Pirates: Beyond Akainu

Chapter 186 After the Gunshots

Chapter 186 After the Gunshots
Historical resolution on Sakaski.

In the past, the New World Government has never officially set a clear tone on this, only occasionally mentioning it in relevant documents: the destroyer of the old world.

However, humans need to make a clear summary of past history.

Although it is often said that right and wrong always lie in the human heart, people's hearts will be attracted by words.Those words, you may agree with or doubt, also need a clear coordinate.

The official evaluation of a historical figure is written on the coordinates.

Now, in the 20th year since the establishment of the New World Government, with the help of President Roy, the world has begun to discuss extensively how to evaluate the figure of Sakaski and give him a historical position.

Under the official authorization of the World Government, a big discussion in which everyone can participate has begun!

Countless historical details of the year were dug up, countless witnesses who claimed to be witnesses to the events of the year came forward to testify, and resolutions about Sakalski were held in the Supreme Court one after another...

The world is in turmoil.

In his most luxurious house in the world, Amanda Roy shook a glass of red wine, held a banquet with his two favorite wives in his arms, surrounded by his children and grandchildren, and smiled.

"Mr. President, Mr. President, former army marshal Wang Shuanghu broke in and we couldn't stop him."

The guard suddenly ran in to report.

"Oh?" Roy raised his eyebrows and became interested. He didn't need to think about it to know what the former military leader was looking for. However, he didn't panic and said to his family gently:

"Dear Monet and Rebecca, a rude and rude guest has arrived. Please take the children to play in the backyard and let your husband get rid of him."

"Be careful, he might hit you." Monet was worried.

"I heard that guy is getting stronger and stronger, and he was still a die-hard supporter of Sakaski back then. He must be looking for someone to settle the score with." Rebecca was also worried.

Roy still smiled: "Wang Shuanghu is an old friend of ours. He just can't adapt to the new era. Don't worry. If he really goes too far, I will make him understand that private property is sacred and inviolable. I will break into other people's houses illegally." You can kill him directly, regardless of his status, this is a fair law."

Monet and Rebecca leave.

Roy adjusted his noble suit, and finally decided to sit in a high position, facing his former friend with a look of contempt.

How many years have we not seen each other?too many years...

Outside the gate.

Before Wang Shuanghu could break in, he rushed into the lobby with a thunderous roar like a tiger roaring.

"Amanda Roy! Cancel that ridiculous discussion immediately! Marshal Sakaski is not qualified to judge by a clown like you!!"

The loudness of the voice shocked Roy. He didn't expect that Wang Shuanghu would still have such momentum after he was 60 years old.

The door was directly knocked open by Wang Shuanghu's tall body of nearly two meters, surrounded by a group of guards who looked like chickens because of his figure.

"How can you treat a marshal like this who has made great contributions to world peace? Everyone, please step aside and notify the kitchen to hold a banquet. The marshal likes the food from his hometown of Nanhai."

Roy stood high and clapped his hands, welcoming Wang Shuanghu's arrival as a master.

But Wang Shuanghu had no intention of arguing with Roy. When he saw the clown movie and found out that the government actually held a discussion meeting, he was furious.

"I'm not a marshal! Don't call me a marshal! I don't have time to talk nonsense with you. Do as I say immediately! Otherwise, I will do it today!"

Wang Shuanghu strode fiercely to Roy's platform, his eyes like those of a tiger wanting to devour the opponent directly.

Of course, Roy knew that there was a taboo in the navy, that is, no one except Sakalski could be called a marshal, even if he had the rank of marshal, but he did it on purpose.

"What do you want? Kill me?"

"Do you think I dare not?!" Wang Shuanghu roared.

"Of course you can kill me. It's just the two of us here now. You're still strong, and I'm just an old man with constant headaches."

Roy spread his hands, looking indifferent, but his eyes turned cold the next second.

"But what can you change by killing me? Will the world's discussion about Sakaski stop? This big discussion was not initiated by me."

"You fart! Roy! Do you think I don't understand your tricks! All newspapers, all TVs, all media agencies and government departments are under your firm control, and they will follow your orders with just one order." It’s up to you, you led all of this! You maliciously blackmailed the marshal!”

Roy shook his head: "You've wronged me. I don't have the ability to control everyone. I even disbanded the Anti-Corruption Department. All I did was to follow the people's will."

"Follow the people's will?"

"Yes, conform to the will of the people, Wang Shuanghu, open your eyes and look at the demands of the people. This big discussion meeting was held fairly and justly under the supervision of the whole world. Everyone's eyes are watching. Is it just Can the power of one person change the final result of the discussion in the whole world?"


Roy took the initiative to approach Wang Shuanghu and looked directly into Wang Shuanghu's eyes without fear.

"You don't dare to put Sakaski in the public eye at all. What are you afraid of? Are you afraid that Sakaski can't stand the discussion? If Sakaski is really as great as you say, why don't you dare to accept it from the public? Scrutiny? Is such cowardly greatness still great?"

Roy's eloquence was as good as before. Wang Shuanghu was unable to resist the series of questions. He was not good at this.

"No! No! The people have been deceived by you! Deceived by you! No matter what! Neither the people you speak of nor us are qualified to discuss Marshal Sakaski! Not allowed!!"

"You are pitiful……"

Roy's eyes were cold, and he suddenly took out a gun, pointed the black muzzle at Wang Shuanghu, and pulled the trigger before the other party could react.




Big discussion on Sakaski's historical resolution.

The Supreme Court has organized more than a thousand discussions in a row, discussing everything that Sakaski has done.

Naturally, the naval veterans at that time would not allow such a discussion meeting.

But when Wang Shuanghu went to Roy to cancel the discussion in person, but was beaten by Roy for breaking into a private house, others did not have the courage to go to Roy to settle the score.

At first, Sakalski's supporters also thought about defeating each other head-on at the discussion meeting, defeating the opponent with facts, which was led by Sakalski's secretary Turan at the time.

However, as more discussions were held and clear and unfavorable evidence was brought to the table, the situation under Turan's leadership became more and more disintegrating.

This includes: the former pirate Bucky testifies that he is Sakaski's white glove, proving that the so-called navy marshal is actually connected with the pirates.

Django, a veteran of the Navy at that time, one of the core members of the former Military Council, and known as the slave savior, was actually Tezolo, a criminal who once traded slaves.

Push the entire country of Wano and all the countless lives on it to the bottom of the sea


When these evidences are presented, it shows that Sakaski is no longer great, even if these things are refuted by Turan with "historical limitations", "helpless choices" and "necessary sacrifices".

In this era that values ​​the rule of law and "life above all else", people all over the world cannot tolerate Sakaski's biggest evil point.

That means he kills indiscriminately!Not only him, but also the new navy created by Sakaski and his accomplice Zefa were killing indiscriminately. They may have killed more people than the entire pirate era.

The people not only reflect: Is it really necessary to kill so many people for the sake of a new world?Isn't this a trampling on life?Is there any humanity left in this man and the regime he leads?Could it be that Sakaski was responsible for creating the new world?Just like this, occupying a greedy place?Who is Amanda Roy who truly brings peace and wealth?
We never really had it better in his time.

So in the end, this discussion conference that lasted for three years finally came to an end.

Supreme Judge: "This court declares that the 1082nd discussion meeting on the historical resolution of Sakaski has ended. This Supreme Court, on behalf of the United Government of World Racial Unity, makes the following verdict."

"We define Sakaski as a crime against humanity, but in view of Sakaski's historical achievements in overthrowing the old world government and eliminating all the big pirates at that time, we give him a historical evaluation of [-]%, that is, [-]% credit and [-]% fault. , and also ordered the removal of all Sakaski statues around the world..."

The Sakalski historical resolution finally has an official tone.

This also means that the former veteran of the navy, the officer faction, was completely defeated!Including the fair association established by Zeqing later was also implicated, because Zeqing initially promoted that this was Sakaski's idea and his unfinished legacy.



This is an old navy warship, floating alone on the sea.

It is hard to imagine that there are still warships like that in this era. This may be the only one left now.

The warship was rusty and empty.

Only two figures stood on the bow deck.

These are two elderly but still tall people, one male and one female.

"Thank you for coming to the appointment."

"I think you already know everything, including my true identity."

"Miss Shigenobufusa, it turns out that you are one of the partners of the Straw Hat Pirates back then, Nico Robin..."

Turan smiled bitterly, thinking that he had personally introduced the disguised Robin into the government back then, but now Robin had become his biggest opponent and even defeated him.

Yes, Nicole Robin is one of the leaders of this Sakaski discussion. With her status as the most qualified historian today and the status of the highest judge awarded by Roy, what she said represents the law. will.

The youthful appearance is long gone, and Robin, with silvery white hair and wrinkled face, took off his disguise and confessed frankly: "My hatred is finally dispelled."

"Why should the marshal be blamed for the destruction of the Straw Hat Pirates?"

"Isn't it? It started when he killed Luffy brother."

Reminiscences appeared in Robin's eyes... From her troubled childhood and rejected youth, those days of surviving in the dark world made her so painful. She once thought that her whole life would be like this, until she met Luffy. And the Straw Hat Pirates...

Nicole Robin will never forget the redemption on Justice Island.

Therefore, she cannot forgive!
I absolutely cannot forgive Navy Sakaski who ruined everything!

"The best way to destroy a person is not to kill him. Although Sakaski is dead, who will repay the dreams and lives of our partners? I must give them an explanation, that is..."

Nico Robin sneered and looked at Turan, the former secretary of Sakaski: "Do you know what it is?"

Turan shed tears silently, shook his head and could not say anything.

"That is to let a person's reputation be ruined. There is no feeling more painful than being abandoned by the world that he once saved. Even if Sakaski can't feel it, it's enough for you to feel it. This kind of pain that goes deep into the bone marrow. "

Turan cried out, because he knew that Robin had done it, so he couldn't refute, he could only ask:

"You have been planning for so many years just for today? You hate the marshal so much? Miss Fang, I think you are kind and smart in nature. Even though the marshal once killed your most important partner, what he did made everyone The world is a better place, isn’t it?”

"Is it possible to ignore the majority of people in the world for the sake of personal dreams and personal lives? You must use your intelligence to spend your entire life to defeat the great man who created a new world? Why do you want to do this?"

Nico Robin didn't answer, just put his hands in the pockets of his windbreaker and looked at the sea level.

As smart as she is, of course she knew that Sakaski was able to end the old world and avoid more people who might be as tragic as her childhood.

But humans are not such creatures. People are more likely to be blinded by the hatred in front of them and driven by such hatred.

"Tulan, you are a good person. It was only because of your recommendation that I got here step by step. Thank you very much... I used to wonder why a good person like you would help the devil Sakaski, but later I understood. When the situation changes, Sakaski is really great."

"But the reality is like this. I can't change my position. The death of our partners and the pain of our partners are still vivid in my mind..."

Nico Robin couldn't talk any more, she didn't want to remember anymore, and two lines of tears streaked down her face.

When Turan saw Nico Robin's tears, it was the first time he saw this woman shed tears, and he finally understood how deep the bond between them was.

"Forget it, you have won anyway. When I see that the statues of the Marshal all over the world have been demolished, and all traces of the Marshal's existence have been erased...what's the point of pursuing you again?"

Turan knelt down and took out a coat from the suitcase he had brought.

It was a coat from the navy, stained with blood, that had been given to Turan by Sakaski after returning from a certain battle.

Turan did not change it, but kept it for so many years, even after he got married and had children.

He put Sakaski's coat around him and took out a pistol.

"The whole meaning of my life has been destroyed, and I have fought to the end for the honor of the Marshal. Maybe you are right, oh, God knows..."

After the gunshot.

Nico Robin stared blankly at Turan's body, falling into the sea.



The clock strikes midnight.

In the most prosperous city in the world, the capital of water.

This is one of the five central cities of the New World Government. It is the center of all industrial, commercial and financial gatherings. It is synonymous with the new era and glory.Everyone makes it their lifelong pursuit to live in this city.

But it is also the place where the gap between rich and poor is the largest in the world.

The poor have to work hard all their lives just for the enjoyment of the rich. This is not a difference in effort, but a new class has been formed more than ten years after the Spring Reform.

During the day, after the last Sakaski statue in the city was removed.

At night, Zeqing told everyone at the workers' night school: "Give up your illusions and prepare to fight!"

(End of this chapter)

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