Chapter 134
The moon star is thin, and the black dragonfly flies south.

The silver-white extremely cold air is like a fountain, rising from bottom to top, like a morning glory, surrounding the crumbling ghost.

Gui Sha didn't know what the white mist sprayed by Xian Wu meant, but his intuition told him that these things were dangerous.

A black magic ball came into contact with the white mist and was instantly dyed into a white ice ball.

Gui Sha suddenly felt that the Hei Yao magic ball had lost its soul connection with him, and then saw the silver-white Hei Yao magic ball fall to the ground, smashing into pieces with a "pop".

"Danger!" Upon seeing this, Gui Sha quickly swept back, but the strange white mist came from all directions and surrounded him.

Gui Sha looked around and saw that there was no way to retreat, so he bit his finger and used his secret technique.

His body became insubstantial, turning into a black shadow, and then rushed towards the surrounding white mist like lightning.

Seeing that Gui Sha escaped from his freezing air mass intact, Xian Wu frowned, "How did he escape?"

His frozen air mass can surround enemies 360 degrees in all directions, and any material that touches the frozen air will be frozen.

There was no way that bastard could escape intact without being exposed to freezing air.

"Oops!" After Gui Sha took out the frozen air ball, he was not proud for a long time. Suddenly, his brain became dizzy and he fell from the air. All his soul power was taken away.

Gui Sha's face turned pale, and he didn't understand what happened to his soul sea. He took out the inscription scroll from the space ring and wanted to teleport away, but found that his soul power was too little to even drive the scroll.

The ghost came into close contact with the ground and made a "big"-shaped deep pit on the ground.

"Kill!" Xian Wu covered his chest, gritted his teeth and stood up, summoned Fang Tian's painted halberd, and swept towards the deep pit where the ghost fell.

The Dark Guild killed Ye Shuo's adoptive father. He wanted to kill those shameless bastards and avenge his old man.

Gui Sha lay in the deep pit. Although he was dizzy from the fall, he recovered quickly.

His soul power has reached the peak level of black gold, and his physical training has also reached the black gold level. Falling from an altitude of dozens of meters is like scratching an itch.If his soul power hadn't dried up, he wouldn't have landed in such an embarrassing way.

Gui Sha crawled out of the pit and looked up to see a dark figure. The dark figure was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd high. It was none other than Xian Wu.

"You bastard, you have to pay for what you have done!" Xian Wu's voice was cold, filled with overwhelming hatred.

Gui Sha's body fell into a temporary weakness and was unable to effectively dodge Xian Wu's slashes.

"Ah!!!" Gui Sha screamed miserably, and his left hand was chopped off by Xian Wu's Fang Tian Hua Ji.

If he hadn't dodged immediately, what would have been lost was not his left hand, but his head.

When he missed the blow, Xian Wu cursed angrily: "Steward, you dare to hide, I'll let you hide!" Xian Wu aimed his palm at the ghost, fired absolute zero, and froze it into an ice sculpture.

Holding the ice sculpture Gui Sha by the neck, Xian Wu slipped him out of the pit with one hand and threw him on the flat ground. Then he raised the Fang Tian Hua Ji high and prepared to chop off his head.

At the critical moment, a black shadow slammed into Xian Wu's body, and the huge force knocked him away a hundred meters away.

Seeing Xian Wu being knocked away, Nie Li instantly became invisible.

He saw an extremely handsome young man wearing a light white robe half-crouching next to the ice sculpture Gui Sha.

"We have been hunting geese all year round, but now the geese pecked its eyes." The young man stared at the ice sculpture Gui Sha and murmured to himself, then placed his flawless white jade palm on Gui Sha's forehead and slowly injected soul power into it. "It actually fused with the Snow Demon Emperor, Xian Wu is really good!" "Ah!!!" Gui Sha, who had been released from the freezing state, covered his broken left wrist and screamed in pain.

The young man took out two elixirs from the interspatial ring, stuffed them into his mouth, and tapped twice on the acupuncture point on Guisha's left arm to stop the bleeding.

Nie Li's eyes turned cold when he saw the pills that the young man fed Gui Sha. The two pills turned out to be the Nine Turns Pill and the Soul Tempering Pill.

These two kinds of elixirs are only sold by the Alchemist Association to the three peak families. How come people from the Dark Guild have them?
Could it be said that there is collusion between the top family and the dark guild?

A bold idea suddenly popped into Nie Li's mind. He suspected that the Holy Family was secretly colluding with the Dark Guild.

In the previous life, the Holy Family abandoned the city and fled. There must have been support from the Dark Guild outside the city, otherwise where would they have fled?

Moreover, it is very suspicious that the people from the Dark Guild captured Shen Yue and released him intact.

Thinking of this, Nie Li's hatred for the Holy Family became even stronger. He must pull out this poisonous thorn buried in the Glory City.

On the other side, Xian Wu slid along the ground for tens of meters and finally stopped when he hit a big rock.

" hurts so much-" Xian Wu felt a sharp pain in his chest, his sternum was about to break, and his internal organs were displaced.

Who is attacking me?Reinforcements from the Dark Guild?How could it be so fast?How can the power be so strong?
Xian Wu closed his eyes tightly, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead in pain.

"Anyone who offends my glorious city will be killed without mercy!!!" Suddenly, a shout came from the distance, and the city lord led the black gold masters from the major families to come.

The black-gold masters from the Shengming Family who arrived first landed near Xian Wu. They were surprised to find that Xian Wu's chest was bloody and seriously injured.

They quickly fed Xian Wu the Nine Transformations Pill and used soul power to stabilize his injuries.

Not long after, the reinforcements led by the city lord arrived to join the masters of the Shengming Family.

Long Sha formed a seal with his hands and used the Gate of Dark Space to teleport the seriously injured Gui Sha to a temporary stronghold outside the city.

Then, he flew into the air and flew towards the direction where Xian Wu was shot.

Long Sha stood down from a high position, looked down at everyone, stretched out his flawless white jade hand, and ordered coldly: "Hand over Xian Wu, and I can consider sparing you from death! Otherwise, you will all die!"

He has reached the legendary realm. Except for Ye Mo, no one in the Glory City is his opponent. Even if the following black gold level demon spiritual masters come together, he can raise his hand to destroy them.

Nie Li lifted the void and used the shadow escape technique to quickly join Ye Zong and others.

"Yue... City Lord, that young man is a legendary powerhouse, so you can't fight head-on." Nie Li reminded him.

Ye Zong nodded with a cold face. He had already seen the young man's state, so he did not act rashly.

His father has not returned from the trip, and now no one in the Glory City can fight against the legendary powerhouse, which makes Ye Zong feel a little chilled.

Seeing that Ye Zong and others were silent, Long Sha took a step forward, released the pressure of the legendary powerhouse, and continued: "Hand over Xian Wu!"

"Leave it to your uncle!" Ye Zong formed a seal with his hands and summoned the Snow Wind Spirit God who guarded the Glory City.

(End of this chapter)

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