Natural Magic at Hogwarts

Chapter 94 Yanali Weiner

Chapter 94 Yana Livina

"None of my business?" Draco snorted.

"Of course, how can a savior who is about to appear on the front page of the Daily Prophet and a stinky peacock with big white teeth on the front page care about the feelings of people like us? Look, that guy is attracted to you because of you. There are more people watching, and now it’s difficult for us to go out.”

Draco didn't care whether Harry was wrong or not, he could find anyone as long as he wanted.

"Don't talk nonsense, he doesn't want that!" Ginny took the initiative to stand up and stared at Draco fiercely, which made Draco snort as he was humiliated.

"Pote, you found a fierce girlfriend." Draco sneered, and saw a fluffy head squeezing next to him.

But before she could speak, she heard Ron coming over and shouting: "Malfoy, stay away from Harry and Ginny!"


Bree could see clearly from upstairs. Hermione's hair had obviously been taken care of, but there were so many people here that all the exercises she had done before were in vain, but now her attention was on the book she was holding. .

"Harry, it's nice to see you before term, Malfoy."

Perhaps because of Bree, Hermione didn't say anything bad to Draco, but just ignored him. The same happened to Draco. He stopped what he was about to say to ridicule Hermione and turned to look at Ron. The book he held in his hand said: "I'm afraid you won't be able to eat next month, Weasley?"

"You bastard!" Ron blushed and threw all the books in his hands into Ginny's cauldron, preparing to give Draco a good beating.

"Hmph, is Weasley's poor bastard trying to bite someone?"

"Damn it, don't hold me Harry!"

Harry looked at Ron's robes hanging on the desk and wondered whether to remind him.

"Ron, that's a newly bought third-hand robe. You'll ruin it if you do this!" Mrs. Weasley ran over angrily and grabbed Luo Li's shoulders. Only then did Ron see his embarrassment. .

"Mom..." Don't tell me about the robe... I bought the third-hand robe to save money to buy Lockhart's book for Ginny as a textbook... and Ron planned to read the same book as Harry, so that he could save money. enough money.

"Okay, let's all go out now. Have you bought the book? Don't damage it!"

Mrs. Weasley looked at Ginny worriedly, but Ginny blushed and said, "Harry gave me the book Lockhart gave him, mother."

"Oh, our little sister is in love?"

"It looks good, Harry, you have to take advantage of it."

The Weasley twins and Mr. Weasley squeezed in, and the middle-aged witches and wizards outside finally remembered their responsibilities today, and took their children to buy what they needed to go to Hogwarts.

"What happened here?" Mr. Weasley had no time to tease his children and Harry, because he saw Draco's platinum blonde hair, the color he hated the most!
Mr. Weasley's scrutiny made Draco a little nervous. Ron glared at Draco angrily when he saw his father coming. The Weasley twins also looked at him teasingly, wanting to scare Draco.

Draco looked upstairs for help, which also attracted the attention of the people around him.


Hermione was the first to speak out, happily greeting Bree who was leaning against the guardrail.

"Good afternoon, Hermione." Brisbane walked downstairs, and Draco quickly stood next to Brisbane, raising his head and snorting haughtily.

"You guys from the Weasley family, do you think I will be scared if there are many people? If you dare to touch me, you have to ask Bree!"

Bree's attitude towards Draco was helpless, but this was not a big deal because Draco's father Lucius was here.

"Oh, who do I think he is? It turns out to be Arthur Weasley." Lucius looked at Mr. Weasley coldly and said, "I thought Weasley would only appear in second-hand bookstores."

He walked to Draco, pulled Draco over, and looked at the cauldron in Ginny's hand.

"Oh, I thought the Ministry of Magic's overtime work to find contraband would bring you an overtime pay, but obviously, you still can't give your children a good life."

"What are you talking about, Malfoy!"

Arthur Weasley glared at Lucius as Ron glared at Draco.

Bree stepped back slightly, ready to slip away helplessly, he still had things to do.

"Sir, is this going to be a fight?" Nico was obviously interested, but even more interested was Hermione. Hermione stayed next to Bree and asked curiously: "What is this? It's so cute. It's a magical creature. Well, I have seen little fairies in books before, but this one is different from the description."

"Nico is a flower elf, not those idle little fairies. Those are not real lives."

"Can talk!" Hermione became even more excited. She couldn't encounter such interesting things in the Muggle world. She thought about studying Nicol's species information.

Bree pinched Nico's soft, angry little face.

"Don't be like this, Hermione, you should focus on the courses you need to face in the second year. You might be the first one this semester."

Hearing this, Hermione glared at Bree.

"I would have had a great vacation if I didn't receive that report card in the first week of vacation."

"My scores are so different from yours. Oh my God, you obviously don't like flying lessons and history of magic!"

"I'm sorry for that, Hermione, but just because you don't like it doesn't mean you can't do it well, you should be clear."

Of course, Hermione, who was ranked second in grade, knew that there was no conflict between not liking some subjects and getting outstanding grades.

"I hope you will be entangled in trivial matters this year, Mr. Briod." Hermione snorted arrogantly: "At least you can give us some opportunities."

Bree said casually, "Of course, when..."

"Touch!" Just when Bree and Hermione said this, the sound of fighting came from Flourish and Blotts Bookstore.

"Arthur, let him go!" Mrs. Weasley hurriedly tried to pull away, but Arthur and Lucius were already wrestling on the ground.

The Weasley twins on the side are also cheering!

"Dad, come on, take out his pants!"

"Use your legs, Dad, kick him!"

Ron here took this opportunity to hit Draco hard with his fist.

"You redhead, get out of here!"

Ron rode on Draco's back, grabbed his hair hard, and said sternly: "Malfoy, say goodbye to your hair!"

"No, stop, Bree, help me!"

"My hair!"

Bree averted her eyes, really not wanting to look at Draco.

"Sir, let me cover your eyes, so you pretend you don't know!" Nico watched Draco being beaten, and quickly flew up and lay on Bree's face.

"Come down, Nico." Grabbing Nico's collar, the bracelet on Brie's hand popped out and turned into a wand, and said helplessly: "Imprison him quickly!"

An invisible chain tied Ron tightly, and Malfoy was freed from it. He hurriedly ran to Bree's side and said with tears in his eyes: "Brie, I have to give that pig's nose a good beating. I My beloved hair will be pulled out!"

"Hmph, what are you doing!" A pair of big hands separated Arthur and Lucius who were entangled on the ground. Lucius opened his big hand, staggered to his feet and then glared at Hagrid who interrupted him about to win. .

Hagrid was supposed to take care of the new students today, but he saw a fight that had not been seen in decades, and they were fighting like Muggles. After seeing clearly that it was the Weasley family and Malfoy, he stepped forward to stop it.

Ignoring the messy situation, Lucius snorted and said, "Just keep these old books and use them slowly. This is the best thing your father can give you!"

Lucius threw an old book he just got from Ginny's cauldron into it, turned around and saw Draco who was crying next to Bree and clamoring to beat Ron.

Who is your father, Draco?

Lucius pulled Draco away with a livid face.

"Go home, enough rudeness and stink from Weasley today!"

Arthur yelled: "Damn Malfoy!"

He held his waist up. His beer belly had been hit hard by something just now. Now he felt like vomiting, but he could never admit defeat in front of the children.

"Let's go too!"

This is how the Weasley family's boring shopping trip ended. Maybe there will be new activities after returning home. It is obvious that Mrs. Weasley has gone crazy.

After hearing the news, the Grangers and his wife rushed in and said, "What happened here? Hermione, are you okay?"

They are Hermione's parents!

"It's okay, Mom, I'm here."

The Grangers walked over to Hermione and looked at her carefully before feeling reassured, and Percy Weasley, now the sixth-year prefect, also came over.

"Dad, your fight has been filmed by the Daily Prophet. This will affect your work at the Ministry of Magic!"

Arthur said with a stinky face: "Who cares, I just can't stand Malfoy's face."

"Oh, come on mate." Hagrid.

Mrs. Weasley roared: "Arthur, come home now!!!"


Lucius just slipped a book into Ginny's textbook...

Bree said goodbye to Hermione thoughtfully. He had stayed at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore for long enough today. He had to buy the remaining things. He didn't care about the feud between Malfoy and Weasley.

At best, just ask Draco.

At this moment, Bree suddenly felt a gaze staring at him. It was Professor McGonagall and a little silver-haired girl!

Nice hair color.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall." Bree walked up to Professor McGonagall and said, "I didn't expect to meet you here, nor did I expect that something like this would happen here."

Hearing Bree's greeting, Professor McGonagall forced a smile. She had seen everything just now, especially the little girl next to her throwing bats.

"I didn't expect that Diagon Alley would be so lively this year...extraordinary, but overall it's pretty stable."

McGonagall actually doesn't like Lockhart either. Lockhart just said that no one can teach little wizards better than him. This is simply a challenge to her. That's why Professor McGonagall let the little girl take action and still He pulled her away at a critical moment. After all, it was not good to be targeted by a professor before school started.

"By the way, this is Yana Livina, this year's freshman."

 Don’t worry, the starting point is the range charge, and those few words do not affect the price.

  Ahhhhh, the author's hand was twitched and he posted what he will post tomorrow, woo woo woo. . .

(End of this chapter)

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