Ghost Rider's Judgment

Chapter 62 The clothes are good

Chapter 62 The clothes are good
Chris woke up slowly in the truck compartment and found that he was bound all over and his mouth was sealed with tape. He couldn't help kicking around angrily.

Johnny, who was sitting in the passenger seat in front, seemed to hear the movement behind him, so he knocked hard on the back and shouted: "Be honest, you bastard!"

He breathed a sigh of relief, and then said to the driver beside him, "It's an overkill to assign us this kind of errand, isn't it, Barracuda?"

The driver was a bald man with a terrifying face, wearing a leather coat, with a strong build and scars all over his face. His left eye was a prosthetic eye, and his right hand was also a prosthesis.

"Red Hood has his concerns, Johnny! Do you remember what happened in the mental hospital?" the driver known as Barracuda said, with a hint of fear clearly showing on his face when he said this.

However, Johnny's face became excited when he said this: "Oh, of course! That thing was so evil. It was because of this that the boss hired us, wasn't it?"

At this moment, Johnny's expression changed, because he saw a man in leather clothes riding a motorcycle in the rearview mirror, chasing him this way.

That one is clearly the Punisher.

"Hey, hello! Old man!" Johnny became even more excited after seeing the Punisher.

"Don't get excited, Johnny!" Barracuda interrupted: "Although I also want to kill him personally, the boss has arranged it, and this emergency should be solved by others. And compared to us, that guy is more There’s a reason to take revenge on the Punisher, isn’t there!”

Barracuda and Pyrotechnics Johnny, including the Red Hood they mentioned before, are the Punisher's mortal enemies. Even Barracuda's injuries were all due to the Punisher.

Fireworks Johnny couldn't help being discouraged: "That's right buddy, it's really boring, why didn't such a good job fall on me."

Barracuda pulled out a walkie-talkie and said, "It's your turn, Jim!"

chug chug
At this moment, the Punisher was driving a motorcycle with one hand and took out an M16 strafing truck with the other hand.

Suddenly, a black car following the truck suddenly made a U-turn, and then inserted itself between the truck and the Punisher's motorcycle.

The Punisher was forced to stop, and after the black car stopped, a man got out of the car.

It was a very scary-looking man with dark red skin and dense stitching scars all over his body. From his arms to his face to his head, every inch of exposed skin was covered with stitched scars.

After seeing that man, the Punisher suddenly looked shocked, and then said in a deep voice: "Crazy Jim? This is impossible, you are already dead, I killed you with my own hands!"

"That's right." Crazy Jim said in his weird and crazy voice: "Now, the wronged soul has come to take revenge!"

Looking at Crazy Jim confronting the Punisher, Johnny sighed in disappointment.

"Don't worry Johnny, that lunatic Jim can't defeat Custer. He will be killed by the Punisher again, and then it will be our turn to kill the Punisher!" Barracuda driving the car comforted Johnny, who was driving the car. .

At this moment, Barracuda suddenly looked startled and immediately slammed on the brakes. Johnny, who was not wearing a seat belt, suddenly leaned forward and his head almost hit the front window glass.

"Barracuda, what are you doing?" Pyrotechnics Johnny said dissatisfied.

I saw the barracuda staring straight ahead, showing a look of horror and disbelief.

Pyrotechnics Johnny also followed his gaze, but his expression was completely different from that of Barracuda. ​​He showed an expression of excitement and excitement, and said in surprise: "Oh, my God! What is that? That's simply... simply too great. Beautiful!”

In front of the truck, through the front window, a huge flaming bone dragon was slowly landing on the ground facing them, and on the back of the fire dragon, a skeleton covered in flames was riding on it.

Chen Qi, who transformed into an evil spirit, jumped off the dragon's back and immediately looked at the container truck.

"Oh my God, that must be a god. Did you see it, Barracuda? That's a god!" Fireworks Johnny shouted excitedly.

Johnny has an almost obsessed attitude towards flames, and as a psychopath, his thinking cannot be understood by ordinary people.

When most people see the image of Chen Qi, they will be so frightened that they can't walk. But in the eyes of Pyrotechnics Johnny, Chen Qi's flames are God's most perfect masterpiece.

Johnny couldn't wait to get out of the car, then walked towards Chen Qi, and said to Chen Qi like a devout believer: "You must be a god sent from heaven, please take me with you!"

Chen Qi stopped, then faced Johnny and said in his low and hoarse voice: "As you wish!"

As he spoke, the chains on Chen Qi flew out automatically and penetrated directly into Johnny's chest, and then Johnny instantly turned into ashes.

When Barracuda sitting in the car saw this, he shook his head in disbelief and said, "What kind of monster is that?"

Chen Qi, who killed Pyrotechnics Johnny, slowly walked towards Barracuda in the car. Barracuda immediately got out of the car in fright and ran towards the other side.

Directly Chen Qi stretched out a chain and immediately penetrated his calf.


Barracuda immediately fell to the ground, and then kept screaming with the running leg: "Ah~! Damn it, my leg!"

However, when he saw the Ghost Rider walking in, he couldn't help but endure the pain and crawl towards the other side.

Chen Qi walked up to him and immediately grabbed his whole body.Then he looked at the leather coat on his body and said gloomily: "The clothes are good."

After that, he killed the barracuda with the Eye of Judgment, and then took off the leather coat from the barracuda.

Ghost Rider threw Barracuda's body aside, took off his jacket and put on that cool leather jacket.

As the fire of hell spread to the leather suit, the rivets on the hands and shoulders of the Ghost Rider's leather suit all grew into sharp steel thorns.

At this time, the Punisher had shot Mad Jim in the head, and then looked at the Ghost Rider who killed Pyrotechnic Johnny and Barracuda.

These two were tough opponents for the Punisher, but they were instantly killed by the monster in front of them.

At this time, the Ghost Rider also looked at the Punisher, and the Punisher asked indifferently, "Who are you?"

"Devil!" Chen Qi said lightly, then turned around and rode on the flying dragon and left.

The punisher looked up at the flying dragon in the air, and said in a deep voice, "If you are a devil, then I will no longer believe in God!"

He had believed in God a few years before, but God failed to protect his family when they were murdered.But now Chen Qi, who calls himself a devil, kills criminals in front of his eyes.

About two hours later, Annie walked out of the police station with a look of despair, and behind her were the members of the Diamond Band who were also disappointed.

They just told the police about the case, but the police asked them to go home and wait for news after asking a few questions. It was obvious that they did not take this matter seriously at all.


Just then, a familiar voice sounded.Anne immediately looked forward in disbelief and saw a young man with long hair and a handsome face.He looked a little embarrassed at the moment, but he looked at Anne with a smile.

"Oh my god, boss!" The members of the Diamond Band all showed expressions of joy.

"Chris~!" Annie ran forward excitedly and threw herself into his arms.

(I have all the chains, leather clothes, and flying mounts, but I still need a land mount, which will be arranged for the next dungeon)

(End of this chapter)

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