Start with one punch

Chapter 26 Is the Qin family doomed?

Chapter 26 Is the Qin family doomed?
Juxian Building is the largest restaurant in Muyang County. It is located on a high ground and faces south. It has two floors. The attic on the second floor can open four windows, overlooking most of Muyang County.

A few days ago, after the news that Huo Xi, the deacon of Chaotian Palace, was coming, reached Muyang County, everyone in the county began to make arrangements.

Chaotian Palace's recruitment of disciples is a top priority for the people of Muyang County, and no one dares to neglect it.

Huo Xi was about fifty years old and short and fat. When he first arrived in Muyang County, he entered the Juxian Building amidst the cheers of welcome.

There was a long queue from the inside to the outside of Juxian Building. Countless teenagers looked up. When they saw a group of people surrounding a short, fat man with a majestic face, they basically guessed the identity of this person. In the blink of an eye, everyone He became extremely well-behaved, hoping to leave a good impression on the deacon of Chaotian Palace.

"Deacon Huo, I'll send you here, and I'll have to work hard for you next." It was a master from Muyang County who spoke, with a goatee and a shrewd look.

This master is usually very arrogant, but in front of Huo Xi, he is no different from the teenagers.

Huo Xi hummed lightly, without even looking at the master, and walked directly into the Juxian Building and went straight to the second floor, where a place had been prepared for him.

The master was not angry, he just hugged his fists respectfully and turned around to leave.

The young people at the front of the queue on the second floor were all rich and powerful people in Muyang County. Huo Xi was not surprised by this. This situation also existed in other counties.

The so-called fairness is just for people to listen to. In actual practice, there is no fairness at all.

After Huo Xi sat down, he began to test the qualifications of these teenagers one by one.

The testing methods of each sect are very simple. The most common method is to feel the bones and take pulses, and pour weak spiritual energy into the bodies of these teenagers, and then you can check their bones.

Although the spiritual energy consumption is not large, it also hurts the spirit and energy, so I often carry some spare spiritual stones with me. Even if I don't bring them, it doesn't matter. Families from all over the country will always put spiritual stones in their pockets in different ways.

When Huo Xi first came to Muyang County, he got a list of people he had established relationships with. The families behind these young men kept thinking about sending their disciples to Chaotian Palace, even if they were just ordinary people. It doesn't matter if he is a disciple, at least he is a disciple of Chaotian Palace on the surface, so he will have face when he says it.

Many of the disciples recruited by the three major sects every year come from major families, and they are also happy to see that. After all, the children of these families will be gilded after they come in. Whether they can learn anything depends on their own talents. Once they enter After marrying, there will naturally be a lot of filial piety every year.

The three major sects all have a standard for recruiting people. One type is people with outstanding talents. Needless to say, such people will be admitted directly. All future losses in the practice of the sect will be borne by the sect.

There is also a type of people who are family children who are not talented enough and cannot meet the sect's standards for accepting disciples, but they are willing to spend money to send their children to the sect to become ordinary disciples, which is gold-plated. The three major sects are in great need of such people. If a sect wants to continue to operate, money is the most indispensable thing.

The last type is those who are not talented enough and have no money, but they have a fighting spirit. For these people, the sect is willing to give them a chance, but after they enter the school, they can only be servant disciples, responsible for cleaning, transportation and other tasks inside the door. At most, learn some fur skills, and when appropriate, use sparring as a punching bag. Maybe one or two can stand out.

Huo Xi sat on a chair, looked at the list, and quickly made a decision in his mind. A county could give ten places. If he met someone with good talent, he could naturally give a few more places. There was no fixed limit.

But talented people are in the minority after all. Many times, a county doesn't even have a single genius, and the last ten places are given to family members, or one or two places are allocated to some handyman disciples.

Most people are concerned about face and are afraid of going too far, so they will accept one or two handyman disciples as a token, but Huo Xi doesn't need it. He only cares about money. If there are no geniuses in a county, then he will choose ten families. Son, this is how you can fill your pockets.When it came to testing the bones, Huo Xi was good at practice. The long team was quickly reduced by half in his hands. Most of the day passed, and one by one the teenagers were removed. In the end, only ten people were left, all from Muyang County. There are rich and powerful people, and Qin Tian is among them.

As for the others, send them all back.

As expected, there was not a single genius. Huo Xi took a sip of tea in annoyance. Although he valued money more, these county governments came down and did not receive a single genius. It was not easy to do business after returning. This kind of Questions related to probability, who will be unlucky.

Huo Xi waved to the waiter on the side to change the tea. Juxian Tower reserved a waiter specifically for Huo Xi, and he would do everything he wanted. For such a big shot, the waiter naturally did not dare to neglect and served him carefully.

The waiter was still young and usually very clever, but it was his first time serving a big shot like Huo Xi. When he was nervous, he accidentally knocked over the cup and the tea got all over Huo Xi.

Huo Xi was already very irritable. When he was thinking about what to do if there was still no genius in other counties, he heard the clerk's exclamation in his ears.

"Sir...I'm...sorry..." The young boy was dumbfounded and frightened, he quickly apologized and wiped the table hurriedly.

Huo Xi suddenly became furious and slapped the young man to the ground, shouting angrily: "Trash!"

The ten young men who were left behind no longer felt the same joy as before. They all looked blankly at Huo Xi who was furious. Such a big shot could easily crush their entire family to death. Now that he was angry, they did not dare to dissuade him.

The same is true for Qin Tian. Although he is somewhat confident that there is an uncle standing behind him, he does not want to cause trouble to the uncle. This is what Sister A has said many times.

After Huo Xi slapped the young man down, he was still not relieved. He stood up and kicked the young man's body with his feet. He deliberately did not use spiritual energy, for fear of kicking the ant to death, just to vent his depression these days.

The boy fell to the ground and kept wailing. He didn't dare to get up. He knew that no one would care if an ordinary person like him offended such a big shot and was beaten to death.

Huo Xi didn't care about the little boy's wails, he just kicked him one after another, and kept insulting the word "waste" in his mouth. Looking at the situation, he wouldn't be able to stop for a while.

"Sir, if you keep kicking him, he will die. You are a big shot, why should you be the same as him?" Qin Tian finally couldn't help it anymore. Looking at the boy who was still half breathing, he felt that he should say something.

Huo Xi stopped when he heard this, raised his head and glanced at Qin Tian, ​​and then said to the young people on both sides of Qin Tian: "You go back first."

Seeing the look in Huo Xi's eyes, the teenagers guessed that Qin Tian's words might have angered him, so they didn't dare to say anything, so they all left and left. Before leaving, they all looked at Qin Tian in different ways. People from a certain class in Muyang County naturally knew a little bit about everything about the Qin family, and they were thinking that Qin Tian might be in trouble.

After all the teenagers had retreated, Huo Xi said to Qin Tian, ​​"Do you like to be a hero? Okay, let someone send a message back and ask the person who can make the decision in your family to come over."


The young people who exited the Juxian Building all rushed home with heavy thoughts. They wanted to bring back a message for the clan members to prepare in advance, that is, the Qin family was about to end!
(End of this chapter)

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