The Demon God: I can decompose all things

Chapter 178 Holy Flame Demonic Bear

Chapter 178 Holy Flame Demonic Bear
Under the spotlight, the duel between Xiao Ning'er and Shen Ning from the Holy Family officially began, with both sides summoning their own demon spirits.

Shen Ning's fused demon spirit is the gold-ranked holy flame demon bear, and the bear monster is the most powerful carnivorous monster in nature.

Not only is its physical attack power amazing, but its thick fur provides powerful physical defense and fire resistance.

More importantly, the Holy Flame Demonic Bear is not only capable of close combat, but it can also spray flames and conduct long-range attacks.

Able to fight and defend, capable of close combat and long-distance attack, except that it cannot fly or enter water, the Holy Flame Demonic Bear is almost a perfect existence.

In mid-air, Xiao Ning'er danced in the air, created a powerful tornado, and took the lead in attacking Shen Ning.

After killing the three contestants from the Holy Family, she can terminate her engagement with Shen Fei.

The problem that has plagued her for many years is about to be solved, and the poisonous thorn in her heart is about to be removed, how can she not be excited.

"You dare to try your best even if you are a small skill, I think you don't take me seriously!" Seeing Xiao Ning'er attacking, Shen Ning snorted angrily.

Shen Ning raised his neck, let out a roar, then opened his bloody mouth and suddenly spurted out a pillar of fire from his throat.

The pillar of fire went straight towards Xiao Ning'er's tornado and crashed into the rapidly rotating wind wall.

To everyone's surprise, Shen Ning's flames were not blown away by Xiao Ning'er's tornado, but instead spread.

The flames ignited the entire tornado from bottom to top, and the phoenix tornado instantly turned into a fire tornado.

Xiao Ning'er, who was located in the center of the tornado, felt as if she had entered a bread oven. Astonishing heat came from all around, and she was soon covered in sweat.

"Hmph, you don't understand the simple truth that wind helps fire? You are really asking for your own death!" Shen Ning increased the intensity of spraying flames.

The flames that were originally as thick as a bowl instantly became as thick as a bucket, and the flames completely enveloped Xiao Ning'er's Phoenix Dragon Roll.

Xian Wu raised his hand and wanted to use his "absolute zero" to freeze Shen Ning. He didn't want to live anymore if he dared to hit his woman!

Just when Xian Wu wanted to take action secretly, Xiao Ning'er suddenly flew out of the fire tornado.

Although her exquisite body was wet, her hair and clothes were all intact.

Xiao Ning'er's body was surrounded by a rapidly flowing wind film, which was so fast that it could cut off oxygen.

Without oxygen, fire cannot burn, so she was able to escape unscathed.

Although Xiao Ning'er exited the fire tornado, she did not take back her soul power and lift the tornado.

Because she had to rely on the attraction of the tornado to suck away the flames sprayed by Shen Ning, directly abolishing Shen Ning's fire-breathing ability.

"Want to run away? No way!" Sensing that Xiao Ning'er escaped from the fire tornado, Shen Ning turned the bear's mouth and spit out a ball of fire.

The Fire Pillar combat skill of the Holy Flame Demonic Bear is suitable for close-range and long-range combat. The farther the distance, the greater the loss of soul power and the less powerful it is.

The fireball combat skill not only consumes less soul power, but is also suitable for longer-distance combat. It can also be fired continuously to suppress firepower.

Xiao Ning'er pinched her waist, raised her delicate and smooth chin, and stood proudly, showing no fear in the face of the hot fireball.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the trajectory of the fireball that was attacking Xiao Ning'er in a straight line gradually deflected, and finally drew an arc and was submerged in the tornado.

Shen Ning did not believe in evil, so she adjusted her position and sprayed fireballs at Xiao Ning'er again from the direction of the fire tornado.

The position where he launched this time was in the direct line between Xiao Ning'er and the fire tornado.

Even if the fire tornado can attract fireballs, the fireballs can also hit Xiao Ning'er, and they can also be attracted to accelerate, making the fireball faster.

Xiao Ning'er was not an idiot, so she naturally wouldn't stand between the fireball and the fire tornado to be bombarded, so she decisively dodged to the side.

"Look how fast you dodge, or how fast I can spray!" Shen Ning ran to the direct line between Xiao Ning'er and Fire Tornado again, and launched fireballs.

Compared to Shen Ning looking for a straight line position on the outside, it is easier for Xiao Ning'er to dodge inside.

But Xiao Ning'er didn't intend to use up Shen Ning's soul power bit by bit, being passively beaten was not her style.

"Wind Demon Tornado!!!" Xiao Ning'er secretly summoned, and another tornado formed next to the fire tornado.Xiao Ning'er stood between the two tornadoes. No matter which direction Shen Ning attacked from, the fireball would be sucked away by the tornado.

After trying several times, Shen Ning gave up on the fire-breathing tactic.

The area between the two tornadoes is very safe. Any fireball sprayed towards Xiao Ning'er will be pulled away.

Even if he fires the fireball at a position perpendicular to the center of the connection between the two tornadoes, Xiao Ning'er can move left and right and easily avoid it.

"Don't think there's nothing I can do if you seal my fire-breathing ability!" Shen Ning let out a roar and rushed over using both hands and feet.

Compared with the long-range fire-breathing ability, the Holy Flame Demonic Bear's close combat ability is more powerful.

Bear monsters are representatives of crazy fighting monsters. Their slaps are extremely powerful, and a single slap of the same level can end a battle.

Xiao Ning'er snorted, gathering thunder in her palms, and instantly formed a "Thunderbird".

Her Thunderbird is not a little stronger than Xiao Dou's Thunderbird, the more soul power consumed, the stronger the Thunderbird's power.

Xiao Dou is a silver-level demon spiritualist, and she is a black-gold demon spiritualist, and the soul power consumed is not at the same level.

"Red Flame Palm!!!" Shen Ning rushed towards Xiao Ning'er with a sliding shovel, and at the same time raised a huge palm burning with red flames.

The Red Flame Palm is the first stage of the Flame Palm, and Xian Wu learned it by himself on the way to the ruins of Gulan City.

Chu Yuan's dog's life was also ended by Xian Wu with the Red Flame Palm.

As Shen Ming said, the Holy Family's Flame Palm can smelt metal, and its power and temperature are amazing.

Shen Ning's Flame Palm was so powerful that even Xiao Ning'er, who was at the black gold level, didn't dare to take it hard.

Her Thunder Demon Wind Weasel is an elemental demon spirit, good at elemental attacks, not good at physical attacks, and has very weak defense capabilities.

Even though Shen Ning was only at the silver level, if she was hit by his slap, Xiao Ning'er would be hit hard and even lose the game.

However, although Shen Ning's attack power was strong, its attack speed was too slow.

Xiao Ning'er is just the opposite. Her attack speed and movement speed are super fast, and her elemental attack ability is also super strong.

"Thunderbird!!!" Xiao Ning'er successfully dodged Shen Ning's Red Flame Bear Palm, and then hit him on the chin with a pink fist.

Shen Ning's tall body like a mountain suddenly flew into the air, lost consciousness in mid-air, and fell on the ring like a dead dog.

After rolling two or three times, Shen Ning stopped. Although most of Xiao Ning'er's attacks were borne by the Holy Flame Demon Bear, Shen Ning's neck was still burnt and her lips were swollen into two fat sausages. .

Seeing Xiao Ning'er resolve the battle cleanly and defeat the disgusting Holy Family, the audience stood up and cheered.

"Xiao Ning'er!"

"Xiao Ning'er!"

"Xiao Ning'er!"

The entire city's western martial arts arena shouted in unison.

"Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law! Sister-in-law!"

"Leprechaun! Leprechaun! Leprechaun!"

"Wife! Wife! Wife!"

On the rostrum, Shen Ming and Shen Fei's expressions were extremely ugly, as if their biological fathers had died.

"Shen Xiao, it's your turn now. Take these two Demon Spirit Strengthening Pills. The face of the Holy Family depends entirely on you!" Shen Ming patted Shen Xiao on the shoulder and had high hopes for him.

(End of this chapter)

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