Chapter 11 Dean Ye Sheng
The ancient forest is so dark that the afternoon sunlight never penetrates the layers of leaves.

Xian Wu and his party of four were walking in the dark forest. The team gradually became a line from side by side.

Xian Wu was the first, Zhu Junxiang was the second, Nie Li was the third, and the most courageous Lu Piao was the fourth.

He is also bold with women.

"Xian Wu, it's almost done. Don't go any further." Lu Piao hid behind Nie Li and held on to Nie Li's clothes tightly.

If they encountered a ferocious monster like a spotted tiger, they wouldn't even have time to launch the signal flares, and they would have to be reimbursed.

Xian Wu shrugged, not expecting Lu Piao to be so timid.

According to the notice board, the area where the few people are currently located is called the Newcomer Apprentice Area, and is inhabited by one-star bronze monsters.

Zhu Junxiang said that the one-star bronze monster is the weakest in the trial ground.

Unity is strength. Even if there is no demon's left hand, they may not be able to hunt down one if they work together.

Furthermore, since the guards could let them in, it meant that ordinary monsters did not pose a threat to them.

As long as they don't risk their lives and run to the deepest point, and there are signal flares nearby, they will be safe.

After thinking for a moment, Xian Wu stopped: "Forget it, there's nothing to see here, go back!"

Thinking about it carefully, it is really difficult to take action with a few burdens. He should explore by himself another day.

Several people immediately breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this. If they walked deeper, their hearts would probably jump out of nervousness.

Pushing open the side door, a few people walked out of the trial place.

The side door opens outwards, with handrails on the inside but not on the outside.

Therefore, it is very difficult to open the partial door from the outside, and you can only enter through the main door.

But with the devil's left hand, even if he doesn't go through the door, he can still open a dog hole in the wall and enter at will.

After visiting the bathhouse that Lu Piao cherished, everyone went back to their homes.

"Xian Wu, Vice President Ye Sheng asked you to come to the office to find him when you come back."

As soon as he returned to the dormitory, Zhang Ming told Xian Wu some bad news.

"Vice Dean Ye Sheng?" Xian Wu touched his chin, "Did he say he wanted something from me?"

Lu Piao once reminded him that Vice President Ye Sheng was tracking down the real culprit who caused trouble in the cafeteria. Could it be because of this matter?

If this is the case, that would be a bit bad.

Just smashing a girl's skirt is enough to get him fired.

"Vice President Ye Sheng didn't come. It was informed by the fat boy in the dormitory next door. You have to ask him for the specific situation." Zhang Ming lay on the bed, covered with quilt, waiting for his big eyes, and replied lazily.

He guessed that Vice Dean Ye Sheng might be over the fight in the cafeteria.

But it was hard for him to say it clearly. After all, Xian Wu stood up for the bullied freshmen.

If it were him, facing those ferocious senior students, he would not even dare to fart, let alone beat them.

Although some of Xian Wu's behaviors are quite perverted, in terms of loyalty, he is probably pretty good.

Xian Wu thought for a while, and went directly to the vice dean's office without going to the fat guy next door to confirm.

The office area of ​​the college is near the south gate, which is very far from the dormitory area. It takes more than ten minutes to walk.

there is always a solution to a problem.

Anyway, he acted bravely to protect his classmates. Even if he was punished, he still had something to say.

"Dong dong dong..." Xian Wu came to the door of the deputy dean's office anxiously, and Xian Wu bravely knocked on the door.

His left hand can kill the air within seconds, but it cannot kill the dignity of the teacher.

When he saw the teacher, he still couldn't help feeling scared.

"Come in!"

Xian Wu opened the door, and what he saw was an old man with gray hair, a goatee, and a white toga.

Ye Sheng put the claw pen on the pen holder and examined the young man in front of him with sharp eyes like an eagle.With sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, red lips and white teeth, he looks like a talented person.

It would be better if he wasn't hunched over with a guilty and wretched expression on his face.

"Are you Xian Wu, the new student who likes to wear a cloak?" Ye Sheng's voice was soft but full of majesty.

Xian Wu said respectfully: "The student is Xian Wu."

"I've admired his famous name for so long, it's like thunder piercing my ears." Ye Sheng said jokingly.

Taking off his pants in front of Xiao Ning'er, the proud daughter of heaven, and beating up senior students in the cafeteria, what else is there that he wouldn't dare to do?

Holy Orchid College is not a place outside the law, and any evil will be brought to justice.

Xian Wu heard that what Ye Sheng said was ironic and waved his hand quickly: "I don't dare to take it, I don't dare to take it. I wonder why the vice-dean is looking for students? Is it because we are from a poor family and want to give some scholarships or something?"

"You are so beautiful!" Ye Sheng originally wanted to teach this boy a lesson, but was amused by his shamelessness.

Ye Sheng suppressed his laughter, coughed slightly, and asked seriously: "Were you the one who fought in the cafeteria at noon today?"

"It's me!" Xian Wu said bluntly.

I thought this kid would deny it, but I didn't expect him to admit it and not follow the routine.

Ye Sheng was a little confused about this kid.

"However, there is a reason why I fight." Xian Wu changed the subject.

"Those old students used food to attack others, and I tolerated it when they attacked my classmates, but they actually wasted food. I can't stand it!"

"So you beat them?" The reason for this child's fight is really novel, Ye Sheng thought to himself.

"That's right!"

"Why do you value food so much?" Ye Sheng asked with a smile. There must be some special reason.

Xian Wu's face turned red and his heart stopped as he said, "I am an orphan. I never had a snack to eat. I almost starved to death on the street several times."

"That's why I value food particularly and hate those people and things that waste food."

"Orphan?" Ye Sheng was a little surprised, "Then how did you get the tuition fee of more than 3000 demon spirit coins that you paid to enroll?"

"I work at a garbage disposal site in the north of the city. I work early in the morning and stay late at night. I save money every dollar." Xian Wu answered truthfully and did not lie.

In order to become a demon spiritualist and to have the power to protect yourself when facing demonic beasts that know magic, all efforts are worth it.

Ye Sheng was affected by Xian Wu's words and his nose felt a little sore.

He was born into a wealthy family, well-dressed and well-off, and held a high position. During this period, he never experienced the sufferings of the people.

Now Xian Wu's words were so shocking to him that Ye Sheng couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Xian Wu is both unfortunate and lucky.

How many homeless orphans in the Glory City can study at Holy Orchid College like him?
Ye Sheng picked up the tea cup and took a sip. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Although there is a reason, it is true that you disrupted the order of the cafeteria."

"You can be exempted from death penalty, but you cannot escape from living crime. I will exempt you from expelling you from Shenglan College, but I will fine you to help in the cafeteria and pay you 100 demon spirit coins every month. Are you willing?"

What?Xian Wu didn't react for a moment.

"Are you willing?" Ye Sheng asked again.

"I am willing, I am very willing." Xian Wu nodded quickly.

Ye Sheng waved his sleeves: "Okay, step back, I still have things to be busy with."

Xian Wu stood there, as if he had something to say.

"Why aren't you leaving yet?" Ye Sheng was confused.

Xian Wu swallowed his saliva, as if he had made up his mind.

Suddenly, he knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and said, "Xian Wu is not talented, I would like to worship you as my adopted father."


(End of this chapter)

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