Don't mess with the yordle

Chapter 271 Zolani and Wuji

Chapter 271 Zolani and Wuji
Zolani was sealed in her weapons, two chain scythes. Although she was a healer and priest before becoming an "Ascended One", after becoming an "Ascended One", she still has very good abilities. combat capability.

She was once a healer with outstanding medical skills. She bravely went to the front line of Icathia and healed countless warriors, so she was selected to become an "Ascended One".

After Azir was betrayed by Xerath and failed to ascend, and the Shurima Empire fell, Zolani did not degenerate into a "darkspawn" like other ascended people. She stuck to her bottom line. Like Nasus, she did not Participate in the "Darkspawn" war.

There are many legends about the reason why Zolani finally intervened in the "Darkspawn War". Some people say that "Cheetah" Ta'anari went to plead with Zolani to let her intervene in the "Darkspawn" dispute and save the fallen lives.

"Cheetah" Ta'anari is also one of the few "Darkspawn" who still has some sense of normality and longs to regain his former glory and end the "Darkspawn War".

He was used by the previous generation of "Twilight Star Spirit" Maisha, or was used voluntarily. They used the power of "Chalikar" and the spells of "Star Spirit" to kill five "Dark Descendants" , "Lizard" Syfex, "Mad Bull" Gigantus, "Raven Twins" Shabeka, Shabek, and Ennakai.

"Turtle" Xu Yuyan, who originally died in that plan, was eliminated by Reed, while Naganeka, Valieva, and "Giant Wolf" Sebotaru successfully escaped.

After that, seeing Ta'anari's determination, Zolani, who originally rejected Ta'anari, chose to take action.

She gave her healing power to those she thought were qualified, formed her own power, and began to study "blood magic" and use "blood magic" to control other "dark descendants". End the "Darkspawn Wars".

It's a pity that she lost her way in the end, gradually forgetting her original plan, and wanted to use "blood magic" to control everyone and become the ruler of the world.

Her forces had a fierce conflict with another "dark descendant group". She angered the former "Ascendant General" Aatrox, and also became enemies with Varus. Finally, after fighting with the "Spiral Gun" tower When Lu Xi was fighting, she and Tarusi were attacked by "celestial spirits" and successfully sealed.

Reed came to Ionia, and the chain sickle was sealed in Ionia. The "dark descendants" cannot be sealed together because their power and breath will affect each other.

Therefore, the sealing locations of "Darkborn" are scattered throughout "Runeterra", Zaun, Bilgewater, Demacia, Noxus, Freljord, Ionia, every place has More than one "dark descendant" is sealed.

And Zolani was sealed in the "Wuji Village" of Baru'e in Ionia. Yes, it was the "Wuji Village" where the "Wuji Sword Sect" was located.

Baru'e is in the middle of Ionia. The natural scenery here is very good. It is mostly mountainous and densely covered with jungles. The quiet mountain village of "Wuji Village" is hidden in the picturesque scenery of Baru'e.

When the "Wuji Sword Sect" founded the sect, they regarded themselves as aloof sages. Their swordsmanship could not see the troubled times, let alone dirty blood. Therefore, for hundreds of years, the "Wuji Sword Sect" has always been isolated from the world and lonely. Alone, no outsider has ever seen it. This is a local sword sect with a low reputation, incomparable to Reed's "Fast Wind Sword Sect".

Moreover, the number of members of the "Wuji Sword Sect" is also very small. They are basically locals or people from the vicinity of "Wuji Village". Swordsmen in splendid clothes and jade belts perform chivalrous deeds in the name of swords and turn them into poems and songs. According to legend, he is a swordsman that everyone admires, but the "Wuji Sword Sect" only lives in the mountains.

"The Way of Wuji" cultivates both the body and the mind. If you cannot calm down, you will not be able to understand the mystery of "The Way of Wuji".

Walking on the road, Reid listened to the morning song of the Balua birds. The cool wind blew over his face and ruffled his hair. The sky was clear and the breeze was blowing. Not far away, lilies were blooming in patches. Yes, exudes fragrance.

"Wuji Village" is beautiful. This small village hidden in the forest is isolated from the world, but it has its own unique cultural heritage.After passing through the lily garden and arriving in the village, Reed immediately became the focus, and many elderly villagers recognized him.

"Master Reed? Why are you here?"

In front of a sword-making shop, an elderly sword-smith took the initiative to salute Reed. The sword-smiths in this shop were a couple, and they seemed to be quite old. They had met Reed when they were young, and they were very excited about it. De was deeply impressed.

"I have something to do with the Wuji Sword Sect. Is Yi at home?"

Reed asked. This couple was Yi's parents, and at this time, Yi had already joined the "Wuji Sword Sect".

"He practices in the mountains, Master Reed."

Yi's father shook his head. Yi did not come back today, but practiced hard in the mountains. They did not feel worried, but were proud of Yi. In "Wuji Village", he could join the "Wuji Sword Sect" and inherit the "Wuji Sect". "Tao" is the most glorious thing, this is their culture.

"Okay, thanks."

Reed nodded and went directly up the mountain. The "Wuji Sword Sect" was at the top of the mountain, and the "Wuji Village" was located at the foot of the mountain.

This mountain is quite majestic. Ionia is already mountainous and forested. Although the province of Barua is said to be located in the middle of Ionia, it is not actually on the big island where the province of Navoli is located, but a A smaller island semi-surrounded by two large islands, the provinces of Navoli and Zhiyun.

It is indeed the center, but Ionia is an archipelago. It is not surprising that it is located in the center and is also an independent island.

Most of the island of Barue is occupied by mountains, and only a small half is plains. "Wuji Village" is next to the mountains, and "Wuji Sword Sect" is located on the top of the mountain.

Reed went up to the top of the mountain and came to the "Wuji Sword Sect". This place was very different from his "Fast Wind Sword Sect". It was like a "small village" on a mountain. The houses were very simple and the yard was also very simple. The facilities are also very simple.

Several middle-aged and elderly people dressed as swordsmen are practicing. They are floating a few inches above the ground, with their eyes closed and their hands clasped together. Their bodies exude a faint breath of life.

Soon, someone noticed Reed's arrival. After all, Reed's life breath was like a flash bomb that kept exploding in the dark night, stinging people so hard that they couldn't open their eyes.

Several swordsmen descended slowly and landed back on the ground. These were all masters of the "Wuji Sword Sect". The young disciples did not practice here, but were taken to a higher cliff. Yi and Wukong were also there.

 Went to watch the World Cup yesterday 23333
(End of this chapter)

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