The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 169 Chengxi Martial Arts Arena

Chapter 169 Chengxi Martial Arts Arena

The night was still deeper.

Xian Wu was about to pull carrots with Yang Xin when suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Who is it! What's going on?" Xian Wu put down Yang Xin's beautiful legs, put on his clothes, and got out of bed.

Everyone in the family knew that he and Yang Xin were going to rest, so they must have called the door because of something urgent.

Ouyang Tiantian's voice came from outside the door: "Husband, Shen Xiu from the Holy Family is here and is waiting to see you in the living room."

"Shen Xiu? Why is she here at this time?" Xian Wu kissed Yang Xin, covered her with a quilt, got dressed and went out.

Yang Xin had been busy at the Alchemist Association all day and was exhausted. Shortly after Xian Wu left, she fell into a deep sleep.

Following Ouyang Tiantian and Xian Wu, hands behind their backs, they strolled to the living room of the Haozhen family.

"Xian Wu..." Seeing Xian Wu's arrival, Shen Xiu stood up in a hurry, and when the words came to her lips, she took them back.

Xian Wu blew the bangs on his forehead, yawned and said, "Tell me what you have to say, I'm still busy with important things."

The succession of the family is the most important thing for human beings.

" brother wants to invite you to participate in tomorrow's genius competition." Shen Xiu lowered his head, bit his lip, and clasped his green fingers nervously.

She is an aristocratic lady who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people. She has never begged for someone so lowly as now.

It didn't matter if she was begging for someone else, but she was still begging for a pervert who coveted her virginity. Shen Xiu trembled and felt very uncomfortable.

"Genius battle?" Xian Wu repeated, approached Shen Xiu, looked down at her two groups and asked: "I am the head of the Haoxu family, and I am of the same generation as your brother, how can I participate in the genius battle of the younger generation? ?”

"If you want to participate, the next generation of the Haozhen family must participate, but I still have no descendants. If you insist that my Haozhen family participate in the war, then give birth to a descendant for me. Even so, it will take ten years. It will be a few years before you can participate.”

Xian Wu walked around behind Shen Xiu and sniffed loudly on purpose, like a pervert in human skin.

Hearing the voice behind her, Shen Xiu's delicate body trembled like chaff, fearing that she would be thrown to the ground and eaten by Xian Wu in the next second.

" brother wants you to participate in the war on behalf of the Holy Family." Shen Xiu explained tremblingly, her heart pounding.

It was more difficult for Xian Wu to participate in the war on behalf of the Holy Family than it was for the Fengxue Family to give up the throne of the city lord. Shen Xiu had no hope.

But if she fails to complete the task, Shen Hong will definitely punish her when she returns. Shen Hong is cruel to outsiders and even more cruel to his own family.

"Participating in the war on behalf of the Holy Family? Do you know what you are talking about?" Xian Wu seemed to have heard a big joke.

He participated in the talent competition on behalf of the Holy Family, wouldn't he be a generation shorter than Shen Hong, and become his son and nephew?

Shen Hong has a white hair on his head and is old enough to die. It seems that being his son is not a big disadvantage.

However, Shen Xiu and Shen Hong are brothers and sisters, and he is his brother-in-law. How can a brother-in-law act as a son to his uncle?It messed up ethics.

Putting aside Shen Xiu's relationship, how could he help selflessly when the Holy Family had repeatedly tried to kill him?
Having said that, in order to gain Shen Hong's trust, let Shen Hong be paralyzed, and then walk into the hole he dug according to the false information passed by Shen Xiu, it is not impossible to participate in this genius battle.It depends on what benefits the Holy Family gives you.

Shen Xiu bit her red lips and turned back to take off the black headband. Her long red hair fell down all over her head and face.

"If you are willing to participate, I can give it to you now." She said as she undressed and took off her belt. Shen Xiu's charming face was hidden by her long shawl, and the expression on her face could not be seen clearly.Seeing Shen Xiu's debauched appearance of recommending himself to the pillow, Ouyang Tiantian secretly said "poof". The Holy Family, one of the three top families, was nothing more than this, and the women they raised were so shameless.

"Tiantian, arrange the fourth lady to the room next to the second lady and take her to take a bath. I will be there in a moment." Xian Wu had already been coveting Shen Xiu and had no reason to refuse.

How could Teacher Shen Xiu, who used to be so arrogant and arrogant, become so embarrassed? Xian Wu was secretly happy in his heart.

Shen Xiu pursed her lips and asked, "So, you agreed?"

As expected, I guessed right. Xian Wu, this little brat, is an animal who relies on his lower body to think.

"Whether you agree or not depends on how you behave in a while." Xian Wu squinted his eyes, raised his arms, and stretched.

Not knowing whether it was intentional or not, Xian Wu's big hand touched Shen Xiu's soft and elastic buttocks.

Shen Xiuru was shocked by the electric shock and her legs were shaking. If Ouyang Tiantian hadn't supported her, she would have fallen to the ground.

"Okay, stop dawdling, my patience is limited." Xian Wu waved his hand and motioned for Ouyang Tiantian to take Shen Xiu down.

The next morning, the sky was clear and the clouds were thin, and the river was not rippled.

The martial arts arena in the west of the city was bustling with activity, with thousands of people watching.

The Chengxi Martial Arts Arena is a cylindrical building with a radius of several kilometers. In the center is a neat sixteen square fighting ring, surrounded by high stands. The higher the position, the further away from the ring.

The people of Glory City favor martial arts, and there are still many people who come to the city's Xiwu Arena to watch the battle. There are not even 8000 people, but [-] people.

In addition to watching the game and knowing which family's genius is more awesome, everyone is more concerned about the gambling.

Genius battles are of the same nature as horse racing. If you bet on the winning side, you can get a lot of compensation from the dealer.

The Holy Family occupies the position of the rostrum. Some people are responsible for arranging the game, some are responsible for commentating the game, and the other people are responsible for sitting in the bank and gambling.

Not long after, the eight wealthy families and the 24 noble families all arrived and sat at the viewing seats arranged for them by the Holy Family.

The Haozhen family sat next to the rostrum, to the left of the Holy family, and to the right of the Holy family was the Chu family.

Among those from the Haozhen family who came this time were Huyan Lanruo and Ouyang Tiantian. In addition to them, Nie Li, Lu Piao and others also came.

Originally, Nie Li didn't intend to waste his training time on such boring things, so he even kicked Lu Piao for not doing his job properly.

Later, when he heard that Ye Ziyun was coming to watch the match of his good friend Xiao Ning'er, Nie Li followed him without saying a word.

"Why do you always look at me like this?" Nie Li felt uncomfortable all over under Lu Piao's disdainful gaze.

Lu Piao snorted, crossed his arms over his chest, raised his chin and said, "The Nie Li who values ​​sex over his friends is the Nie Li who is unloyal."

"If you want to say this, then let's go back and continue practicing?" Nie Li raised his buttocks and tried to stand up.

Hearing Nie Li's words, Lu Piao quickly put aside his reserve and raised his hand to stop him, "No, I finally came out, I haven't had enough fun yet."

(End of this chapter)

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