Miss Witch's Cat

Chapter 14 It's Really Good

Chapter 14 It's Really Good
Miss Witch is very doubtful about life now.

Her mood was up and down like she was on a roller coaster and she couldn't calm down at all.

She froze when she saw the brackets next to gender.

The meaning of "not sterilized and dead" means...she should actually undergo sterilization?
Will this make you stronger?

People...are they like this?

She has indeed heard some rumors, such as the fact that there is no woman in her heart to draw a sword and the god of nature...

Oh (ΩДΩ)……

Miss Witch upholds a serious and rigorous learning attitude, and decides to study this knowledge in the future.

After all, this is not only about her growth, but also about her cats!

If her cat also wants to become stronger, does he have to go to the hospital to give him something to do?
When she saw the bloodline, Miss Witch had mixed emotions.

The complex emotions are wrapped in sadness, confusion, grievance, relief, and a strong hatred that is not there yet and I don't know how to put it.

In the spiritual world, her memories of the nightmare that she wanted to forget but could not forget became increasingly clear.

All the things that happened when she was a child were looping over and over in her mind like a revolving lantern.

She could not forget the words her mother said the night before she died, the expressions she made, or even the slightest look on her face.

——Mom left all of herself to you.

You don't have to feel sad, you will know that your mother is always with you.

I know you dislike your father, and that's okay.

From tomorrow on, you are my daughter and you are just my daughter.

Now, she fully understood the true meaning of this passage.

Is this her love for herself?
This is not the way she wanted at all...

what she wants.

What she really wants is just...

Miss Witch did not continue to think about it. Before she got worse, she quickly and skillfully cut off the negative emotions related to this series of memories.

What she needs to do now is to continue to look at the personal information listed for herself by this magical 'Growth Guardian System'.

This was the first time she understood herself in such detail.

She wants to know her abilities, she needs to know how to become stronger.

She carefully looked at each piece of data given by the system and the comments below it.

She was surprised that her HP value was much higher than the average value of 300 promulgated by the association, that her constitution was only 6 points, that her strength was comparable to that of a fighter, and that her agility was a full 42 points!
You know, the average value of the basic attributes of awakened people announced by the association is 10!

She didn't expect that apart from MP, her poor constitution was also her poor one, but she also didn't expect that her talents would be in strength and agility.



Why would a witch with a blood full of magic power and a legendary great magician give birth to a warrior-type offspring?
She, she, her... biological child? ?

and many more.

Shadow Witch.

I always feel like I have seen this name somewhere...

At this moment, Bai Yan's brain is spinning rapidly, just like browsing books in a library, excluding and sifting out content related to this name one by one...

She remembered!
She had seen a few descriptions of the witch's bloodline in the rare limited edition "Complete Introduction to World Races" in her family's collection of books.

"Witches are a rare bloodline born among humans after the resurgence of magic power. Because their numbers are extremely rare, it is currently impossible to study the conditions and elements for their awakening.

What is known is that most witches have as much control over natural elements as elves, and their bodies contain powerful magic, which is a special gift from nature to humans.

But there is one kind of witch who is very exception. She is like the dark night among the elves, she is the other side of the witch.

The powerful magic bloodline gives her extraordinary physical talent, and her ability to communicate with the dark night and shadows makes her different from ordinary witches, making her a powerful enemy that all magic professions fear.

This kind of witch is called a shadow witch."

She...is she such a rare existence?
After carefully reading the analysis of the inherent skills [Shadow Witch's Blessing], [Shadow], and [Blade], she was even more certain that her so-called Shadow Witch bloodline was exactly the same as what was said in the book.


She no longer knew how to express herself.

Forsaken from the thorn?
But... wouldn't such an obvious talent as a professional counterpart really be too noticeable to be discovered?

——Never let anyone know that I am your mother.

——Don’t let others find out that you are a witch!

No, you can't give up.What she needs to be is a mediocre magician... No, it's better to be a magician with a little talent but obviously insufficient upper limit so as not to arouse suspicion.

Even though you will still be looked down upon and bullied in the process, but...

It is better to be alive than to be dead.

She is very talented!real!
As long as she can live as hard as a turtle, it is certain that she will become a strong person!

It seems that having a third party to review your talents will really make your thinking suddenly clear.

It turns out that she has always had such a big shackle in learning magic, not because she is hopelessly stupid, but because her efforts are in the wrong direction...

It's really... great.

Although she still had to find ways to improve her magic ability, she suddenly felt supported and comforted. She really...


I felt so relieved.

She still has ways to become stronger.

While repeating this sentence in her heart, the corners of Miss Witch's mouth rose up in relief and uncontrollably.

This is the most peaceful day in my life since the night when my mother died and I quietly tested my magic power.

very nice.

I'm still lucky.

Bai Yan will never forget that all this luck was brought by Maomao.

It was all because of Maomao that she was lucky enough to acquire this magical skill that she had never heard of before.

is only...

Her mood, filled with happiness, was quickly overwhelmed by this so-called [daily task].


Ah this...

Miss Witch can all think of the positive educational significance and value of the first four tasks, but what is this fifth task...? ? ? ?

Ok? ? ?
What's even more terrible is that the reward for this mission turned out to be a fireball that could be called a dissected fireball, and even...even an expansion of magic power capacity that she never dared to dream of? !

It’s time to fight!We really have to fight!
Even if it’s not for myself, it’s for the cat who gave me this gift!

After all, I am his mother!

In the spiritual world, the appearance of the witch lady who was full of enthusiasm and motivation was caught by the cat who suddenly moved here.

Does it turn out that Miss Frustrated Witch still has such a passionate side?

Looking at the witch who seemed to be brewing burning flames behind her in the spiritual world, Maomao swallowed silently.

He...probably wasn't using too much force.

This 'Anti-Witch Lady System' built using his own magic power and referring to his own system is his proud work!
As an old father, this is the best solution after careful consideration. There is absolutely no personal grudge in it.


After all, if he suddenly acts like an elder and tells Miss Witch that you have xxx talents, what you should do, that your character is wrong and needs to be corrected, and that the world is actually beautiful...Bara, he doesn't think this is the case. Miss Witch cannot be fundamentally changed or saved.

She may still maintain her current passive attitude, and may still not be able to be active and optimistic, enjoy life, and resist all the injustices in her fate.

He thought that he had to give up the initiative to Miss Witch.

Whether to work hard, whether to fight for it, whether to persist, whether to change, all these choices are in the hands of Miss Witch herself.

The role of cats is nothing more than to blow the pillow, fan the flames and add fuel to the fire.

Although the process of breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly is very difficult, the harvest will definitely be rich.

He didn't want to impose his ideal of resisting fate on Miss Witch. He didn't want to be like Miss Witch's mother, nor did he want to be like his own parents.

Although, those pains are also named love.

However, he also knew that when he was at his most desperate in school and in the company, he had hoped that the world would give him a chance to resist fate.

He can really work very hard, he can be very desperate, begging that unknown great existence to save him, even if it allows him to see a glimmer of light.

His humble prayers went unanswered, he was not given a chance.

But now, he can replace the god who doesn't know whether he exists or what he will do, to help the crybaby witch who can't help crying every night.

So, he chose to give it his all.

Therefore, he chose to return to his old career and write codes made of magic words.

Therefore, he chose to help this little witch who summoned him. She was a little stupid, stupid, and stupid, but very innocent and lovely.

After all, I am her father!
(End of this chapter)

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