Chapter 142
If the beautiful auctioneer knew that Xian Wu made his fortune selling pills, she wouldn't look at him with such hot eyes.

Soul-nurturing pills and soul-tempering pills were rubbish to Xian Wu, but they were extremely rare items for other noble families.

There are many demon spirit masters who took the Soul Nourishing Pill and the Soul Quenching Pill and directly broke through to the silver and gold ranks. Some of them are not suitable for cultivating soul power. After taking these two pills, their soul power has also been greatly improved.

Moreover, there are rumors that Xian Wu, the head of a newly wealthy family, took these two pills to practice to the black gold level.

Therefore, aristocratic families are very rare for soul nourishing pills and soul tempering pills. After all, the more pills they buy, the stronger their family becomes.

The number of pills refined by the Alchemist Association every day is limited, and most of them are purchased by wealthy families and peak families, while aristocratic families can only get a small part.

Now that they have met at the Red Moon Auction, they must seize the opportunity and buy more.

However, everyone's mood dropped when they thought of Xian Wu's generous spending.

That rich man will definitely pocket all the elixirs, and most likely they won't have any share.

Unfortunately, they were wrong. Xian Wu would never waste money on things he didn't need.

On the contrary, Xian Wu also called the person in charge of the Red Moon Auction House and handed over the Soul Tempering Pill to them for auction.

With the help of Zilan grass, he could refine as many soul-quenching pills as he wanted.

The Soul Quenching Pill has an obvious effect on black gold demon spirit masters, and legendary demon spirit masters can also increase their soul power after eating it.

The elixir auction begins.

"In this auction, all soul-nurturing pills will be auctioned in batches of one hundred, and all soul-condensing pills will be auctioned in batches of ten. The starting price for the first soul-nurturing pill is 15 demon spirit coins. It starts now. Auction!" The beautiful auctioneer's clear and lively voice sounded.

The auction hall was so silent for a moment that you could hear a pin drop.

The major aristocratic families were surprised to find that the Haozhen family had made a rare move without making a bid.

Is it because it’s boring to auction items at a fixed price all the time, and you want to tease them to relieve their boredom?
"15 demon spirit coins!" Nie Hai, the head of the Tianhen Family, made a tentative offer.

The beautiful auctioneer looked at the VIP room of the Haozhen family in confusion and shouted: "The Tianhen family bids 15 demon spirit coins, is there anyone who bids higher?"

The heads of the major aristocratic families look at me and I look at you. They all dare not continue to bid for fear that Xian Wu will swindle them.

"One million demon spirit coins once!"

"15 demon spirit coins twice!!"

"15 demon spirit coins three times!!!"

"Deal!!!!" The beautiful auctioneer's voice sounded a little disappointed, "The first soul nourishing pill was bought by the Tianhen Family!"

Everyone in the venue stared. The head of the Haozhen family has changed his gender?

Although they don't understand why Xian Wu doesn't take the elixir, the heads of the major families are still very happy that Xian Wu doesn't participate in the competition.

The deserted auction venue suddenly became lively, and everyone joined in the frenzy of scrambling for the pills.

The VIP room where the Haozhen family is located.

Nie Li held a box and asked excitedly: "Xian Wu, did you take this set of gold-level Red Flame Tiger armor and give it to me? You are really good to me..."

Before Nie Li could finish his words, Xian Wu raised his hand to interrupt him: "Don't be too greedy. You already have Mingyu, so leave this gold-level armor set to others. And you haven't cultivated to gold yet. Level, wearing this thing is a waste." "If you don't leave it to me, then who will you leave it to?" Nie Li asked through gritted teeth. He was so good to him, but he didn't even give him a gold-level armor. It's... simply... So stingy!ungrateful! !White-eyed wolf! ! !Conscience let Ah Huang eat it! ! ! !

Ah Huang is the puppy raised by Huyan Lanruo...

"Please hand it over to Xiao Ning'er. I heard that Lan Ruo said that she has been promoted to the gold level. This suit of armor suits her just right."

"Praise for sex over friends!" Nie Li snorted angrily.

Xian Wu didn't take it seriously, and retorted: "Don't pick yourself so clean, didn't you own two treasures when you were in the ruins of Gulan City? I didn't compete with you at that time."

"Okay, okay, I'll just ask Ziyun to give it to her." Nie Li reluctantly agreed, "But why don't you give it to her yourself? Then she will definitely jump up happily and give you a kiss."

"Kiss me? Don't stab me again and I'll be burned." Xian Wu rubbed his chest, the scars on his body healed, but the scars on his mind remained.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that she gave him a precious demon spirit like the Snow Wind Demon Emperor, I would have been too lazy to have anything to do with her. If she hurt her once, I would never let her hurt her a second time, unless …

Unless she ties up her hands and feet and lets her pick what she wants!
Fuck, this idea is a bit shameless, but I like it, hehehe...

Xian Wu touched his chin and looked at Huyan Lanruo with an unkind look.

In other words, she didn't avenge herself for whipping herself before, right?Tonight is the time for revenge!
"Ms. sir, don't look at me like that, I'm so annoying~" Huyan Lanruo felt cold all over and had a bad feeling.

Xian Wu smiled crookedly, waved his hands and said, "Don't be afraid, I just figured out how we can have fun at night."

"How to play?" Huyan Lanruo swallowed.

"You'll find out tonight." Xian Wu gave up.

Soon the soul nourishing pills and soul condensing pills were all sold out for auction. In order to snatch the pills, the major families almost exhausted their wealth.

"Next to be auctioned is the Soul Tempering Pill entrusted by the Haozhen Family!"

As soon as the beautiful auctioneer finished speaking, the whole place was in an uproar.

No wonder the head of the Haozhen family did not participate in the bidding for the soul-nurturing pills and soul-condensing pills. It turns out they have better ones!

"The Haozhen family has provided a total of 100 soul-quenching pills. The soul-quenching pills are in batches of ten. The starting price is [-] million demon spirit coins. The bidding starts now!" The beautiful auctioneer's voice was gentle and pleasant.

No matter how loud the beautiful auctioneer was, no one in the audience raised a placard.

There is no other reason than that those aristocratic families cannot afford it.

The aristocratic family's annual income is only one million demon spirit coins, and they all spend it on soul-nurturing pills and soul-condensing pills. They have no money left to buy soul-tempering pills, so they have no choice but to give up.

Xian Wu didn't force it and sent someone to send a message to the beautiful auctioneer.

"The head of the Haozhen family has said that it doesn't matter if you can't afford it. When the auction is over, you can use the family's treasures to exchange for them at the Haozhen family. The door of the Haozhen family is always open for you." said the beautiful auctioneer. Said affectionately.

There is no doubt that Xian Wu’s Soul Tempering Pill was rejected.

Just as the staff was removing the soul-quenching pill, there was a commotion at the door of the auction.

(End of this chapter)

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