Chapter 175
Above the ring, Xiao Dou was hovering nervously, not daring to act rashly. The two machetes in Nie Yu's hands were very terrifying. Xiao Dou was afraid that if he stepped down, he would be cut in half.As his soul power was consumed bit by bit, Xiao Dou became more and more anxious.

"Don't think that I can't deal with you just because you're in the air. Watch!" Nie Yu inserted the two swords into the ground, stared at Xiao Dou with eager eyes, then spread his wings suddenly, with his feathers standing straight, aiming at Xiao Dou.

If you look closely, you will find that those feathers are not ordinary feathers, but rhombus-shaped. Under the sunlight, they reflect a dense silver light, like silver arrows, with a pink petal printed on each arrow. of pear blossoms.

"Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle!!!" Nie Yu silently shouted in his heart, and the pear petals on the arrow burst out with a striking red light.

All the red light came together to form a coquettish giant pear blossom, and an invisible aura of murderous intent spread out.

Sho Dou, who faced Lihua, saw a different picture. It was not Lihua, but a demon with a ferocious smile.

Xiao Dou wanted to avoid it, but it was too late.

"Bang!" The pear blossom suddenly shattered, and streaks of red light rose into the sky, like a huge wave of blood, instantly drowning Xiao Dou.

Xiao Dou's wing membrane was like a piece of window paper, riddled with holes by the dense arrows, and in the end only a skeleton remained.

In the violent rush of blood, Xiao Dou was like a hit fighter plane, spiraling to the ground.

Although Nie Yu's Rainstorm Pear Blossom Needle is powerful and has a wide range of attacks, it is not very powerful and only makes Xiao Dou lose his ability to fly.

But it is enough to make Xiao Dou lose his flying ability. What Nie Yu is really good at is close combat, punching to the flesh.

"Sweeping thousands of armies!!!" Seeing Xiao Dou land on the ground, Nie Yu didn't give him a second to breathe. He waved two bone machetes and whirled towards Xiao Dou like a windmill.Sweeping an army is just a tentative move, the real killing move is yet to come.

Xiao Dou's injury was not serious, and he stood up like a carp. Facing Nie Yu who was coming like a violent storm, Xiao Dou also used the ancestral soul martial skill of the Winged Dragon family - the Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Technique.

A ball of dazzling thunder appeared in his left palm, as if thousands of birds had gathered together to scream, roar and make noise.

Xiao Dou's demon spirit has been severely damaged and has been possessed by the demon spirit. Now he can only rely on his family's martial arts to fight to the death.

As the proud son of the pterosaur family, he would never allow himself to lose to a girl from a noble family.

"Thunderbird!!!" Xiao Dou roared in his heart. Facing the menacing Nie Yu, he advanced instead of retreating and launched a frontal charge.

As he ran wildly, he stretched his left arm straight, and his left fist shot out with lightning, like a ferocious monster that chose people to devour.

Xiao Dou took the initiative to lower his body, trying to avoid Nie Yu's fierce blade and attack her waist and abdomen.

Nie Yu didn't seem to notice Xiao Dou's attack, and still went his own way, turning the windmill and attacking Xiao Dou.

"My Xiao Doudou, you're still far behind, go home and practice for another two years!" Xiao Dou leaned forward to avoid Nie Yu's blade.

Just when his thunderbird was about to rub against Nie Yu's belly, Nie Yu disappeared in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Dou felt a chill on his back.

Under the influence of inertia, Xiao Dou continued to rush forward for a certain distance on the ring, and touched his back with his backhand, and there was blood on his hand.

"Boom!" Xiao Dou lost too much blood, his head was dizzy, his vision went dark, and he fell to the ground.

Until he was carried away by the people from the Winged Dragon Family, Xiao Dou didn't understand how Nie Yu escaped his attack and fought back.Nie Yu shook off the blood on the blade and released the possession of the pear blossom mantis. He flicked his sleeves and stood proudly, feeling as lonely as snow.

She raised her chin and said, "Are these the so-called geniuses of aristocratic families? None of them can take my blow, they are all rubbish."

After hearing Nie Yu's words, Xiao Yi's face showed resentment under the ring.

Where is the genius trash of their family? It is obvious that this little girl is too strong.

Xiao Yi's eyes rolled. Since he couldn't beat her, he invited her to join him. His Dou'er happened to have no engagement.

If Nie Yu can be tricked into coming to the house, he will have a greater chance of replacing Xiao Yunfeng as the head of the family.

However, such an outstanding little girl must have many pairs of eyes staring at her, so we must act quickly!

In the stands, Nie Li waved his hand in front of Xian Wu.

While Ouyang Tiantian was going to the bathroom, Nie Li sat down on the left side of Xian Wu and reminded him: "What are you looking at so squintingly? Don't even think about it. She is your aunt, you can't... "

Before Nie Li could finish speaking, Xian Wu covered his mouth, pushed him aside, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "What are you thinking about? Don't be a lolicon yourself, just imagine others." I’m a lolita control, what I like is mature ladies!”

He stared at the little girl lustfully?Are you kidding? He just thinks Nie Yu is interesting and fun.

If you really want to say it's sexy, Zhu Junxiang's eyes in the back are called sexy!
"Stop talking what you mean. I've seen through everything a long time ago. My sister is so cute, you must have some evil intentions!" Nie Li didn't believe Xian Wu's words. A pervert said that he was not lecherous, and no one would believe it.

After hearing Nie Li's words, Xian Wu was speechless. After putting on colored glasses, everyone looks perverted, right?
"I'm too lazy to talk to you, my beautiful girl is about to come on stage." Xian Wu snorted and turned his attention back to the arena.

At this time, Ouyang Tiantian also came back from the convenience store. For some reason, her relatives who came every month were missing.

Seeing Ouyang come back every day, Nie Yu consciously sat back in his seat.

"Ning'er, how can you be like this, wuwu..." Ye Ziyun held the little bun's face and looked at Xiao Ning'er bitterly.

On the ring, Xiao Ning'er was wearing a strong suit with a rosy complexion. She held her waist and stood tall and heroic.

As soon as Xiao Ning'er appeared on the stage, there were people in the stands who were frozen into ice sculptures. Forced by Xian Wu's power, everyone remained silent.

The originally bustling Chengxi Wushu Arena suddenly became quiet because of Xian Wu.

After a brief silence, the noise rose again, and everyone realized that as long as they didn't slander Xiao Ning'er, they would be fine.

The audience couldn't help but think: "Xian Wu is really a madman who protects his wife!"

"Sister Xiao Ning'er, you are my brother's classmate, I don't want to hurt you, just admit defeat~" Nie Yu pinched her waist with both hands, like a cute porcelain doll, her childish voice made people laugh.

Xiao Ning'er was amused by Nie Yu's expressions and movements, and a thought suddenly flashed through her mind. Will her and Xian Wu's future children be as cute as Nie Yu? "Little sister, you are ashamed to talk big. Come and fight, my sister will not show mercy."

(End of this chapter)

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