Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 77 Voldemort’s Soul

Chapter 77 Voldemort’s Soul
Bree returned to the turret, and Val was waiting with eyes wide open.


"Sorry, I didn't take good care of you in some matters." Brie looked at Yana, who was sitting in the nest with a cold face, looking at him seriously, her stomach growling, and took out a roast chicken from her arms and placed it in front of her. .

"Eat this."

"Brie, come on, come upstairs!"

Ver has been waiting all day, looking at the door like a watchman's stone, but naturally it will not talk about the magic stone in front of Yana. It is running around at Brie's feet, trying to urge Brie to inside.

After going upstairs, Vercai took out the magic stone from the drawer in a sneaky way.

"Where did you get it, my God, this is the Philosopher's Stone, that guy has never made it!"

Although Ver has never seen a real magic stone before, he also learned some characteristics of the magic stone from the owner of the turret. Such a powerful and vital magic stone is what that guy dreams of making!
"It belongs to Dumbledore." Bree sat slumped in the chair. He picked up the Sorcerer's Stone and looked around before throwing it back into the drawer.

"I'll worry about it later, I need to deal with a less friendly guest now."

After the explosion of the Mirror of Erised, Bree obtained part of Voldemort's soul through the contract. This was an accident. He thought: I hope I can turn this accident into an opportunity that is beneficial to me.

When Voldemort's soul was pulled out of the contract, it was a transparent, ugly snake with a human face.

"Soul detention!"

"Soul magic!" Voldemort wanted to escape, but found that he could not move at all. Bree thought that Voldemort would split into another individual like Peeves, but it was obvious that he was still thinking of Voldemort himself and remembered the previous things. very clear.

However, the split soul is always flawed, and it is not easy to complete it. Moreover, this soul is too small, and Bree has no idea of ​​​​completing it.

"It's useless for you to kill me, but I will always come back, and you will pay the price!"


Bree locked Voldemort's soul with natural magic, and then took out the unicorn's horn.

Unicorns with powerful light power have a certain ability to restrain souls. Bree does not want Voldemort's soul to stay in her body. As for the contract...

The effect of the contract still exists. As long as there is this contract, Voldemort cannot kill him with his own hands, otherwise the contract will kill him on the spot. This is a guarantee for dialogue with Voldemort's soul.

"Just stay in there, I'm not interested in playing with you now."

Bree put everything away. Of course, he did not put the magic stone and the unicorn horn together. He was not so confused yet.

"Fer, don't touch these two things."

"Okay, but Bree, are you sure you're okay?"

Only then did Ver realize that Bree's expression was a little worse, even worse than the last time he left the Slytherin dormitory.


Brie didn't seem to hear Ver's words, but just lowered his head, his eyes a little moist.


"What's wrong?" Brie raised his eyes to look at Ver, but Ver could only see full of loss in Brie's eyes.

"My little Brie, what's wrong with you? Is someone bullying you?"

Ver was a little irritable, but Bree didn't tell him anything.

"It's all over, Ver. I just suddenly felt that I was very naive in the past and relied on others for many things. I won't do that anymore. The most stable thing is to rely on myself when I am weak."

"You should believe me and tell me what happened!" Ver didn't know what happened to Bree. It looked at Bree's fragile appearance and turned around anxiously.

"It's really okay. Okay, tomorrow is the school leaving day, I have to prepare my luggage."

School leaving day!
Ver was suddenly stunned, because this meant that Bree had been outside for two months. No, there was teleportation magic!

"I need to go to Cedric's house for a few days. After the matter is over, I will try to use teleportation magic, but if I can't teleport such a long distance, I can only rent a room at the Leaky Cauldron in Diagon Alley to rest."

Bree has already planned the next things. Of course, the newly added things have not been arranged yet. He already has an idea on how to deal with Voldemort's soul, but this requires some experiments and the help of human transformation; he is short Time can only complete the basics and collect the materials; as for the magic stone, he has no desire for immortality for the time being, but it can be used to turn stone into gold, which just solves his first major problem in learning alchemy.

Before, Bree had no family background and didn't have too many unnecessary thoughts about alchemy, but now she can practice it regardless of consumption.

"Oh, by the way, you have to take that wolf away, don't forget."

After hearing Ver's words, Bree understood that Yana was to be handed over to Alyssa. This was the content of his contract, and he naturally remembered it.

"Well, I will arrange it." Brie thought, turning stone into gold also requires a proper name to deal with the magic gold...

Maybe wood carvings are good, and gold crafts are much more reasonable than turning a large stone into gold.

You can't change too much at one time, otherwise it will attract Dumbledore's attention. Using gold to make alchemical items and selling them to get serious income is the right way, so no one can make a fuss about it.


On the second day, Bree packed his luggage early and went down with the suitcase. During this period, he met many little wizards, and these little wizards all looked at Bree with admiration.

They were all talking about the dinner party last night, and they were excited all night long. They never thought that anyone would dare to refute Dumbledore's words in public. This is much cooler than getting the Academy Cup.

Professor McGonagall gathered all the little wizards in the hall at this time. The little wizards were all ready to go, and their suitcases were all over the floor.

"First of all, I have to apologize for Dumbledore's speech yesterday. Dumbledore caused such a mistake because he paid too much attention to the external situation recently. Our professors think this is against the rules, but the College Cup has been ruined, so we decided to The Academy Cup is cancelled. I hope that the little wizards next year will continue to work hard. Our professors will keep an eye on it and this will never happen again. We all strive for the fairness of the Academy Cup."

"School will always be a fair place, I promise."

With wet eyes, Professor McGonagall said what she had prepared countless times. Dumbledore obviously didn't know about this, but he still sat in silence until McGonagall finished speaking. All the little wizards looked at he.

Dumbledore nodded silently and agreed to the matter. Now it is useless to say anything. The young wizards will only continue to doubt him. Even Harry Potter is faintly ostracized by everyone. Even Hermione is struggling with how to reconcile with Harry. Lee speaks.

It wasn't Harry's fault, but it was because of him.

"Clap clap clap!"

There was applause all around. It was obvious that McGonagall's words had restored the little wizard's trust in the Academy Cup, but it was also somewhat unworthy of Bree.

"Then, let's keep the decorations from last semester. This place can't be empty."

McGonagall finally picked up her smile and waved the wand in her hand, and soon the area in the hall that had been burned by Bree was re-decorated with silver and green decorations, and a huge Slytherin banner suddenly appeared behind the teacher's chair.

This time, the applause was even louder.

This made Bree give McGonagall a grateful smile.

"Then get ready to take the Hogwart Express, don't delay the trip!"

"I hope that next semester, everyone will return safely and continue to study magic at Hogwarts. Let's enjoy the holiday happily!"

The little wizard below cheers, what a wonderful word vacation is, and you can have fun for two whole months.

Professor McGonagall returned to her original serious look, coughed twice and said, "Of course, your results will be delivered within a week. I hope you can take a good look at yourself, respect your professors more, and prepare for the next year's course."

"Oh, God, why are you talking about this..."

"It's over, it's over, I will definitely be told by my mother this time..."

"I have thick skin, I should be able to endure it for a while..."

The little wizard below was lamenting, but Professor McGonagall and all the professors applauded, and Dumbledore also sighed and smiled.

Dumbledore thought that it seemed that he hadn't gotten to know the students well for a long time. Since becoming the principal, he had broken away from the Hogwarts education system and became an extracurricular professor without ever seeing the principal.

Will you be the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor next year?
Dumbledore thought for a while. Although few people are willing to take this position because of the curse, it has a special role. If Voldemort does not die, the curse will still exist. He cannot break this balance at will, causing him to lose the means to understand Voldemort's condition. .

Looking at the young wizards who had left the hall one after another or were saying goodbye to the rest of the professors, Dumbledore found himself somewhat redundant.

"Headmaster Dumbledore, can we talk?"

Harry came up.Some young wizards noticed but did not say anything in front of Dumbledore.

"Of course, I think I should go find you and explain your matter clearly."

Dumbledore took Harry away, and Bree said goodbye to Professor McGonagall and Professor Sprout before preparing to follow Cedric to the train.

"See you next semester, Bree."

"See you next semester... everyone..."

Cedric helped Bree carry the suitcase, and in Bree's arms was holding a small wooden box, which was what Alisa asked for, and he would give it to her on the train later.

"Oh, Mr. Old, wait."

It's Professor Flitwick.

"Is something wrong, Professor?"

Bree was a little confused. Professor Flitwick seemed to have been keeping a distance from him after giving him the parchment. He kept silent on many things, but this time he took the initiative to find him.

"It's about the parchment. I think you already understand the magic..."

Flitwick was a little nervous, but he still said: "That's it, I found that the magic you used, well, is a little different from what I know. Maybe I can come to you to talk about it during the holidays, or get back to me. Where I'm from, that might help you research it."

Professor Flitwick blushed. After all, he also had selfish motives. Studying the magic of goblins has always been his wish. Unfortunately, he has never been able to find a way. He is more of a wizard than a goblin, and Bree agreed with him. Participating in the study of goblin magic was something he couldn't talk about.

"If you find it inconvenient, just pretend I didn't say it. Maybe I'm too crazy."

Flitwick thought, how could he take advantage of the students, this is absolutely shameless behavior!

"This..." Brie hesitated because he had already arranged his schedule for the holidays, but he could still squeeze it out if it was only for a few days.

"I think I have time a few days before school starts. I just need to set aside a day or two to buy supplementary textbooks for the second grade."

(End of this chapter)

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