Don't mess with the yordle

Chapter 39 The Void Monitor (please vote for recommendation)

Chapter 39 Void Monitor (recommended ticket~)

"Come on, go down and have a look."

Reed ignored the words of the two devout believers, but spoke directly to the woman they believed in.


Lissandra nodded and responded to Reed's words. It was hard to tell from her expression. After all, she had always had that cold and indifferent expression, and only occasionally showed a slight smile to Reed.

"Just let these two guys wait up there."

Reed glanced at the elderly Loraka Tongue, then at Sigvar Half-Arrow with a complex expression but without any fear, and finally decided not to take them with him.

It's not that Reed wants to be alone with Lissandra or anything, the main thing is that there is really no need to take those two people down. If something happens, they will only be a burden and will not play any role other than that. .

Sigvar Half-Arrow opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but "Frost Witch" Lissandra's "hmm" made him realize that their faith was here, and he had nothing but obedience. Room for interjection.

As for Loraka Cha Tongue, he had never wanted to go down from the beginning to the end. After all, with his body and bones, he might not be able to hold up if he went down there.

Under the gazes of Sigvar Half-Arrow and Loraka Forked Tongue, Reed and Lissandra jumped directly from the "Bridge of Sorrow" into the boundless darkness without hesitation.

This made Sigvar Half-barrel open his mouth in surprise, as if he couldn't believe what he saw. He clearly knew how deep it was down there, and the only result of jumping from here would be to fall to death.

But when he thought of the identities of those two people, he put away his surprised expression and just lowered his head and chanted a prayer.

The "Bridge of Sorrow" is not the only bridge across the Howling Abyss. There are dozens of bridges between the two walls of this great chasm, but except for the top one, all the remaining ones have been destroyed. Forgotten and abandoned.

Those bridges are proof of the Iceborn's efforts to fight against the void, but now they have only darkness, ice, and wind to keep them company, and some bridges have even been completely destroyed.

Reed and Lissandra fell rapidly in the strong wind, passing through layers of fog and darkness. As the ice wall around them became darker and darker, and the temperature became lower and lower, they seemed to have fallen from the world. To hell.

"Thirty feet to the left."

Lissandra suddenly spoke, and Reed did not hesitate, and directly controlled the strong wind. The two of them moved, and finally landed on the hard ice thirty feet away. If they did not move, they would will continue to fall.

"Hiss~ This is really cold."

Reed took a breath, and then he felt that his entire lungs were trembling. The layers of ice under their feet were not ordinary ice, but nearly ten thousand years ago, created by the snowman magic during that great war. of Zhenbing.

The temperature here is almost unbearable even for the powerful Iceborn. Every breath taken here will be accompanied by very severe pain.Ice will quickly condense on the skin, and only the Iceborn can barely survive here. If it weren't for the world rune "Immortal Grip" in his body, even a person with Reed's strength would have difficulty here.

The breathtaking void atmosphere here was so strong that it made Reed want to vomit. Reed almost thought that he was not in Freljord, but in the endless void.

Neither Reed nor Lissandra said much, but continued to move forward on the Zhenbing ice. Soon, after passing through a narrow gap only for one person to pass, they arrived at their destination. ——"The Court of Nine Deities".

The "Garden of Nine Deities" is located in a huge cave like the bottom of a bowl. The ice surface here changes from turbid to transparent, revealing the scene below, like a black mirror.

The bottom of the ice in the center of the cave is a perfect plane, which is a flat and open space. Surrounded by a circle of huge and abrupt ice, they look like pillars, distributed in a circle on the middle space, so that The whole cave has a sense of solemnity that has been lost for thousands of years.

Those nine icicles are nine huge shackles that bind the creatures that are forced to live under the perfect ice. They have stood firm and never melted for nearly ten thousand years.

"But they're starting to melt."

Lissandra's voice was slightly weak. There were only two of her and Reed here, so she showed her emotions for the first time in a long time. Those emotions were called "worry" and "feeling at a loss".

Reed has noticed that one of the nine Zhenbing icicles is more rounded and soft than the other icicles, as if there is a layer of moisture hanging on it. It is not like the other icicles. So sharp and sharp.

Reed approached the special icicle. Lissandra had obviously processed it before. Some of the perfect ice taken from the perfect ice weapon was reinforced by her on the slowly melting icicle. The tiny gaps on the ice pillars have been blocked by Zhenbing again.

Reed could see that in this Zhenbing icicle, some dark shadows were constantly swimming. They wanted to break through the ice, but they were unable to break through the Zhenbing.

"They are much more stable than the last time we came here. Zhenbing has worked, but we don't have much Zhenbing anymore. Sooner or later, there will be a day when we can't plug the loopholes that keep popping up."

Lissandra continued, and Reed understood what she meant. Zhenbing could no longer be recreated because the Yeti clan with magic had already been killed and injured in the final battle.

Reed resisted the urge to blame Lissandra. After all, this woman made that decision in panic. How could she think about it later?She just wanted to seal those monsters underground quickly, so much so that she even sacrificed all the snowmen.

Reed stopped looking at the swimming secondary void creatures. He walked to the center of the ice bottom, to the center of the nine icicles, and then looked into the darkness below.

A huge one-eye looked back at him, but what Reed saw was not just a one-eye, but also its extremely crazy and terrifying body. It had two huge horns and hairs, and countless complex and intertwined hairs. The arm extends from the body. It is the first monitor to enter the material realm, and its distortion is the most terrifying.

Reed still remembers that day, when this creature emerged from the cracked earth, it was resisting the rules of the material realm. The shape and constancy here were puzzling to them from the void, and they were not adapted to the material realm.

And its distortion was produced at that time. Now they are sealed in the gap between the material realm and the void, maintaining this strange form of sleep, but each of their forms is different, because they are in That day took a completely different kind of aberration.

 Chapter 2~
(End of this chapter)

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