Don't mess with the yordle

Chapter 248: Winning the First Land for Vastaya

Chapter 248 Reclaiming the First Land for Vastaya

"Master Reed, do you really want to destroy those vastayas of the Lotran tribe? What have they done wrong?"

After leaving the Kinkou Temple, Nicole, who had been silent all this time, finally couldn't help it anymore. She was very puzzled.

"Wrong? They didn't do anything wrong. The fault is that they are not human beings. The fault is that their will to fight is not strong enough. The fault is that their resistance comes too late."

Reed shook his head speechlessly. He certainly didn't think the vastayas of the "Lotran Tribe" had done anything wrong.

They just want to find their homeland, what's wrong with them?

"Is it the humans who are wrong?"

Nicole then asked.


Reed didn't speak this time. Was it the human being's fault?It doesn’t seem to be the case. Where did humans go wrong?

They want to survive and expand their living space. They suppress their wild magic just to protect themselves. This is also a need for survival. What is wrong with this?
"Human beings are right, this is a struggle for survival, no one is right or wrong, there are only winners and losers.

This is not like a general invasion. Humans cannot survive in the comfortable environment Vastaya lives, and the comfortable environment of humans is so painful for the Vastayas. No one has to destroy anyone, survival is The completely different environment has led to the current situation. "

Reed sighed, the humans and Vastaya Xari who once fought together to protect the land of Ionia.

In the end, there was no room for one party to survive on this land. Although the vastaya tribe is the hybrid descendant of humans and vastaya shari, they undoubtedly inherited the vastaya shari. There are more genes, customs, and living habits over there.

"Then why did we end up in this situation?"

Nicole was at a loss, she really couldn't understand, the souls of human beings and vastaya are so similar, but why?They just can't understand each other?
"The combination of fear, greed, survival, and other factors is the result of tens of thousands of years of evolution."

Reed feels that this is actually natural selection.

After tens of thousands of years, humans finally conquered this primitive Ionian Islands. However, because the vastaya could not adapt to the new living environment, they could only retreat bit by bit, some to areas where few people came. In the deep mountains and old forests, some retreated to isolated islands overseas.

If Vastaya defeats humans and makes this continent filled with wild magic, then Ionia will be a different scene. It will be a forbidden magical land that humans can hardly set foot on, because of the wild magic. Magic will devour outsiders, devouring creatures that have no connection with this land.

"Master Naide, how are you going to solve this matter?"

Nicole was even more puzzled. Since the matter was as troublesome as Reid said, how should the matter of the "Lotland Tribe" be resolved?

"Of course He Xini, first look at the needs of the Lotlan tribe, and then look at the possibility of meeting it. If it can be met, everyone will be happy. If it cannot be met, then someone must give in. This is better than fist and As long as I’m patient, I won’t bother to care anymore.”

Reed took a deep breath. He hoped that the matter could be resolved satisfactorily, although he felt that the possibility was unlikely.

Leaving the mountains at the junction of Navoli and Shangzan, Reed took the confused Nicole into the core of Navoli.

After arriving here, Neeko clearly felt her own weakness. Her connection with the spiritual realm and Ionia was becoming weaker. However, as the Misttail tribe who is best at this, Neeko is better than most gassers. Taya relaxed.

"Are the vastayas of the Lotlan tribe always fighting against humans in this environment?" Nicole was a little shocked. She admired the vastayas of the Lotran tribe. They are real warrior.

Soon, under the leadership of Reed, they saw the group of warriors of the Lotlan tribe, some feathered humanoid creatures. The Lotlan tribe did belong to the Vastaya tribe and was relatively similar to humans. Race.

"Who is your leader?"

Reed found these Lotran warriors in a forest in Navoli, where they felt a little better.

"I am the leader here, a yordle, and a vastaya? What are you doing here?"

The person who stood up to speak was a female Lotran Vastaya with brightly colored feathers. Her feathers were reddish purple, as were her hair and pointed ears. The expression on her face was a little confused, but she was not upset because she was discovered. Panicked, she was the leader of a team of dozens of people.

"Is this the Kinkou Sect you are looking for?"

Reed continued to ask. It was not strange that the vastayas of Lotlan didn't recognize him, because he hadn't been to the Lotland tribe for a long time. Maybe their old leader still knew him. Who, but these new young men are indeed not very familiar.

"Yes, you are balanced people?"

The female Lotland leader frowned. She loathed these stupid "Mutarhakas." A vastaya who endured suffering but was willing to participate in human society.

"We are not balanced people, we are members of the Swift Wind Sword Sect."

Reed shook his head. "Balance" is already a thing of the past for him. If he was still "Balance", then he wouldn't be involved in this mess. He must be just like the three people in the mountains, who chose to sit back and watch. Let’s talk about it later.

"The Swift Wind Sword Sect? Isn't it still human?"

The female Lotlan blinked and did not understand the difference. If I must say it, there are indeed not many "Wind Sword Sect" dojos on Kuilin Island.

"Xia, the Swift Wind Sword Sect was not created by humans. It is a Yodel sword master. It is not just humans."

Although Xia Xia didn't know anything about the "Flying Wind Sword Sect", some of the tribesmen behind her had dealt with the "Flying Wind Sword Sect".

"Let's be honest, what are you doing here?"

Xia frowned again, she was curious about the purpose of the strange combination in front of her.

"What are your interests? What do you want?"

Seeing that the other party was so direct, Reed didn't go around the corner, he directly asked what he wanted to confirm.

"Reclaim the nascent land for vastaya."

Xia Xin is outspoken and thorny. She gave an answer to Reed's question that shocked Nico.

Reed: "."

(End of this chapter)

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