Don't mess with the yordle

Chapter 72 Branch campus location selection (please support)

Chapter 72 Branch branch site selection (please support~)

"Shurima has lost imperial rule for many years. They really need to change. Demacia and Noxus also have their own problems. It seems that you will be busy."

Reed smiled bitterly and shook his head. He felt that this was not because of his crow's mouth, but because these problems did exist in Runeland, including Freljord and Ionia. In fact, there were also people who were eager for the "wind of change" to blow. Quite a few.

"As long as they pray to me, I will show up to help them, but now the voice from elsewhere is too weak for me to locate and come to them."

Janna shook her head. Her focus now is still on Zuan, because although she can walk on the wind following the sound of prayers, she can quickly come to the praying person to help.

But if she cannot accurately locate the location of the prayer, then even the omnipresent wind will lose her direction. Runeterra is not a small place.

"I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing for them. After all, you can't hear them praying, which means they don't need rescue so urgently."

Reed sighed, no matter what, danger will always be with Rune Land, it may come from unknown existences, or it may come from the creatures themselves on this land.

And for eternal witnesses like them, who have experienced the long historical process of Runeterra, war and destruction are always inevitable, because it is rooted in the instinct of biological self-pursuit.

Over the course of tens of thousands of years, Reed gradually understood many things that he could not understand before, such as why the heroes in some stories and comics would eventually become demon kings who wanted to destroy the world.

Reed feels that they have realized that people can never empathize with each other and can never truly understand each other. They are aware of the bad nature of human beings, but they have not seen the bright spots of human nature, just like the first fall. Soraka is as desperate as ever.

"My blast, what did you come to Zaun for?"

Janna interrupted Reed's thoughts and was about to ask him why he came. Although she really wanted to hear the other person say that he came specifically to see her, Janna understood that it was actually impossible. After all, Hayate didn't know his way back, and he couldn't Stay for one person.

"I am planning to establish a branch of the Bandle City Academy of Science and Progress in Piltover and Zaun. I came here this time to choose a suitable location."

As expected, Reed's answer did not disappoint Janna, although in another sense she was actually a little disappointed.

"Are you planning to accept students from Zaun as well?"

Janna did not reveal the subtle emotions in her heart, but quickly confirmed to Reed that she heard this meaning from Reed's words, and this made her quite concerned, because this pair of buried people This is undoubtedly excellent news for the geniuses in the Zaun trench.

"That's right, whether you are Mrs. Piltover or a Zaun, as long as you have a certain amount of talent, you can enroll."

Reed still added a premise. After all, the purpose of his coming to this twin city was to establish a branch school, not to help the lower class people of Zaun or Piltover.

The professors at the Bandle City Academy of Science and Progress don't care about the class of origin of the applicants, because once they enroll, all scientific research expenses will be borne by the academy. What they care about is whether the applicant has talent.Even though the Yodel people would never be moved by financial gain, they would not accept the behavior of allowing those without talent to squander and waste scientific resources.

The failure of the experiment itself is not terrible. What is terrible is that the person who conducted the experiment cannot let others see the shining point of his thoughts. This is unacceptable to the Yodel scientists.

"Then what is talent?"

Janna was a little confused about this, because although she had been in Zaun for a long time, she really didn't have any research on the so-called "science", so she naturally didn't understand what "the talent to study science" was.

"You don't have to worry about this. There are specializations in the field. Bandle City Academy of Science and Progress has been operating for nearly ten thousand years, and we have a complete set of procedures in place.

For those children who have ideas and love science, we will conduct a long-term entrance assessment for them. Although that may not be applicable to humans, we will definitely adjust a suitable plan. "

Reed comforted Janna. In fact, they hadn't started discussing this issue yet, so he had to make a fool of it first. However, he believed that Bandle City's method could also be implemented by the branch school. All it took was Modify slightly.

"The most important thing now is to determine the location of the branch first. After the construction of the branch begins, other problems will be solved one by one. Do you have any suggestions for site selection?"

Reed did not dwell too much on how to determine admission qualifications, but instead brought the focus of the discussion back to site selection.

Reed wants to listen to Janna's suggestion. After all, as a true "Old Zaun", this Avatar of Wind's understanding of the twin cities of Zaun and Piltover is absolutely unparalleled. On the other hand, after all, she was linked to this city thousands of years ago.

"If you want to choose a location that both Zaun and Mrs. Piltover can accept and reach, then I suggest Piltover, which is up there."

Although she was in Zu'an and cared about Zu'an, Janna did not follow her selfish motives. She knew that for a college, how to ensure safety was the most important thing.

In comparison, Piltover is definitely safer, because the safest place in Zaun is even more dangerous than the most dangerous place in Piltover.

"Well, that's what I actually think. The Zaun people can go to Piltover with confidence. As long as they are careful and don't provoke those Piltover guards, there will be no danger. But Mrs. Piltover doesn't dare to go there easily. Enter Zu'an, because there are too many pairs of eyes staring at them."

Reed nodded. He agreed with Janna's statement, and the key to the problem is where in Piltover can the Zaans appear frequently without attracting the attention and excessive tension of the Piltover guards. .

"First of all, stay away from commercial building areas, stay away from Zodiac Basement and Stellar Avenue. The former is the most important bank in Piltover, and the latter is the entrance to Piltover's treasury. Secondly, stay away from Blue Smoke Manor, where is The seat of Piltover's great families and consortiums, there are not only Piltover guards there, but also a large number of active spies."

Janna knew everything about Piltover and Zaun, just as Reed thought, no one knew the twin cities better than she did, including the chief spies.

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(End of this chapter)

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