Don't mess with the yordle

Chapter 34 is ready to return (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 34: Prepare to return (please vote for recommendation~)

The experiences of these 90-odd people are obviously lucky. They don't know how miserable their original fate was, but their current experiences are obviously enough to brag to others.

Walking with Ryze the Rune Mage, talking and laughing with Braum the Heart of the Freljord, and most importantly, they also met the legendary magical yordle.

Of course, the last one was added by Reed himself. To these ignorant northern barbarians of Freljord, the first two are obviously more worthy of bragging. They obviously don't know who Reed is at all.

There is no way. In fact, in the eyes of truly knowledgeable Freljordians, Reed is also an indispensable part of the history of Freljord. After all, his figure appears in almost all ancient legends, large and small.

Unfortunately, with Lissandra burying everything in the ice, Reed's legends, like many legends of the ancient gods and the three ice sisters, are either only spread among a very small number of people in the countryside, or have long been It was tampered with and destroyed by Lissandra.

"After here is the territory of the Frost Guards. They are often active in this area. You should be able to see their people soon. Bronn will send you here."

At the edge of the area where the Frost Guards often moved, Bronn said goodbye to the large army. He could not go any further, because it would undoubtedly be asking for trouble. He did not want to fight with the Frost Guards. Those powerful ones Iceborn are not easy to mess with either.

"See you soon, big man."

Reed did not insist on forcing Bronn to stay. He had no intention of helping Bronn resolve the misunderstanding with the Frost Guard tribe.

After all, even he himself can't talk to Lissandra now. After Lissandra can listen to his words first, he will consider helping Bronn resolve the misunderstanding.

"Bon Voyage."

Ryze also took the initiative to come over and say goodbye to this Freljordian with a moustache who made people feel very friendly.

Ryze likes Braun very much. Just like the legends he spreads, this man has a heart that truly loves the world. Like his legends, he can inspire people and make people feel this cold land. , also has a beating heart.

As for Braum's departure, the Freljord tribesmen were even more reluctant to leave, because in just two or three days of getting along, Braum had successfully become friends with all of them. He gained everyone's respect and goodwill, and they were very reluctant to leave this bold and strong man.

However, Braun left anyway. He was not worried about the safety of these people. After all, there were "Rune Masters" Ryze and Reed around. He felt that these people would definitely be able to join the Frost Guard tribe safely, but that would not be possible with him around. That’s for sure.

After all, he has been being troubled by people from the Frost Guard tribe. If these people are found with him, they will most likely be regarded as enemies by the people from the Frost Guard tribe.

"He is a very charming man. His character is really hard to dislike. I have to say that this is a rare talent. You are obviously far behind."

After Bron left, Reed began to complain about Ryze again. After all, there is no harm without comparison. People who are also running around, how can the gap be so big?

But considering that Ryze is running for the safety of the entire world, and Braum is only running for the Freljord, it is normal for Ryze to be under greater pressure.

After all, Ryze still has to fight against the temptation from the world's runes. It's hard to imagine him running around in the Rune Land, but only helping people with trivial things. His character is destined to be a person who does big things.


Ryze just snorted helplessly, but did not refute Reed's words. After all, it was indeed his fault this time. As the party who was wronged, no matter how Reed suppressed him, he had to endure it and listen.Soon, Reed and Ryze, who were marching on the ice field, saw the camp of the Frost Guard tribe.

As the overlord of the Freljord, the Frost Guard tribe is just a small camp located in the fringe area, which is enough to silence the Freljord tribesmen who have lived in the mountains for a long time and have never seen the world.

With the encouragement of Reed and Ryze, these tribesmen were very worried and were taken in by the Frost Guards.

Choosing to join the Frost Guard tribe means completely forgetting the past tribe. From now on, you will only be loyal to the will of the three ice sisters, only follow the guidance of the Frost Witch, and work hard for the common cause.

Perhaps for people from other tribes, this is not so easy to do, but for these Yagu tool people, this is undoubtedly the best choice. They do not have long-standing tribes Culture can naturally integrate into the Frost Guard tribe more easily.

"Now we only need to seal the fragment of the "Scorched" rune, and this matter can be brought to a successful conclusion."

Reed glanced at Ryze. This man with blue-purple skin and rune tattoos all over his body also looked relieved. Reed believed that after this incident, he would definitely grow. .

"How to get to the forbidden warehouse?"

Ryze asked Reed. It still takes a long distance to walk from here to the Forbidden Forest in Demacia. It seemed that Ryze wanted to take a shortcut.

"Why don't you just go by yourself? I don't want to go to that place, lest you suspect that I covet those world runes. Moreover, that place is really like a dungeon for the Yodels. Whoever wants to go there can go there. .”

Reed pretended not to understand what Ryze meant. He knew that this guy wanted to use the portal in Bandle City, but Reed didn't want to go to the Forbidden Demon Treasure House at all.

"You don't need to go, just take me for a ride."

Ryze was very helpless about this. Sometimes when communicating with these yordles, he really had to be patient and tempered. Although he could teleport magic, the distance could not be teleported too far, otherwise he would not ask Reed to take him. Just one trip.

"Okay, I'll take you there."

Reed looked at Ryze's pitiful appearance and stopped teasing him. Originally, he wanted Ryze to run away by himself as punishment for what he had done.

But considering that this guy just lost an old friend, he probably wasn't in a good mood, so he mercifully took him on a trip to save him some time.

"Thank you so much."

Ryze sighed. If he wasn't worried that it would be too dangerous to travel long distances with the rune fragment, he really didn't want to give in to Reed.

 Chapter 1~Please vote for recommendation~

(End of this chapter)

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