Pirates: Beyond Akainu

Chapter 93 Django

Chapter 93 Django
Fifteen thousand elite marines are generally more than enough to maintain order among tens of thousands of people in the city.

But when most of those 10 people are not ordinary people, and the [-] sailors are not monolithic, and when morale drops, it will be difficult to maintain order.

The on-site commander, Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel, could no longer resist the pressure and promised that as long as he could prove his identity, he would let the nobles and dignitaries from various countries and the legitimate businessmen leave first.

This violated Akainu's request at the combat meeting, but Flying Squirrel felt that the situation was difficult, and since he was the on-site commander, he had the power to make temporary decisions.

Decided to disobey Akainu's order and let some people leave first.The flying squirrel thought that after he explained the situation clearly afterwards, the marshal would understand.

As a result, a hole was opened in the navy's defense line.

Among the other four lieutenant generals, only Bastiu, who was wearing a horn mask, and Dalmecia, who was in the form of a dog-fruit Dalmatian, raised objections to this.

And had a big fight with the flying squirrel in the phone bug.

Dalmecia: "I don't agree with this decision. The marshal's order is absolute. Since they resist, then our entire navy will go to war with them here!"

Flying Squirrel: "What nonsense are you talking about! Everything has been confusing until now. Are you crazy to offend all countries in the world here!?"

Bastiu: "But what are the aristocrats of various countries? What are legitimate merchants? Most people have multiple identities, and the king may also be a pirate."

Flying Squirrel: "Otherwise, what do you say? Since the marshal gave me the on-site command at the combat meeting, you should obey my orders. Besides, if you want to fight a war in the neutral zone established by the government, our navy alone is not enough. You must get permission from the government! My current order is the optimal solution!"


The five lieutenants on the mission eventually reached a unanimous compromise.

Another Vice Admiral in the city, Ghost Spider, followed Akainu's fallen footsteps and finally climbed to the top of the Golden King Hotel.

You can't see it from below. After climbing to the top of the towering hotel, the ghost spider saw the magma waterfall set up by the red dog at a glance.

The ghost spider was amazed and ran over to check the situation.

On the outskirts of the magma waterfall, there are a large number of Tianlong guards and spies in suits.

The guards are also divided into levels, such as those standing inside and those standing outside.

Those outside were still standing in order, not knowing what kind of earth-shattering event happened inside.What's more, from their inertial thinking, the Admiral of the Navy is protecting the Tianlong people inside, who else in the world can hurt them?

The Ghost Spider, wearing a navy coat of justice, came to the waterfall and looked at the rolling high-temperature magma. He was shocked by Akainu's power and thought that even if he wanted to force his way in, it would not be that easy.

"Did Marshal Akainu fall inside?" Ghost Spider asked the surrounding guards.

Of course the guards knew the naval figures at the rank of lieutenant admiral, not to mention the fact that they were wearing navy justice coats.

"Yes sir, Marshal Akainu fell in along with the Golden Emperor Tezoro."

“Whose power prevails?”

"Of course it's Marshal Akainu!" The guard was close enough to see clearly. "I think it was Marshal Akainu who captured the crazed Tezoro alive and took him to the Toad El Saint to admit his mistake."

Ghost Spider's expression changed.When he was on the ground and Akainu and Tezoro were in the sky, he only saw the golden spear piercing Akainu's chest while the two were fighting.

That doesn't seem to be the case now.

What does the marshal want to do?
The ghost spider thought, and a terrible idea appeared in his mind, and then his cold eyes began to scan how many people were present.



Slaves can only be freed by killing their masters.

It was as if Tezzolo had gained a conviction.

As a former slave, he decided to go to his slave master, the Celestial Dragon.

The other Celestial Dragon present was the daughter of Toad Elsan who had just been dismembered by the red dog, Toad Sapphire Palace.

Toad Sapphire Palace was knocked unconscious by Akainu's kick just now. She still doesn't know what happened and what she will face.

Tezoro's face was dark. The hand that had not been dislocated, the hand that had a ring finger torn off by Akainu, condensed a golden spear and walked to the front of the Toad Sapphire Palace.

Akainu stood behind Tezoro, watching.

"Don't hesitate to stay angry."

Tezoro raised his golden spear and aimed it at the heart of the Celestial Dragon Toad Sapphire Palace.

Akainu: "I hope you are angry, and I hope you are awake. Before you stab me, you should know that you are killing a Celestial Dragon. You will never have a way back. You can only follow me, Ichigo." Go all the way to the end.”

Tezzolo's hands trembled slightly.

"What's at the end of the road?"

Akainu asked, "What is your wish?"

my wish?Tezzolo's eyes were confused for a moment again.

Yes, what exactly am I pursuing?

Because Tianlong people are gods, I also want to be a god. I don't have a noble blood, so I can only hope that money can pass through the gods and use money to achieve this goal.

But I am already the richest person in the world. Do I really have the satisfaction of achieving my wish?
Tezzolo knew deep down, and he knew it better than anyone else, that he didn't.

Akainu: "Tezolo, you are a person who was once enslaved, but you did not reflect on this system, nor did you delve into the real reason why Stella died. Instead, you longed to become another kind of Celestial Dragon. The object of your hatred."

"I know, but I can't help it..."

Akainu approached Tezoro and looked at the five-pointed star pattern on his back and the slave brand covered under the five-pointed star pattern.

"I have a way. I can end all this. Now tell me, what do you want to do? Think of the time when you faced your own heart, and the moment you learned that Stella was dead."

"I want...to kill the Celestial Dragon!" Tezuolo's eyes turned hard, and he grabbed the golden spear tightly.

Perhaps it was because Tezolo's killing intent was too strong, the toad Sapphire Palace woke up suddenly, and looked at Tezolo and Akainu who was not wearing navy clothes in horror.

"You! What do you want to do!?" Toad Lan Yugong was so frightened that he trembled all over. Under the extreme fear, he didn't even realize that his hood was broken and he was breathing the same air as the untouchables.

"Give her a good time." Marine Marshal Akainu turned his back.

Tezzolo no longer hesitated, holding the spear in his hand, quick!allow!ruthless!A shot stabbed a toad, and Lan Yugong was heartbroken.

Blood spurted out, and the blood of another Celestial Dragon shot all over Tezolo's body, a Celestial Dragon he had killed with his own hands, a top class person in the world who could stand shoulder to shoulder with the gods.

This taste!
This smell!
This feeling!
Tezuolo wanted to scream up to the sky, at this moment, he finally understood what he wanted!
"Hahahaha! It turns out that the Tianlong people are really just like ordinary people. They will die as long as they are killed!"

"One more shot! One more shot!"

Tezoro pulled out his golden spear and poked several holes in Toad Lanyu Palace's body.

Akainu watched in silence as Tezoro vented.

He knew that as long as the slave took that step, that step of killing the slave owner, he would become addicted.

Akainu closed his eyes, billowing magma spewed from his body, like a human volcano erupting, and the erupting magma began to engulf everything around him.

Tezoro, who was poking at the Celestial Dragon, turned around in surprise and unknowingly changed his name, "What are you doing again? Marshal."

"In the aftermath, I don't want to give up my identity as a navy marshal yet."

Tezoro was puzzled. He thought that Akainu, who had killed the Celestial Dragons, had already been prepared to cut off all escape routes, and from then on he went on the run with him, killing the Celestial Dragons everywhere for fun.

"How can we deal with the aftermath? We should escape quickly! Lord Akainu! I am willing to follow you! Let's escape together! With your power and my money, we can turn the world upside down and kill the Tianlong people who dare not leave the Holy Land. Isn’t this world unclean? Isn’t this life happy?!”

"It's good, but it's not my pursuit. It's just another form of pirates, although it's much more powerful than the cowards of pirates in this world."

Akainu chuckled.

"Then what is your pursuit, Akainu-sama?"

"Tezolo, don't you want everyone in the world to experience the pleasure you just had?"

Everyone in the world... Such heavy words, it did not make Tezolo feel great, but made him breathless.

Tezolo climbed up step by step from a small person, or grew up in the dark world where the evil of human nature was fully exposed after going through hardships and ups and downs.

Therefore, he will not be like the students in the ivory tower who feel light shining all over him when they hear others talk about "saving the world". He will only feel that it is unrealistic and impossible.

Tezzolo sounded embarrassed, "Just us? Everyone in the world?"

Akainu understands the thoughts of people like Tezoro, so he doesn't force it.

"Isn't it possible? The final success does not necessarily lie with us, but we can take the most difficult step, just like you are determined to kill the Tianlong people."

Tezzolo was silent for a moment, unable to answer.

at this moment.

Akainu's lava has already swallowed up the body parts of Toad El Saint and started to swallow up the corpses of the guards and agents.

This is complete destruction of corpses.

"I'm going to tell you a story now, please listen."

"The black-and-white golden emperor Tezoro has an unknown past. He was once a slave of the Celestial Dragons. Everything he did and all his deliberate efforts were to kill the Celestial Dragons."

"Tonight, because Tezoro lost to the revolutionary army Marcus and the clown Bucky, he became so angry that he was arrested by Marine Marshal Akainu who came to escort him and confessed in front of the Tianlong people."

"Tezolo, who knelt before the Celestial Dragons again, couldn't bear it anymore. He went berserk and took the opportunity to kill Toad Elsheng and Toad Azurite Palace, but was killed by Akainu in the end."

"But a great war has destroyed everything, and Admiral Akainu is the only living witness."

"This is what happened, do you understand?"

Akainu's magma has swallowed up everything in this luxurious top-level suite. Everything has been covered up, leaving only a small circle around himself and Tezoro.

"I understand." Tezzolo nodded firmly.

Akainu: "If you understand clearly, you will know that there is no such person as Tezoro in the world anymore. He has been executed by the Navy Marshal as the great criminal who killed the Tianlong people."

"I know."

"If you know it, come forward and let my lava drip on your face."

Akainu raised his right hand, and the whole right hand was burning with magma, full of water.

Tezoro's heart trembled. He knew that this was the final proof of surrender that Akainu asked him to make. If he didn't want to, Akainu would really kill him on the spot.

But Tezoro had already made his decision the moment he killed the Celestial Dragon. He decided to follow Akainu and kill more Celestial Dragons.

Tezoro walked towards Akainu step by step, then knelt down facing Akainu, threw himself down, and turned over. When he turned over, his face was facing Akainu's burning palm.

"Your new name is Django. From now on, you will stay with me. Just wear a golden mask on your ruined face. However, you will not need to use the power of the golden fruit for now. When the time is right, I will announce to the outside world that our navy has obtained a new one. Golden fruit."

Tezzolo, who was lying on the ground, nodded and closed his eyes.

Akainu's magma falls accurately.

"Tezolo" is dying.

Django is about to be born.

In the near future, the Golden Mask Man Django, the right-hand man of Marine Marshal Akainu, never questions any of Akainu's decisions and never obeys any order from the World Government.

Django's fame is about to spread far and wide. He loves to kill those who enslave others and he loves to liberate slaves. Among slaves and the lower class people, he is regarded as a savior.



Golden King Hotel.

All ordinary tourists have already evacuated, and those who have not yet left are those with responsibilities, such as the guards of the Tianlong people and the secret agents of the world government.

And these people are now all gathered outside the top-level suite where Toad El Saint lives.

The house is shaped like a dome suite and is protected by Admiral Akainu's lava waterfall.


Magma waterfall collapses.

The rolling lava spread out, which also meant that everything in the suite was swallowed up by the magma, leaving no trace behind.

Only a tall magma man can emerge from the rolling waves of magma, and that is the incoming new navy marshal Sakaski.

Akainu's eyes were cold, his fiery magma never stopped, ready to engulf the guards and agents outside.

But the scene outside the suite stunned Akainu. There were no standing guards and spies, only corpses and ghost spiders standing on the ground.

The ghost spider used its hair to support its body, floating in the air, covered in blood.

His long hair became infinitely long and infinite, and the ultimate return of life allowed Ghost Spider to control his hair like his own hands.

The black hair was stained with too much blood and turned red, one by one like the tentacles of a ghost spider, making the current ghost spider particularly terrifying.

"My marshal, you are here." The ghost spider smiled when he saw the red dog, but it matched his terrifying face with a grin.

Akainu also smiled, keeping a calm smile.

"Why did you kill them? These are Draconian guards and government personnel, and you are a vice admiral."

Ghost Spider pretended to be puzzled, "I'm just helping the marshal clear obstacles, should I let these people live?"

Akainu took a deep breath, he was really going to kill the people outside, but when he saw that the ghost spider guessed what he meant and acted ahead of time, he felt impetuous.

Is it necessary to kill a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood to blaze a new path?
Yes!This is inevitable!

This world is already an unsolvable contradiction, and all reactionaries must be wiped out!Completely burn the old world before welcoming the new one!
I, Akainu, never want to see the kind of tragedy in which the old world is not completely liquidated, leading to the stubborn diseases in the new world that are difficult to eradicate or even resurgence.

If you want to do it, do it cleanly!If you want to kill, kill until dawn!


Akainu roared violently, and the whole city shook!With him as the center, a huge magma erupted, like a super volcano erupting!

Rolling lava, roaring with anger.

Human will covers the sky and the sun.

(End of this chapter)

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