Chapter 80
Hello everyone, I am a cat who never sleeps in.It will be released at [-] noon tomorrow.So there will be no more updates at midnight, so it will be moved to noon tomorrow.

There will be more updates after launch than during the free period.


I try to have as many as possible.As much as possible.

Briefly talk about the development direction of the plot.

In fact, everything that needs to be cut has already been cut.

After the hero and heroine made their feelings clear to each other, the tone in recent chapters has slowly begun to become more relaxed.Everyone should be able to see it.Even in the heroine's house, it's not so depressing.

With the male protagonist by his side, all the things that torture the senior sister have a supporting point.

The senior sister has support in her heart, so she doesn't seem so painful.

This is a node change.

So there won't be any knives in the subsequent plot.I swear on my management of pickled fish.

You can subscribe with confidence.

Is there anything else you want to say...


It seems there is no more.

What I want to say is actually all said in the previous chapter.

Ask for a subscription.

I'll wait for you tomorrow at [-] noon.

(End of this chapter)

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