Miss Witch's Cat

Chapter 31 More post, family members

Chapter 31 More post, family members

I would like to ask family members, what do you think about secondary infection?

This is the situation.

I forget how long ago I started to have early symptoms of COVID-[-].

I had a fever for nearly a day (luckily I slept for a day), and then my symptoms began to subside, turning into sore throat, headache, dizziness, body aches and other minor problems that I could tolerate.

Then, my mom came back from the south on a business trip, and she mailed it afterwards.

After being in contact with her, my condition, which had been alleviated, became much more severe.

Nanfeng is currently experiencing my first symptoms, the fever stage.

I'm currently wondering what kind of medicine to take.

My body and head are extremely hot, but my hands and feet are cold.

If you know something, can you explain it to me?

I am now beginning to have the same symptoms as my mother, including cough and signs of a second fever.


I was the first one to be tricked, probably by North A from the neighbor's sewer.

The symptoms include fever first, but the limbs are cold, cold and hot at the same time, and the throat is not particularly uncomfortable, just uncomfortable.

Secondly, it comes from B, which my mother brought from the south.

Sore throat + coughing reaction, temperature rises starting at night and gets worse over time.

After analyzing our symptoms, south wind is A.

And I have changed from A to B.

So the question is, when North A is almost recovered, will he be infected with B?
Is this reasonable?

Again, when I thought I was in phase A, it was actually just my immunity that was kicking back. (I have allergies and my immunity is relatively nervous)


So much for the question, but all in all, it was sent today.

I wrote 1k3, but I’m not sure if it’s herringbone, so I won’t post it.

Sorry everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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