Don't mess with the yordle

Chapter 9 The Dangerous Void (Please support the new book)

Chapter 9 The Dangerous Void (Please support the new book~)

Kalixa is located in the south of Shurima. It used to be the place where the Rai tribe lived. But now, it is a place name that no one wants to mention in Shurima. Only desperate people will choose to cross Kali. Kesai.

Calixa is called the "Sea of ​​Bones" by the people in the north of Shurima, but they don't understand the meaning of "Karixa" at all, and "Sea of ​​Bones" is a wrong translation.

The people of the Lai tribe have never seen the sea. "Sai" is in the Lai language, which refers to the plains of sand and gravel, which makes walking slow and painful.

This name means that this land is riddled with holes, it means that this land is full of tunnels, it means that Axel is hunting here, it means that death is lurking under the gravel and may jump up at any time. .

Standing on the top of the dune, Reed and Yuumi could easily overlook the landmark here, which was a huge skeleton.

Thousands of years of wind and sand have corroded its flesh and blood, and now only its huge ribs are left slanting into the sky. The shadow cast by each rib is enough to cover a caravan. No one knows what this monster was when it was alive. look.

Nowadays, when you see this skeleton landmark, it means that you are about to enter Carricksey. Maybe this is why the northerners translated Carricksey as "Sea of ​​Bones" .

Reed knew that this huge skeleton might be the body of a god warrior, or it might be left behind by a void monster, or it might even be a combination of the two.

There are too many dangerous beings in the lost territory of Shurima, and Rek'Sai is one of them.

The reason why Reed is not keen on coming to Carix is ​​not that he doesn't care about Nora's safety. As Nora's good friend, of course he wants to take her home, and even, as the leader of Bandle City, save a woman trapped in Dangerous yordles, and something Reed should do.

But Nora is not here. Reed is very sure that Nora is actually in the void. The breath of Nora that Yuumi smells here should be the breath seeping from the void. This is according to Reed's memory. Among them, the story between Yuumi and Reksai is inferred.

As a creation of the Void Watcher, the mission of Rek'Sai and her tribe, Exe, is to dig, dig, and keep digging until a tunnel is dug into the void. Now, half of her mission has been completed.

After thousands of years of excavation, the tunnel dug by Rek'Sai can even seep out the breath of the void. Although it is not comparable to the situation in Icathia and the Howling Abyss, one day, Rek'Sai will Sai will complete her mission and welcome their Creator to the world.

"Let's go! Reed! Let's go save Nora together!"

Yumi waggled her tail, looking a little impatient. After bringing Reed over, she instantly felt confident.

On her own, she would not be able to defeat that terrifying monster, but with Reed, Reed would be responsible for the attack, and she would be responsible for the protection. She believed that their combination would be able to defeat the monster.

Yuumi is a cat born with powerful protective magic. She is one of the many magical creatures in Yodel City. Her protective magic is very powerful, and this is why Reid allowed her to bring " The Gate Grimoire is full of reasons why Runeterra is wandering.

You must know that the "Door Grimoire" is like a master key to Bandle City, which can open all the doors in Bandle City. If someone with bad intentions gets it, the consequences will be unimaginable.

If Yumi didn't have enough ability to protect herself and the "Door Grimoire", Narde would have confiscated the "Door Grimoire" long ago. Although the "Door Grimoire" has its own consciousness, it can't resist Reed.

"Puff~Puff~Puff~" "Door Magic Book" was floating in the sky, and it was also urging Reed, which made Reed feel a little dumbfounded.

Both the cat and the book are very nervous about their owners, which makes it seem like Reed doesn't care about his friends.

Reed couldn't tell Yuumi and "The Door Grimoire" that Nora is now in the void, because this strange pair does not have the ability to protect themselves in the void.

Now that Yuumi and the "Dome Grimoire" don't know where Nora is, they can boldly run around in Runeterra.

But if Reed told them that Nora was in the void, then the pair would definitely go to the void to find Nora, and for the two of them, it would undoubtedly be a dead end.

After all, even Reed has to be very careful in the void. It is not an area that ordinary people should get involved in. It is enough for him to go to the void to find Nora.

"Let's go, let's go find the legendary monster Rek'Sai and ask her to tell the news about Nora. If she doesn't tell her, then we'll beat her up!"

Reed echoed Yuumi and the "Door Magic Book". If it only takes a fight with Rek'Sai to make these two guys give up, Reed doesn't mind going to the Queen of the Void Escape Beast. Move your muscles.

A yordle, a magical cat, and a flying grimoire, this strange combination entered Calixai, and their actions were not concealed.

For mortals, if they want to cross the Calixai, they must avoid the ears of the Exes. For this reason, the people of the Rai tribe specially invented a special "silent step".

Only those who have learned to walk silently, taking each step as light as a mouse and as far as an antelope, and only those who walk fast and silently, can walk out of Calixay alive.

But Reed's purpose is to attract the Axels, so they naturally don't need to cover their whereabouts.

Reed was even worried that the sound produced by their group could really attract the Exes?

Yuumi squatted on top of the tome, and the tome flew in the air. Among them, the only one who really walked in the sand sea was Reed himself. Although he was relatively strong among the yordles, he was far smaller than the yordle. Not like a normal person.

Maybe to the ears of the Axels, the sound of Reed walking was the sound of a human child walking.

Fortunately, they had a target, which was the place where Yuumi dug a hole before. Reid guessed that Yuumi might have dug into Rek'Sai's lair, otherwise it would not have been such a coincidence that he met Rek'Sai. plug.

Soon, Reed and his group were discovered, and several Axais swimming nearby heard their voices. Because of Reksai's rage, these Axais were more active than usual, even if At the slightest sound, they quickly came over to check.

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(End of this chapter)

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