The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 119 Black Scale Earth Dragon

Chapter 119 Black Scale Earth Dragon
"Ye family swordsmanship!!!"

Ye Zong shouted angrily and attacked Huyanba with his sword. His sword moves were sharp and domineering, and each strike was extremely powerful.

"Good sword!" Looking down at the cut on the chest of his jacket, Hu Yanba applauded and started to get serious.

Ye Zong boy and Ye Shuo boy's combat strength are not at the same level, and they can force themselves back again and again with just swordsmanship, not bad!
"The drunken tortoise, the iron hoof shakes the universe and screams proudly!"

Hu Yanba used his flesh feet against the iron sword, each kick hitting the sword's spine, and successfully defused Ye Zong's fierce attack.

"Drunk arhat, open your eyebrows and look at the dragon!!"

Huyanba broke through Ye Zong's sword, and punched him in the chest, the fierce force penetrated directly into Ye Zong's body.

However, Hu Yanba did not intend to let go of the perfect opportunity, and punched twice again like lightning, knocking Ye Zong back continuously.

"Pfft!" Ye Zong spat out a mouthful of blood, leaning on his sword, half-kneeling on the ring.

"Sure enough, ginger is still spicy..."

Hu Yanba clasped his hands behind his back, shook his head and said, "If you want to fight me, why don't you go back and practice for another two years? No, unless I die of old age, you will never be able to defeat me, and it will be useless to practice for a lifetime."

He started practicing drunken martial arts at the age of six and has been practicing for nearly 80 years. He has experienced countless battles and the scars on his body could fill a novel.

Two hairy boys and one boy with no hair at all want to beat him?Unless he lets it slip, it's just nonsense!
"Old guy, don't talk too much!" Ye Zong stood up with his sword in hand and summoned the black-scaled earth dragon demon spirit to possess him.

I saw hard black scales growing all over Ye Zong's body, and sharp claws growing out of his ten fingers.

Two long horns grew from the top of his head, and a large and thick tail grew from the back of his butt.

"Boom! Boom!" Ye Zong took two steps forward, stomping the ring with his heavy steps.

Looking at his nearly three-meter-tall father-in-law... no, foster father, Xian Wu opened his mouth in shock.

"The powerful Ye Zong is so terrifying." Xian Wu couldn't help but sigh.

Feeling Ye Zong's majestic power, Hu Yanba did not dare to be too big and summoned his own demon spirit - the alcoholic monkey.

The Black Scale Earth Dragon is a demon spirit with a trace of dragon blood, and is the most powerful of all demon spirits except the dragon clan.

If he didn't summon the demon spirit to possess him, Huyanba would most likely suffer a disastrous defeat.

Compared to Ye Zong's transformation, the effect of Hu Yanba's transformation was much weaker. Apart from the golden hair all over his body, a smart tail and a big gourd that appeared out of thin air behind him, there were no other changes.

"Uh...Master Huyanba can't be Jinjuriki who guards the crane with one tail..." Xian Wu muttered to himself.

The big gourd on Hu Yanba's back is very similar to the sand gourd on Gaara's back.

"Let's fight!" Ye Zong roared angrily and attacked Huyanba again with his sword.

The Ye family's swordsmanship is incomplete in its normal state. Only when the black-scaled earth dragon is summoned to possess it can the full strength of the Ye family's swordsmanship be unleashed.

It's not that the Ye family's sword technique must be used in conjunction with the black-scale earth dragon demon spirit, but that Ye Zong has always been possessed by the black-scale earth dragon when he practiced the Ye family's sword technique. Over time, the demon spirit and the sword technique merged into one, and the spirit became one. The swords became one.

"Come on!" Hu Yanba swung the big gourd behind his back in front of him, raised his neck, and took a sip of wine.

After drinking the wine, bursts of eye-catching red light appeared on Hu Yanba's body, and he entered a certain state of excitement.

"The horned sheep's crazy combat skill?" Xian Wu raised his eyebrows.

Hu Yanba put the big gourd behind his back, belched wine, swayed left and right, and attacked Ye Zong in a twisted manner.

"Tear the sky and the earth!" Ye Zong raised the sword above his head, and slashed at Huyanba fiercely.

Ripping the sky and the earth apart is similar to splitting the Huashan Mountain with force, but there is no jumping action, but standing on the ground and splitting directly.

Huyanba dodged narrowly, and the sword edge almost brushed the tip of his nose. "Look back and look at the moon!!" Ye Zong's moves suddenly changed, and he suddenly raised and slashed.

Hu Yanba sat down on the ground and hid again.He scratched the monkey's head and stood up, looking confused as if he didn't understand what was happening.

"Whirlwind Slash!!!" Ye Zong tilted his sword like a windmill and slashed at Huyanba on the ground.

Seeing Ye Zong's moves, Xian Wu complained: "You should use Q first and then E. That way you can maximize the damage."

Huyanba rubbed his butt on the ground, retreating again and again, every step he narrowly dodged Ye Zong's slash, his luck was so good that he exploded.

Under Ye Zong's pursuit, Hu Yanba was forced all the way to the edge of the ring.

Seeing that Hu Yanba was about to fall off the ring, without thinking, Hu Yanba suddenly somersaulted, pressed Ye Zong's head, and rolled down behind him.

"Drunken Monkey King, blast open the Heavenly Gate with one stroke!"

Hu Yanba swung out the big gourd and hit Ye Zong's lower back, making a loud "bang" sound.

Hu Yanba, who possessed the alcoholic monkey, was not big in size, but his strength was astonishing, and Ye Zong was sent flying away.

As Ye Zong flew off the ring, broken black scales scattered in all directions, many of them still stained with blood.

"Lost?" Xian Wu froze on the spot like half a piece of wood.

He only knew that Huyanba was very strong, but he did not expect that Huyanba was so strong that he even defeated the city lord of Glory City.

If the Huyan family were not the Black Gold Demon Spirit Master, they would definitely be among the top families.

"Not yet." Ye Shuo, who had regained his composure, suddenly spoke.

I saw Ye Zong stabbing the ground with his sword, caught the sword's elasticity, and returned to the arena dangerously.

"Old guy, you are really ruthless." Ye Zong touched his back with his backhand, and there was blood on his hand.

Both people in the ring were freed from demon possession.

Hu Yanba took out the wine gourd from the space ring, squinted his eyes while drinking, and asked with a smile: "Little Ye Zong, do you still want to fight?"

Ye Zong held the sword tremblingly and was at a loss.

It's a big shame, the city lord of Glory City can't even beat a little old man.

Ye Zong wished he could find a crack in the ground and crawl in.

At this time, Xian Wu suddenly jumped onto the ring.

"Dad Ye Zong, you go down and rest first. I already know how to deal with this old man." Xian Wu said confidently.

Although this method is very...shameless, you must use shameless methods to deal with bastards.

Ye Zong hesitated a little and scolded gently: "Wu'er, don't be ridiculous, you can't beat him."

Ye Shuo and he were both defeated. How could Xian Wu, a pseudo-gold level person, be able to defeat him?
"Don't worry, I have a way." Xian Wu smiled and handed the Nine Turns Pill to Ye Zong.

Ye Zong was doubtful, took the elixir, swallowed it in one gulp, and said, "Then be careful. If you are no longer able to defeat me, surrender immediately."

on the ring.

Xian Wu stood with his hands behind his back. Seeing Hu Yanba shaking his head while drinking, Xian Wu also took out a wine gourd of the same style.

(End of this chapter)

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