The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 162 Fire Dance Whirlwind

Chapter 162 Fire Dance Whirlwind
When they were in the library of Holy Orchid College, Xian Wu and Nie Li learned to identify the attributes and forms of the soul sea. The encyclopedia of soul power written by Nie Li is still in Xian Wu's space ring.

It wasn't that Nie Li was too idle, but he just didn't want Xian Wu to have to ask people to come to him to test the soul sea every time. It would be too troublesome.

It is better to teach him how to fish than to teach him how to fish. Teaching Xian Wu the method of identifying the sea of ​​souls can help him once and for all.

Otherwise, if that guy marries a woman and comes to him once, the stallion won't be annoyed, but he will be.

"Ouyang Tiantian's soul sea has the attribute of fire and takes the form of a hurricane." Xian Wu took a sip of green tea. The tea was a bit warm and didn't feel good at all, so he added a few pieces of ice to it.

Nie Li looked at the ice cubes in Xian Wu's tea cup with envy. It would be great if he could have such a convenient left hand.

"Then teach her the "Fire Dance Whirlwind Technique"..." Nie Li snapped his fingers and pointed at his teacup. Xian Wu understood and added a few pieces of dry ice to his teacup. Nie Li's herbal tea was just like soda. , Gudu Gudu began to bubble up.

Nie Li took a sip to make the herbal tea. It tasted strange, cool and sweet, and it made his stomach bloated even after drinking it.

"Fire Dance Whirlwind?" Xian Wu repeated, sounding familiar, "Does this exercise need to be combined with a sword to exert its greatest power?"

He had also read The Seven Legends of Blue Cat and Red Rabbit, and was particularly envious of their cross-racial love.

Cat, rabbit, tiger...

"How do you know that "Fire Dance Whirlwind Technique" needs to be used with a sword? With your extremely limited knowledge, you shouldn't know?" Nie Li stopped the horn pen in his hand and asked doubtfully.

Since leaving Holy Orchid College, he has never seen Xian Wu take the initiative to learn. It is estimated that the inscriptions he learned at Holy Orchid College have been forgotten now.

In this boy's eyes, women are nothing but women, and he doesn't do anything serious.

Xian Wu twitched the corner of his mouth. His image in Nie Li's mind must be too bad. After hearing Nie Li's question, Xian Wu immediately explained: "Guess, I just guessed. The blind cat met with death." rabbit."

"I think so." Nie Li buried his head and continued copying.

After two cups of tea, Nie Li finished copying and stood up to leave to accompany Ye Ziyun, his old friend from his previous life.

Unexpectedly, Xian Wu pulled him to his seat and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have other things to ask you for advice."

Putting the "Fire Dance Whirlwind Technique" into the space ring, Xian Wu poured Nie Li herbal tea and added ice cubes with a playful smile.

Nie Li pouted depressingly, how could he have such a troublesome adoptive son.

"Bah! I want that ice cube!" Nie Li took a sip of the herbal tea and felt that it tasted wrong. Although the tea was cold, it didn't feel like stomach bloating.

Xian Wu quickly added solid carbon dioxide, which is also dry ice, to Nie Li.

"Don't worry yet." Nie Li took out the spoon from the space ring, picked all the ice cubes into Xian Wu's teacup, and then asked Xian Wu to put dry ice in his teacup.

"Well, it tastes good, and the taste is still the same." Nie Li drank a bubble herbal tea, which was so beautiful that he could hardly find it.

When he was satisfied with Nie Li's service, Xian Wu took out the three secret books on the Flame Palm from his hundreds of cubic space rings, put them on the table, and pushed them in front of Nie Li.Xian Wu explained: "These are secret books sent by the Holy Family. I don't know if they are true or false. Please help me take a look."

He knew that Nie Li was a max-level player who opened an alt account and was well-informed, so he should be able to understand the secret manuals of legendary-level soul martial arts.

Nie Li glanced through the three books of Flame Palm at a glance, then closed the book, frowned, and looked at Xian Wu with a gloomy expression.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Xian Wu asked doubtfully. Nie Li's face was so gloomy that he almost shed tears. Could it be that the secret book given to him by the Holy Family was fake?
Nie Li took a deep breath, calmed down, and then said: "The secret book is true. The question is why the Holy Family gave you such a precious secret book. Are you and the Holy Family colluding?"

"Don't forget, the Holy Family has tried to kill both of us, especially you, more than once. I suspect that the Holy Family has colluded with the Dark Guild. The Dark Guild's invasion of the Hao Zhen Family is probably the fault of the Holy Family."

"The City of Glory is heavily guarded. Strong men above the gold level have identity plates. Those black gold-level killers from the Dark Guild cannot sneak in easily unless there is a mole."

"Shen Yue was captured by the Dark Guild but was safe and sound. Shen Xiao prevented me from taking you to escape. All these prove that the Holy Family is a traitor to the Glory City."

"In my previous life, the City of Glory was destroyed because the Holy Family gave up guarding the west city gate."

Seeing Nie Li with red eyes, Xian Wu quickly explained: "I did not collude with the Holy Family. It was Shen Ming, the deacon of the Holy Family, who came to me and said that their head Shen Hong wanted to marry Shen Xiu to me. He also gave me a gift. Got these secrets from me..."

After listening to Xian Wu's explanation, Nie Li understood that Xian Wu wanted to use his tactics to extract information about the collusion between the Holy Family and the Dark Guild from Shen Xiu.

"I'm sorry Xian Wu, I misunderstood you." Nie Li returned the book to Xian Wu and apologized solemnly.

He originally thought that Xian Wu's brain had been dominated by his lower body, but he didn't expect that he still had some brains.

However, the scene of Xian Wu marrying Shen Xiu was so beautiful that Nie Li couldn't even imagine it.

Shen Xiu was once their mentor.

Xian Wu happily accepted Nie Li's apology, waved his hand and said, "It's okay, just give me a recipe for an antidote and I'll forgive you."

"Detoxifying Pill? What do you want that thing for? Didn't you say that you have mastered Dragon Liver and are immune to all poisons?" Nie Li said teasingly, relying on practicing "Five-Shaped Fist" and "Six-Character Jue" to After practicing dragon liver, this kid is probably not living in a dream.

Xian Wu refilled the tea and said, "Dragon liver is not omnipotent. To be on the safe side, I still have to prepare a few detoxifying pills. Ouyang Tiantian has fused a red-trained king snake demon spirit, and I want to try it on myself." The detoxification effect of dragon liver, so..."

"Are you crazy? The venom of the Red King Snake is one of the most poisonous toxins in the world. What kind of bullshit dragon liver are you using to test it? Are you tired of living?" Nie Li felt that Xian Wu must be crazy, or maybe It's poisoning.

He stood up and touched Xian Wu's forehead, then grabbed Xian Wu's wrist and took his pulse. The pulse was strong and very healthy, not like he was poisoned.

"You kid, have you thought clearly? The poison of the Red-trained King Snake can kill monsters and humans in the same realm within ten breaths of time. Are you really using your life as an experiment?"

Xian Wu stretched out his right hand, shook his fingers, and said, "First of all, the god-level growth Chilian King Snake only has a bronze level, and I have a black-gold level, so it shouldn't affect me much; secondly, I'm not here. Did I ask you for the detoxification pill? Give me the recipe for the best detoxification pill. I want to test it, adoptive father~" Xian Wu grabbed Nie Li's arm and acted coquettishly.

(End of this chapter)

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