Chapter 9
When he swept over Bree in the corner, he paused...and then said slowly and in a long tone with an expressionless face: "You should understand the meaning of Slytherin, maybe you are born in wealth and glory. , fame, but here, everything is based on strength. Of course, we cannot deny that family is also a kind of strength, but this is not a place for you to show off the glory of your ancestors... You must remember, don't make mistakes."

"If you need any help...if it weren't for your brain twitching or being stuffed with splendens and thinking of useless questions to ask, I would open my door to welcome you..."

Bree stood a little dizzy, Snape could really tell.

"it is good!"

"Then please sleep peacefully... There is no chief war in the first grade. You should be lucky that Slytherin left a trace of warmth to the little snakes and gave you time to grow up. Although it is not much, it is still precious. You can't always You are required to fight like a giant, using your wand as a club."

"Prefect, arrange them."

After Snape finished speaking, the fifth-grade prefects, a boy and a girl, walked out. The girl was Jennifer Caro. She left with the first-year girls from the passage on the right, and the boy said: "I am Bennett Wilder, please come with me.”

The boy didn't say much, and he wasn't too disgusted with Bree, but his roommate in the same dormitory as Bree didn't seem friendly.

Slytherin was a two-person room. Perhaps because of the wealth of the earliest Slytherin, it did not make the college named after him crowded and even a bit gorgeous. The unlucky guy who was in the same room with him was called Blaise Shabby. Ni, that gentle, dark-skinned boy who followed Malfoy.

The door to the dormitory opened, and Shabini walked straight in, not paying attention to Brie's presence.

Of course, this is for the best. Brie has no time to care about his roommate's attitude. After a day of torture, he doesn't want to talk anymore. He just wants to take a shower and rest. It's a damn Tuesday, and tomorrow is Wednesday, and Brie has to go to class.


The entire Slytherin common room is mainly green with silver as the decoration. The same is true for the dormitory. The green and silver patterned curtains and beds are very comfortable... In fact, Bree likes green and silver and hates red and white. Silver and white are different and should not be confused.

But Bree didn't like it very much, because the Slytherin common room was on the underground floor, which made him feel dull. The windows were separated by a huge glass window. From the window, you could see the deep lake outside, and the deep lake inside. Wandering fish and shrimps, and sometimes giant octopuses can be seen, but generally speaking, the magical animals living at the bottom of the lake rarely come close to this window. There is magic here.

He still prefers the Ravenclaw tower. When he was in the orphanage, he liked to go to the top floor to blow in the wind, even in the coldest winter, instead of being wrapped in a quilt like a snake and motionless.

I just hope tomorrow will be beautiful.

Bree packed up the luggage that had been placed in the dormitory by the house elf, put down the crossbody bag that had been hanging, washed up, and then lay on the bed. Her roommate next to her had already started writing a letter at her desk. It was written to my family.

Bree didn't write to Emmeline. They were over. He just needed to maintain the most basic friendship. He didn't take out his diary and textbook to preview, but just pulled out the schedule on the bedside table.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, there will be an herbal medicine class starting at 9 a.m. The teacher is Professor Pomona Sprout, who teaches in the greenhouse outside the castle. In order to better observe the growth changes of plants, there will be a class in the afternoon. There is a section...

Well, Bree liked the herbal medicine class. This was his strength. Anyway, most of the things in the book were already memorized, so he could rest peacefully.

As Buri fell asleep, Shabini also put down the envelope in his hand. He glanced at Buri silently, chuckled coldly, and then slowly went to the bathroom to wash up and prepare to rest.


Early the next morning, Brie stretched and turned over to continue resting, when suddenly he thought of something.

"Yes, I've started school, but I thought..."

Brie's muttering on the bed disturbed Shabini, who was sleeping lightly in the early morning. He silently got up to wash up, and soon went out with the textbook and envelope from the herbal medicine class.

There were many people who got up early in the Slytherin common room. Last night’s fifth-grade prefects, Jennifer Carrow and Bennett Wilder, were among them. There was an important exam in the fifth grade - the Ordinary Wizarding Level Examination. (OWL), this is related to the future of wizards, so every fifth grade will be very busy, and seventh grade also has an exam-Advanced Wizarding Level Test (NEWT), so seventh grade will be even busier. Generally speaking, these two Students in the first grade rarely participate in extracurricular activities, and most of them are busy studying/studying.

Jennifer Carlo frowned when she saw Blaise Chabini walking out, but she quickly relaxed, while Bennett Wilder on the side said with a smile: "It seems that there is something wrong with your eyesight too." .”

Bennett Wilder looked at him teasingly and said, "I don't know why you would help that Muggleborn. Are you so good at this? He is only 11 years old?"

Jennifer Carlo rolled her eyes at him, flipped her hair slightly, and did not answer the question.

Bennett Wilder clicked his tongue.

"Tsk, I hope this brat can stay."

Shabini heard what the two people said, but didn't pay attention. After seeing Parkinson on the sofa on the other side, he said hello and went straight out the door.


In the room, Bree slowly crawled out of the quilt, woke up, and then looked at the alarm clock and got up to wash up. He didn't have too many extravagant expectations for his roommate. He only hoped that this roommate would not get in the way, and that Slytherin could be more tolerant. Some.

Of course, Bree was disappointed. He had just finished washing up and was getting ready to go to the hall for breakfast with his textbooks when he encountered some trouble before he even left the common room.

"Can a Muggle-born be admitted to Slytherin? It's better to get out quickly. You have the nerve to carry a shabby crossbody bag, but even the house elves despise it, huh."

Two second-year boys blocked Bree's path. They had been slapping Bree from time to time at the dinner last night, and now they couldn't help but do it themselves.

Brie just looked at these two people and felt a little irritable. He just wanted to hurry up and replenish some food.

"Occam, Gus, school has just started." A senior girl glanced at Bree coldly, and then looked at the two boys. Of course, this was not to help Bree, but to signal Don't be so direct, these two.

However, these two people obviously didn't have the patience to play cat and mouse with Bree. They looked at each other and one of them said: "Oh, senior sister, I think you should be worried about the advanced wizard level exam, not us."

"Humph." The witch smiled and ignored this place.

Jennifer Caro on the side frowned.

The rest of the people also paid attention to the situation here in silence, but none of them planned to make a move.

Bree lowered her head, her eyes slightly red, and saw Draco Malfoy walking out of the dormitory passage, while Parkinson, who had been waiting on the sofa, put down the beauty book in his hand, not hiding his disgust and contempt. Ground said to Bree: "Go away, insidious Muggleborn!"

The two big followers behind Malfoy also came out. After hearing Parkinson's words, they stepped forward and pushed Bree away.

Parkinson looked at Malfoy and said with a smile: "Draco, I've been waiting for you for a long time. Let's go have breakfast. I hope some guys haven't affected your mood."

Malfoy nodded and smiled.

"I'm in a good mood."

Malfoy glanced at Bree, with a look of gloating in his eyes, snorted, raised his head arrogantly and said: "We are pure-blood wizards with noble blood, Pansy, you must pay attention to the language etiquette, don't talk to some mixed-blood, Just like Muggles."

He grabbed Bree's shoulders and said coldly: "You should also be careful, no one will help you here, the aliens...Slytherin will eat you up."

Then he looked at Occam and Gus and said, "I hope you don't want to do something stupid too."

After listening to Malfoy's words, the two people blocking Bree's path immediately opened the door. Their eyes were incomprehensible, and they were a little annoyed but they did not dare to refute, so they could only let Malfoy and his party walk out of the common room.

Leaves are eaten by insects, and insects are eaten by birds. This is Slytherin, eh, a proud peacock?

In Bree's downcast eyes, the red light has faded... He's not familiar with this place yet, so he'll have to wait... Is there something wrong with his eyes, Malfoy reminded himself?

"Okay, stop making trouble." At this time, Jennifer Carlo stood up. As a prefect, if she didn't come forward now, it would not look good if this matter was brought to the dean. She didn't want to do this. The trivial matter has lost its status as a prefect.

Bennett Wilder also joked: "If we make a fuss for a while, this kid will cry, haha ​​cough cough."

Seeing no one responded to him, he coughed twice in embarrassment.

Jennifer Caro glared at him, then looked at Bree, and said with some disappointment: "This is the last piece of advice, I don't think the Sorting Hat will throw an uncontested waste into Slytherin, it's not here Let others bully the heartless Hufflepuff."

Bennett Wilder on the side raised his eyebrows and said, "Jennifer, are you his mother? You really care about him."

"Shut up Bennett, don't forget you're a prefect too, he's still a Slytherin."

Bennett Wilder spread his hands helplessly, but he was watching Jennifer's show in his heart, but he looked at Bree coldly and said: "Okay, of course, then Mr. Occam and Gus, please step aside. , get this little Mr. Muggleborn out of here."

"Hmph, of course."

After hearing the prefect's arrangement, Ockham and Gus angrily moved out of the way, and Bree glanced at the two men slightly.

Occam and Gus only felt their eyes stinging, and a magic power blocked their sight.


Occam and Gus were kicked hard in the stomach. They tried to take out their wands, but the door to the lounge was already closed.

The other snakes in the lounge watched this scene, but none of them helped Occam and Gus.

Jennifer didn't care about the life or death of the two of them. She said coldly: "He is still in the protection period. He can attack you, but if you attack him, you are provoking Slytherin's rules!"

"I think Headmaster Snape will have a good talk with you."

(End of this chapter)

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