Ghost Rider's Judgment

Chapter 221 The Father and Son Meet

Chapter 221 The Father and Son Meet
"Oh, okay! This is really a party, that's what it is! A climax party for all the heroes on horseback!"

At this time, not far from the Climax House, Butcher was watching all this with a telescope, and with him were Huey and Soldier Boy.

"It's still happening!" Butcher shook his head.

"I founded this!" The soldier boy on the side suddenly said, and then he took the telescope and looked at the masterpiece he founded: "The first session was founded in 1952, and I and another superhuman free girl Founder, oh my god! She’s such a hot girl with lots of energy!”

(Note: Free Girl is Storm Girl. Storm Girl has lived from World War II to the present. During this period, she has more than one identity. Free Girl is one of them. That is to say, the climax will be founded by the father of the motherland and the girlfriend of the motherland. )

Huey on the side was obviously stunned when he heard the name, because he already knew that Storm Girl was Free Girl, and he just felt a little shocked by this fact.

Butcher didn't care about this, he said: "Frankie will definitely be heartbroken if he misses this event!"

At this time, Huey stepped forward and said with some concern: "There are many people inside!"

The soldier boy knew what he was worried about. He handed the binoculars to Butcher, then turned and said, "As long as they don't get in my way, everything will be fine!"

Huey thought for a while and then said: "Okay, give me 5 minutes, I will go back quickly, find out about it, and then tell you the specific location of the twins, so that no one else will hinder you!"

This is Huey's new super power. Both he and Butcher used a new product from Vought. Different from Compound No. [-], this drug can only give people super powers for a short period of time, not like Compound No. [-]. No. [-] compound gives you permanent superpowers.

Butcher gained the power of heat rays, coupled with his infinite strength, making him a weakened version of his motherland, while Huey gained the ability to teleport.

It's just that Huey's teleportation ability has a very strange characteristic, that is, he will not take anything with him when he teleports, including his own clothes. Therefore, he will become a naked man even if he does not activate the ability once.

The soldier boy looked at him for a while, then said calmly: "3 minutes!"

He said it bluntly without giving Huey any room to bargain.

"It's no longer necessary!" At this moment, Butcher suddenly said: "Those people didn't know why, but they all suddenly left!"

The soldier boy took the binoculars away, then looked over there, and found that there was indeed a large group of naked men and women scattering away from the climax meeting. They left in a hurry, and they didn't even have time to put on their clothes.

"What happened?" The soldier boy said calmly: "Wait, someone is coming out. You should be familiar with this person!"

Soldier Boy said, handing the binoculars to Butcher again.Butcher hesitated, then turned his binoculars to look that way.

Suddenly, Butcher's face changed drastically, and he yelled out of control: "Those who step on the horse are the bastards of the motherland!"

I saw a man from the motherland wearing a cloak float out of the room where the climax party was held, and then looked in the direction of Butcher.

Although Butcher and the others were well hidden, the people of the motherland with super vision could still easily see their location.

"Come out, you know I've spotted you, and your companions!" the man from the motherland suddenly shouted.

Because of his anger, Butcher's eyes gathered heat rays uncontrollably. After calming down, he walked out, while Huey and Soldier Boy also followed.

"William Butcher~!" The motherland man looked at Butcher with a smile on his face: "And Huey, you are behind all this. I should have guessed it a long time ago. Everything is related to me. Including.Soldier Boy!”

The motherland man looked at the soldier boy. Although he was a little excited at the moment, he had to hold on to the air. He always remembered Chen Qi's warning and must not show weakness in front of his father.

"William, we agreed to fight to the death. It's just you and me. It's cheating to find foreign aid!" The motherland's eyes turned gloomy when looking at Butcher: "The agreement is cancelled!"

After that, he looked at the soldier boy again: "Growing up, I have always admired you. I regard you as my spiritual support. I have watched all your movies more than a hundred times! You are the only one Someone almost as strong as me!”

The soldier boy shook his head and said, "Man, do you look strong? You're wearing a cloak! You're just a cheap copycat!"

The motherland man smiled and said: "Your aesthetics are too old-fashioned, soldier boy, your dress is outdated, my style is the fashion! And I am your upgraded version!"

"Don't talk nonsense to him, soldier boy, kill him!" Butcher suddenly said.

The people of the motherland looked at Butcher angrily because he interrupted the conversation between their father and son. His eyes glowed red and he was ready to kill Butcher.

"Wait a minute, Azu, don't forget what day it is today, we still have business to do!"

At this moment, the voice of the Phoenix Warrior suddenly sounded, and he was holding two people tied up with five flowers in his hands. They were the two princes of dynamite.

"Two Princes of Explosives?" The soldier boy looked at the brother and sister, then looked at the Phoenix Warrior and said, "And who are you?"

"Phoenix Warrior?" Butcher and Huey said almost in unison. They had thought that anyone in the Super Seven except Starlight might be in trouble with the Assistant, but they never thought that the Phoenix Warrior would do the same.

Because he clearly killed Storm Girl and the girlfriend of the motherland. They should have been incompatible in the team, but now why is the Phoenix Warrior with the motherland?
"I misjudged you, boy! You killed that Natri bitch, and I thought you were a real hero!" Butcher said as he looked at the Phoenix Warrior.

"There are no real heroes in this world. I joined the Super Seven just because I want to do whatever I want!" Phoenix Warrior said.

Then he looked at the people of the motherland: "Okay, Azu, stop talking nonsense, it's time to get down to business, let's do it!"

Under the words of the Phoenix warrior, the eyes of the motherlanders once again glowed red, and the soldier boy, Bucher and Huey were all ready to meet the attack of the motherlanders.

But the people of the motherland suddenly turned their heads, and the laser shot through the bodies of the two princes of explosives in an instant.

Everyone present, including the soldier boy, was stunned.It was already puzzling to them that the two of them were tied up, but now that the people of the motherland suddenly killed them both, it made the three of them even more confused.

(End of this chapter)

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