact on this Academy Cup. After all, there is only one Academy Cup, and there is not much difference between second and fourth.

Dumbledore looked at the indifferent little snakes below, and the expectant little lions, his eyes flickered, and finally he looked at Bree.

(End of this chapter)

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