Chapter 202 Unforgettable

The shadows on the battlefield were sucked into the hall one by one.

Every time a shadow is absorbed, Yu Feng's Dao domain expands, but the scope of expansion becomes smaller and smaller.

It may also be that the space here is too small, which is also related to the fact that those fighting outside Hope City are all city lords from outside the domain.

The strength of the city lords in the outer domain is generally not as strong as the divine generals in the inner domain. After all, there are only a few people like the city lord of Youlan.

The main hall closed the door, all the original Tao aura was absorbed by it, and the diameter of the Tao domain expanded to 139 meters.

Power: Magic City Wuhan University, Tianbu

Level: 4

Personnel: 11832 (50000 people)
Energy: 906 million

Qi and blood: 262899 cards (262899 cards)
Spirit: 13999 Hz (13999 Hz)
Qi and blood quality: 2 times

Dao domain increase: 26%
Avatar: Lord of Orchid City


1. Eye of Insight

2. Storage space

3. Fountain of life

4. External incarnation (1000 million energy points)

After looking at the new data, Yu Feng had a complete understanding of what the bonus standard for this Dao domain was.

Taking the diameter of 10 meters as the boundary, for every 10 meters of improvement, the Qi and blood will increase by 1% based on the original Qi and blood. For every 100 meters of improvement, there will be an additional major improvement, with a 10% increase on the original basis.

(The previous data has been modified and does not affect normal viewing)
To put it simply, when you step into the original space, your energy and blood power reaches 21 calories.

The diameter of the Dao domain is expanded to 10 meters, which is the first small improvement. The basic Qi and blood is 21*101% cards. The diameter of the Dao domain is increased to 20 meters, which is the second small improvement of Qi and blood. The basic Qi and blood is 21 101*101%*[-]% card.


Yu Feng did a simple conversion and found that under various increases, his maximum burst had reached 87 calories.

"Is this the pinnacle?"

It still feels a bit unreal, so relaxed?

Yu Feng thought with a gloomy expression on his face. If there had not been a battle in the Demon City Caves, this time could be said to be perfect to the extreme.

Yu Feng took a deep breath. Fortunately, there was still a chance to make amends.

Consciousness sank into his mind, and a hall stood in his mind. Before Yu Feng walked to the hall, the door of the hall opened.

Follow the road you just walked all the way to the gate below.

Until the moment before opening the door, Yu Feng was still a little uneasy. The battle was so fierce. What if the powerful human race's Dao aura was destroyed or failed to condense?

In an anxious mood, Yu Feng opened the door.

A burst of light shone on Yu Feng's face.

There are still rooms inside the gate, but the people in the rooms have changed.


A familiar voice came over. Looking along the voice, Yu Feng saw Wu Kuishan with white hair.

His aura of greatness is still there.

Before Yu Feng had time to be happy, two more figures appeared in front of them.

"Lao Yu, you're here too." Zhang Tianyang's voice was a little lonely.

No matter how you look at it, meeting you here is not a good thing.

But Yu Feng laughed: "Yes! I'm here, I'll take you back."

The transparent panel appeared again in front of him. Choice two was to retain the memory and give Dao Dao agency.

Select End.

In the Origin Hall above, three invisible lines fell down, and only Yu Feng could see them.

I saw three silk threads entering different rooms and connecting to the three people. The three people seemed to feel something suddenly and closed their eyes.

Yu Feng didn't know what happened, but judging from the situation, it wasn't a bad thing.

After a while, the auras of the three people suddenly changed.

The one who has changed the most is Xing Kaiwen. His aura was originally only about the third level of Origin, but suddenly it increased a lot, reaching the fifth level of Origin.

The other two didn't change as much as he did, but they also improved a bit.

However, none of the three of them opened their eyes, as if they were digesting everything they had just sensed, and for a while they were afraid that it would not end.

After solving the major issue that was pressing on his mind, Yu Feng began to scan the other ninth-level caves that were locked up.

"Sir, we are willing to do your best."

In a fiery red room, the Lord of Xifeng City and a phoenix monster knelt down at the same time. Not only them, but also some ninth-level cavemen knelt down and lowered their heads.

For them, as long as they can survive, nothing matters.However, when several people lowered their heads, there was a killing intent in their eyes, but their survival instincts forced them to hold back.

They were imprisoned inside as soon as they appeared, but the person in front of them came in from the outside, and only came in for a moment to increase the strength of the Snake King and others.

No matter how stupid these people are, they know that their fate depends on the person in front of them. If they want to live, they can only... choose to surrender.

"Do what dogs and horses do?"

Yu Feng smiled playfully.

"The eleven ninth-level forces are quite a force. It shouldn't be a problem to destroy the two demon clan forbidden areas."


Just as Yu Feng finished speaking his playful words, a huge roar came.

It was the lion beast that was killed in the end.

"It seems like you are very unhappy!"

Yu Feng's tone suddenly turned cold, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.


Leomon screamed.


A huge force poured into Leomon's body, and Leomon's body expanded instantly.


The lion beast struggled wildly, trying to force out this power.

But no matter how hard he struggled, it was futile, his body continued to swell until it reached the size of a hundred feet.


There was a loud noise, the golden body exploded, and the lion beast turned into pieces of flesh and blood.

The flesh and blood spread all over the room, and then it was absorbed by the room, leaving no bones.

Seeing this scene, the surrounding Ninth Grade Catacombs were so frightened that they crouched on the ground and shivered.

Such a cruel way to die!
Death is not the scariest thing, the scariest thing is dying without knowing how!

This is how the lion beast died. It died in an extremely weird way. It suddenly swelled up, was exploded, and turned into pieces of minced meat, which was then absorbed.

Their life seems to be in the thought of the person in front of them.

"Sir, we surrender to you and are willing to follow you, serve you, and be loyal to you." A ninth-level underground caveman said tremblingly.

"Sir, we are willing to obey your orders, work hard for you, and be loyal to you to the death!"

Another Ninth Grade Catacomb stood up, clasped his hands together, and bowed down respectfully.

If their subjects were to see that these city lords, who are usually aloof in their own cities, were acting groveling at this moment, I wonder what their expressions would be like?
Looking at the people with their heads buried in the ground in front of him, Yu Feng smiled again: "You are much more knowledgeable than him."

"Sir, we are willing to destroy the forbidden area for you, and we are willing to do anything for you."

The Lord of Xifeng City quickly expressed his loyalty.

"very good."

The smile on Yu Feng's face became even stronger, but then suddenly changed: "But, I don't need it!!!"

The cold gleam in his eyes returned! ! !

"It's all wiped out!"

The cold voice fell, and the room was filled with screams and curses.

"Yu Feng, you must die a happy death!"

"Yu Feng, I won't let you go even if I'm a ghost!"

"Ah, forgive me!!!"


Curse it!

The more painful you are, the happier I am.

I can't forget the moment when the old teacher's hair turned white after seeing his son's death.

I can't forget the pained scream of that third-level warrior after seeing his father die.

I will never forget the blood and tears shed by the relatives of the master who died in the battle when they saw the relics of their relatives.

can't forget...

Curse it!

Your scoldings can alleviate the pain in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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