Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 88 Inside the Ancient God Tree

Chapter 88 Inside the Ancient God Tree
"Bang!" A green light ball the size of a rice grain hit Jill's big nose, and a strong explosion occurred instantly upon contact.

Green smoke filled the air, and after everyone dispersed the smoke, they could see clearly what Jill looked like—scars all over his body, a mess of hair on his head, and smoke coming out of his mouth, motionless.

"This is paralysis pollen, huh!"

Nico put his hands on his hips and waved his hands at the fairies. Two huge rice grains of light were filled with powerful magic. This was the magic of the flower fairies, which was very unique.

Brie hurriedly took one and studied it. She felt a numbness in her fingertips and her blood was a little unsmooth. This was a strange magic. Brie interestingly used natural magic to wrap it up and put it away. Empty pockets and study later.

"Sorry, guest." The patriarch gave a slight signal to Bree, then took out a flower carved from wood and cast the goblin's healing magic on Jill.

Professor Flitwick walked up to Bree and explained to Bree: "That is the alchemy item of the ancient tree goblin. It can cast magic like the healing spell. The goblin can also use the power of blessing to enhance this power. "

"Well... don't mind what some ancient tree goblins said. We are just here to explore the secrets of goblin magic." Professor Flitwick said this, but he still secretly gave Nico a thumbs up to express his appreciation for what just happened.

Nico raised his little head proudly.

"Nico will protect you."

The patriarch also said with concern: "Okay, let's set off. I'm afraid we need the help of this little wizard for this matter."

Looking at the attitude of the patriarch and the flower elf, the ancient tree fairies realized that Bri was the guest mentioned by the patriarch. They looked at each other and did not dare to say anything. Who would have thought that a young flower elf could have such power? , can directly knock out a strong fairy.

"Leave Gil here and take him back when we come back."

The patriarch was arranging the goblins to walk towards the passage in the ancient god tree, and Bree followed Flitwick and Anos.

Nico was very excited along the way and flew out to look around, while Brie was also observing the murals on the passage.

"These are just decorative murals. The real inheritance is in the stone chamber inside, but you can't understand it without fairy blood."

Anos said this and glanced at Flitwick secretly, because Flitwick had elf blood but no elf talent.

Flitwick felt the gaze and forced a smile: "Oh, it's okay, Anos, I have the wizard's magic now."

"Of course, hahaha, the wizard's magic is pretty good too, let's catch up quickly." Anos didn't know how to persuade Flitwick to give up studying goblin magic, so he could only lead them forward in a haha ​​manner.

Soon the prototype of the hall appeared. Although it was called a hall, it was actually a grotto with a relatively flat ground. In the grotto, tree roots were entangled and crisscrossed into the stones. Murals were carved crookedly on the surrounding stone walls. It's very messy.

Bree felt that these stone walls were full of natural magic power, but the magic power was very weak, like a seriously ill and dying man who was full of ambition but not enough strength.

Brie stepped forward to check, and the surrounding goblins began to disperse, looking for strange traces of magic in the surrounding passages. This was the arrangement given to them by the clan leader earlier.

When Brie touched the stone wall, Brie felt that the magic power on the stone wall was different. A vague sadness was attached to these magic powers. These magic powers gave Brie guidance...


These magic powers are passed down from above along the roots of the tree.

However, the sadness comes from below, brought up by the deep roots of the tree...

"This is the place where the ancient tree fairies learn magic. Every little fairy will be brought here when they are 9 years old. Here they can find their own power."

The patriarch came over. He did not follow the others, and the same was true for Flitwick and Anos, because they were going to the forbidden place among the forbidden places, which was the place where Anos threatened Gil just now - the Ancient Tree Abyss.

Bree did not discover that this place belongs to the magic inheritance of fairies. Perhaps the bloodline talent is a key, and Bree is not a fairy and cannot be recognized here.

Gee, Bree is a bit confused.

"You can look again, we need some magic preparations to go down, it will take a while." The patriarch smiled, but his eyes were a little worried, because he felt that the ancient sacred tree seemed to be sleeping more deeply as soon as he came in, and even As if dead.

The clan leader did not hide this matter.

"Anos, Filius, the Ancient God Tree has been half asleep and half awake for thousands of years, but I feel that He is sleeping deeper..."

Since Anos almost lost his magic power in the ancient sacred tree, the forbidden area has not been opened again. The children's magic enlightenment all relies on the teachings of the patriarch. Although this is troublesome, it is better than safety. Many fairies also agreed to this arrange.

But later the patriarch discovered that this inheritance method was flawed, because the new-born children had no magic power!
This time, the goblins originally refused to explore the ancient sacred tree. It was the clan leader who used his rights. He was afraid that the goblins of the ancient tree would be cut off in his own hands.

"Father, we are going to use..."

The patriarch stopped what Anos was about to say and pulled him towards a dark place. It was obvious that some things could not be known to everyone for the time being.

Flitwick was handling some of the plants he had brought, arranging them in a strange array, and then stood aside.

Bree squatted aside and said, "Professor, what is this?"

There was no trace of magic in these plants, which made Bree curious.

"This is the isolation magic of the goblin, which can isolate us from the influence of the external environment. Last time Anos... almost fell into the abyss to save me. The death energy permeating the abyss invaded his body, almost causing him to lose his magic power. "

Flitwick blamed himself. Anos told him not to tell anyone about this.

"I saw an ancient magic text on the stone wall of the abyss, so I wanted to go down and have a look. Anos noticed something was wrong..."

"Don't blame yourself, Professor, now we have to find out the reason." Bree smiled helplessly. He found that Professor Flitwick was prone to sentimentality.

"But I won't stay if I'm in danger, Professor."

Bree was not the Virgin, and these goblins had nothing to do with him. He chose to go here because of Professor Flitwick's friendship.

"Of course, I will not put my students in a dangerous situation. If there is any danger, you should leave here immediately."

Professor Flitwick looked at the patriarch who was still talking to Anos in the distance, and whispered to Bree: "Actually, I found a small cave on the side of the abyss, which can lead to the ventricle inside the ancient tree. , the heart chamber is the place where the spirit of the ancient tree sleeps, Anos and I did not tell the patriarch that we found it, because there are legends... disturbing the spirit of the ancient tree, the ancient tree will be angry."

"Are you trying to sneak in?"

Bree looked at Professor Flitwick with a guilty look on his face, feeling helpless.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

After hearing Bree's words, Flitwick immediately said: "Awaken the spirit of the ancient sacred tree. I also received enlightenment here. Although I did not gain magical talent, I remembered the magical atmosphere at that time, which was the magic power of the goblin." The source of power, and your magic is very similar, both are great powers, so I want you to try if you can awaken Him."

"The abyss is too scary. No one can guarantee whether the truth will be found down there, so we have to find the spirit of the ancient sacred tree."

Professor Flitwick hung his head, feeling that he had cheated his student.

"Sorry... Oded, I shouldn't have deceived you. I was originally going to take you and Anos secretly to the forbidden area to study the murals in the stone chamber, hoping to find some clues there, but the patriarch suddenly decided to launch an investigation into the forbidden area. It gave us an opportunity.”

"The abyss was set up by the patriarch. Now only the patriarch can take us down. I'm sorry... In order to compensate... Anos said that he can steal his father's Ancient Tree King ring and give it to you to study for three days. The ring is full of The magical inheritance of the ancient tree fairies.”

Flitwick rubbed his hands nervously while Bree looked down and thought for a moment.

Nico was listening, and he was very angry. He felt that this old man was not a good person, and he dared to lie to his master.

"Why are you...uhhhhh."

Bree muffled what Nico was about to say.

"When adults talk, children don't interrupt."

Finally, Bree calmly said to Professor Flitwick, who was still worried: "If there is a danger that I cannot stop, I will take Nico and leave here immediately."

No amount of magic can make Bree give up her life.

"Of course, I'm prepared for this... There is a special power in the forbidden area that can block teleportation magic. It's similar to Hogwarts, but this parchment can offset it."

Professor Flitwick took out the parchment he had brought Bree with and handed it to Bree.

"I have applied phantom magic and protective magic to this parchment. As long as you are in danger, you can cast the magic on it immediately."

It seemed that Professor Flitwick had made arrangements, and Bree took the parchment.

"Actually, you can tell me directly. I think I will help you, Professor."

Bree put away the parchment and was in a bad mood. Although benefits were promised, this was not a fair transaction process.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I will repay you when I get back to Hogwarts, as long as it's not against school rules."

Professor Flitwick still lowered his head, his self-blaming mood making Bree feel helpless.

Bree's eyes lit up when he heard Professor Flitwick's words. He just needs some help from the professors next semester. It would be even better if it was Dean Flitwick of Ravenclaw.

Bree chuckled and patted Professor Flitwick on the shoulder, comforting: "I forgive you, Professor, as long as you don't hide anything else from me."

"Woooooo..." Professor Flitwick cried, choked up, "I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have listened to Anos, how could I deceive my students."

Bree retracted his hand, and the patriarch and Anos in the distance stopped talking when they heard the cry. It was obvious that their conversation was not harmonious, looking at the angry expressions on both of them. .

"What's the matter, Filius?" The patriarch suppressed the slight anger just now and looked at Filius helplessly. It was obvious that he knew Flitwick's temper. As long as he did something that went against his heart and blamed himself, he would That's what he'll do.

Anos coughed twice, patted Flitwick and said nothing, but did not dare to lower his head to look at him and Bree.

Bree said directly: "Professor Flitwick deceived me here with lies, hoping that I could discover something with my special abilities, so it's a bit... well, but I have forgiven him."

Bree felt that telling the truth directly would make Professor Flitwick feel better, and he himself would feel better too.

"I did find something."

Brie stroked the roots of the tree, turned around and said seriously: "I feel a sadness coming from the ground, maybe it's what you call the abyss, and a strange magic power coming from above, maybe it's the magic that the ancient sacred tree brings to the goblin clan. inherited."

"Maybe the source of sadness is the truth behind the problem with the ancient tree goblin..."

(End of this chapter)

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