Don't mess with the yordle

Chapter 226 Vander's Suspicion

Chapter 226 Vander's Suspicion

"Yes, I also find it strange. The energy of those Alchemy Barons seems to be involved in other things. They did not give us the expected counterattack at all."

Silko rubbed his chin. He was thin and gloomy, with a majestic face. He was Fandel's most loyal supporter.

Overthrowing the rule of the Alchemist Baron, conquering the upper city of Piltover, and letting the Zaans become the masters of this city is Silko's dream and pursuit, and under the leadership of Fandel, they are gradually realizing it. It is becoming a reality bit by bit, and Hilko is extremely excited, excited that he can see and participate in the rise of Zaun.

"Why are we thinking so much? Isn't it a good thing that they didn't take us seriously? When we grow up, those alchemist barons will understand what mistake they made."

Bensuo also lit a cigarette, but he was very open-minded. No matter what the reason was, it was not good for the "Black Alley" to make those alchemy barons ignore their rise and make those alchemy barons keep giving in. Undoubtedly a good thing.

"That's the problem. If there is a trap in these concessions, if there is a trap they set for us, then I can understand it, but everything went too smoothly."

Fandel shook his head. The confused expression on his face did not disappear, but instead became more serious and worried.

"Gifts with a price tag are better than inexplicable help. Sometimes the free ones are actually the most expensive."

Hilko's words are very Zaun and very poor City. Here, in the Diggou District, there is no free lunch and no selfless help. They do not believe in these "truth, goodness and beauty."

Here, the way to survive is to "swindle and deceive", that is, to be ruthless enough, and good people don't live long.

Even the three of them, Fandel, Hilko, and Benso, who are now about to become the "heroes of the ditch area", are all fighting for their lives in the intrigues and bravery of the ditch area. They are not traditional heroes in the traditional sense. After all, the "good guys" on the Internet are gang members in the ditch area.

The bloodstains on Fander's gloves were not decorated with paint to scare people, they were all alive.

"Do you think it's possible that the people who are helping us are not humans, but other creatures living in the ditch area?"

Bensuo said in a low voice. His idea was obviously somewhat unique, and most people would never think of it at this level.


Fandel and Silko did not speak, but looked at Benso with strange eyes, as if they thought he was joking.

"Ahem, don't look at me like that. You may not know that the underground situation in the ditch area has changed now."

Benso coughed dryly and said while blowing smoke rings. These words made Fandel and Silko speechless.

"Isn't the trench area underground enough? What are the underground forces in the trench area? A bunch of rats?"

Hilko raised his forehead and complained. He felt that expecting Bensuo to make useful suggestions was too whimsical. This guy was still suitable for dealing with broken mechanical parts.

"Don't talk about those underground legends." Fandel also shook his head, now is not the time to joke.

The scale and momentum of their "black alley" has reached a critical point. Now it's time for them to make a decision, whether to take advantage of this east wind blowing from nowhere, and go all the way, or to stop when it's good. To lay a solid foundation, they must make a decision as soon as possible.

"I'm not kidding, Fandel. You should have heard about the destruction of Singed's alchemy workshop. It is said that the people who destroyed Singed were a group of biochemically modified cats. Everyone said that Singed's alchemy workshop was destroyed. It was at his own peril that those cats were the product of his biological experiments."

Benso shrugged. He was in the item recycling business, so he knew these weird stories better than Fander or Silko, about the "gutter scavengers" who picked up rags in the ditch area and even throughout Zaun. , will always know some secrets that others don’t know.

"What else is there about the rat clan? Those smart big rats live in the sewers. Many ditch scavengers have encountered them, and some people have done business with them. Those big rats are very smart, and they know many things. Xiu, sometimes I wonder, maybe those big rats are smarter than the guys under me."

Benso was smoking a cigarette while complaining. He seemed very dissatisfied with his apprentices. This sturdy man was also responsible for the equipment maintenance work in the "Black Alley". He was a good trench engineer and was very good at it. There is no other way to turn a pile of junk into something useful. This is a necessary skill for trench engineers.

"Mutated cats, bell-rat tribe, and a bunch of wild dogs?"

Hilko's words were unpleasant, and his continuous rants made Benso's expression look a little unhappy.

"If nothing else, if they really exist, why should they help us? The Black Alley has nothing to do with them. What do they want from us?"

Fandel kept his head down and smoked, maybe because he really couldn't think of any other reason, he actually started to have a serious discussion with Benso, which made Hilko's mouth twitch.

"Who knows, maybe he wanted to take revenge on the Alchemist Baron or something. Wasn't the previous Alchemist Baron named Velicis Crowe killed by a group of unknown creatures? Maybe it was those cats, rats, and mice. of."

Bensuo didn't know why. He could only tell his guess. Anyway, he was not responsible for making wild guesses.

"Then you might as well say that they hope that the people in the ditch area can live a richer life, so that they can enter the house and become pets, or have things to eat secretly. This is no more reliable than wanting to take revenge on the Alchemist Baron. ?”

Hilko sneered. He obviously didn't believe it. He felt that Benso had been deceived by the stories of the scavengers.

"You may not believe it, but many people have indeed seen it. There is a new race called Yodels. They are said to be a group of strange creatures with hair on their bodies, and they will turn into normal humans when in front of people. "

Bensuo was too lazy to vent his anger with Hilko. Hilko's lack of belief only showed that he was short-sighted. Although Bensuo himself had never seen mutant cats, bell rats, and yordles, he believed that those creatures were real.


Fandel spit out the cigarette butt that was sucked into his butt, and then stamped it out. He had actually heard of this race, and it was from the mouths of those high-ranking alchemist barons.

"Is it really them?"

(End of this chapter)

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